The tragic story of the Limo crash in upstate NY seems fishy...

1  2018-10-08 by Slommyhouse

Horribly sad story but it does seem a bit weird. 17 passenger AND the driver die? Not one survivor in what seems to be a crash into an embankment after hitting two pedestrians? Why are the photos so disingenuous and bogus all the while the limo looks relatively intact. Do the physics add up? Now they’re saying the owner of the limo company was an FBI informant. What’s the motive?


Any notable people in the limo? Ie witness/whistleblower? Can't think why but the informant part is juicy.

I knew more then a handful of the people on the Limo. There was a nano-technology engineer, and his brother who worked at a local processing chip plant. (Global Foundries) for those interested.


Also there was another that worked for the local government in a small capacity, but not in any substantial way (that I know of) But that's the most conspiracy theory-ish type thing about any of the passengers.


There were a couple of Service Veteran's as well, but for the most part, Most were just kind people from Upstate NY that spent most of their time not working at the Gym together in this group. A fair number of them were just dedicated friends and family members of our small community that is an hour away from Albany and could care less about it's politics.


One in particular that really breaks me up was one of the nicest people you could ever meet. Army Veteran, dedicated family man who was helping his family members raise his nieces and nephews. He spent most of his spare time at the Gym, and literally always wore a smile. He would give you the shirt off his back, and then ask if you needed his socks and shoes too.


RIP to all those that lost their lives during this awful accident. Whatever the root cause is decided to be, it's a heartbreaking story.

I've been thinking the same thing - that it seems odd that all 18 passengers died.

There’s been far worse accidents in which people are almost barely injured but EVERYONE DYING never adds up well without mountains of evidence

Yeah, it does seem odd. Very tragic too.

That's a lot of people in one limo was my first thought

Maybe they were clowns.

It's a chopped limo. It was cut in half and had more space added to it after its manufacturing

Aren't all limos manufactured then chopped and lengthened? I remember seeing something some years ago that was about a shop that specialized in making limos and the cars were shipped from the regular factory brand new to another place to become limos.

Ten more than there should have been

That is absolutely heartbreaking! I cannot believe so many couples were lost so many happy people lost.

Weren’t there innocent people outside of the limo that got killed too?

Yes. Two Pedestrians.

Isn’t this the limo that went through a red light?

Ran a stop sign, hit a parked car killing the 2 inside, continued into some woods where all 18 inside died. Tv news said there were no signs of skid marks or any attempt to brake.

They also said the rain and slick, wet road could've masked any skid marks

No braking could mean the vehicle was under remote control.

Or had 20 people and the brakes failed under the weight

These modified SUVs are an absolute death trap. They roll easily and when they do there’s so much open space inside that broken necks are inevitable.

Ok but to die is another level. Usually even for a lot of bad crashes people can be saved. Maybe not with all their limbs etc but at least some would be saved you'd think.

I admittedly have not read anything more than headlines about this crash. Was speaking more in generalities that crashes with these vehicles often lead to deaths.

You don’t think a broken neck would kill someone? . . .

Not in all cases of course not lol silly question.

I'm downvoted yet we even have had planes in the past crash with some survivors albeit maybe not always in one piece.

BigDizzly, Reasonable questions. Don't know why the downvotes. I'm about to give up on this platform. Know what I mean?

Also no skid marks...does seem a little odd not one survived...critical condition or anything like that

The lack of skidmarks makes it less odd. It’s rare that there is a head on collision at full speed like this one.

We've got a recipe for a disaster: Poor road design -- a steep hill with a sudden stop (State previously alerted and made some modifications in the past)

Poor vehicle maintenance on behalf of the limo company (failed to pass recent inspection)


Driver not licensed to to drive the vehicle.

Now we add the weird FBI informant angle and the Blasey-Ford connection via Monica McLean and it's getting MUCH WEIRDER.

While there's a lot of liability to go around in this case, wtf is going on? Was a decendent(s) targeted, is there a connection to the criminal informant, is this a set-up? IDK what's going on, but we need to pay close attention to this one.

Your link is broken

Works perfectly for me (screen grab of top of first page

You hit the nail on the head!!!

I'm not doubting the conspiracy theory but it's not hard to kill the passengers of a vehicle especially if they aren't wearing seatbelts.

but with that many people in a limo you'd think someone would survive? Even if you had 10 people in the back of the limo atleast 1 guy is bound to get cushioned between some bodies and take minimal damage? No?

Getting hit with a body going 60 mph doesn’t sound like a cushion to me.

this happens every few yrs remember a few yrs ago same thing, they all died? except the driver

The owner of the limousine company, Shahed Hussain, has the same name and address as that of a former informant for the F.B.I. who has testified in two prominent terrorism cases, according to public records. A law enforcement official suggested that his son may operate the limousine company, and a state law enforcement official confirmed that the police had interviewed one of Mr. Hussain’s sons.

The limousine company is based at the Crest Inn Suites & Cottages in Gansevoort, N.Y., a small town north of Albany, and on Monday, state troopers were at the hotel. The State Police said they had seized three vehicles from the company and believed that Mr. Hussain was outside the United States.

Arnie Cornett, the manager at the hotel, identified the owner as “Malik” and said he lived in Dubai. Mr. Hussain, the informant, went by Malik when he helped the F.B.I. infiltrate a mosque in Albany.

Lincoln Prosser, who lives at the hotel with her husband and three children, said she had not seen any limousines parked outside. But when she lived there between 2013 and 2015, she said, she noticed a few limousines parked there, some of which appeared to be broken down.

Mr. Hussain, the man whose name seems to be associated with the limousine company, posed as a wealthy Muslim radical and was the central prosecution witness in a 2004 federal sting focusing on a pizzeria owner and an imam at an Albany mosque. Six years later, Mr. Hussain, who posed as a terrorist, played a key role in the government’s case in a plot to blow up two synagogues in the Bronx.

He became an F.B.I. informant after being charged in 2002 with a scheme that involved taking money to illegally help people in the Albany area get driver’s licenses.

Look at the yelp reviews for the company Hasy Limousine. Even in June someone wrote that they feared for their safety. The fact that the US Government knew about this terrible operation run by this Pakistani lout is sickening.

I justs read the owner is now living in Pakistan.


i have read Dubai as well

Since when do people shoulder to shoulder turn into Newton’s cradle?? This is upstate NY those are some big bodies to weather the winter. 9 on a side. That last person or two should’ve been cushioned?

Where are the pictures?

Indeed. To make extraordinary claims you must provide extraordinary evidence. Clearly not adding up whatsoever.

I like the blaming of lack of vehicle inspections. Let’s be honest how often do people actually inspect their own vehicle? For most the only inspection performed is the one by the service department when they take it in for an oil change.

The crash which people were killed is a cover. Makes it all look like a big accident. If in fact there was a crash, no one was wearing a seatbelt and going 60 mph. There might be 5 people left in the car and everyone else would look like ground beef because they were ejected from the vehicle.

I agree, cover up for what exactly though?

Figure out who was on the limo and you’ll find your answer.

I like the blaming of lack of vehicle inspections. Let’s be honest how often do people actually inspect their own vehicle? For most the only inspection performed is the one by the service department when they take it in for an oil change.

The crash which people were killed is a cover. Makes it all look like a big accident. If in fact there was a crash, no one was wearing a seatbelt and going 60 mph. There might be 5 people left in the car and everyone else would look like ground beef because they were ejected from the vehicle. This is why you’re always told to buckle up otherwise your ass is going through that front windshield.

What are they covering up?

Odd indeed. It's bizarre that there isn't more reported about the crash -- how fast was the car going, what were the injuries, what was the emergency personnel response time.

Also, despite the speed and safety concerns, it's off that everyone involved died so suddenly. More facts would make these oddities disappear.

Getting hit with a body going 60 mph doesn’t sound like a cushion to me.

this happens every few yrs remember a few yrs ago same thing, they all died? except the driver