By failing to Disavow "Q", Pres. Trump, or at least his subordinates, are conspirators to criminal violations of existing Federal Statutes.

1  2018-10-09 by jetty42

18 U.S. Code § 912 - [Impersonating an] Officer or employee of the United States

(Italics mine.)

The above statue, as applied to Pres. Trump (or his subordinates), would be analogous to a local cop handing his badge (authority to act as an agent of the state) to a friend so that the friend can use the badge to pull over attractive women to get their phone number. The friend does not even need to commit a criminal act while in possession of the badge in order for the local cop to be in violation of the law.

Assuming Q is a LARP, President Trump is obligated to distance himself from Q. Since he hasn't, he has essentially allowed Q to act as an Agent of the Federal Government, without any legal authority to do so. ie. Q is using the badge of the President and the President has done nothing to stop this criminal act.


Submission Statement. Q is not an agent of the Federal Government and has no authority to act as a conduit or maker of official Presidential Policy. By failing to disavow Q, or even investigate Q, President Trump is in violation of Federal Laws.

Hillary, Bill and Webster Hubble's kid are in violation of Federal Laws too.

Utter bullshit from a sore loser.

which laws?

Statutes and code are not Law. The Constitution is under the Jurisdiction of Common Law, not UCC.

You expect the government to respond to every internet loony that claims he’s part of the government? Lulz

I’m a high ranking state department official and I say Q is not real. Okay happy? (See the meta here?)

Certainly "loonys" that are as dangerous as Q. A number of major newspapers have written articles about how dangerous Q is, so, with 50,000+ followers, he should be a priority over standard basement dwelling LARPers with 5 or 6 followers.

Okay. Maybe loony in my response was unnecessary to make my point. Touché. But in general, there can be no such expectation. I doubt that is the spirit of the statute.

I don't think it represents the spirit of the Statute/Law either.

The one cited above is more for individuals looking to mislead, even if their is no crime committed. (ie. "I'm an FBI agent, I must cut this long line to order my Big Mac as I it involves important federal business"; flashes fake badge.)

Q, as a Larper, would fall under conspiracy laws, and/or outright insurrection laws.

You can't just acquire 50,000 followers by pretending to speak for the President of the United States without violating a Federal law or 2.

Your number estimate is low, there's 145,364 online right now on this app alone.

Q is a circle of people around, and including President Trump.

Pity it's real.

Has Q done anything yet?

He is a LARPing subversive and the President is allowing it and the media will not call him out.

You sound jealous. Hi Brennan.

So you expect the president to have the power to stop people from LARPing? And if he did have this power(which he doesn't) you expect him to use this to stop people from LARPing? You're delusional.

Imagine I am a LARP, with 3 followers.

My followers think I am a high ranking director of a secret federal agency.

I tell my followers. Start rioting at 5:00pm ET next Monday. Federal approval is implied since my 3 followers think I’m a Fed.

Since a 3 person riot will not be noticed, and no one cares, Trump has no obligation to Disavow. ——- Imagine I am A LARP, with 100,000 followers.

My followers think I am the President of the United States.

I tell my followers. Start rioting at 5:00pm on Monday.

Since a 100,000 person riot will cause some real carnage, The President has an obligation to disavow any association from the LARPer.


Do we all understand why a Larper with 3 followers can be ignored, but one with 100,000 can not be ignored by the President?

That is of course if the guy with 100,000 followers is A LARP and not something else.

They all did disavow the Q hoax.

Where then is the official denouncement of the several FBIAnons?
Is the FBI guilty then, too?

you're dumber than the people who believe in Q

Since he hasn't, he has essentially allowed Q to act as an Agent of the Federal Government, without any legal authority to do so.

I'm TheCrawler Anon. I work in the white house. Aliens are real.

Do I get a Trump Tweet now?


  • If Q is a LARP that the President has not Disavowed, then the President is a criminal.
    • The President can not permit a LARPer to accumulate 100,000 followers in his name without the risk of having the LARPer call for his followers to commit crimes under implied consent of the President.
  • In the absence of a Presidential Disavowal, Q is therefor not a LARP.
    • Enjoy the show.



This is amazing.

All for a fucking LARP, right?

HUUUGE stretch. Ridiculous.