Popular cosmetic brand Deciem announces it is closing down in CEO’s confusing Instagram video with equally strange caption, citing ‘major criminal activity’ and Hollywood name drops

1  2018-10-09 by lemonemulsion

Link to video below, I’ve also included the caption in this post.

Brandon Truaxe, the brand’s founder, posted a one-minute long video to the Deciem Instagram page yesterday announcing the company is closing down. He appears to be in a vehicle with two of his colleagues. The video ends suddenly and he seems very distressed. For anyone unaware, this is a large cosmetic company partially owned by Estée Lauder.

I must admit I don’t know too much about the situation but had to share as it seems like something big. Trump and Richard Branson are tagged at the end of the caption.

He says ‘almost everyone at Deciem has been involved in a major criminal activity, which includes financial crimes and much others’ adding ‘please take me seriously’

Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/Boq-xCIA5fx/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=j1pqm0txwaiv

Caption: ‘Without filters. A revolution is coming. Every one of you who has been laughing aT me will with certainty face criminal prosecution. Estée Lauder Companies Inc. has been the biggest stock promotion. Richard Duntas, Bernard Ass (LVMH), Marica “Tracy” (Bliss, Remedè, Soaper Due Per Shoe), Hyatt (Grand Hyatt, Andaz, er al), Marriott (St. Regis, W, Marriot, et al), So many porn “studios”, nearly all @deciem employees, most of “Hollywood”, Gill Sinclair, India Knight, Caroline Hirons, India Knight, RBC, BMO, Boots, KKR, most of the Lauder family, Estée Lauder Companies Inc., Karim Kanji, Antonio Tadrisi, DF Mc, LVMH, Dia Fooley, Michael Davidson, Hanif, Zark Fatah, Inditex (Zara, Massimo Dutti, etc), H&M, $100 monkey, Too Faced (founders too), TSG, Alshaya, Amanresorts, Erwin Zecha, Oliver Zecha, Steven R Riddle, the Coc and Corcky managers, PRIDE organizers, IT Cosmetics, Nicola L ReadingTons, all of Dishoom, All of Delaunay, David Yurman, Tom Ford, Tim Cooke. McKesson, Rexall, Jamin Asaria, David Jackson, York Heritage and others — sentencing doesn’t begin with any point but sentences like this one do. Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Michael Less, Stephen Spellberg e.T., AON are also included with certainty. ARGO stood for “Ali Roshan GO”. You idiots. Father, please please be safe if you can for the next few hours. I love you all. -Brandon (RIYADH, please be EXTREMELY CAREFUL in the next few hours). Aurora (TSX) : you are finished. Michael Basler, Gordon Wilde, David Trinder, Eric Jacobs, Allan Gerlings, Dalton Pharma SS, Michael OH CON ELLE, Charm IS T A 007, Robert Jones, Cascade, Prince Al Walid, The White Company, Obagi (brand and doctor), Freedom Health, ESHO-isT, Alexandru Serban and baggage, Apotex: Goodbye also. Peace is coming. 🦁🦋 🐪. It’s clear now. @esteelaudercompanies @richardbranson @realdonaldtrump @gowlingwlg_ca @zuck @musicianjessecook, et. al.’

Many people have voiced concern over Truaxe’s mental well-being, but I think there’s something bigger going on here. Any thoughts?


Pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Why would they choose a complete moron as the savior and fill up his cabinet with deep state neocons then?

Yeah, I agree. I also don't believe the globalists enemy would be a self-absorbed self-defined billionaire egotist who has been in a pursuit to divide economic classes more than they were. That was amusing propaganda, however. The Russia story is a lot less far fetched than that video, in context of background information available.

Russia is just another distraction away from our own corruption.

I'd believe that if I believed the Cold War did truly end.

Would it be all the sealed endiments indictment?

He's done this before. Either he truly has mental health issues or something strange is going on.

"In Truaxe's next post, a photo of a Diesel watch, he tagged a number of people and brands including Estée Lauder, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, and Donald Trump. He said thank you for "the movie" and "peace." He was relieved he was able to meet someone named Leonard at a designated time—it's all extremely unclear what is going on. Leonard is very likely Leonard Lauder, the CEO of Estée Lauder." April 2018

Timeline of incidents here: https://www.elle.com/beauty/makeup-skin-care/g19723451/timeline-deciem-brandon-truaxe-drama/


I am sorry that it has come this point. You never stopped despite every chance I gave you at every step, including this one from my gentle note to you yesterday, based on your response.

I will now report the extreme crimes you have committed to try to frame me as a drug addict by collecting videos of drug dealers feeding me dangerous drugs, performing extremely damaging acts to my body with heat and other objects and recording them on video, all starting from my stay at The Halkin Hotel, which evidence you used to distract from the financial wrongdoings I was reporting and which evidence you also used to alienate my team, including new employees like Ali and Valdrin, all causing me to act in ways to avoid having to tell them why you were collecting all this evidence at the time.

I told you from the first day why I had to start reporting some financial wrongdoing matters that had nothing to do with you. Why did you start trying to collect evidence that I am crazy? What were you hiding alongside what I was reporting? I passed all the drug tests, went to your "mental hospital" where they could not justify any sign of any odd behaviour or any trace of drugs in my urine for over a week, never had a real arrest and, yet, you continued immediately after to do the same thing.

I even created one evidence for you standing right in front of your camera with a word clearly showing a rude message for you written on my back and you still did not listen. And today, you are trying to indirectly use this evidence to force me out of my company as your actions against our agreements in yesterday's board meeting show. Your plan has been to distract from the truths that I have disclosed and also to kick me out of DECIEM for a low price, but you participated in so much more crime in doing so.

I have all of my communication with all of these drug dealers who have now don't understand what is going on. One of them fed me a drug to talk really fast nonsense which then you used as evidence against me to say that those words were from my visit to Leonard's penthouse (where I was very calm and you are suggesting otherwise) whereas they were from when I returned to my hotel in London after the drug dealer fed me some drug to talk really fast, where authorities were also listening to the same thing, I am going to report all of this now to media. Andrew––I asked you several times not to lie about the penthouse visit specifically as a hint to tell you to stop finally.

Riyadh, you know that I had never touched Crystal Meth in my life. You know that I have never done any damaging acts to my body. The Halkin Hotel drug dealer also brought up that I wanted to have sex with my brother which was clearly a message from me to you because I never intended to have sex with Ali and he is not my real brother, but they are all trying to use his innocence and my love for him as a person who joined us into this mess to hurt the situation more. Riyadh, my body is burnt and damaged in many places which is why I took so long to come back. I didn't want you to see it. The damages will heal. These people are criminals and we have a long battle ahead of us. Mairead, understand what you were starting by helping them before they got even worse. Bassem––I hope you understand what you were doing now. Nicola, why did you keep exaggerating our cute magic truffles experience in Amsterdam to help them build a story? Think about it? How long have you known me for? Aref, how was our week together? Did I not show you that I sent a drug dealer along to another room and called for the police to find any drugs? Did we not have a normal week together?

Ali, I kept telling you to listen to your soul. I could not tell you the whole thing because it was continuing to build up. Why did you listen to them and not me? Do you understand now why I was crying so much? Because I couldn't tell you what was happening and I knew what you were feeling.

DECIEM team––I am so sorry. I will fight and fight and fight to make sure I stay with you. They are now using the evidence they built to distract from their wrongdoings to force me out of the company slowly, the first act of which Shamin witnessed yesterday in New York City. I will need all your help along the difficult path ahead of us. You are all going to see some very inappropriate communication that I have recorded and some videos of drug dealers doing horrible things to my body. I am sorry that you will have to witness these things––just remember Brandon.

I will prepare a more detailed timeline soon."

An open letter he posted earlier this year.

Oh. So he's a crazy person.

There’s no “conspiracy” in untreated mental illness.

There’s real damage in throwing that kind of “accusation” around too much.

Except that he’s been posting like this for a year and has increasingly been exhibiting symptoms of psychosis.

I agree with you but he's been involuntarily sectioned before.


Judging from the video, he is clearly spun out of his mind on crank.

I was thinking come but who knows. Seriously can you tell he has facial surgery? I can.

Did you notice that he capitalized one T in at?

In the gay community that is how they let each other know they do crystal meth. Or in the community Tina or T.

Thought that was interesting

Just noticed ‘ESHO-isT’ and ‘Charm IS T’ as well

wha- you sure? i've never heard that

And there this.

From the comments..

Using baby fetus cells in your “ beauty” products? Anons are digging on you! #QAnon


and this.

It’s funny you say this because he has several other posts denying EXACTLY that and saying people have been trying to frame him for the use of crystal meth. Research.

Tina perm your fucking weave.

I'm excited to see more.

Part of the global cabal? What nationality are they?

It's global, think.

This guy has been sectioned before under the mental health act. I've followed this brand since they launched the ordinary and sadly this man has had many public breakdowns. I think that's all this is.

Drugs are bad mmmmkay

He seems to be having manic breakdown or is mangled on meth. Could be otherwise, but that’s what I see.

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Even though he may have some default mental health issues, is it possible he was under major corporate sabotage of some kind, triggering his paranoia? After all this is a wonderful line of products (I've used some), so affordable and obviously disruptive to the business of other major cosmetic lines.

I think his brand was bought partly by Estée Lauder and they’ve been having some arguments, though that’s a vague recollection

No. No no no. These products make me look ten years younger. They can’t go away. No. Omg. Fuuuck. Fucking shit.

Which products do you use? (I'm into skincare and products too. So just curious.)

The NIOD line is my favorite of their products. If you google Deciem NIOD you can access their site that way.

I use CAIS2, the MMHA, the FEC eye concentrate, the neck elasticity catalyst (this one is the holy grail product), hydration vaccine.

But all of their lines are extremely useful. Their hyalamide line has a blur primer that I love and a photography blur (magically makes you look amazing in pics without filter) that I use together.

The hand chemistry line has this miraculous heel cream that has made my feet go from hoofs to hot, their Stemm hair stimulator has made my hair more voluminous, etc.

So you can imagine that the owner going nuts and shutting the company down is a 911 for me. All my eggs are in his basket.

Nooooo. Now your cult of youth will be destroyed!! Who even are you if not a younger looking version of the ugliness inside!? How will I ever get by without my skincare products?? Can down and accept your fate as an aging dying human being. You WILL get old and wrinkly, facts are hard.

I’m completely vapid and vain and I don’t have any responsibilities or dependents. I’m having the best year of my life. I haven’t always been hot, but I’m enjoying the shit out of it right now.

I’m guessing the visage you present to the world is conventionally unattractive or you wouldn’t be trying to criticize the beautiful people. Look, life’s not fair. I take advantage of every edge I possess. You should too.

Lmao holy shit Satan burn this place please.

wow, wanna date? id love to be the edge you possess and take advantage of ;)

Can be arranged

well, if your into 42 year old men that work in rope access, lives in Canada. and can travel wherever because i have no children or dependents, then we should talk a bit. i like your attitude. plus, im pretty funny.



true story; "im pretty funny" try taking that out of context

Lol so therefore you should enjoy less time looking great? Okay...

Nope. Just less time and money on trying to look more “attractive” when said person clearly wasn’t gifted with it.

If I were you, I would try to find comparable replacements for these products, just in case. You should go to /r/SkincareAddiction and see what they are saying there. Many of the users there love Deciem and The Ordinary products. So they are all freaking out too.

I'm into good skincare too. But fortunately I use a variety of products, all from different companies. My absolute favorite thing to use on my face is Pumpkin Seed Oil!

Thanks for the tips! Much appreciated.

My only question is what are the ties between these companies & people. He seems to name everyone from musicians to the Canadian marijuana company Aurora to big pharma like apotex. He definitely doesn't seem all there but his buddies are not stunned by his video or how he is acting.

Brandon Truaxe has been known to post odd things like this. Honestly, from all that I've seen of him, I think he has mental issues, is bipolar, or something.

I honestly don't think there is anything to this. I think this is just the ramblings of a delusional person with mental problems.

Everyone on /r/SkincareAddiction has been talking about how he seems unstable and has mental issues for over a year.

What a perfect cover for someone whos uncovering all the stuff you dont want them to uncover. If they know about it, they can use social media to steer the narrative. Duh. Dont believe everything you read on internet forums.

Not everything is a conspiracy. Some people really are mentally ill and post rants.

This is also 100% true.

Yes. I guess we will know which this is (if he is mental or if it is all true) sometime soon, hopefully.

ssss-o-ooooo CRAZZZYEY AMiRiTE????

I’m really confused O.o

I love how he has something important to say but begins with 'No filter'. This dude is F in the head.

Charm IS T A 007

What does this mean?

I love a good conspiracy but the explanation for this is much more simple. And that explanation is "Meth".

Anytime the establishment (including non-users here) respond with BbBUT HE'SZZ CcccRR-aaaZZZZYYY!!!!, the weakest of the weak refutations... the story has my attention.

People show their true colours when they have to resort to mocking someones mental health as an argument against what they're saying.

The other sign there's more to this is if they try to link him to conspiracy theorists. "Look, he's talking like one of those conspiracy nutjobs that we've definitely debunked so nothing to see here"

Which products do you use? (I'm into skincare and products too. So just curious.)

Lmao holy shit Satan burn this place please.

wow, wanna date? id love to be the edge you possess and take advantage of ;)