So when is Avenetti going forward with the 3rd Kavanaugh accuser?

1  2018-10-09 by toneii

Remember, he was NOT fooled by 4-Chan! And his client has voluminous credentials. So what is he waiting on?


Does Avenetti ever have anything except a pathetic need for attention? Lol

Well he represents a porn star that the current President was banging while his wife was home with their infant child. And oh yeah the President lied about knowledge of hush money that was paid to said porn star. And the attorney who arranged the hush money has plead guilty to campaign finance violations and is in cooperation with the Mueller investigation. But yeah he clearly is grasping at straws...

He already came forward with his accuser. There was Ford, Swetnick(Avenattis client), and the woman from Yale who claimed BK shoved his junk in her face.

So his only intention was to make undemonstrsted libelous claims? Doesn’t seem like a good strategy.

I’m guessing Kavanaugh wouldn’t want to bring a libel claim as he seems terrified of any real investigation into this.

There was a real investigation into this... it was the only thing in the news last week. Surely you didn't miss that.

Kavanaugh likely won't bring a libel claim because he's trying to leave it behind and remain an "impartial" justice. Starting a lawsuit would only further taint his reputation

There was a real investigation into this... it was the only thing in the news last week. Surely you didn't miss that.

I think I missed the part where they interviewed the participants in the alleged crime. Come to think of it, I think the rest of America did too.

They interviewed Ford and Kavanaugh, then had an FBI investigation.

Get over it. You lost and your star last minute surprises were full of shit.

Didn't realize the FBI investigation included interviews with Ford and Kavanaugh. Surely you're not trying to compare a senate interview, limited to 5-minutes, to a full-scale FBI investigation...that's the only interview I remember.

And I don't really care one way or the other - but to suggest there was an actual investigation conducted is to mislead.

The Senate interviewed Ford and Kavanaugh. The Senate is more important than the FBI. Kavanaugh isn't under a criminal investigation.

Fords story fell apart at the hands of internet sleuths. What do you think the FBI found out? She is lucky she isn't being charged with perjury.

The Senate interviewed Ford and Kavanaugh. The Senate is more important than the FBI.

So we should stop relying on law enforcement agencies to investigate and just give it to a bunch of people that sit on a bench all day and have to keep all of their questions within a five-minute time limit? That's downright scary, dude...

Kavanaugh isn't under a criminal investigation.

Correct - and no one said he was.

Fords story fell apart at the hands of internet sleuths. What do you think the FBI found out? She is lucky she isn't being charged with perjury.

Internet sleuths = 4chan?

I haven't read the FBI report and, thanks to the Republicans, I probably never will get the chance. My assumption is that the FBI found no information to either support or detract from Ford's accusations. That's hardly anything for Kavanaugh to celebrate. That man's reputation and, unfortunately, the reputation of the Supreme Court will forever be linked to this. Both will probably never be able to recover completely. It's all around sad.

That is the job of the Senate to confirm Supreme Court justices and find their own evidence of why someone is or isn't qualifed. Kavanaugh wasn't criminally charged. The fact that the FBI took a week apart from this is overkill. Nothing new found.

Yes, internet sleuths discovered that she lied about the doors in her house. All someone had to do is look at the permits to discover she was lying about that part of her story. She lied about the fear of flying and polygraph coaching, according to a witness.

Her story was nothing. No witnesses, no evidence, no date or location...nothing besides her word.

That is the job of the Senate to confirm Supreme Court justices and find their own evidence of why someone is or isn't qualifed. Kavanaugh wasn't criminally charged. The fact that the FBI took a week apart from this is overkill. Nothing new found.

I take issue with none of this other than the "overkill" part. Given the allegations, I don't think investigating them is a problem. Obviously you disagree.

Yes, internet sleuths discovered that she lied about the doors in her house. All someone had to do is look at the permits to discover she was lying about that part of her story. She lied about the fear of flying and polygraph coaching, according to a witness.

What does any of that have to do with her allegations? In addition, you're trying to suggest she's not credible because of those purported falsehoods. Does the same logic apply to Kavanaugh or just the people you don't like?

Her story was nothing. No witnesses, no evidence, no date or location...nothing besides her word.

Which, unfortunately, is often what occurs with sexual assault. You should do some research into it.

The FBI doesn't investigate 30year old groping allegations. That would be for the local PD to handle.

The FBI doesn't investigate 30year old groping allegations. That would be for the local PD to handle.

That's a good point (although I'm not sure that's accurate). Thanks for making my point that more investigations should have occurred.

The alleged incident was never reported and cannot be corroborated. There is nothing to investigate.

I didn’t lose. We all lost. Corporations were the only winner here as BK always sides with corporations. Privacy lost as BK believes in unfettered surveillance of US citizens. Decency lost as BK believes in torture even if it’s on a US citizen. I’m interested in what you think your victory was here?

Can’t be considered an investigation unless the accused and the accuser are investigated. No interview with Swetnick, no interview with BK’s college roommate, no interview with the woman who accused him of the junk/face incident. Hardly an investigation at all.

Chairman Grassley and his staff did the investigation, on top of 6 (now 7) FBI background investigations. The Democrats literally refused to participate and then proceeded to deploy their "wrap-up smear" against him, while having already decided not to vote for him.

Chairman Grassley is barely fit to investigate a glass of prune juice. Senate investigations are not the same as FBI investigations and it’s not close. They aren’t gathering evidence. They are presented evidence and investigate that. It’s like saying a jury investigates a criminal case. It’s not the same. It’s not close.

They're pretty close actually.

Did they interview Swetnick?

Then it wasn't a real investigation.

No way they would have after her disastrous tv interview.

Shit, it nearly worked.

Where have you been? He came forward with the third accuser like two weeks ago. Julie Swetnick.

He already got confirmed. Nothing more to do.

Lots of people celebrating victory here but nobody can tell me why it’s worth celebrating. What in BK’s record would make you think this is a victory worth celebrating? I get that you are part of the cult of donald, but BK is as strong of an example of the swamp you will find. Always sides with corporations always sides with lobbyists. Any claim that trump is an outsider go out the window with this nomination of a bush family crony.

He knows his 10 minutes are up and is fighting to stay relevant. Back to bankruptcy for Avenetti now that the DNC is through with him.