Just wanted to say how much I love this sub. It’s literally the only place in the world where you can talk about things like this.

1  2018-10-09 by shinramyun247

This sub brings together people who think outside the box and aren’t your typical human being. We are quite different in fact we learned how to absorb information from different sources and see if they make sense. Rather than just taking TV news as it is. To many more woke days!


Can't talk about everything though, or you'll get banned.

That’s true. They elites will always try to suppress us.

Interesting. Could you give me an idea about what we can’t talk about? Just so I don’t accidentally talk about it of course...

You can't call the mods out on shadow banning people or comments, deleting whole threads. Pretty much anything to do with the power tripping mod team who came in here, cleaned house, required Submission Statements, and are biased as fuck.

Oh and you can talk about politics but those mods should make that it's own fucking subreddit.

Don't expect an explanation when one of the mods deleted your comment either.

Okay thanks. That’s the most recent topic I could think of. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.

What’d he say?

Jesus, did they actually delete it?

Lol what was it

Well this will probably get deleted pretty soon, but he said something along the lines of mods being biased and deleting any comments/posts that questioned them as mods. Nothing super crazy. Hopefully this doesn’t get me banned

Well I can see why he thinks that. I’ve seen some subs turn upside down. I hope this sub does not.

Feeling the same way, man.


I was thinking the same thing today! Some days are heavily brigaded but there are rays of sunshine that keep me coming back. The worlds consciousness keeps growing, what a time to be alive!

Brigader spray: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/lopc

Send them that link and they go away because it ruins their day. "Ah crap, now I have to reevaluate everything that I thought I knew."

Love you to!

Except when you talk about some things like Sandy Hoax and Pizzagate a lot of shillmasters come out of the woodwork.

I must be an outlier. In the box Thinker here for the Popcorn and some thought provoking Material.

Not woke, just curious.

literally the only place in the world?

Sadly i feel like this place is not safe anymore. From bot to shill or people always feeding you the mainstream narrative. Lots of reply I’ve made have been shadowban on topic I think are important.

Yeah still be carefull where you put your deepest thought.

Just don't mention Q or Alt Right and you can say anything you want.

The Qresearch board on infinitecan is far better at everything then this place.

And if they ever take it away, there's www.saidit.net

I love this sub too - one of the nicest subs here without wholesome or aww in the name.

Literally? Not even close there are plenty of conspiracy or fringe related forums with tons of discussions outside of Reddit. lol