Do Inner Earth Civilizations Exist?

1  2018-10-10 by Jahsay

Video on it which I found very interesting

The video mentions that there might be entrances to the hollow earth civilizations in the North and South Poles. So I looked on google earth and found some interesting pictures of them. They might just be some sort of weird indicator or whatever, but I still found them intriguing.

Here's one of the South Pole where there's some weird circle of light. And here's one of the North Pole where you can see some weird circle/ring things. I found these on mobile Google Earth btw, you can go find them yourself. They look a little different on the desktop version where I can't really find much in the North Pole, but the South Pole still has some weird circle of light.

Anyways what are your thoughts on all of this? How much of the video seems true or possible? Can some of the facts mentioned in the video be backed up or proven? I just thought it was an interesting video/conspiracy theory and wanted to share it.


With Byrd’s eye witness testimony it’s possible.

Wasn't his diary proven wrong? He said he was flying at some days with fucked up weather.

I think so. We have plenty of literature from past and present transcending all cultures and continents which supports the idea of a hollow/honeycomb Earth. It's very interesting considering how people believe ET's exist or the possibility of them is probable yet they will call you crazy to think that they may be way "closer to home".

I think that the ET hypothesis is moving towards understanding that the phenomena has been here for a long time and has colonized areas of the planet humans cannot yet reach.


If there is then it must either already be controled by us in some form, or purposefully hides itself.

Either way it would indicate that they can't have all that great tech or they would have had us ruled by now.

If they were that advanced they wouldn't need to hide as we would be nothing to them.

What if they just don't feel the need to leave and take us over? It would probably cause them a bunch of unneeded trouble too. Even with their tech advantage, the entire world ganging up on them seems like quite a bit to handle. And also we could just drop a bunch of nukes into their shit, I don't think they would want to risk that.

Then what are they doing? Just chilling out not bothering to interact with anyone, not wanting to advance the planet they live on.

Yeah why not chill in their huge paradise where they already have a bunch of different races and people to interact with. They already have their own world, they might not feel the need to advance the rest of the planet which is an entire different world to them. And there's been advanced civilizations that had a similar isolationist mindset so it isn't something that's unprecedented or unrealistic.

Doesn't that make them dickheads? They could help so much but just don't

Help the people who complied with either Hillary or Trump as possible leaders?

Hell no, leave them hoomans alone to figure out their problems.

why would we want to drop nukes into the center of the earth... that sounds like not a good idea

Or maybe they dont know we exist just like we dont know they do.

Or what if we answer to them in some fashion? Can't that be equally true?

Morlocks! They only need us to feed on!!!!!

Yes. The thing is though, that these aren't the actual entrances.

Imagine the globe is a big beach ball. The gravity pushing down on it while it spins is like if you took your palms and pushed in on the beach ball, flattening it with all your force at the tops.

The true poles are in mid air.

You can check out the fitbit strava heat maps to find out where the ayylmao tunnels are though. This is the 'Atlantis' that was flash frozen when.... well, whatever happened.

The ayys knew about these events though, so many of them went inside the hollow earth, which is both real and imaginary. That's why the giant mummies found in Mexico had saffron robes with circles and triangles on them -- sacred geometry marking the equinoxes.

Why do you think hillary wanted to go on a big trip down there so bad?

the idea has been bouncing around in my head for the past couple of months at least. It's crazy to think something so big could be so well covered up. From what I've read, folks have ended up inside the hollow earth simply by sailing far enough past the north or south pole; the holes large enough to not be obvious as you are entering them, and then centrifugal force of the Earth spinning keeps the water inside pressed against, so you just continue floating / flying in, unaware that the shorter days / nights are actually you entering into void of the earth and being shadowed from the sun and the moon. it takes another deeper turn when you consider that the true magnetic north , is not one point, but elliptical ring, and that it's never obvious to the layman that they are actually sitting on the vector of the magnetic ring. they suppose they've gone past true north and then end up turning around, their compass acts normal again, and they re-calculate direction. but how hard is it to just keep sailing through?? if these explorers have done it before and written these wild stories about it, how long / hard is the journey, and why haven't we explored this more since that time frame?
Are photos of the earth doctored on a massive scale to cover these holes up? are pilots aware of this?
what was up with that deleted tweet from buzz aldrin about the pyramid in Antarctica and "evil itself"? I am genuinely interested in this shit and find it more fascinating than bickering about the talking heads all day. this is the fucking shit that matters.

the video you linked was one that really turned up my interest in this, but then this pdf has some good reads in it as well.

That tweet is a confirmed hoax

Find the documentary on admiral Byrd voyage

Non-Mobile link:

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Devil roams around down there and on the surface.

If you read into Tibetan mythology it mentions frequently that they are the guardians to the entrance to an inner earth civilisation.

Take some physics classes.

Tell us about the torus shape

Got any sources?

I believe it so. Between Admiral Byrd, the Nazis and all the other weird shit down there that is one of the theories I lean more heavily on.

Y'all are missing the point. There is an inner world but it's not a physical place inside the earth.

Maybe the holes are just Russia and China drilling and digging for resources at the poles ...

The U.S. wouldn't be covering that up though. And China wouldn't have been capable of doing it back in the 1940s.

I watched the video.. and with the new understanding of !agnetcism and atoms being/operating in a torus shaped fashion, this idea the Earth is a totus kinda makes sense.

The stuff about the Nazis and the buddhists... And Operation High jump with US admiral Byrd of the US Navy was fascinating.. for those they haven't watched the video, he has said to have traveled 1700 miles (would have reached the other side of the pole and the countries on that side if he wasn't go across the pole.. but he reached an oasis where the temperature rose..

Interestingly enough I found they made a documentary and it won't for best documentary

The movie depicts what they found and the movie supposedly talked about this oasis.. can we find this movie somehow?