The amount of content on here has dried up significantly

1  2018-10-10 by duality222444

Has anyone else noticed there isn’t anywhere near as much content on here as there used to be? Especially with the great awakening sub being taken down you would expect the content to go up, not down.


Submission statement: the amount of content on this sub has been significantly reduced

The number of fake terrorist attacks has decreased significantly since the Obama administration. Back in the day we had 9/11, Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, Bataclan, Manchester, Paris, Charlie Hebdo etc.. etc..

I think he's talking about content related to the current political climate. Human trafficking/pedophilia, Jews, elites practicing occultism, etc.



Still happening in Europe, just so common that it's barely reported. Also the threads never take off on Reddit anymore for some reason.

Link the last 3 terrorist attacks in europe please

9/11 wasn't during the Obama administration.

accomplices after the fact

Here's a thought. Instead of posting yet another meta-post complaining about /r/conspiracy, why don't YOU post something of interest?

And get banned if it doesn't agree with the moderator's viewpoint?

Exactly, the community is what you make of it.

Kavanaugh got confirmed so the paid astroturf trolls moved on.

The Russia Hoax has been thoroughly exposed so the paid astroturf trolls moved on.

There's a pattern.

I've never met you but I can tell I would not want to. Go Astro turf somewhere else dude. You have no idea what's going on in the investigations, and you know it

Too much astroturfing/slide threads. Not worth participating anymore. No discussions, just downvotes and shill/bot replies.

And batshit insane child murdering Israelis contantly trying to justify their behavior

This sub was fun and interesting (minus the racism that did exist in the minority) here before the Presidential election. After that it’s all political and none of the interesting UFO, Pyramid in Antarctica, etc stuff that actually fun to read through. Even if I didn’t agree with 99% of the stuff it was fun to read through a good chunk. Now it’s not.

It's gotta be hard on posters and commenters to get downvoted into oblivion by non-/r/conspirators who want to shut down all these conversations. Real posters and commenters probably don't want to keep coming back for more abuse, I would think, after enough of that crap.

I have been noticing this too! I actually found this post by filtering "new" to see if anyone was addressing this.

I only really search by new in this sub. It’s funny if you watch the new feed or get lucky sometimes you will see stuff that is up for a few minutes and then taken down, generally by the user being deleted

Even then new isn’t what it used to be!

What topics get deleted?

This is what happens when you ban anyone that outwardly voices their discontent. Content dries up, users leave, and the echo chamber intensifies.

I bet many more contributing members have left willfully due to the sustained campaign of harrassment against this sub that is ignored by the admins.

Polkadotgirl was a very public case of this, and the harrassment around here has only increased in both frequency and intensity since then.

Polkadotgirl was a very public case of this, and the harrassment around here has only increased in both frequency and intensity since then.

She was posting under an alt here not that long ago iirc.

I heavily suspected that was her (name similarity plus her composition style feels fairly distinct) but didn't realize it was confirmed.

It's a sad state to see any regular feel so threatened that they feel they have to take a leave of absence at all

The fact an innocuous post like this gets -7 downvotes is probably another reason people have stopped coming here.

Absolutely, those that have decided to hang around have been forced to get used to this.

I'll say at least it's helped me care about internet points much less than I used to

Blame the mods, they obviously have a agenda.

Its an issue with most of reddit now.

Only a few gaming sub's are viable for a while more I guess.

Other wise in the off chance your submission doesnt get insta nuked - it simply receives no discussion after early down votes. And hence it's useless making posts.

the mods banned my other account for critiquing them for allowing a poorly sourced individual to sit at the top of the subreddit stickied for a good while. Not surprised they are banning more folks.

Who is pushing the mods though.

by design

I think the submission statements as well as the 60 day rule played a big role in this on this sub.

Also, the less content, the easier this forum is to “manage” by the paid Infiltrators.

I used to submit a lot of posts here, but I don't really like doing the SS so I quit posting here

Also a lot of legitimate content gets brigaded very quickly and never makes it to the top

There is a trickle-down effect from who now owns reddit since 2011. There are things that get people banned from here. I too have sadly about given up on this place.

Even better to claim constant harassment and get the sub shut down.

Also selective enforcement of those rules. Check the mod logs and you can see when the mods approve a bunch of accounts that are less than 60 days old as "approved submitters" or something like that.

IDK had to check the logs. But I'd love to see what political leaning those approved submitters are

This is what happens when you ban anyone that outwardly voices their discontent. Content dries up, users leave, and the echo chamber intensifies.

yes exactly!!! this phenomenon, btw, is found everywhere authoritarian hierarchies exist. it's a monoculture driver. the machine of it is obvious when you think about it, as are all of the ancillary smells this pattern produces. for instance, the creation of "hero ledges" where the heros/authoritarians decide who is fit to lead. there are a host of repeatedly identifiable byproducts from this design.

and the fundamental cost of this design is that capacity is diminished. it may appear otherwise at first. but over a long haul, the only thing that authoritarian hierarchies really do is truncate collective capacity.

I hope you don't really believe that, it's when morons get power that these things happen. School weeds out morons and morons are further weeded out by facist~ish parts of the government before the cream of the crop stands at the top. If this didn't happen humanity would be ruined by now.


That and rampant anti-intellectualism. For ideas to stand the test of time you need them to be able to hold up up to scrutiny.

They leave but they have to go somewhere... where are they? Where do I go now?

Steemit and Voat or old school forums. Or the woods.

Check for yourself. Search for the older posts and click on the people's profiles

This is what happens when you ban anyone that outwardly voices their discontent.

A popular talking point. They usually just make new accounts.

Content dries up, users leave, and the echo chamber intensifies.

Does it? Or does it seem less spammy because users can't fire off 10 links at a time and more?

and then they cannot post here for over two months because of the new "quality filter" rules

They have new accounts waiting.

When 63 day year old accounts pop up right after a ban and become active it's obvious.

Some people love shitting on conspiracies and conspiracy theories.

Is it the two month rule for just posts or posts AND comments?


But aren't most people are banned for talking about Russia?

But aren't most people banned for talking about Russia?


That's been my impression with talking to banned people in PMs.

They are likely sharing the side of their story they want you to read ;)

They all seemed to be into conspiracy theories, just, y'know not the right one.

There is never a right one.

It's obvious? So what are you going to do about them?

It's obvious? So what are you going to do about them?

We typically ban them too.

And why isn't the 2 month age requirement listed as an actual rule, with a rule number? Currently it's only a recommendation yet is enforced automatically.

Because we have too many rules, Rocky.

So why keep creating more?

Working on consolidating TBH.

There's too many rules, so the solution is to just stop numbering them? LMAO how is that a solution?

It's obvious that the 2 month age restriction should be a rule 14. Very misleading to leave it as a mere 'encouragement' whilst enforcing it.

There's too many rules, so the solution is to just stop numbering the new ones? How is that a solution?

I didn't say it was.

It's obvious that the 2 month age restriction should be a rule 14. Very misleading to leave it as a mere 'encouragement' whilst enforcing it.

I'll bring it up at the next staff meeting.

It's not even a rule - tell me which rule number it falls under, yet is enforced automatically...

*cough cough Axo

Or try to call out trolling and disinfo. I got a warning for calling someone a troll when it was incredibly obvious what was going on. Somehow that can be harrassment, allegedly.

Not to mention the real obvious manipulation when fake news site posts and 911 mini nuke theories threads get to the top page.

Sadly I don't see any alternatives. Voat is a vulgar nazi shit show and saidit really mirrors most content here.

Censorship my friend....censorship.

Lots of real users have moved on to other platforms.

That's become almost all of my posts anymore.

Wow I get you. r/politics is a dumpster fire

Can you give me some examples of other platforms for this kind of discussion?

Stromfront duh

/S (maybe not /s)

The s stands for stormfront

voat and the chans. stay woke

multiple accounts banned. There is a theme of what those who own/control reddit show no tolerance for.

You realize it's the mods of this sub, not admins, that ban people here, right?

you realize that the will of the ((owners)) of reddit trickles down to the admins, and then to the mods, right?

Are the /r/conspiracy mods here enforcing rules set down by the admins?

Because people who have been around here for a while realize this sub has been taken over by r/The_Donald et al. You cannot have a rational discussion that makes Trump/Kavanaugh/etc look bad now, it just gets whataboutismed (lol, is that even English) into anti-CIA or anti-TPTB discussions

I've been in about 5 long-winded debates where I ask "Why would TPPTB (BigOil/MIC/Banks) be against Trump/Kavanaugh when they're implementing endless policies that are making all those entities stronger". I'm either downvoted or told "it's all part of the circus" as if that's a rational response.

LOL Um.. you are half right. Been taking over by corperations astroterfing you mean.. lol

The idea that corporations see r/conspiracy as worth the effort of astroturfing is incredibly flattering.

These comments crack me up. Want to see a pro Trump post? Go to the very, very bottom of most posts on here and loot at all the collapsed comments. You know, the comments downvoted to oblivion.

The users are more anti-trump but the mods are more pro-trump. Just look at a history of what got stickied in this sub this year.

Complete bull shit.

The reason they have to be stickied is because any pro-trump post gets bot voted into oblivion.

A large majority of organic users here are still pro-free speech, pro-gun, anti-SJW... ya know, the complete opposite of the other 99% of reddit.

Do you really think people need Bots to downvote a post supporting the sitting president of the United States in a conspiracy theory forum?

people need

He didn't say need.

Why slide the thread further?

The point im making is quite clear. There are no bots downvoting pro Trump threads because any real conspiracy theorist will naturally downvote a thread supporting the sitting president of the United States. There's nothing more unsettling than people supporting Trump of all people in a conspiracy theory forum of all places

The point im making is quite clear. There are no bots downvoting pro Trump threads because any real conspiracy theorist will naturally downvote a thread supporting the sitting president of the United States.

/r/gatekeeping is where you meant to post this.

There's nothing more unsettling than people supporting Trump of all people in a conspiracy theory forum of all places

That's something you're going to have to deal with.

If they identify as conspiracy theoriests, they have protection here regardless of who they voted for.

People who oppose Trump certainly dont have protections though, mods are always banning people who dare criticize Trump.

He knows but he is a mod so he will never admit it.

People who oppose Trump certainly dont have protections though,

They should if they are being civil.

mods are always banning people who dare criticize Trump.

[Citation Required].

Most often they are being banned for shitty behavior (while also criticizing DJT), and they consider it the same.

Do you believe rules are enforced fairly pertaining to supporters of the POTUS opposed to non-supporters? This seems to be the main problem many users have regarding the topic.


I can say that those who are anti- usually need more moderator intervention, but that is most likely due to their unfamiliarity with /r/conspiracy's rules more than anything else.

That's just not true at all. The Trump Defenders on this board are allowed to do and say whatever they want without getting banned. They are constantly goading Trump critics and if they respond in any kind of way the moderators ban them. It looks very clearly like a conspiracy among the moderators to flush out any and all criticism of the president to fully make this a alt right arm of the Donald

That's just not true at all. The Trump Defenders on this board are allowed to do and say whatever they want without getting banned. They are constantly goading Trump critics and if they respond in any kind of way the moderators ban them.

Sounds like a neat post. Perhaps that will liven up the board.

It looks very clearly like a conspiracy among the moderators to flush out any and all criticism of the president to fully make this a alt right arm of the Donald

Why would we we need TD2.0 when we already have TD1.0?

Your logic falls short here.

The alt right is very clearly taking over as many online spaces as they can in order to recruit people into their ranks. Look at how many subreddits have been colonized in the last four years or so.

R/conspiracy is an obvious target because it lets them push/develop partisan nonsense theories like Pizzagate, Seth Rich, Uranium One, etc. Others ones, like CringeAnarchy, FatPeopleHate, etc., are to recruit young men who feel ostracized by society. They're very much like terrorist organizations in that way.

The alt right is very clearly taking over as many online spaces as they can in order to recruit people into their ranks. Look at how many subreddits have been colonized in the last four years or so.

And the Left has done the same with the majority of this website. This place will stay neutral for as long as we can allow it.

R/conspiracy is an obvious target because it lets them push/develop partisan nonsense theories like Pizzagate, Seth Rich, Uranium One, etc.

None of that is partisan nonsense, but it has acquired that label (which is interesting)

Others ones, like CringeAnarchy, FatPeopleHate, etc., are to recruit young men who feel ostracized by society. They're very much like terrorist organizations in that way.

So are churches and mosques then. Should we ban religious subs from this site?

Pizzagate isn't partisan nonsense? Seth Rich?

I question the intentions of anyone who refuses to recognize that as partisan propaganda. It's as clear as day.

Also, when has r/conspiracy ever been neutral? Threads critical of Trump are consistently nuked, thrown into contest mode, get newly created labels like "unverified." This board, and especially its moderators, are light years away from being neutral.

Pizzagate isn't partisan nonsense? Seth Rich?

Depends on which pizzagate ;)

I question the intentions of anyone who refuses to recognize that as partisan propaganda. It's as clear as day.

I question yours every day.

Also, when has r/conspiracy ever been neutral? Threads critical of Trump are consistently nuked,

Do they break the subs rules? When is the last time this happened?

thrown into contest mode,

Are they being brigaded? When is the last time this happened?

get newly created labels like "unverified."

When is the last time this happened? Or was it one thread almost two years ago when we were under previous management?

This board, and especially its moderators, are light years away from being neutral.

Can you point to a subreddit that is?

no true scottsman fallacy nice gatekeeping bro

You know what he meant. You are doing the sliding.

No u

I downvot pro-trump stuff because I think he's a crook and a goon. I'm not a bot, but keep trying to secure that bubble where everyone who disagrees with you doesn't exist.

So by that rationale, do you also down vote Pro-Hillary content?

When has there ever been a pro hiliary post here?

I didn’t say there was “here”.

If you can show me a single pro-hillary post on this subreddit I’d be shocked.

I didn’t say there was a pro-Hillary post on r/conspiracy, I meant in general.

That’s kind of the point though, why are there pro-trump posts on here but not pro-hillary, or pro-dem? Basically, there should never be a pro-politician post on here, because they are all corrupt, trump included. The fact that pro-trump stuff creeps in here at all demonstrates that the sub is no longer solely a conspiracy subreddit, it’s a political subreddit masquerading as a conspiracy subreddit.

I’m very anti-Trump and also anti-Clinton: what pro-Clinton stuff has been stickied the last two years?

2 hours later still waiting for a link to a pro hillary post

why don’t i go look for you.... if you don’t care enough to do it yourself.

You made the accusation. You must back it up.

Blame it on bots lol. Trump is very disliked.

Is that because all of the social media websites run by super left wing groups told you so?

Majority of people on twitter hate Trump = twitter pushing anti-Trumpers to the top

Majority of people on reddit hate Trump = reddit pushing anti-Trumpers to the top

Majority of people on Facebook hate Trump = Facebook pushing anti-Trumpers to the top (and even actively censoring/shadowbanning pro-Trump posters from their followers)

"Trump is very disliked"... maybe in your circles, I'm assuming you live in a big city based on how much of a liberal mouthpiece you are. But as we learned in 2016, you can claim things are one way all you want, but all that really matters is votes. And trust me, there is a MASSIVE silent majority that is just fine with how the country has been going the last two years.

It may just be that your views are not represented here because theyre wrong.

Couldnt be that right? A trump bootlicker shouldnt be upvoted in a conspiracy sub. Hes literally the head of the government and has done nothing but continue to push the zionist agenda

ending wars in syria, lowering taxes, fighting obamacare, fighting mass zionist media --- LOL u are not right at all about ANYTHING

Cool cool, where did he move the Israeli embassy again?

what effect does a building location have on US policy LOL? enlighten me

Even other Zionist presidents didnt do that. Its literally been one of the top zionist priorities for decadez.

TIL a building is more important than all the illegal wars obama/bush/clintons every president since JFK put us through LOLOL /s

Trump is fighting back -- the fact that all you have to make your argument is "the location of a worthless building" is all the proof

Lol thats literally one thing hes done. Dude was literally bailed out by the banksters in tge 80s when he was circling personal bankruptcy and is nearly all debt to those same banks.

Please stop commenting ive laughed enough already today

But I mean, why are there ANY pro-Trump posts in a conspiracy sub at all?

I get supporting individual policies he may pass, few people are terrible ALL the time... but there seem to be a lot of blanket pro-Trump supporters in this sub and that has never made sense to me.

Because he won running on a campaign of draining the swamp in DC, called out shit that everyone has been thinking for years but we'd NEVER hear a politician actually say, is not a politician, self funded his campaign (relatively), anti-TPP, has called the 9/11 narrative into question in the past, same with Obama's birth certificate, he calls out the bull shit MSM on their bull shit.... oh and what ever happened to ISIS since he became president? Weird how they are just kinda no longer a problem, huh?

I mean, I could go on and on about why a CONSPIRACY community would be down with this guy. Just because he won the election doesn't mean that overnight he's now "the establishment" and everyone should hate him now. That's what CNN and MSNBC are trying to push. You think this community would just somehow all of a sudden be on the side of the MSM and trust that they're telling the truth all of a sudden?

Now, I'm not even saying he's actually going to follow through on swamp draining and all that, I'm simply explaining why it makes PERFECT SENSE why a conspiracy subreddit is a fan of him.

Is it weird that this community supports Ron Paul? Would it have been weird for them to support JFK? No, it wouldn't. Neither is this.

Ron Paul ... JFK ... donld trumf


Oh gee look... a user with zero post history coming to add absolutely nothing to the conversation except anti-Trump rhetoric. Shocker.

Can't respond to the fact that his hero is nothing like those other two who had actual integrity, so you go for the ad hom. Solid tactic. Six trumpshekels for you.

And then after taking office he filled the swamp with more wall st and big oil goons. He bowed to his zionist overlords.

Hes a billionaire thats never cared about anyone except himself for his entire life and you actually believe he woke up one day and decided to give a fuck about you? Thats fucking special

good post, ignore the shills. Time to totally ignore "karma score" in this sub, as it has been nullified by shills.

And then he filled his administration with family and completely unqualified people. Oh... and let's not forget Erik Prince and Betsy DeVos.

Nah, he's just as crooked as the rest - possibly even MORE so.

Yes... A conspiracy sub is the best place to post pro government material...

Aaaaaand look who it is....

Dont let me interrupt, tell me some more about how much you love the gubmint.

Besides whats the fun in attacking me with more ad hominems?


A conspiracy sub is totally the best place to post pro government material.

Aaaaaand look who it is!

Who is it? Be specific so we can all laugh at your inability to actually make and defend an argument

Lol I was the guy who he replied to with "Aaaand look who it is" I was making a joke.

Sorry didnt mean to offend.

The reason they have to be stickied is because any pro-trump post gets bot voted into oblivion.

There was never a single "pro-obama" post stickied in this sub. ever. Those were also 'down-voted into oblivion'

This sub used to be anti-government, now the mods have enforced 'anti one party'.

........are you kidding me right now? You seriously don't see how those two are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT? Obama was the definition of establishment "status quo" candidate.

Yea, they're 'completely different'.

Obama was a democrat. Trump's a republican. Totally different.

Trump was a registered Democrat for most of his life...

See, people like you that make this a left vs right issue are what's wrong with this country right now. Stop trying to win, unless it's to win for Americans. Hence Trump's slogan. It's not "Make Republicans Great Again".

Oh yea, we can just ignore all the far right policies being pushed and pretend those are really democrat policies. Got it.

Trump is also pals with Clinton but that doesnt stop you from loving him.

I'm curious why you feel the need to go through and reply to every anti trump comment. Why are you so emotionally invested in the zionist tool at the head of the government?

Yep, even now you're being "corrected" for your wrongthink

Right. They’re too dumb to even see the correlation of pro Trump posts and hoards of downvotes.

If my post isn’t undeniable proof of this being a liberal echo chamber then I don’t know what is.

The votes actually fluctuate back forth with pro trump and anti trump comments a lot. I’ve seen them jump back and forth ten points before.

I agree that this is a liberal eco-chamber. I sometimes think they are actually anti-conspiracy because it contradicts their head-canon.

You cannot have a rational discussion that makes Trump/Kavanaugh/etc look bad now

Setting aside Trump, how is it even possible to have a rational (key word) discussion that makes Kavanaugh look bad? Everything negative is irrational based only on accusations from the ancient past with zero evidence, zero corroboration, and women with zero credibility, with the primary one paid $1,000,000+ for her action.

you obviously don't know where Kavinaugh stands with PRISM, domestic spying, and the Fourth Amendment.


It would certainly be refreshing to have a debate based on Kavanaugh's record as a judge, but the vast majority of people are attacking his character based on the discredited accusations.

To your point, the 4th amendment argument is a reasonable question to raise, though I don't find the particular decisions in your article all that alarming, despite the "sky is falling" tone of the article. I might disagree with some of his reasoning, though I'd need to research more thoroughly, since these days you can't trust things not to be quoted out of context.

But the greater issue is that if I'm waiting for someone to be nominated to the Supreme Court that agrees with me in all cases and all judgments, then I'm waiting for myself to be nominated, which isn't going to happen. On balance, Kavanaugh is a great choice and I don't think better is waiting in the wings.

And since we're in a conspiracy sub and u/Teknos3 sees nothing wrong with Kav, I'm sure he's well aware of his Yale secret-society ties to many pro-TPTB politicians that have/had significant political power

Skull & Bones have deep deep ties to those in power.

Speaking of zero evidence and zero corroboration how about that $1000000 you mentioned?

If you are asking for some evidence and a link to where you could read about the $1,000,000.00 payment, I would like to see that also.

Here's a reference that says the total is $827,000. Confusingly, the article has a date of "10/8" but the URL has a date of 9/28. I'm thinking this is as of 9/28, because I saw a $700K total a bit before that time.

A simple Google will tell you it's true. To be fair, the last time I saw the actual number a few weeks ago, it was "only" $700,000, but I saw a reference a few days ago that said it was up over $1M. That seemed a reasonable progression, but I haven't actually tracked down myself what the exact number is right now.

I see this type of post 5x as often as I see pro-Trump stuff on here. In fact I rarely ever see pro-Trump stuff on here

There's pro Trump stuff here allllll the time. Tines have changed in this sub.

I think part of the problem is how a person defines "pro-Trump." If somebody posts about CNN or a conspiracy that happens to involve a Democrat, that's doesn't make the post "pro-Trump," but I guarantee a lot of people will believe that.

If you are correct, you'll be able to back that up with 20 examples of top threads that were actually pro-Trump, not "pro-Trump" in quotes.

I agree with you somewhat, and I love your username.

YOu mean pushed down the search. Keep searching, it's here. It's just downvotes (in my opinion, idk facts)

Bigfoot -vs- Loch Ness Monster.

Who would win in a fight?

Grilled cheese vs a taco?

I've never had a taco. I'd say they're lovely.

This is the classic question and I am sure each faction has the usual arguments prepared and is willing to fiercely debate the pros and cons of their positions until the end of time.

I have grown tired of the endless debate surrounding the superiority of one type of Chordata versus another with especial fatigue collating around the dominance of one particular specimen versus another. I am certain many share this view and, if one looks closely, seeds of discontent can be discerned growing within the cryptid centric community at large.

I suggest we adopt an "out of the box" new perspective on the relationship between these two creatures which resets the debate and shakes up the hoary and time worn arguments regarding ascendancy in combat with which we are all so familiar.

Instead of asking "Who would win in a fight?" let us stretch beyond our traditional intellectual boundaries and ask "What would the love child of the union of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster look like?"

I appreciate that this radical proposition will require time for digestion by the larger community. New ideas are rarely met with open arms and I am certain the reception of this radical departure from the standard course will incur the usual suspicion and nay-saying. Still, for the health of the community debate concerning the subject at hand and a genuine hope to expand the ontological depth of a matter both profoundly relevant to the Human past as well as the direction of its future development, I urge the community to consider the proposal with probity and alacrity.

Depends on the location!

Depends, is the fight on land or in water?

they don't know what they are sowing.

It looks like the number of submissions per month is the lowest it's been in years:

However, that doesn't say anything about the quality of posts. The number of users is still higher than pre-election

Why did the awakening sub get shut down?

Calls for mass executions, doxxing, all sorts of poor behaviour

Jesus Christ , really? I kinda frequented there and there was somegood info/ intelligent discussions but a lot of it was... very strange lol

Do you have the schematics for your typobot? Looks super natural.

Yes that’s it lol. I’m a “bot”

you mean TMoSPLIC ran a LARP on a sub to get it banned.

Just another days work for those paid "hatespeech" trolls.

They did? Did any of their users get outed? If so contact the admins because that's gotta be against the site-wide rules.

Admins won't do shit. They're quite happy to have an excuse to squash whatever they don't like.

Wouldn't it be easy to tell if this was the case based on young accounts or few previous posts to that sub?

So either (i) the mods/admin did no analysis, (ii) they did analysis and it was 'determined' to be legit TA posters, or (iii) they did analysis and the shills were well aged sock puppets that passed the admins' sniff tests.

My vote is for (i). Because wouldn't you just ban individuals that violate tos not an entire growing sub with 70k users?

As long time TA reader, the sub's culture was overwhelmingly for inclusive membership (good vs evil) and peaceful, procedural execution of rule of law by actual military and police.

The only violent stuff was general "They will hang for what they did to us" type grandstanding.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

you mean Top Minds of SPLC ran a LARP on a sub

Are you suggesting Top Minds somehow managed to become mods of GA, then proceeded to make accounts that doxxed and harassed s8n, then used those mod powers to ignore s8n's request to actually do something about it, instead banning s8n from their sub and removing his comments?

Because that's a stretch even for a conspiracy subreddit.

I never visited GA, so I have no clue as to what might have happened there, but I DID find some of the comments in the TM0R thread kind of interesting -- especially those of Quietus42, who said:

"It's because some of us that mod here also mod r/SPLCenter. So they think that we work for the SPLC."

"They're right, of course."

Archive link:

Screen shot (condensed and annotated):

And Quietus42 is quite correct -- there is a sizable crossover between the mods of TopMinds0fReddit, SPLCenter, and AgainstHateSubreddits


In fact, of the 48 TM0R mods listed (discounting automod bots) no less than THIRTEEN of these are also mods in SPLCenter, AgainstHateSubreddits, or both.

That's 27% which is quite the cow-incidence, especially when you consider that many of the TM0R mods are modding under multiple user names simultaneously.

So that raises the question: WHO DOES SPLC WORK FOR?

ADL, obviously.

"They're right, of course."

That's literally a joke. They also claim they get $oro$ Bux, get a daily agenda from the "deep state", and take direct orders from Hillary Clinton. It's all a joke.

Wrong think.

I’ve noticed.

Yup past couple of days I've noticed just seeing the same posts over and over because there is simply less shit here. I guess I should put forth a contribution as well but something seems up.

Like how no one where is talking about Khoshoggi, the Wikileaks trail of clues being released, the federalist society, etc

Its a conspiracy

When bad actors pretend they are blue hats or red hats, though in actuality neither color exists for the majority of TPTB, we have our answer to what is happening. It's hard when you come upon an intriguing story or topic and are treated to mudslinging and name calling. As for WikiLeaks new release, there is hardly any excitement here which is telling and shows the propaganda at work. TPTB are terrified of WikiLeaks so the smears come from all sides. WikiLeaks is at the same time Putin's mouthpiece and the CIAs mouthpiece. It's so absurd but it works for the masses and scares away comments. Divide and conquer.

Excuse me what does TPTB stands for?

I'd like to know as well

The Powers That Be.

The Powers That Be.

The Powers That Be.

Y'all are fucking douchebags. Dude asks a question and he gets downvoted

lol at anyone still trusting wikileaks

Just like the rest of Reddit, this sub has become a bot-fest of /r/politics propaganda posts for quite awhile. It is hard to even discuss topics. It is just a poo throwing contest anymore.

Funnily enough I was thinking the last few days have been pretty good qua content. The hyper politics crap seems to have subsided a little.

I know personally I’m less inclined to post things here than other places due to the aggression of the people that will object. Whether or not they are just bots or it’s people that disagree, there is a severe lack of respect and dehumanizing done to the other side of an argument.

I think that's pretty much their goal. They want certain people to stop posting, or at least they want you to think about the backlash they will give you if you post certain things. If you stop posting because of this, you're giving them what they want.

Easier said than done, but I would encourage you to not take the brigaders and harassers too seriously because I don't think the majority of them are actually super angry at you. It's an act.

This. it's pushed me away from most social media tbh. I'm all for an intelligent debate, it's how human beings have settled issues since the dawn of time.. but nowadays it's just aggressive hatred by design regardless of what the discussion is even about, it's quite sickening

Which is exactly how countries like Russia want to undermine the brilliance of the internet. When intelligent people stop combating bullshit, it flourishes.

It's almost like if you disarm and hijack the conspiracy community you get to peddle the horse shit. The true agenda is to derail any real conspirator investigations that might bite them in the butt.

Banning 250 people in like a week tends to have that effect ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

yeah you're right. I'm actually leaving this sub right now.

Get off reddit. I'm guilty too. We have to leave this place.

What other viable options are there?

If we build them up voat and saidit, minds, the chans (but be sure to lurk more!! Don't just waste space!)

The subreddit is fucked. Controversial ideas are squelched. The conversation is now -

"Do I agree with top voted or least voted."

The structure of the website hampers discussion intentionally, cheers move to voat.

One of the main reasons is due to the mandatory "Submission Statements" requirements. I use to post a lot here but I don't anymore (been here 11 years). Most of the time I just want to share a link, not write the reasons why I'm sharing it and what it implies. I'll let you decide that. If the need for SS was removed, personally I would be sharing a lot more content, much of it very relevant to this sub. Just saying.

yeah i feel you. it was a good experiment, but i don't think it has given the desired results.

I would rather see good content or full content and less of it than lots of shitty stuff but then again I really don't know what gets posted other than what I see pop up when I sort by new. Some juicy shit might get immediately struck down.

I noticed this also. Major difference in vibe. It's all kind of bland, stuff. Huh. Interesting then, so we are in some alien farm simulation...

simple Rick’s wafers (look it up)

This place is completely overrun with shills, it would be sad if it wasn’t to such a comical extent.

correctomundo!! F this noise. Any time spent on here one must ignore the "karma" scores.... it's all astroturfed now.

rising the bar to post here only after two months of having a new account while banning and shadowbanning users gets you to this result

and yes is by design if you wonder

Just hang in there. Eglin AFB is taking a beating from Michael right now. I'm sure reddit's "most addicted city" will be back online as soon as power's restored to the area. /s

I sort r/conspiracy by "controversial" and there still a lot of interesting stuff, like 'classic' conspiracy stuff I'm here for... not American politics.

Apart from that a lot of the regular users have fled to smaller, niche subreddits. It's not good in a way as it lowers the diversity of the discourse.

Tbh I came to this sub to find answers in Vegas shooting and everyone just accepted the story and moved on like everything else, and now the only posts I see here aren’t even conspiracies just fucking political news stories

Many of us old-timers switched to using temporary burner accounts to avoid doxxing and being stalked around reddit by certain subs.

The two-month delay on posting basically kicked us all out. I've waited two months to post here again, and I'll probably toss this account soon.

Fuck the two-month limit.

Yep, I did the same. The stalking around here is creepy. But then I had to run the gauntlet every time I posted/commented because I had no history and was accused of being a shill.

We unearthed all the conspiracies so people stopped making new ones.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

All the good conspiracy content gets removed so most active users went elsewhere (think voat, chans, etc.)

I check in here just to look around but I'm mostly on voat. Reddit is all about censorship so it's less and less worth my time.

My feed shows more than ever, actually.

Idk most of my posts and many comments get removed or ultra downvoted so its no use.

Also the topics that receive any attention are the political ones that are botted and has mostly artificial discussions

Roughly 10,000 active Reddit users made a semi-firm switch to Voat following the /r/GreatAwakening ban.


Content down, discontent up.

You're absolutely right. I've noticed it in reddit and YouTube. There is a huge push for censorship at the moment.

Someone is scared of us sharing thoughts and ideas.

I used to contribute regularly with posts and comments but this sub has been overrun by shills and people shame you for bringing up conspiracy theories--like they don't know where they are.


Its been a lot quieter than I expected with the election coming up.

Where else are people going other than voat?

Having just recently discovered this board (mostly lurking) this saddens me

Calls for mass executions, doxxing, all sorts of poor behaviour

Wrong think.

Is that because all of the social media websites run by super left wing groups told you so?

Majority of people on twitter hate Trump = twitter pushing anti-Trumpers to the top

Majority of people on reddit hate Trump = reddit pushing anti-Trumpers to the top

Majority of people on Facebook hate Trump = Facebook pushing anti-Trumpers to the top (and even actively censoring/shadowbanning pro-Trump posters from their followers)

"Trump is very disliked"... maybe in your circles, I'm assuming you live in a big city based on how much of a liberal mouthpiece you are. But as we learned in 2016, you can claim things are one way all you want, but all that really matters is votes. And trust me, there is a MASSIVE silent majority that is just fine with how the country has been going the last two years.

That's just not true at all. The Trump Defenders on this board are allowed to do and say whatever they want without getting banned. They are constantly goading Trump critics and if they respond in any kind of way the moderators ban them. It looks very clearly like a conspiracy among the moderators to flush out any and all criticism of the president to fully make this a alt right arm of the Donald

what effect does a building location have on US policy LOL? enlighten me

Aaaaaand look who it is!

It's just retarded