Does no one realize... What they did to Kavanaugh with the fake stories, they've been doing to Trump for 3 years.

1  2018-10-10 by jakkkk

  1. Invest bullshit stories
  2. Reference each others bullshit stories as sources.
  3. Shout and scream them as facts
  4. Psych each other out
  5. Oh look someone is asking for logic, facts, and reason.
  6. Call them a nazi, racist, or russian bot

The Kavanaugh thing really exposed their tactics since for once it wasnt Trump receiving it. Made a lot of people realize the truth.


Yeah, Trump is the victim. I feel ya, bro.

Trump is not a victim, he only lures folks into his corner just to devour them (politically speaking) - the negative coverage and level of attacks feeds that fire.

Yeah. Sarcasm on the Internet is hard.

The hardest

They've been doing this for far longer than just Trump, though.

  1. Attempt to blackmail, buy-off, or otherwise coerce.
  2. Assassination. (methods include but are not limited to: Heart attack, "failed robbery", "small engine plane crash", "whoops, brakes failed", limo rides of various kinds, "self-inflicted gunshot wounds", "helicopter rides", "yachting accidents", etc)

This a million times over!

Stormy Daniels has a paper trail though...

But she sells her body for money, we dont give a shiz

That leads right to NXIVM.

A paper trail of what? That she's a whore n trump was a client years ago. Wgaf. Non story. Thats why her plan failed miserably.

It’s a story and not a bs one...

They do this to everyone. They scare people into doing shit by intimidation.

I realized it the second the accusation came to light

Yea, I think most of us (genuine users anyway) realize how the Lügenpresse works.

Or maybe both of them are rich white boys who love fucking women and got a little creepy over the course of the last 30 years.

It is a common and age old tactic. Gish Gallop through Yellow Journalism.

I feel like both Trump and Kavanaugh have done all right for themselves.

There were numerous stories reported about Trumps improprieties before the election. The people know he is a bit of a perv and they really don’t care.

Trump’s opponents do continue to stir up drama that is irrelevant to the electorate. Trump banged a porn star and gave her a few bucks to shut about it - so what. Kavanaugh aggressively felt a girl up in friggin High School - who cares.

We do not expect our great and powerful men to be saints.

Trump isn't a nice guy or a good guy. He is just willing and able to fight back. That's why he's president. Over the yrs the left became Nazis and the right turned into Neville Chamberlain. So, the country turned to Trump. And, like, Churchill he isn't perfect, but he is necessary for this time and moment in history.

Let me tell you who is behind these stories (at least the porn star one)......TRUMP

they are just distractions, nothing burgers

did someone remember last week while everything was about Kavanaugh that it was the 1 year anniversary of the Las Vegas shooting?

I think everybody realizes it. Nobody that I know even watches MSM network news because it is so propagandized.

A dangerous perspective as you are the minority who thinks he's in the majority.

I love irony. If that were the case, your puppetmasters would have no need to propagandize the MSM nor would they need you.

I don't think you understood my point. It wasn't that you're wrong to have a minority opinion--not at all, that's a good thing, and why I enjoy this sub.

My point was that it's dangerous to assume your minority position is held by most others when in fact it is not.

Most people are zombies of the television, acting and doing as they see and are told.

It's good you're not, but it's not the case for the rest of society. They all watch about 8 hours a day of TV and believe it, whether they think they do or not...

You're right, I misunderstood you and assumed you were one of the many TMOR/ShareBlue members who brigade this sub.

Most people are zombies of the television, acting and doing as they see and are told.

3 years ago I would have agreed with you 100% but Trump has forced the globalists to expose themselves. The endless stream of baseless attacks on Trump has made many people realize that the MSM is propaganda. I frequently hear people say that they can't stomach the MSM news any more because it has become so biased and these are often people that don't care about politics.

The beauty of Trump's presidency and the reason why he is so hated by the globalists is that he publicly confirmed much of what the masses were starting to suspect: 30 years of globalist oligarchy has decimated their standard of living. People are waking up, which is how how Trump won the election.

It must be exhausting really.

The mental gymnastics you have to go through to prove to yourself that you didn't back the biggest piece of shit in history?

It’s a story and not a bs one...