Fuck the US government...Fuck comcast/nbc/msnbc...Fuck CBS...Fuck ABC...Fuck Fox/WSJ...Fuck the NYT...Fuck WaPo...Fuck PBS...Fuck HuffPo...Fuck the Associated Press...Fuck amazon...THEY are the ENEMY of Truth.

1  2018-10-10 by Dulles_Did_Dallas_63

If you wonder Why is amazon censoring/harrassing the release of David Ray Griffin's new book 9/11 Unmasked--its because the people who were behind 9/11 know that We the People do not believe their fairy tales about the JFK/MLK/RFK Assassinations and 9/11.

The US government didn't want a REAL 9/11 investigation--so they loaded the 9/11 Commission with scum fucks who would pump out their Official Lies. Con Man Philip Zelikow made sure the Commission was controlled from start to finish. The Corrupt US MSM willingly did not do their job by investigating thoroughly and, in fact, propped up the Official Lies.

They know that we know their Official Lies are BULLSHIT--and once enough of us know then it will spread. Eventually leaders of other countries will know--and when that happens the USA and Israel will have to face the blow back from running their False Flag Psy Op on September, 11, 2001...

Those who planned and carried out 9/11 are still largely in control. Kevin Ryan's #1 Suspect Dick Cheney was one of Trump's earliest supporters (he said he would vote for Trump if he won the Republication nomination, then backed Trump once he did win). Trump also has John Bolton (one of Dick Cheney's sloths) as his National Security Advisor. Bolton was also Zionist of the Year in 2017--and went to Israel to collect his "Guardian of Zion" award.

WE THE PEOPLE are fucking WINNING--which is Why amazon is going to such lengths to harass the release of David Ray Griffin's new book. FUCK amazon and Fuck Bezos--I will order directly from the publisher and will not be ordering from you shit fucks at amazon anymore. Over the past 10 years or so I have ordered literally hundreds of items thru amazon--NEVER AGAIN.

Fuck the admins of Reddit for "quaranteening" 9/11 Truth sub, too. The admins are lackeys of the US government and Reddit has been ruined by the waves of Psy Ops programs which we have seen put in place--mostly before/during/after the 2016 election.

The most important thing to know is that WE ARE WINNING...The 9/11 Official Story does not hold up--and We the People will continue to press for Truth. The murderous psychopaths who planned and carried out 9/11 ARE FUCKING SCARED even 17 years later. Those who helped Cover Up the criminals will also face prosecution (looking at you, Zelikow).

It is not the Russians who are fucking We the People--it is our own government that we allow to LIE to us year after year. The Swindles of the CIA and DOD in the post-9/11 era will come to an end. The illegal wars the US military is involved with must end, too--and the REAL TERRORISTS (some of them embedded in our own government) must be investigated and brought to justice. I truly hope to see the long list of US war criminals put on trial (or at least scared they may be prosecuted).

This is NOT about Democrats and Republicans--they are both Corrupt Parties (corporate whores and warmongers)--and the Corrupt US MSM keeps pushing the 2 Party System upon We the People.

Fuck the Democrats!!!

...and Fuck the Republicans!!!

  • "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

Word up.

You mean "bird up" right?

It's the code word.

They are just plain Fucked.

I've seen fucks before but they were the

Fuckiest bunch of Fucks that ever Fucked."

- apologies to Homer Simpson

I really do not understand how any true "conspiracy minded" person could be "on board" with either of the Political Parties...

I so agree.

America is in desperate need of the Green Party. Democrats and Republicans are thoroughly corrupt.

I'm all for and think it's vital to have a 3rd party which is just as big as the other 2, vets in the house and Senate, and eventually gets a Prez in, Me.

We've been divided. We fight each other, instead of fighting TPTB, and it's exactly what THEY want.

Go clandestine, stop listening to people that are not active.

A couple of reasons:

  • There are a number of "closed primary states" which means in order to vote in primaries you have to choose a political party.
  • People are inherently tribal and like to be a part of something they can identify with. It is easier to effect change in the direction you want with the support of others. Many partisans choose their political party based on the dislike of the opposing one.

Add partisan gerrymandering and a huge number of other rules, as well as a complicit media, that give the two parties an unfair advantage over third parties and independents, resulting in a two-pay duopoly. Fair, open, competitive elections -- and greater civic engagement -- would go a long way to fixing the problems in this country.

Yep. I automatically discount every comment I read that contains party bias. I almost feel like a master sleuth now, able to dissect party bias posts in a blink of an eye.

It's like we can see the Matrix

Not "the", just one of many. But it's a good start, keep diging.

There's a glitch in the matrix!

because the people conspiring against the people aren't your everyday republican or democrat

trump is not a republican or democrat -- hes a US MILITARY BACKED PRESIDENT CHOSEN TO SAVE HUMANITY -- -all of the listed media/hollywood/old power ,etc are 100% against him and we are still WINNING - GOD BLESS TRUMP AND OUR MILITARY


Do you really believe that? On the campaign trail whips crowds into a froth with anti Goldman Sachs talk ... gets elected has no less than 4 former Goldman executivesi. Cabinet positions...

spend 10 minutes watching tv or reading national papers and you can see they are ALL AGAINST trump--- do you not agree?

as for goldman -- i dont have the answers-- but i know its still early in his presidency and you gotta work with some folks to move forward.

I can’t contend that point as I gave up TV a few years back...

The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. Trump may be an enemy of the liberal middle-tier elites but he most certainly still serves the upper elites.

Everyone has a leaning, but it doesn't equal party allegiance.

I think users in this sub play them up for arguments sake, labeling your enemy so to speak.

winning? No.

Israel did 9/11 and Zionists control the media.

Settle down, beavis

Offers calm tits, in exchange for yours.

That is an excited headline.

You're not wrong.

And yet if they were us, there'd be nothing to fear. Democratize corporations.

It's sad to say, but America is run by extremists: war-mongering CIA extremists who are really, really good liars, and the "mainstream" media spreads the CIA's lies every night (and the "Defense" industry's lies). Rip-off kings they are.

"War is a racket." And the CIA and "Defense" industry are racketeers, robbing us of tens of Trillions in taxes.

President Eisenhower warned us of the Military-Industrial Complex in his last speech as President. Since the 1950s, the CIA and "Defense" industry have robbed Americans of at least 40 TRILLION in taxes. We should have heeded President Eisenhower's warning.

President Kennedy tried to do something about it, and look what happened to him.

Reading your headline makes me very sleepy. So sleepy, I can't stop yawning and thinking about how soft my pillow is. I'll either have to go for a walk to get my mind in a better place, or take a nice long nap.

Fuck yo couch, n@@ga!

Fuck the Feds, fuck Israel

I agree, EXCEPT fuck israel, there are innocent people there, there are unaware people there, yes there are also evil people there, and everywhere.

its the pieces of dog shit ZIONIST that are what we consider Israel, and Israeli politics, that are responsible for the crimes against humanity, the push for WWIII, the blackmail and control of the US gov via filmed pedophilia events, and as many know, this can all be traced back to the Rothschild's who created Israel, and have a fondness for incest and pedophilia that traces back generations.

They want us to attack each other, and other innocents.

Lets not forget who is really to blame, and who really deserves to die by the sword!

They dont live in Israel, They live in the UK, and Switzerland among other places.


That's fair. I ammend my statement as follows: Fuck the United States.


its so rare these days, especially on these topics to run into someone reasonable, and level headed!

im not plugging my post (this is a throw away account) just hoping to wake up as many as possible. seen this?



Not a bad post. Yeah I had seen the new premium banner, it is certainly troubling along with a bunch of other Reddit behavior. If you don't have a backup plan yet check out https://saidit.net/s/conspiracy

never heard of it, and honestly i fucking hate reddit, im only here to raise some hell, and wake some people up. ive been banned, shadow banned from multiple things of these topics, and i get really aggressive with journalist who publish intentional misleading stuff. so i dont expect any account to last long, but ill definitely check it out. one things that does bother me it the "A" is intentionally pyramid shaped, kinda their call sign, same with Voat, put the 2 together from their name and you get a pentagram! im kinda a harker, not for crime, not for profit, for security, the more and more i learn the less and less i think any of this crap will lead somewhere good

yeah good call on the "A" thing. i help with that site and we were just going for a scifi font, but it's a valid criticism.

What's that all about?

Angry, angry, fuming, -buy the book- raving, screaming, ranting -buy the book- pissed off, swearing, -buy the book- upset, disgusted, righteous indignation -buy the book-.

Yeah fuck the government!

It's 2018 and people still believe the lie they're told. Are we really winning? Nope.

This post reminds me of "11:11" by Tiller Wills.


Now explain where you get unbiased information from.

it's gonna be youtube, isn't it?

woah woah woah... fuck PBS? I can't get with that. PBS provides my family and I much more good than bad.

you just now realized this?

We the People are not winning. You are delusional and/or a QAnon fanatic, if you think otherwise.

We the People need to do more than reassurance to save ourselves from a power structure that is about to checkmate our apathetic asses.

I have to agree with you! WE the People ARE NOT winning! We're too fucking complacent and lazy to give a shit!







Actually Reddit fell after the SOPA/PIPA thing back in 2011. Not even two months after that this place was over run.

The internet has been completely neutered. I tried to watch a youtube video tonight that I've seen for 10 years, it's been removed. Entire searches are completely off limits and replaced. For anybody who's been on Reddit for more than 2 years, you know it's a shell of its former self. Everybody who is SLIGHTLY controversial is being completely blacked out. Alex Jones (someone most conspiracy theorists don't even think is that far out there) is being removed FFS. This is insanity. We are a frog in a pot of boiling water right and right now we are seconds away from being cooked. Google, Facebook, Apple, Youtube, Reddit, Amazon, etc. are carefully screening EVERYTHING you have access to. You're not allowed to think outside of their carefully curated paradigm. This is the worst the internet has been since it's inception. We are China now.

I can't wait for our social credit system to be rolled out! China seems to be doing just fine! /s

Fuck reddit?

*sigh* What happened to this sub..?

Yes you are correct my boy. YOU HAVE SPOKEN THE FUCKING TRUTH

I believe Area 51 is the HQ of Mind Control of these days. They are in contact with the aliens and exchange human behavior for new technology. This is for the New World Order. And the United States is propaganda, what we learned is bull shit. Our country isn't the land of the free it's the land of extremist terrosim. We shall not let this get into our heads we shall prevail and get rid of those evil acts! OPEN YOUR EYES YOU ARE A TEST SUBJECT FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER! CASES OF JFK ASSASSINATION AND THE COVER UP BY THE ASSASSIN THAT ASSASSINATED JFK IS BY THE CLUB MANAGER THAT WAS WORKING WITH THE CIA. THERE IS A REASON PEOPLE! JFK WAS NEVER WORKING WITH THE ILLUMINATI, HE WAS TRYING TO GO AGAINST THEM! HE TRICKED THE ILLUMINATI TO LET HIM BE PRESIDENT BUT IT BACK FIRED. GOOD LORD, OH JESUS WHAT WOULD WE DO? THE ILLUMINATI IS TAKING OVER THE WORLD IN THE DARKNESS. WHAT IF THE SCPF FOUNDATION IS REAL? AND THEY ARE GETTING TECHNOLOGY TO ERASE OUR MEMORY'S AS WE KNOW IT. WHAT WILL WE DO THEN? WE WANT FREEDOM, THE US IS NOT FREEDOM IS THE CONTROL OF THE MIND WHAT WHICH MAKES US THINK WE ARE FREE! EVERY GOVERNMENT IN THE WORLD HAS A ILLUMINATI MEMBER. PUZZLES OF HISTORY, NON- INFORMATION IS COMING TOGETHER! Also the mountain that starts with the P I believe they are transferring the test subjects who had been made into super humans to the facility. At Area 51. No doubt about it.

Israel did 9/11 and Zionists control the media.

You mean "bird up" right?

It's the code word.