Drugs are literally "gateways"

1  2018-10-11 by Male_Parental_Figure

Basically, what you see when you are high is what the real world is. The government keeps most drugs illegal for fear of people discovering this. They keep us under some kind of vapor that makes us see this world as the real one, and the other world as a fake one. It's all a lie.


Agreed. It's my body. As long as I'm not bothering anyone else, I should be able to ingest any substance I want. It's undeniably clear that there is an agenda for the drug war... and it sure as hell isn't the government wanting to protect our health.

Yeah. Less money into healthcare if we're all dead.

Your drug use is bothering me.

Never once did I say that I do drugs. You made a blind assumption. Carry on troll

Thread about drugs... "I should be able to ingest any substance I want."

Seems like a pretty clean assumption.

No, actually it doesn't and I don't do drugs. I support true freedom and dont want a corrupt government telling me or my fellow citizens what we can or can't responsibly ingest.

You seem to be the kind of person who wants to argue for the sake of arguing.

So your posts to /r/drugs where you discuss your drug use and experiences are all a lie then?

God, you are creepy and weird. I'm clean now and haven't posted anything about drugs over there for a very long time.

Your mother should have swallowed you.

dude your name is prisonmike420, you posted about drug and how you should be able to take whatever you want, and apparently you have a history posting in r/drugs . . . . Maybe just let it go?

Prison Mike is from the office, and I used to smoke weed.

This thread is cancer. I'm out.

I feel you. My brain hurts after reading that.

Poor Mike. Pomask and Rockman being fucktards rn.


Now that we've established that my initial comment was a correct assumption can we get back on topic about how you might want to rethink your argument?

If drug access is denied by people being bothered by it, then that's not a very strong argument.

Maybe you should rethink your argument because your second sentence doesn’t even make sense.

In what way doesn't it make sense?

Because doing drugs doesn’t bother anybody except the moral police and before you go on about family issues and whatnot we already have lease in place for things like that.

Almost as if it isn't just potheads who sit on the couch all day who think drugs should be legal.

And who are you? Fuck you, lol, why does you being bothered affect my life? Don’t like it, dot pay attention. It’s not hurting you, if I do my drugs in my own house on my own time.

If simply knowing people do drugs bothers you, you must be on edge all the time.

Why are people taking this literally?

Swing and a miss.

Snowflake alert.


I'm poking holes in their argument. I don't actually care if some rando online gets high.

Every human has soverignty over their own body.

The same standard giving women tge right to choose an abortion should give every American the right to smoke, inject, eat, or anything else, any substance they want.

As long as people make an informed decision and its not kids fuck them

Its ok I'm making a church. Religious freedom act opened the dam. Just waiting to hear back from the dea

Psychedelics and hallucinogens break down the meaning of "normal". I've seen the atoms vibrate differently between liquid gas and solid while tripping. I believe the majority of people in the world should do mushrooms at least once a year.

first time i ever did them, i never saw the world the same, all for the good.

completely agree about the once a year, it realigns my perspectives and makes the sad society we live in more tolerable

I think once or twice per year is the perfect amount. I went way crazy in early 20s when the silk road first came out. Now I just do them on very special occasions when I'm camping. Honestly I don't even want to do them more anymore- it's hard having an ego break on the reg.

Anyone who doesn't have a history of severe mental illness in their family should take psychedelics

I firmly believe it would benefit society dramatically

Dose the pentagons collective coffee pots with some L and I'd bet large sums we'd see a rapid withdraw of forces and hear a collective sigh of 'man... what are we doing this all for'.

The CIA already did that in the 70s lol /s-kinda

Genuine question, if what we see on drugs is what we’re actually supposed to see... why wasn’t that instilled in us from the beginning?

I think drugs (natural ones like weed) are very spiritual. I sort of relate it to the Bible story when god created us and wanted us to be oblivious and unaware of our nakedness and whatnot... you think that was taken away because of sin? And drugs are just a way back to that?

In that case, why aren’t drugs good for us?

Interesting post, gave you a like.

In the spirit of the classic philosophers I think drugs should be only used to reach an end that inculcates virtue or some other definitive good. Weed and mushrooms can expand your sympathies, heal inner demons, and encourage you to break the matrix of government and media control. They can also cause psychotic breaks, particularly psychedelics. Likewise with any other drugs, opium can heal pain but terribly break you with addiction, alcohol can facilitate social interactions but make you a hot mess. The struggle is to know when to call it quits, to know when you're abusing something as an end in itself and not a higher goal. Source- former opiate addict and current 420/ Lsd enthusiast.

Weed is what helped me realized I was emotionally abused. I was so gaslighted and oblivious at that point the only way to get a wake up call was through deep thinking while stoned

Makes sense! Thanks for responding.

Nice. I have LSD right now. I LOVE it.

How about when you scrape your bowl because you're out? Is smoking resin spiritual as well?

Maybe, it's just more carcinogenic. Intake of cannabis through means other than smoking are probably best for your longevity.

Maybe, it's just more carcinogenic. Intake of cannabis through means other than smoking is probably best for longevity.

I was just joking, obviously.

I like responding to jokes.

What if the bowl you're scraping is the toilet bowl because you're annihilated?

that shows commitment to the tao of weed

Cocaine and heroin are both natural, although concentrated.

No, coca leaves and poppies are natural.

Both of those drugs require many unnatural processes to go from plant to street substance.

All drugs are just tools in my opinion, there's a time and place for any of them. How many steps does it take to make Ayahuasca?

Hot water and plants, definitely not petrol.

True. It's kind of like saying cars are unatural though. It's a tool and can have bad consequences if not used considerately.

The problem with drugs and the perception of reality through your consciousness is a massive topic. Bear with me for a couple of minutes.

This life, which we experience as life, is most probably just one of countless experiences we had/have right now and will have in the 'future'. This life is probably a life set of experiences which you chose for yourself to evolve as a person. You most likely chose you parents and arranged circumstances to meet certain people at the right time in your life. Your life experience is highly Individual as is e everyone else's. You enter this life without memories of your true existence or your past/future lives. You experience a kind of veil which lets you forget. The reason for this is to make your experience genuine and really let you learn your lesson on earth. If you already knew what you had to learn, why live a life with all ups and downs? You knew you would have to act a certain way but this development would not stem from you, it would not occur naturally. All you have to guide you through your life is your Intuition, your gut feeling, your inner voice. Listen to it.

So you experience this Illusion to learn, and certain substances, I am talking about hallucinogenics, let you peak through this veil of forgetting if you wish to do so.

You get a glimpse of the World behind the Illusion, you sometimes see that you are never alone on your journey. That there are always kind spirits around which try to give you hints to keep you on your personal track.

However the most important concept is that you should understand there is more to your existence than your physical body, but also understand that your life in a human body is an invaluable experience. So rough and beautiful and you should enjoy every minute of it.

If you have any further questions just ask away or pm if you like.

Interesting idea, where did you get the idea that we choose this life? I find that really cool. Like where is the proof for you that this is just another lesson we allowed ourselves to learn?

I read countless books on metaphysical topics and meditate a lot. In one of those they had a couple of chapters on a series of experiments on regressive hypnosis and some people there at some point just remembered their past lives together without knowing each other. Though you will never get 'proof' in the usual sense, you will Start to see a pattern and see that a lot of concepts are, and have been, pretty similar for thousands of years.

Just look at this Planet and all the beings living on it. Every being only being capable of a certain range of interaction with its surroundings and other beings, based on the capability of its consciousness.

Now imagine a simple ant. The ant shares the same Environment with you, but you will never be able to explain to an ant what you are. It walks on Highways, in houses, but will never understand what are cars what are houses, at least not in this 'ant form'. The same probably goes for us humans in this Form and extraterrestrials just that we are the 'ants' in their eyes.

The basic idea of this principle is the Evolution of ones consciousness.

I mean you really have to think/meditate a lot about these workings of life as they are incredibly rich in facets and detailed layers but every now and then you hear a biography of someone or see something in your life and it will just 'click' , you will understand the concept or small parts of a grand concept.

Words are also only Part of this Illusion and are oftentimes not capable of explaining something sufficiently for they can only give hints, but true understanding comes from within yourself. This goes for mathematical concepts in school as for metaphysical concepts which you are interested in. This also has to do with the workings of the universe:

Why do people have sudden Inspiration, this influx of creativity at a given point. Or if you think long and Hard about something is this thinking just another Form of what other people might call prayer or Meditation and is it just that some people seem more intelligent because they are just better tuned in to this constantly available influx of Information because they already had a couple life spans more to practice and are therefore better able to access it? So if you have a Problem and think really hard how to solve it, did you come up with the solution yourself, or did your cosmic antenna, your brain, just match the right channel through countless tries of synchronization to receive the correct influx from the infinite knowledge of the universe?

You should check out what Einstein and especially Tesla said about consciousness and Inspiration.

If you are interested in a basic book I would suggest 'Stalking the wild pendulum' from izhak bentov. It is a Quick fun read and offers a lot of concepts in a relatively easy to digest Form.

That actually makes a lot more sense than I thought it would.

Im definitely gonna check out that book.

Thanks friend.


Doing mushrooms and peyote with some of my closest buddies is probably one of my top 10 experiences in college. It honestly felt like I viewed reality in HD for the first time. It's a shame I no longer know any guys who can supply it

Me ;)

This is so stupid, they keep them illegal bc many of them ruin lives and even cause death.

Only overdosing. Then again, too much of anything can kill you. The light, chill drugs like weed are still kept illegal in some places. Weed can't kill you, by the way. You would need an absolutely ridiculous amount to achieve that

Yeah, thank God that the government only let's us consume safe drugs like booze and tobacco! I'm glad they have our best interest in mind

It’s crazy that there are people in 2018 that believe this.

...you mean like alcohol and tobacco?

Alcohol, tobacco, and even coffee are counter examples to this.

Dirty politics (alcohol and tobacco) and the hard-on USA has for glamorizing the act of working too hard while amped up on your morning starbucks are way more dangerous to society.

Went to the psychiatrist yesterday to see what could be prescribed to help with my depression. He found out through my therapist(she sent him notes) that said I took mushrooms before and he grilled me saying he’s seen patients of his get completely “fried” from acid and shrooms and that they had literally no memory and became schizophrenic. I told him that there’s a balance to everything and microdosing wouldn’t lead to those effects and that they may have had those issues prior, and that I did them because I read multiple studies that showed psilocybin helps with depression and I’m just trying to fix myself.

he had nothing to respond to that so he turned to his computer, said “well that’s my two cents” then prescribed my Wellbutrin.

Oh yeah he also told me that most of the pot sold in our giant metropolitan area of 1.5 million people is laced with PCP. Idk wtf is up with this guy but he’s definitely bought off to say the least.

Maybe he’s just a brainwashed idiot?

You should've asked him if he had anything other than anecdotes to back up the bs he was spewing.

You really need a new doctor. And the fact that primary care physicians hand out anti depressants like they are candy is scary. Look into anti depressant withdrawal. Some people say it is harder to get off anti depressants after a couple years of use than heroin.

No. Drugs just change the chemical of your brain and by that make you see things differently, not more, it's like applying a Photoshop effect to a filter.

the reason drugs are illegal is to increase their price, this way the government will get more money selling them to you.

source- am a recovering drug user.

Drugs are just chemicals and what you see is what your mind produces when under the effect of the chemical. The government does not care if you get high or not, as long as you can hold a job, and do not kill somebody, die yourself, or end up a burden on the medical system.

We are under no vapor, other than perhaps booze and coffee...

According to the government every single citizen is in possession of a schedule I drug, DMT, naturally produced in everyone's brain (Schedule I substance).

That may be true. But we're not positive. DMT has been found in the brains of rats. So we assume it's in our brains as well.

Yes! Have you read The Doors Of Perception by Aldous Huxley? He takes mescaline and writes about his trip. There's one part where he says he feels like we are the consciousness of the universe funneled into these meat suits so we can focus on what's in front of us.

"If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is: infinite" - William Blake. The doors :p

Drugs are illegal because drug users tend to commit crimes to get money for drugs, thus jeopardizing the society as a whole.

If you're rich, have your own private property and a reliable elite supplier you can pretty much overdose as much as you want. The problem is that laws regarding drug use tend to get stricter and stricter as time goes on due to what I call "democratic buildup" – laws are easy to vote in but impossible to remove, leading to an increasingly encrusted legal system that stifles innovation, slows down growth and leads to eventual collapse of the society under foreign invasion, at which point everything starts all over.

Architect's speech from Matrix: Revolutions is no coincidence if looked at in the light of history literally repeating itself.

So.... youre telling me, there really is a pink dragon? i havent caught one yet :(

Occam's razor suggests this is false.

There are many people talking about the positive effects of drugs. I think they just got lucky. Here are the negatives. Posting a conversation I had on this sub on this topic - https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/9kvb9l/the_gnostics_were_the_original_christians_who_got/e73op79/?context=20 -

Question - I think you may be right. So why now the re-emerging popularity of these substances? It just seems quite suspicious to me.

My reply - Actually these substances can be used in a variety of ways, both to further human evolution, or to place us under the control of dark entities by weakening our natural defenses.

When we are 'high' we open ourselves to further influence from subtle beings, mostly of a base nature. Think about what people usually do when they're high. Listen to trap music, watch comedy shows, watch tptb sponsored stuff, and sometimes they meditate. During all of this, they are susceptible to psychic attacks and programming.

Meditation while high is especially dangerous, because we are consciously stepping into the subtle plane and trying to leave our gross body. This makes it even easier for entities to interfere, those who don't have our best interests at heart. But drugs can also grant siddhis - mystic abilities. So it is a tossup. I believe the usual activities promoted by the TPTB, such as listening to trap music and watching 'trippy' videos, is to deteriorate our consciousness. As such, they are promoting drugs to the seekers as a cool activity.

They want to cut short our spiritual evolution by providing us a wrong path to take.

Question - If this is true, then shouldn't we be recommending that no one use these substances without the guidance of an experienced person? Promotion of the wholesale use of these substances by people unbelieving or unknowledgeable about the spiritual aspects will lead to far greater harm than good, imho.

My reply - And that is what TPTB are doing. They present it as something 'underground', a way of resisting them, a gateway to enlightenment, a secret storehouse of power being restricted by the government etc. This all leads to a greater desire for consuming these substances without considering the consequences first.

Ayahuasca is used under the guidance of shamans. That is one way to do it. Personally I believe one should not take any intoxicants whatosever (including tea, coffee). Srila Prabhupada, a great spiritual personality, and many other hindu saints, have completely prohibited intoxicants.

It’s also because of unfortunate scenarios where worldly exploits are worked towards, rather than improving society.

for example

Marijuana? Making it illegal to let the paper industry squash out any traction of hemp, which is the superior material in many scenarios.

Hemp grown and cultivated for by Mexican farmers (refugees)

Reefer madness making black jazz musicians lust over your white wives? The propaganda was so ridiculous but if you lived during those times it would have sold you too.

Drug use/creation/prohibition in society in all forms are meticulously crafted to keep people down, distracted, jailed, killed. All for money. That’s always what it’s for

Idk this one time I did meth and watched porn for three days. Wonder what gateway that was?

The illegal substances I could have possibly took were very amazing, for lack of a better word. My mind wondered without boundaries, bias seemed to disappear, empathy increased...feelings I can only describe as being one with the world.

Now the prescription drugs are a whole different story. They got me high, made me numb and hurt people with little to no regard for how they felt or the consequences that were a certainty.

The mind opening shit is still illegal, yet the shit that keeps you dumbed down comes in a nice shinny orange bottle.

Drugs like cocaine, meth, crack, heroin etc. keep me from believing this wholeheartedly. Maybe naturally occuring hallucinogens. Even though weed just makes me more positive and relaxed, its not like I'm having ultra enriching epiphanies or solving heavily ingrained phobias. Idk maybe i smoke too much weed and deal with too many junkies.

In reaction to OP, what I've gathered over the years is that the positive "life-changing" effect of some psychedelics, mostly LSD, is the least of the lawmakers concerns, as far as they're aware of it or take it seriously. When you consider that illegal drugs is the 2nd or 3rd market in the world in terms of value, you rapidly come the conclusion that it is an irreplaceable commodity necessary to our economy. Our banks depend on it, as well as the stability of our nations, since once the money is laundered and "in the system", it is indistinguishable from any other source. It brings such an amount of liquidity that, if it was to be subtracted instantly from the global economy, I wager it would create a crisis on a scale never seen before. Our governments know this. All the while they pretend to be fighting a war on drugs that is more akin to a war on the poor, which allow the police to conduct searches and shoot people, keep tabs on almost anyone they want... but the last thing they want is to win this war, a war lost in advance by its very nature anyway.