What celebrity have you lost respect for since they have come forward with their political views?

1  2018-10-11 by Tony8656


Any of them not advocating an overthrow of the international fascist elite

That didn't work out so good for Mel Gibson, but he gets props for manipulating their victim pity addiction and forcing the idea to be broadcast.

Morgan Freeman went Full Retard.

Past full on , and straight to the jacket. What an idiot

None they are citizens and allowed to express, no matter how wrong. We are Americans, not savages.

Its just a question.

That's dumb and doesn't address the question. Just cuz they have every right to say whatever doesn't mean you have to respect their opinions. I respect people rights to have their opinions and make them known, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with what they say or respect their ignorance. Respecting their rights is different than respecting their opinions.


How is this a conspiracy?

It sucks bc I grew up listening to him but Eminem. Dude doesn't have a clue. I feel so disconnected with that guy now as well as Jimmy Kimmel. Jimmy kimmel has gone so far from what got him where he is. Complete sell out.

Yeah, Em is an old man now who needs botox w crowsfeet and still thinks Dems are the Dems of old instead of the SJW progressive fem tranny PC snowflake police.


Lolol don’t know why you’re getting downvoted

The worse part was he talked so much shit about Bush and even Clinton before that. But Obama got a pass for doing the exact same things.

James Woods. I thought he was great as Max Renn. Now I can’t wait for him to tweet “long live the new flesh”.

Jim carey. Hands down.

That one makes me angry

Me too.

Hollywand is simply mockery and more deception against the masses, politics is just as much of the theater, it's all fake too.

Why do all these responses say "score hidden"

Are you paranoid? That is very normal and happens in all subreddits

If I enjoy watching an actor, I do not care, as most gossip is bullshighy


Still the same guy as before, everyone around him changed (media)

You know the ones that support/defend Trump? Them.

I think Judd Apatow either needs to stick to movies or stick to only expressing his political views.

He’s such a try hard on twitter, like it’s so cringy

On the contrary, Roger Waters may very well be my favorite musician of all time for publicly shitting on Zionism.


kanye, whenever anyone ask him about trump's racists comments, all he says is about how good, great and smart he is. It's laughable

When was Trump racist?

I didn't realize Pearman was insane pee on hands psychotic until Trump was elected. Pretty sad.