Déjà vu is you remembering that moment in the future.

1  2018-10-11 by ccaarr123

could deja vu just be an obscured memory from the future. if you are focused on a memory and trying to remember it as well as you can could you possibly immerse yourself into a dream and have that act as deja vu. since it's an obscure obscured you assume that in your memory, it was nothing so you continue on.


Fun fact: when you have deja video your brain actually accesses your memories as if you were remembering it in advance, or re-living it ;)

This sounds cool. Do you have any links to studies?

Does it work on the same pathway as dreaming something before it happened?

I feel like a lot of the experiences I’ve thought were deja vu were me actually realizing I’ve dreamt that moment before as the moment just happened irl

Me too. But very clearly.

This is just a theory with very little hard evidence to back it. And from the materialist standpoint it does make sense, but that's certainly not the only explanation.


Yay and nay, they’ve done brain scans during it and have seen the brain do that, granted I do not know to what extent however that is pretty interesting.

Also and this is unrelated, but imagine you see something you weren’t supposed to, then bam, the government hits you with a chemical that forces deja vu onto you, only you remember it differently than it actually happened because of this.

Yeah I know what has been studied and observed, but if I may try and clarify what I mean by that, while they have observed that the part of the brain which is active during deja-vu is the long term memory part, it still hasn't been determined yet whether consciousness itself is a direct product of neuron activity in the brain (in which case the theory would quite likely be true) or if it's non-local to the brain and that it simply tunes into consciousness like a radio tunes into a tap frequency (in which case what they'd have observed in the brain would not be the primary cause of the deja-vu, but rather a reactionary process). I hope that makes sense.

Ah, you mean something like the memory flash pen in Men in Black? Yeah I wouldn't be that surprised if i learned that some deep military project has made that. They had microwave induced voice-to-skull tech in the 70s, so who knows what they've got today!

Okay I see what you mean now, I agree. And yeah, our tech is easily a decade late compared to whatever the government is using at any given time, it’s crazy shit.

Nobody can lie to us quite like our brains can.

The government does a pretty good job trying, though!

ahahhahahahhaah you're right..

Most underrated comment in the thread. I actually use this as a defense for the living in a simulation. Your brain is the king and master of all you are and ever will be, it defines you world on every single level. And sometimes it just makes shit up.

I always called it an electrical misfire in your brain.

I like this

I always thought deja vu had to do with the multiverse. Almost like another part of your conciseness had experienced something similar in another similar universe. Therefore you feel as if you have experienced it before.

The man in the high castle is starting to have some fun with this.

Holy shit - the idea that we have linked consciousnesses spanning through the multiverse is interesting.

That's how I like to look at dreams. Temporary journey's into other dimensions.

WTF.... I have journeyed into some pretty crazy universes then, some of which The Avengers, Godzilla, and a 6" Jenna Jameson are "real".

urself into a dream and have that act as deja vu. since it's an obscured

guys look at my other comment

Ar you guys drunk when you make these posts?

Deja Vu is the moment when your brain realizes it has a connection for the present moment in the past of its stored forgotten memories\; there are lots of things that the brain pays no attention to - BUT when something unimportant catches its attention - it does a shallow quick in the past and refreshes those memories it deemed unimportant.

tl;dr Its remembering a similar moment of the past, which is bound to happen because we live the same repetitive lives over and over again


thanks mr brain scientist care to prove your super scientific theories or did u just come to postulate?

No deja vu is a memory glitch where what your seeing is written to memory after its already been written there directly in a parallel process.
Normally the 2 process are perfectly synced.

Please go into more explanation about "our lives stuck on repeat".

also, do you have a source for your definition of Deja Vu?

Thank you!

I see it more as a "mile stone" of some sorts. My soul chose to be here at this particular time IMO. That memory or premonition means something to it's (my) journey. A reminder if you will.

What about that experience is important? What are you trying to learn or remember about? Deja Vu is very similar to gut feelings IMO. Intuition or the soul speaking directly to our physical manifestations for one reason or another.

That's a great take on it, I can vividly remember all my moments of dejavu and you definitely "feel" more present.

Same same ;) Makes me feel like I’m on track and a friendly reminder to take note of that and why and what is this track blahblah- also a lil self reminder to be like yep! Be present! Something good here to harvest- right now! In this moment! To take you to the next fateful moment

This is exactly how I feel about Deja Vu. It is almost reassuring when I have Deja Vu moments as I get to reflect on my progress and reaffirms that I am on the right track.

No you remember the past during a deja vu, but that past is your potential future, because this world is stuck in an enclosed space-time volume that loops between 2 points and the distribution of information has an upper bound for all possible combinations within that volume.

It is also at the same time a shared holographic meta dream environment, which explains the occurrence of paranormal phenomenons such as remote viewing, telepathy, energy/spirit healing, channeling/mediumship, manifestation of intent, language, art/creativity, etc.

Reggie watts?

I don't know Reggie Watts unfortunately, but please do explain what he is talking about.

Reggie watts is a time traveling inter dimensional being that's currently tuned into our consciousness wavelength and shares his knowledge and experiences with funk and grooves baybeh

I would like to know more about this?? I love reading theories about our earth

Have a look into my post history, other than that, I will try to write up more for you later.

I see you've been reading Itzhak Bentov too.

Actually I only had a rather small look at the Itzhak Bentov stuff. For example I don't really agree with his model/idea of the soul.

Mostly I am peircing stuff together by myself from researching conspiracy stuff since I was 15 and generally having an inqusitive open mind + I seemingly got channeled information from.. somewhere in the last 12 months or so.

I also some time ago started to see either green/yellow/red dots when looking at never before seen pictures; signifying whether something turns out to be beneficial/harmful for me (obviously I started experimenting/calibrating after I noticed this).

More of a r/C_S_T post. I hope your are aware of it, great sub.

Future you thinks of a moment in the past which is present you, triggering a sense of having been in this moment before?

If I think of a memory from my past, I can trigger déjà vu in my past timey self?

Deja vu is practically impossible to study due to how rarely it occurs. IIR, the scientific consensus is that your retinas kinda glitch-out, slightly delaying the conveyance of vital visual information to the brain by mili or even nano-seconds, leaving your brain with the impression that it has already processed the information, which it has in an incomplete way. This is what always made the most sense to me anyway.

Glitch in the matrix

Deja vu in my opinion is you doing life right, you are suppose to be in that point at that time, if you do not have deja vu occur or occur frequently then you are not doing something right in your life. I think it is almost like a “stay on track” type of thing.

No, could also mean that it is the path into hell and you are supposed to not have deja vu's all the time, because you only experience them as a recollection of your past failures. We can not rule that out I think.

I had deja vu while playing rocket league yesterday, i dont work often and this was me being inside all day, is this really me doing life right though

Yeah. It's just letting you know you're in the right setting for Oct 26 when RDR2 drops.

I feel something similar. I'll have dreams, and then when I get the feeling of deja vu, I'll realize that it's from a dream.

It definitely feels like the 'experience' is somehow intertwined with future experiences or events.

Same. Every one of my deja Vu experiences seem to be remembering a dream. Like I've been there before in my subconscious.

it's not quite remembering the dream, it's that the events in real life mimic your dream, thus triggering the deja vu feeling.

I've speculated about deja-vu, and one potential explanation I came up with was that it's because you've lived it before. This is based on the presumption that reincarnation is the general mechanism regarding the continuity of consciousness, but that incarnation isn't necessarily limited to occurring at birth. Sure, that's the usual time it occurs, but I think it's possible one can reincarnate back into the same life at different points much like loading a save file in an RPG.
Alternatively, it's a phenomena relating to one's morphogenetic field - the electromagnetic field that surrounds the body and permeates into the surrounding space by a few feet (and since space and time are two aspects of the same medium, spacetime, then also permeates into the immediately surrounding time by a few seconds). Look up Rupert Sheldrake for more info into morphogenetic fields and morphogenetic resonance. Could even be a bit of both.
I've done a lot of research into various theories of consciousness and could dive real deep into this and elaborate on how I came to these conclusions if you'd like, but I just wanted to stop there for now at the outline of those two hypotheses before I lose track of myself haha.

Time isn't linear.

It's a flat circle. Long live the yellow King.

True detective was awesome. I always secretly believed that space time was cyclical starting with a Big Bang and ending with a Big Crunch. Nothing interrupts mcconaughey’s beer schedule though: https://youtu.be/YlA-8FdpZiU.

possible it’s a memory of premonition?

for instance, you have a dream of the future you instantly forget, only to actually experience it later.

though I wonder how different that really is from your hypothesis. maybe it’s the same thing :)

I think we can all agree that the subconscious mind can see into the future. The feeling of deja vu is the conscious mind realizing that it has already seen this before and forming a link between the conscious and subconscious.

Whatever it is there's no doubting the total trip it is. Can only really say I've felt what it's described as a few times. Twice it's been a rather light feeling and a bit of acknowledgment to oneself that I've sorta been here before and seen these surroundings, despite not of course.

The other instance was the most mind bending and distinctly different in that the whole episode, with it's happenings, environment and the whole scenario was close to absolute perfect detail of just how I knew it was to play out when i entered into it. Near floored me in it's accuracy and to this day it's still one of those things that I shake my head at and think wtf was that all about.

u/slumpedmf explanation makes as most theoretical sense to me that I've ever come across when compared to the other 'multiverse', spirit, soul type of explanations that I'm aware of. Having been through 3 or 4 sleep paralysis events and the holy fuck moment that it is the 1st couple of times, the explanation makes even more sense when keeping in mind what the body and mind are doing in paralysis as described by experts at least.

Once a friend had a Deja vu feeling, but as he explained he saw what will happen. It happened 5 years ago, we where smoking some weed, we called to order pizza but the delivery was late. We called to cancel the order because me and him where leaving ( we where at another friend's place ). When standing up to leave he had the deja vu, He said that by the time we get home I will be called back by the pizza delivery guy to tell us that the pizza is ready for delivery and if we still want it. and it happened exactly how he said it. I still believe it could be anything and maybe it depends from person to person and situation to situation, for some it's remembering the future, for some it's remembering that you chose to be here right now, and maybe for some it's just random feeling that on another plane they chose this moment to just have fun with a thought.

Man, I totally remember when that happened in the future!

A more straight forward explanation is that it's a glitch in your brain. What seems more likely?

Look into the work of Anthony Peake....he has several books on the phenomenon.

I wish I still experienced deja vu as often as I use to. Been years since I had an episode. I use to naturally lucid dream very often. Sometimes several times a week. Also use to have OBEs a lot. I really enjoyed those experiences and liked to experiment with the OBE's especially. For some reason, as I get older, I barely have any of those things anymore.


As far as deja vu is concerned... Perhaps it has to do with the theory that time is an illusion.

  Einstein said-People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

If past, present and future happen simultaneously, deja vu could be use noticing it for a short time.


Or it could be related to one of the quantum physics. Retrocausality is the idea that the future can effect the past.


Or maybe the "observer theory". Where the observer affects (or creates) reality.


These things are so interesting. If I could change the past, I'd study quantum physics.

Everything is happening in the same instant. All the paths and permutations of your self are now. Time is a poor way of describing it.

what happens to me is i swear to god i dreamt that moment before it happened. i will try to summarize my understanding which i concluded from reading and discussing these matters, i hope it answers some of ur questions regarding deja vu and other stuff like life after death or ghosts and spirits, its very complicated and i'll try to make it as simple as possible as am not an English speaker and the words am trying to translate are super super hard. the humen body contains two soft unmeasured bodies which are self, as in myself and the soul or the spirit, the self cannot travel outside the meter of the physical body as if it did you will die, on the other hand your soul can travel unimaginable distances and con conquer other dimensions with training and teaching ( it can take a life time or at least a couple years for a simple ride) the souls belong to a world called world of order(literal translation) and in that world there is no time neither physical laws , no past, no future, no tomorrow and no today and when you die the smaller death which is sleeping basically your soul travel to that world and leave your body but yourself stays as if it leaves you die. there are situations where the soul stays in that world and doesn't come back for different reasons such as being in a coma. with hard training you can connect your physical body and your soul together to know all of this but as i say it can take a lifetime. what you sees in dejavus and other paranormal stuff that happens to humans my guessing is glimpses or flashbacks from this process, this is a very very deep discussion and its like swimming in the ocean and i dont recommend anyone try to dig deep as you for sure need a mentor that reached perfection and knowledge not 90% of the process, but 120% as any mistake the damage is hugely big and the percentage of u meeting that person in life is 000.001%. i hope this comment reaches as much audience as it can but i doubt it as i was just in the mood of writing in english which is is once in three monthes :D

I haven't had deja vu in years... Used to all the time growing up

recognizing a situation or place either has been seen before.

Déjà vu is you remembering that moment in the future.


i have always thought that deja vu is an intersection of reality colliding with a stored “memory” that is a result of our subconscious self defense exploring every possible scenario from every single moment. but it’s like cache so it is temporary storage as a way for our brain to access all the potential threats around us and subconsciously guide us. and so, something like intuition is our preconceived scenario that is similar but not identical, combined with the subconscious cues we are picking up from our surroundings. and deja vu is the rare occasion where those projected futures, stored like cache, exactly line up with the situation that is unfolding before us.

it's not quite remembering the dream, it's that the events in real life mimic your dream, thus triggering the deja vu feeling.