Stock Market Correction Theory

1  2018-10-11 by luckybuck42

Could the recent stock market downturn be manipulated by progressive leaning investors to make republican policy and candidates look unappealing?


“Progressive leaning investors” is surely not a strong or dense class of investor lol. Im sure plenty hate Trump for being a bad face of empire. But his policies have been in Wall Street favor thus far. His admin is staffed so full of GS its hard to believe. More likely latent issues stemming from the unresolved financial crisis of 10 years ago + the trade wars and sanctions being pumped out by the admin right now

George Soros probably has some pull.

You can literally see what was pulled from the stock market yesterday

It’s more likely the other way imo. The run up was very artificial. The big money pump and dump strategy to catch institutional investors holding the tariff and trade war bag of shit.

Could you please explain. “Investors holding the tariff and trade war bag of shit”. Sounds like a talking point.

Dude why post about the economy if you don’t understand simple factors.

Tariffs are taxes that will push cost of goods sold up. Guess what we the consumer pay that tax as a multiple and once tariffs are removed the prices will not recover for years - it’s induced inflation.

Thanks for the additional talking point. Do you know the other argument FOR tariffs?

Your arrogance is a bit too much. It would probably be best for you to relax a bit on being an internet warrior. Might help you IRL as well.

Sure I do but why don’t you tell me?

We've had 10 years of QE (money printing) and ZIRP (zero % interest rate policy). This has blown a gigantic bubble in stocks, real estate .. you name it. Now these programs have ended and interest rates are rising, there is a risk that the bubble will pop.

Huge risk I would say and tariffs and runway government deficit spending only make it so much worse.


Runaway Inflation (tariffs will exacerbate this) plus government crowding out of investment equals really bad times.

Spending under Trump is completely out of control. Cutting taxes, great. But they never cut government spending. Instead they ramped up military and other spending.

That is the problem with most republican administrations. They cut taxes but somehow increase spending. It’s the worst combo.

Then democrats have little choice but to adjust taxes back up during their moments of control.

It’s almost like it’s orchestrated for the benefit of corporations and the wealthiest investor class.


There was some thinly veiled sarcasm on that word for certain.

Wonder what happened to all the folks talking about Obama deficits who are silent about the $800B deficit from the GOP government.

This thought would strengthen my argument. Progressive investors have been waiting to exploit this for their political gain.

It was 8 years, not 10. Dec 2008 to Dec 2015

If true, it would go something like this.

Most of the gains in the stock market have come from the FANG stocks which are Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google. All companies who openly oppose Trump.

Currently they have a lot of cash on hand, so when their stock dips, they simply start buying it back and the price goes back up.

These companies could stop buying back their stocks and simply let them sell off since they are due for a correction. This would cause most of the market to fall as well.

If the OP is looking for a theory, this is how it would play out. It's not very hard to do.

This is a solid add on to the theory.

Amazon has a 6 billion dollar buy back clause in their charter for the past 6 years and they have never bought back any stock.

0 interest rate increases in 8 years under Obama, 3 in Trumps first year.

it's a shame you are being downvoted

Kind of surprising really. I wasn’t aware of r/conspiracy was a political subreddit.

You literally came here with a pointedly partisan theory and then get mad when its not a bunch of conspiring leftists making the market crash lol

Not mad. Tomorrow I’ll post (I if I remember) the same thought with opposite language. For example, “republicans are doing everything they can to manipulate the market higher so they can win upcoming elections”. Lol

Obama wasn’t president in December 2015 or December 2016?

Pretty sure team Soros would do anything we could imagine to damagr America, but in this case I'm pretty sure it is just the consequences of what the fed has been up to for years, and our bubble economy.

They're trying to hide yesterday's mass-arrests and Pizzagate military raids


Mass Arrest 10-10-2018

It was buried on Google, but I found it.

Haha good find! Explains it all!

Only the dems and the deep state would use the worlds economics as a weapon against the people. They are literally fighting for their lives right now because they are criminals.

From what I've read, the angle of the dangle of the market is inversely proportioned the heat of the meat--which in my opinion directly correlates to Seth Rich's opinion of the market before his early demise. Prove me wrong.

Long shot here but I have seen a recent decline in chem trails and with this stock market fall off gold has recently skyrocketed. Gold is a primary ingredient in most cloud seeding technics as well as a need for the anunnaki to help cool the atmosphere on nibiru