What are some good conspiracy theories you have thought of yourself?

1  2018-10-11 by NelCA7

I know many conspiracy theories roam around the internet, but what are some that you maybe thought of yourself or heard someone think of that isn’t the cliché conspiracies?


More of a shower thought: The reason the US remains so closely tied with Israel and blind to her transgressions is because the Ark of the Covenant really is in Jerusalem. We keep Israel as an ally just in case all that business about "no army shall prevail against that which possesses the Ark" is true.

That can't be true. The Israelites went to wear with it, and the Philistines captured it.

After they were afflicted by a couple played, they returned it.

Many UFOs could be experiments with nuclear powered craft. Because of the perceived risk by the public they would never be openly admitted to.

And "Aliens" could be genetic experimentation that has been going on since WW2 and is considered a weapon as powerful as nuclear thus the secrecy.

The genetically altered or engineered humans would then be used to establish global control of the population through the psychological aspect of aliens along with advanced tech (UFOs) that was simultaneously developed.

So a common theme in the ancient aliens theory is that humans were created as slave labor to mine precious resources, namely gold, for the Anunnaki. It is thought that this gold was transported off earth and used for what ever purposes they needed it for back on their home planet.

What if that was not the case? What if it was horded on earth then used to create a world banking system. What if our earliest ancestors were used as slave labor to further ensure their enslavement long after any physical (or at least blatantly physical) presence was needed.

To me this theory seems much more plausible than transporting a heavy metal through vast distances across space. Just something to think about.

Or they haven’t come back to get it yet... hence why we keep it in nice secure places, in nice neat stacks all around the world for them.

I don't think I have 100% original conspiracy theories as someone is bound to come up with the same idea somehwere at some point. Oftentimes I'll come to conclusions on my own and then see that others think it too. such as:

  1. "we live in a simulation" is a psyop being pushed on us by the elites.

  2. The grateful dead was created by the government to control/distract the hippy movement and to create a honey pot.

  3. When musicians lose their "mojo" it's not writer's block, it's their ghost writing team turning off the faucet.

  4. Most musicians don't die, they just get sick of it, fake their death, and do a witness protection program relocation thing.

  5. chupacabres were lab experiments let loose on purpose.

  6. time travel is impossible; we don't understand the fundamental nature of time.

Steven Hawkings was 100% psyop propped up by intelligence. When you control your own "Einstein" then he takes up all the space where a true genius could have been.

That is a fascinating and oddly plausible theory that is likely to piss off legions of physicists.

Oh there are some rabbit holes out there with some intriguing evidence which posit the real SH died in the 1980s and was replaced with an impostor. Interesting theory. Kind of similar to the Paul McCartney impostor theory.

chupacabres were lab experiments let loose on purpose.

I agree they were lab experiments that originally got loose at a army base in PR. I find the prospect of a government funded experiment to create a hybrid creature for the purpose of eliminating a countries live stock utterly terrifying. Not sure it got out on purpose though. Why do you think that's the case?

They let them loose just to see what happens. Record it in the wild, monitor it, study its actions, etc. chip them like a pet so they can scoop them up in their black helicopters.

Might be, I would figure they wouldn't want the heat if it came back to them as this would be done with the blackest of budgets. I would think they somehow escaped.

nah, cuz you have to know how the things act in the wild. theres all sorts of variables you just cant get in the lab.

I miss my ghost writing team.... :(

I'm sure they miss you too, Kurt.

"we live in a simulation" is a psyop being pushed on us by the elites.

Humans have been around for about 200,000 years, according to bones. That's hard to visualize.

Let's imagine it as a movie. A 90-minute movie at 30 frames per second has 160,000 frames. So, if each frame is a year, a human lifetime would be about 2 seconds long. Can you think of a movie where a two-second clip tells the whole story?

With our movie metaphor, the entirety of human history from the oldest written records up to present day would be just the last 2 minutes.

Thinking of technology, we went from horse & buggy to space ships in 2 seconds.

Who knows what the other 89 minutes of our story may be. But there's been plenty of time to try a lot of stuff and start over many, many times.

It's certainly within the realm of possibility that all of our lives been painstakingly engineered ahead of time. We're living in the current technological age because those who were in charge a hundred thousand years ago designed it this way. It's like the matrix it the Truman show. Free will is an illusion. We're being farmed.

We're being farmed.

We're being farmed. Elaborate on this please. By who, and to what end? Also, how?

Why does

we don't understand the fundamental nature of time.

Imply that "time travel is impossible"?

We actually do live in a Simulation. The Elite actually try to keep that truth from us. They want us to be fixated on a solid, non malleable reality that is strictly linear and can only change through physical exertion and stress. Reinforcing this so called "Physical Reality" is their key to the "Loosh Energy Harvesting" and "Economic Enslavement" that has trapped this reality.

The Gnostics knew these hidden truths very long ago and were slaughtered because of it.

I once got a car ride from a guy (in like 2008) who said he writes songs for major rappers. Really unusual situation but he had money somehow or another and a luxury car. He bought my friends laptop for more than it was worth which was weird.

math/ physics points to it being a simulation. if it were just random chance that caused the universe, it wouldnt be as ordered as it is today. phi is too readily apparent in the ordering of the universe, and this wouldnt happen with random chance. there is/was some sort of creator. i dont think we can ever know whats on the other side, but logic, math, and physics point the way towards this explanation.

Women's pants pockets are small or non-existent to get them to spend money on purses.

Women's pants pockets are small or non-existent to get them to spend money on purses.

I believe this 100%

Your half joke conspiracy is a good one. I've seen it before and I'd believe it.

Not only pants tho. All my women's jackets (except parkas) pockets are the size of pants pockets. I can't literally put anything in pockets excepts some coins. So, good one. I've never thought about this.

That's why I wear an 80s men's jacket with big double outside pockets and an inside pocket big enough to hold a beer

Shoes. And I don't mean Nikes...or any particular brand. Just shoes in general. They insulate (disconnect) us from the earth.

We were meant to be in contact with the earth and many of us in first world countries and cities rarely are truly connected (contact with ground) to the earth. Ever wonder why you feel better after being barefoot on the beach or just walking in grass? It's no coincidence.

Check out earthing. It's almost absurd to think we need an institute, or even movement, to encourage us to connect better to the earth. But keep wearing shoes.


People by and large didn't live at the beach until very recently, and lawns are a fairly new invention.

Those are just two examples of making contact.

ancient civilizations lived, by far, near the ocean. the ocean provides all sorts of easy access to food that you cant get inland.

90% of Africans are walking around barefoot most of the time. Look how well they're doing.

Just saying...

Air, water, sunlight, food and earthing. I doubt eliminating the first 3 provides, but doing number 4, is going to provide a healthy lifestyle. I like your comment though. Cheers

There's no air in Africa?! Where's the ad campaign?!

Yeah, being barefoot is totally at the top of the list for Africans' problems, ha.

Are you seriously blaming the african problems on their own culture and not outside historical interference by other countries/races?

I'm not 'blaming' african problems on anybody.

Just saying that maybe being barefoot is not necessarily a positive thing... OTOH it could be a positive thing and if they all wore shoes they would be much worse off. Who knows..

Ever try walking in the snow barefoot?

How about walking barefoot on a hot ass sidewalk in Texas to get the mail lol.

Question I have is, how did our ancestors manage it? We survived an ice age, how did the homo sapiens back then deal with barefoot contact with ice and snow?

Its purely anecdotal but my favorite thing to do when I'm tripping (usually mushrooms) is to take off my shoes and socks and make my feet "grip" the ground. It really gets me in the mindset of being connected to everything/one around me.

I think the bigger deal with shoes is that we buy shitty sweatshop products that wear out and can't be resoled. Once you get a buy it for a decade pair you won't want to go back, and it's awesome to see your favorite pair come back from the shop polished with a new sole.

Um...do you ever go barefoot yourself?

I believe Gandhi once said that when he was beaten by police in South Africa, that being knocked down brought him closer to God.

I'm an atheist.

One thing I do think folk should do though is make their own shoes. It can't compare with professional machine design obviously but some cardboard slippers of 2-3 hour works that you made yourself can feel nice and cost nothing.

That there’s a secret underground military in Antarctica that involves aliens. Back when the Strava GPS heat map was found, it exposed a large number of heat signatures from a remote location in Antarctica. When you compare the area on Google Earth, you can only see mountains and snow. Why is this? Remember when John Kerry randomly visited Antarctica days after the 2016 elections? Supposedly it was to assess the area for global warming, but why would he choose such an important time in the US elections to make his trip?

designated survivor. An earth destroying war between Russia and the USA was narrowly avoided.


I’m so tired of people down voting people for asking for a source. If anything it deserves upvotes...especially in this community.

I upvoted, literally just want to learn more

Sorry if I worded that badly I’m saying I agree with you lol. I’m saying it sucks you got downvoted simply for saying “source?” I see that a lot.

I remember too. Twas suspicious. Have you seen truthstream medias mini documentary on Antartica?


truthstream medias mini documentary on Antartica

google that

Also suspicious is the fact NZ was hit by an earthquake as he passed through on his return trip.

The price of college is purposely set at unrealistic levels 1) so that people have incentive to go into the military and 2) because an uneducated population is easier to control.

3) to create debt slaves that don’t actually own anything

Yes, that too!

The world we live in is basically debt slavery! And if you don't go into debt your credit score will be bad and you will be punished when getting a car or house loan.

Not to mention the central bank system of debt slavery all the way down through major banks and the general system of charging "interest" for everything!

same reason for healthcare not being free

Community college is cheap. There are full scholarships, financial aid, etc. 40 years ago when college was "cheap" compared to today, there was no shortage of military enrollment. We have a draft if needed. However I do think healthcare might be part of the equation. The government will never make free for everyone the current benefits of enlisting. That would definitely hurt things.

Cheap huh

I wouldn't call a thousand or two dollars a semester cheap. Most college students live on minimum wage, barely making $20,000 a year, probably less. If you're counting every penny, you just don't have that money to spend without debt.

IMHO it’s at ridiculous levels because of the ease of getting student loans, which artificially creates deman while supply the stays the same.

Exactly. A similar situation exists for healthcare and housing too.

Yeah, this is the real reason. It's way worse in countries where it's free, but it comes off in taxes which folk are used to.

Another reason are those damn government subsidizes!

Fluoride doesn't help your teeth at all.

As a kid i would skip brushing all the time. My brother brushed morning and night. He has em all messed up and mine are perfectly aligned. I would only brush mornings when I'd have that morning breath (rarely).

However I had like 5 cavities all between the ages of 5-11. Soon after my family lost our insurance coverage "my dad went self-employed" and we stopped going to the dentist. I would brush more frequently but not as much and with little tooth paste

Around 12th grade I've stopped brushing my teeth with anything but water. I haven't had a cavity. No teeth pain or anything except when my molars grow.

The only thing is mine are yellower than my brothers. At the same time I drink too much coffee and soda. Which I'm trying to reduce and maybe even cut off.

We humans have live perfectly without fluoride. There excuse is it helps your teeth, which I don't even believe.

Humans have lived for thousands of years without putting hella fucking flouride in their mouths day and night.

I also skipped brushing my teeth a lot as a kid, only made a real habit of it at about 15.

Probably had a total of about 3 cavities, and a procedure I forgot the name of, all I remember is the aftmost tooth on my right top side got its nerve ripped out.

All my teeth are yellow as fuck and crooked, don’t matter to me though. I maintain that the reason I grew into a free thinker and escaped the chains of the conditioned thinking is my reduced flouride intake.

My brother on the other hand: pearly whites, interested in 2 party politics, religious, total debt / wage slave. Just the way they wanted him. Poor bastard.

I’d be interested to see how many r/conspiracy users grew up on a low fluoride diet vs the general population.

If I was a betting man, many of us are here because for what ever reason we weren’t exposed to too much fluoride, and thus we’re capable of critical thinking

There’s actually serval articles about this and one alternative is to just use your tooth brush

Febreeze purposely smells bad a few weeks after use causing you to use more febreeze

This made me LOL!

I am going to have to test this out. If it's true I wonder what would make it smell bad. Decay of one of the chemicals maybe?

You're using too much, and the excess moisture helps mold grow.

Febreeze is basically %100 moisture. I let it air dry.

Q is Barron Trump

dear lord, I love this! That would be incredible. Better theory imo than it's JFK jr.

The reason why the US is fighting a "war on terror" is to gain control over the mideasts oil resources with the intention of using the oil supply as leverage against the expansion of China and Russia.

(I borrowed this conspiracy theory directly from CFR capo Zbigniew Brzezinski)

to gain control over the mideasts oil resources

and afghani oipium

Of course

SSRI/SNRI antidepressants are highly physically addictive. Doctors usualy don't warn you about this when you are prescribed them. They came up with the fancy term SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome to describe the withdrawal effects because they don't want people to think they are experiencing actual withdrawal from an addictive drug.

Can confirm, work in behavioral health.

Totally true...speaking with a doctor, she told me 'SSRI's are meant to be used for very short periods, to hel get you through intense life moments'

So, your whole family dies in a plane crash, but you still have to go into work on monday...fine, take the SSRI. The reason SSRI's prescribed long-term for people stop working, and they have to switch to a different 'blend' to get the same effects, is because anxiety/depression serve an important function; it's not neccessarily 'good' to just 'wipe out' those feelings...those feelings are the brain/body matrix's way of telling you there's something you need to address. Your brain compensates after a while, trying to bring those thing back into the forefront, in an attempt to make you recognize those feelings are symptoms of an underlying problem you need to address. Escapism doesn't cure anything.

Secondly, if you look at big pharma's top 4 cash-cows over the past 30 or so years, they are (in no particular order):

1) Anti-anxiety drugs

2) ADHD medication

3) Opiates

4) SSRIs

Now, what do all those drugs have in common? They all make you feel like shit after you stop taking them, after just a short time of consuming them.

I started researching Pharm industries many years ago, after I became a casualty of the opiate epidemic, and let me tell you guys...that industry is straight up EVIL. Don't trust a single substance they produce. Literally, unimaginably EVIL track record in almost all regards (and I don't use that word lightly).

Really well said.

Not correct. The top selling drug of all time is Lipitor, which is for cholesterol. Cancer treatment medications such as Herceptin and Biologic drugs such as Humira, Enbrel, Remicade etc used to treat autoimmune diseases are well into the billions as far as sales go. Nexium was a blockbuster and it's for heartburn.

Anti-anxiety drugs such as xanax, valium, ativan etc for the most part have been available in generic since the early to mid 80s. A 100 count bottle of generic xanax 1mg costs under 5 dollars to a pharmacy.

Antidepressants are widely used and sold, but are also available as cheap generics. A bottle of generic lexapro costs around 3 dollars (100 count). Antipsychotics are profitable. Latuda costs over 1,000 for 30 tablets. Zyprexa was similar before it went generic.

Generic Opiods USED to be very inexpensive too. Vicodin 5/500 generic was a few bucks a bottle. Prices have gone up in recent years. Oxycontin has always been a couple hundred dollars per 100 count bottle of 10 and 20mg and upwards of 800 dollars for 80mg. Sales are way down in 2017 and 2018 of all opiods across the board.

Police stood down during the London riots in order to force encryption codes from BlackBerry. While police guarded cash points and banks they allowed rioting and looting to go on for days, meanwhile the main stream media blamed "gangs organising on their BlackBerry ". BlackBerry was the last hold out to keep encryption codes from intelligence agencies and had defended themselves in court. Right after the riots courts forced BlackBerry to hand over encryption keys,because you know " gang riots...etc." . Stock tanked and the BlackBerry became history.

Kind of like the FBI pushing Apple after the San Burnadino shooting for its encryption keys? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI%E2%80%93Apple_encryption_dispute

but then they magically got it unlocked anyway? https://money.cnn.com/2016/03/28/news/companies/fbi-apple-iphone-case-cracked/index.html

so real.

Well that's an interesting lil factoid.

I doubt many things official story (moon landing, JKF, 9/11) but on my own I have thought these:

- MTV was sabotaged from the inside: it was a huge success, you have the best idea for a tv channel, you had 3 streams of revenue: cable companies, commercial brands, and disc labels, and you only had to broadcast videos they give you or even pay you to air. All of the sudden it changes into reality tv and dumb shows. I guess rock and roll lyrics were dangerous.

- Black culture in the sense that is shameful to be good at school and other things was designed to put black people down. Now they want people from the other races to admire blacks and adopt those attitudes that make life more difficult.

- Trump was hired by Hillary to take a dive, and lose the election, He betrayed her with help from a powerful group.



re: Trump getting paid by Hillary. I support this 100%. It was all so OTT in 2011 and the beginning of the 2016 cycle , like he was acting like a bafoon on purpose. I kept telling my husband that it's a clown act to throw the election to her. I think he double crossed her and worked with his military folks to ultimately win.

agree 100%

If anyone is deep state it would be the Clinton’s before trump. Those sketchy Fucks have been linked/involved in so many shady things over the years. At what point are the deaths and odd deals no longer a coincidence?

something is fishy with Dallas . Kennedy killed here . we named highway 635 after LBJ ( vp who took over after JFK) and a tollway after George H. Bush ( director of the cia at the time of the assassination) . George W. Bush now lives here. We have our own federal reserve. ..... i dont know if any of this means anything but my tin foil hat antenna is picking up something

That Man in the High Castle is true but the Nazi's and Japan keep their rules censored from the locals so they don't revolt, they actually think they won the war and were happy to pay for the redesign of Europe and Japan.

I had a local "conspiracy theory" I thought up one night after drinking with our local congressman. About how the big tow truck company in the area as packing cars with drugs and moving them across the county, and that they paid off the cops with a shit ton of money in donations + kevlar vest for everyone.

Pretty sure it's 95% true. But nobody wants to do anything about it.

My step dad was in special ops in South America back in the 80s.

I know for a fact that he was a drug dealer and would hop on a motorcycle late at night to drive two hours away for his traveling massage therapist cover job...

But i have wondered/felt that he had some kind of deal with gov or police and could even be carrying out orders. The house and land was bought from someone wealthy who was also ex-mil and rumored to be a big-time drug dealer of some sort.

So basically the landlord or some secretive organization gave him a good deal on the land & house in exchange for his business of growing/delivering weed or whatever with a cover job. He also took a 2 month trip alone to Alaska for a "job" among other strangeness.

was he at least a good step dad?

Not mine but a friends: Aliens are acctually us from the future. They could be here to stop us from killing ourselves or maybe to regain something they lost. No, he hasn't seen Dr. Who.

Or us from the future trying to advance the futures time line by helping the past advance faster, therefore pushing the future forward.

I came here to post this exact same theory. Have thought this ever since I was young after watching The Intruders.

The fact that we humans are so special compared to all other races made me think about this.

A meteor once hit mars (or another close planet) with such impact that some of planet was launched into space and hit the Earth. This could have brought a organism that adapted to the planet earth, and that organism evolved into humans.

You mean species

Birds are fake, wake the fuck up, people.

Birds = government surveillance drones.

I always shoot them with a pellet gun in my backyard it was fun.

wtf lol

Microsoft computer operating systems have a built in drop dead date.

The elite want to depopulate the world so that they can tell the defendants of the few that are left, that they are the gods that created the world and them in thier image. Doing this while impressing them with the technology they have maintained.

I'm just waiting for the reality T.V. show where a "psychic" is really just being fed absurd amounts of data from one of the divine super-computers.

The Chinese are putting chemicals (i.e. lead) in all of the products they make, specifically child toys they export to the US, to hinder growth physically and mentally and make our future generations ill and less effective as a nation. This will make it easier for them to take us over.

Replace Chinese with "Industry globablly".

as soon as we flip the switch on for general AI it will grow so fast that it may be able digitally time travel and manipulate our present and past.

That Reddit accepts major funding from a third-party company to collect site data used for AI programming purposes taking posts (including memes) and all of the associated comments to enhance its understanding of abstract thought

There is a "master language" that in no way falls short or has any gaps in the capacity to express the nature of inner thought. That English ( what I'm typing now ) is built to limit the scope of our perceived understanding of the reality. Each letter in the alphabet is just a symbol, a combination of symbols form words. I never agreed that an "A" is an "A". What even is an "A"? What if the human flesh is incapable of speaking such a beautiful and perfect language? What if that's what it means to ascend? To enter into a place within your self that rises above your current form and into another state of being. A level of understanding and communication that goes beyond words. What if being in communication with any thing at all is to be enslaved? To position to be effected by some other things cause. What if we never knew thoughts or feelings or emotions could be expressed simply because we did not have the words to do so? What would be the native tongue of God almighty when he said " let there be light?" If I were tasked with dominating a planet, the very construct of how the mind crafts its lense is what I would aim to control. Nothing else would matter if they could never escape the "reality" they themselves had created. What if there were an alphabet that with its letter "A" it contained all known languages of the earth, yet somehow it communicates and transfers information so quickly that it could never be pronounced in physical form, only encountered by sight. And that's just one "letter". To sum it up I don't think any language of man has the complexity and depth to truly liberate the conflict of the human condition in it's entirety, it would take something higher.

Truth, peace and love live under silence. You gave food/confirmation on my own thoughts, nice to know that I have likeminded people in this world. Thanks.

I have a theory that the government is kidnapping people in national parks and doing medical experiments on them. I've looked at pictures of many of the people that have disappeared in those parks and they share weird cranial and facial features.


Or it might be the wendigo

Not entirely my own but - civilized "Medicine" as an institution is and always has been one of the primary mechanisms of regulating human population levels.

Effective perception management at scale necessarily encompasses negative perceptions. Understanding that within any sufficiently large population, it is unavoidable that some people will believe crazy things about you, bad things about you, and crazy bad things about you no matter what you attempt---the best you can do is manage that risk: if you cannot stop people from believing crazy bad things, then instead seek to influence what specific crazy bad things people do believe. It can profoundly influence both behavior and thought patterns in a given target population.

As it turns out, it is much easier to convince people to believe crazy bad things about you than good things. You can also influence target populations that may even simply consider these narratives, but do not embrace them themselves as truth. Some will even choose to expose themselves to these narratives for entertainment, as well as for the purposes of debunking, mocking, and ridiculing them for pleasure. Yet even still they may be effective.

A key element of what makes these narratives so effective is that they are crafted and delivered in a manner intended to be perceived as subversive toward the interests of their primary focus, and so the narratives are immediately less suspect of being an influence tool actually designed to benefit their primary focus. An example of a narrative based manipulation may be ascribing highly advanced offensive and defensive capabilities to a primary focus, which then subconsciously leads to limiting the potential range of attacks an adversary may consider. Narratives may also be produced as misdirection devices to distract from legitimate and non-falsifiable information circulating in the ecosystem. Incorporating disclosure of truthful but non-verifiable information in otherwise false and easily debunked narratives can also build resistance to future acceptance of the truthful components in an alternate context. Absurd, distasteful, and blatantly false narratives may also be circulated about the primary focus, and made to look as though they were produced by the opposition, in order to discredit that opposition.

Conspiracy theories are (to an unknown extent) stealth propaganda vehicles.

The opioid crisis is being pushed in a joint collaboration with big pharma and governments to create a further increasing drug/crime and homeless problem to eventually start slowly adding more enforcement of everything in life. Namely police everywhere. This will happen when there's a larger amount of unstable junkies on the streets, causing trouble and crime

The complete authoritarian takeover isn't going to come and shove its boot down our throat in one day, they're doing it slowly.

Also I know someone will bring it up, but this isn't a jab against the homeless, I want to have something for people who are truly down on luck and want to get better and the help they need have something there for them. I'm kinda talking about the crackheads in my city that throw bottles at people and break into cars for $3 on the dashboard

remember when there were mudslides in thialand and the prices of hard drives doubled overnight? the mudslides were ochestrated by the nsa to cover up the fact that they were buying all the hard drives and driving the prices up. they used all the drives in that giant underground data center in utah and thats where they store all your information.

Our world/civilization is engineered to create human suffering and lead into global collapse because time travelling space Nazis in the year 3000 have built an utopian society on top of the ruins of the old (our) world.

For them to exist in paradise, we must decay into global apocalypse.

Key politicians, businessmen, scientists, inventors, etc. are covertly influenced through AI-based memetic engineering or "removed" out of the equation by time-travelling special operators.

Aliens are actually just really tiny because it's more biologically efficient, but are comparably intelligent to humans if not more. They regularly visit Earth and aren't noticed because we're busy looking for grey men that are conveniently close in size to us...

All the small winner scratch off lotto tickets are put into the cities. The big jackpot winners are sold in the middle of nowhere.

Two conspiracies I came up with while tripping acid on two occasions (don’t discredit just because I thought on acid, it’s a great drug).

  1. We perceive all five senses with portions of the body that were engineered via evolution, just like any other animal on this planet. Meaning we all came from one creature. Beautiful thought right? The scary part of the thought was that corporations of today disregard your senses and sell products that in fact damage these senses (apple earbuds may cause deafness someday, fast food may poison our tastebuds, computer screens may cause blindness). I believe that millennials in their senior years will have very VERY dull senses compared to seniors of today, thus making it even more possible to manipulate mankind in the future to come

  2. Relates to the first one. Humans, or most humans I should say, do not possess the evolutionary equipment (senses) that let us view the world, the TRUE world. There is a whole level of consciousness and tangibility that we can’t even grasp because our “eyes are not open wide enough” so to speak. There are definitely beings/landscapes/objects that live in higher dimensions that we can’t see/touch/hear/taste/smell.

All the stars are closer.

Kendrick Lamar even tried to drop some truth on us. Straight up says “tell me what you’re gonna do to me. Confrontation ain’t nothin new to me. You can bring a gun, bring a sword, being the morgue, but you can’t bring the truth to me. I hate people who feel entitled”.

All The Stars Are Closer

You're getting less in a regular oreo than in years past. After releasing double stuf and mega stuf versions, Nabisco took cream out of all 3 types, so effectively the double stuf has the same amount of cream as the original, and the mega stuf now matches up with how much the double stuf used to have. You're now paying the same or more for less cream.

Atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beat) is caused by our interaction with the noise around us. If it’s man made noise the incidences of a-fib increases. On some levels I feel this is a known effect but ignored. Similar to the cellphone radiation. It’s known to exist by some but ignored for varied reasons.

I think that Jacintha Saldanha was killed, it wasn't suicide. I believe a lot of suicides are actually murders by people in positions of power.

That the reason US is set against Iran is for 2 reasons:

  1. influence of Israel and Saudi Arabia in American politics, specifically the pedophile networks they use to compromise politicians, judges, businessmen.

  2. To delay and hopefully destroy Chinas One Belt One Road project. The greatest geopolitical fear for the US is the supercontinent of Eurasia being dominated by one power, or even the disparate power centres working together. That's why the US elite are set against Russia, to ensure they can't ally with Germany, and it's why they're fucking with Iran, to ensure that China doesn't have a high speed railway route to Europe.

Yes, that too!

The world we live in is basically debt slavery! And if you don't go into debt your credit score will be bad and you will be punished when getting a car or house loan.

Not to mention the central bank system of debt slavery all the way down through major banks and the general system of charging "interest" for everything!

was he at least a good step dad?

I'm not 'blaming' african problems on anybody.

Just saying that maybe being barefoot is not necessarily a positive thing... OTOH it could be a positive thing and if they all wore shoes they would be much worse off. Who knows..