What does everyone think about fluoride being added to water sources?

1  2018-10-11 by Jupiterfrog

Excess fluoride is proven to calcify the pituitary gland causing a diminish in the production of melatonin. If there is less or an unbalanced amount of melatonin in the brain that alters sleep cycles and rest patterns, leading to all sorts of problems but mainly makes people more subservient. Could this be a method of the government preventing people turning on them and stopping civil wars or so they can pass laws which a hundred years ago would of resulted in civil wars. Freedom is slowly dying, in Britain you can get Imprisoned for using hateful language. I don't agree with hateful language but what happened to freedom of speech? I mean this is from the 1998 Human Rights Act "Everyone has the right to freedom of expression." - British people are literally having their human rights taken away and doing nothing about it.


British people are literally having their human rights taken away and doing nothing about it.

the second guarantees the first.

I agree, the Americans are doing it right. Why on earth did the British public agree to such strict gun control. I get that it's good in terms of limiting mass shooting but it allows the government to just take away their rights and their freedom.d

Hence why we gave the 2A

Even if someone is pro mass fluoridation, they should still be leery of who supplies it and what's in it. For instance "Chinese Fluoride In Mass. Water Raises Concern Team 5 Investigates After Amesbury Pulls Sodium Fluoride From Water Supply"

It's for your teeth so let's put it in water so it can enter your body! Oh wait it's in tooth paste??? And we all use tooth paste?? So what still in water

And the cdc says its unsafe to eat toothpaste so?!?

I don't use toothpaste. I use just coconut oil. No need to add an abrasive into the mix and scrape off a layer of your teeth. Some people add activated charcoal or baking soda to their coconut oil to get that abrasiveness but my teeth and gums are super healthy since I switched. It's been about 3-4 years now.

I dry brush or just brush with water. You know those dental tools they use to clean teeth. You can buy those at the store I think dentak is the name of the brand. But it comes with three tools, a metal scraper thing a plastic scraper thing and a mirror one. I use these daily.

Hmm, that sounds like a good idea. I hate going to the dentist. Have you gone to the dentist to at least see if you're keeping up with their standard of cleaning?

No unfortunately. I need to

I have well water, suckers!

me too!! To me it was actually a selling point when I was shopping for a house. I have full control over my water supply and I love it.

What happens if the government stops by and drops a tube of toothpaste in your well?

Oh fuuuuck

Fun fact: ONE 8oz glass of tap water contains the same amount of fluoride as ONE "serving" of toothpaste.

The same "serving" you're supposed to call poison control if you accidentally swallow it.

I know people who drink more than 3 glasses of tap water each day!!! LOL

Except for what everybody does up stream in your catchment.

I'm pretty sure every water source has some fluoride. Naturally occurring, but still.

In Ireland we have fluoride added to the water supply. It's not going away any time soon and the whole supply of it comes from a family business associated with a current ruling government minister.

As far as the subservient part, I could well believe, as it's a carryover from our past days as a British colony, along with orange streets lights, to keep the population from uprising, according to "ruling class" thinking of the times.

Thankfully the orange street lights are slowly going and being replaced countrywide by warm white LED down lights over the last decade or so (also to stop light pollution, you can see Dublin street light pollution from across the water in Wales) but fluoride is here to stay.

Get a reverse osmosis/remineralization system. Also supposedly LEDs are bad for your eyes :(

...then they came for the spuds...

I dont know about bad for your eyes, but when they only change over half your city they can be a real bitch.

Going from one road; brightly lit in white light, to a road dimly lit with orange light, is like shutting your headlights off in the middle of the woods on some backroad.

"Cant see shit, Captain."

white LED street lights are surreal and make everything look futuristic as fuck, pity your calcified pineal gland and deactivated amygdala won't allow you to fully appreciate living in the cyber dystopia of tomorrow

I'm grand, I don't drink tap water.

missing out on those delicious hormone blockers


A great way to give everyone a little bit of a potent poison.

The dosage makes the poison

So does the timeframe of exposure. Also, the stuff is wayyy worse when inhaled and thats happening when you get in a nice hot bath or shower. Mmmmmm, deep breath now

Tis why I bought a shower filter.

It should be seen as a criminal act to pollute the water supply with neurotoxins.

However, resistance was not futile when it best could have been used to quell this practice (in the beginning) and now we have cultures three+ generations deep immersed in municipal water systems saturated with toxins.

To those who understand the implications of this and other things like a garbage diet, for example, there is no wonder why so many are continually burdened with health problems.

To me, there is no better water than that from a cold mountain stream, but even that contains residuals from man's wrath at this point.

It sucks obvious ass, which is why I have a reverse osmosis/remineralization system.

Its poison, and literally does nothing for our teeth unless it can sit there for a few minutes to be able to bond properly to the tooth. What a joke.

Its a neurotoxin. Its poison. Who cares what we think. The truth is, its poison.

Brushing teeth with fluoride significantly reduces instances of dental caries. This is a well known fact, established over decades, and constantly found to be effective.

The levels needed to be neurotoxic are also very high.

You are poorly informed.

Yea I mean its not like Hitler wanted to use Flouride in the water supply of Nazi Germany to subdue the populace or anything....

"It's a neurotoxin" "it is at a high enough level that we don't use" "HAHA! THEREFORE IT IS POISONING US" the dosage makes the poison

You think those molecules do no effect the body still? Even if it is "noticeable", you think its actually not doing anything just because of potency? Wrong. Its the slow dull painless oblivion they want us in. They dont want us all dead lol then no one could work for them. Cant kill the slaves, just gotta make em dull enough to not fight back

Why do you think I think they have no effect? Do you have any evidence fluoride is causes us to want to not fight back? Because many people disagree with eachother, and the country isn't doing to good, unity wise.

So your evidence is that the Nazis wanted to do a thing? As opposed to like, actual science looking at the subject?

Actual science shows that the stuff fucks up your brain long term. That's not even up for debate any more. People are clinging to the last vestiges of "but the dose is what counts" before "so does timeframe" finally rubs that last b/s talking point out. True narratives don't dwindle over time and scrutiny, they generally stay the same.

Please, link this "actual science." Because I've been looking into this for a long time and everything I can find basically doesnt corroborate that.

The issue with most (if not all) of those China studies is they dont look at fluoride alone, arsenic and sometimes lead are also in the contamination.

Topic use vs internal use.

You brush your teeth with your fluoride. You don't swallow tooth paste. It makes no sense at all.

Sorry, I forgot where I was. Have fun yall.

How much were you payed to type this?

I only get lold 0.05/ comment from BIG FLUORIDE REDACTED

Mass medicating is bad. Show me the real source of this fluoride also. This isn't some mineral that is mined from the earth. It's aluminum byproduct and is poisonous.

i also have a reverse osmosis filter in the kitchen thats used for drinking and ice.. when i installed it, the first two weeks my whole family felt like shit.. we only drink water and alot of it,. I'm pretty sure we were going through a withdraw from whatever was in the water.. we all feel much better now.. next is the whole house UV filter a friend of mine told me.about.. that will filter bacteria and other junk adddd to the water, for showering, cleaning and washing clothes..

Can you link the products ?

I would like to know aswell

If you reverse osmosis water it is pulling all the good minerals that are beneficial to your health out of the water, if you look on any Poland springs bottle it says “mineral enriched for flavor” they reverse osmosis their water and put the good mineral back into it, could have been something to do with that

i doubt it.. we all feel fine now.. i researched the reverse osmosis system before i bought it and alot of people say its bad for you to remove "the good" minerals.. but if you eat healthy you will get all those mineral requirements from the food.. veggy and meat have all the minerals you l

-- need..

sounds like your issue is with human rights, not the fluoride.

The law says " Expressions of hatred toward someone on account of that person's colour, race, disability, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origin, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation is forbidden. " So, if youre only issue is that you cant be a racist, sexist or say something discriminating to someone then you have other issues. Expressing hate because of the reasons listed is NOT freedom of speech, its verbal expression of hate which causes pain and suffering. Victimisation is NOT a human right and having laws to protect this IS!!!
This law is also in

If you would like to read about ACTUAL human rights abuse thats happening currently in Turkey • Egypt • Libya • Russia • China • Yemen • Burma the report is here https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/supporting_resources/201801world_essay_ken_etr.pdf


Maybe think about how lucky you are before you complain you cant yell at someone for being of a nationality, religion, disability or homosexuality.

I'm from Egypt, so the last part is invalid in my case. I don't agree with racism, homophobia or sexism at all. I'm more concerned with when people mistake a comment or act as offensive and hate speech. Who determines what is hate speech? For example here is a case (http://www.nbcnews.com/id/42779407/ns/world_news-europe/t/man-arrested-singing-kung-fu-fighting/#.W7-vn5F4Wf1) where a man was doing an innocent dancing act but someone deemed it offensive and he was arrested. It's cases like these where freedom of expression would protect someone from something not intended on being offensive.

I see where you are coming from but there needs to be protection for cases like these and actual hate speech (if not inciting violence) should have social consequences and not authoritarian consequences.

First they came for the racists, and I did not speak out because I wasn't a racist...

Also my main issue is the fluoride.

HAHAHA This is America you fuckin commie

Okay so you're in America???? What's your point.....You realise Reddit is used by people all over the world right....just cos ur from America doesn't mean everyone else is

Mandrake, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, Mandrake, children's ice cream.

You know when fluoridation first began?

Nineteen hundred and forty-six. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.

I Love that movie

I'm from Egypt, so the last part is invalid in my case. I don't agree with racism, homophobia or sexism at all. I'm more concerned with when people mistake a comment or act as offensive and hate speech. Who determines what is hate speech? For example here is a case (http://www.nbcnews.com/id/42779407/ns/world_news-europe/t/man-arrested-singing-kung-fu-fighting/#.W7-vn5F4Wf1) where a man was doing an innocent dancing act but someone deemed it offensive and he was arrested. It's cases like these where freedom of expression would protect someone from something not intended on being offensive.

I see where you are coming from but there needs to be protection for cases like these and actual hate speech (if not inciting violence) should have social consequences and not authoritarian consequences.

If the government really cared about your teeth, they would subsidize dental cleanings. Instead they dump a neurotoxin into the water supply. This is obviously to poison the public and thus make them less of a threat to the ruling class.

when i went to school at a young age, we had flouride treatments administered at school, they would fill our mouth with strawberry or bannana tasting stuff with the texture of yogurt for roughly 20 mins...we were told not to swallow it under any circumstances....telling a young kid to not swallow that stuff for 20 mins...right lol

It doesn't even help teeth as it causes fluorosis, so there is objectively no benefit whatsoever to add it other than making profit off of aluminum bi-product.

It been added to the water supply since the 50s

I run a drinking water treatment facility and our town does not have fluoride, some of the richer towns around me are in the process of removing it from theirs, and if more than half your town votes they don’t want fluoride you can get it out of your water supply.

I’d advise anyone to drink water that has been treated 3 times:

Source treatment-treating well water as it comes out of the ground(this is what the town does)

Point of entry treatment- this is setting up a reverse osmosis filter system in your basement at the point of entry to your house. Old pipes in the ground and long runs can degrade water quality between when it leaves the plant and when it reaches your house.

Point of use treatment- a brita filter on the sink tap you drink out of

It may be overkill but no fluoride will be in your water and you can reduce excessive plastic bottle waste

Last point of treatment might actually be removing necessary minerals from your water because charcoal filters do not filter out fluoride. And if you're RO or Deionising your water then you really need to add minerals back to it otherwise your water is going to be stripping minerals from your body. So RO or Deionised is 100% all you need to do. But definitely get concentrated liquid minerals if you have an RO or Deionising system in your house - or if you buy water from a Whole Foods or local grocery store that has those machines.

This is all true, I typed my response up fast and didn’t get into too many water quality details but it was more of a post saying if you’re that scared about the idea of the government putting fluoride in your drinking water their are more than enough ways to filter it out before you drink it if you’re concerned enough

Good information, regardless! People need to stop calcifying their pineal glands.

Yes a DI or RO system is all you need, I still tell people to treat it when it goes into their homes regardless of how the town treats it, gets rid of the cl2 for your plumbing fixtures, your showers, your car washes, your lawn, then if you’re still concerned with maybe scaled pipes in your home, pop a Brita filter on the sink and be rest assured the government is not pumping you full of chemicals thru your water supply :)

So, given your question, do you think "the government" drinks from the municipal water supplies? What about their wives, husbands, sons, daughters, parents and grand children? What about their minions and others they require to carry out their plans? And so on. The problem with a conspiracy that uses something so universal as the water we drink or the air we breath is that it is extremely difficult to avoid targeting the conspiracy members as well. Not impossible, but certainly difficult. Then turn the question the other way: won't making a populace docile or subservient to their own leaders also make that populace that much easier to conquer by an external force?

Fluoride is sold as good for the teeth... The chemical usually added is sodium monofluoro phosphate. The truth it is used to stabilize water pipes against corrosion forming a coating of iron flurophosphates which is highly corrosion resistant.

Just bought a bErkey 2 months back, with fluoride filters. Experiencing a massive amount dreams now. Decalcified Pineal Gland. Yayyy!

Just wanted to comment to let people know that theobromine, a compound that makes up chocolate, is amazing for your teeth. A one ounce dark chocolate bar has a better effect on tooth hardness than a 1.1% prescription sodium fluoride treatment

No amount of fluoride or any of it's derivatives are safe for consumption. It's main use, long before the utter fraud of adding it to water supplies, was as a potent and highly effective insecticide... and bugs are a whole lot harder to poison to death than humans are.

Fluoride exists naturally in lots of ground water. Many plants treat to take out fluoride to safer levels. Some plants' sources do not contain much fluoride so they add Hydrofluorosilic acid or some other form to bring the levels up. People amended their constitutions to add the shit. If you don't want it in your water make an amendment and the plant operators and EPA will make water without fluoride. Also, the plains indians which had shit loads of fluoride in their water naturally still warred with eachother. I think it's just a dumb thing that we shouldn't have to add to water anymore. We get plenty of of it from our tooth paste.

I personally think fluoride is too hyper focused on and that the rest of the stuff in the water is just as bad. I understand the purpose of chlorine but also think you should not consume it on a daily basis either. And then there is the field runoff which I am sure they can not fully remove, like round up and other harmful pesticides. And the pollution. I know in my area there is a high level of chromium in the city water from decades past smelting.

i think that compulsory medication is unethical and should be expressly forbidden by law

It's not hard to sort this all out:

1) Fluoride needs to be in contact with your teeth to help strengthen or whiten them. That's how fluoride treatments at the dentist are applied - they put the fluoride pasted in a tray, shove the tray on your teeth then remove it and was off the teeth.

2) If digested fluoride provided any real benefits to your teeth, dentists would prescribe fluoride pills. Dentists don't EVER do this and this should be a serious concern for anyone/everyone.

3) The fact that #2 is true, should tell you everything you need to know about adding fluoride to drinking water and why it should never happen and be stopped where it's already occurring.

my friends dentist prescribes Floride pills to kids.

Research Iodine and magnesium and their roles in our bodies. Then see how chlorine, fluoride, and bromine are fucking us up.

It's medical abuse, and unethical.

I think this is one of the most "real" Conspiracy theories that exist.

I am not arguing that it alters your brain or that it prevents cavities. But why medicate drinking water?

Fluoride is in dollar store toothpaste and mouthwash, and is naturally occurring in all water sources. So it's already there and if you don't have enough, if you brush your teeth, you will get more then the recommended dose.

Also the idea of using municipality water sources as a means of mass un-diagnosed medication?

Even if there are absolutely no side effects, no harm, and it can only help everyone who uses it, why do it?

It's not a "rare" element and it's not hard to get. If you brush your teeth you get more then the recommended daily dose. If you don't brush your teeth then what is it really helping?

stop drinking it today for $70 https://www.goaquagear.com/products/waterfiltrationpitcher

reverse osmosis filters are probably cheaper long term if you can afford it.

I've read all the "science" from the anti fluoride people and I don't think there is anything to worry about. I don't worry about it, however.....

It is a form of medication, and just on general principal I don't think it's right to do it.

me too!! To me it was actually a selling point when I was shopping for a house. I have full control over my water supply and I love it.

I'm pretty sure every water source has some fluoride. Naturally occurring, but still.

Why do you think I think they have no effect? Do you have any evidence fluoride is causes us to want to not fight back? Because many people disagree with eachother, and the country isn't doing to good, unity wise.