Pictures of the New York limo wreck

1  2018-10-11 by macmac360

So I was looking for some pictures of the crash and all I could really find are here in this link.

It seems really strange to me that everyone in the limo died but the limo itself is not all that damaged. The frame looks intact, even the windows look undamaged. I would have thought the vehicle would have been way more messed up. How could everyone die and the limo hardly has any dents?

I am not necessarily saying there is a conspiracy here, but it is odd. Are there any first responders here that can comment about this? I was a volunteer firefighter many years ago and have seen lots of bad wrecks, this seems just weird to me.


I would have thought one or two would have made it with severe injuries. You have to remember no one was buckled up so it would be like getting locked in a closet with 20 bags or rocks as it rolled around.

The issue probably wasnt the crash it was the hundreds of pounds of free weights flying around the back

you are probably right, and I am not leaning towards this being some kind of conspiracy. I would also agree that I would have thought at least one person would have survived.

I can’t speak for the other conspiracy angles but regarding the crash itself, I saw this shared on another post and it helped me understand how easily people not wearing seatbelts are flung around, even when the crash doesn’t look so high speed.

look at 0:35 - imagine the force it takes to launch a human being through the windshield and that far up into the air.

and 0:50, a city bus, and one which seems to be turning (so not going fast) is hit by something and it causes a rollover - “luckily” here they have a lot of room to be flung out. i think it would actually be more beneficial for there to be a rollover and big open windows because the force dissipates as it tumbles. so those people are pretty lucky comparatively speaking.

now imagine it’s a tightly packed limo and the crash is a lot more abrupt. By the photos it looks like the limo didn’t get to gracefully roll over, it just smashed full tilt boogie into that ditch. And all those bodies packed in there have nowhere to go and are just min 100-200 pound human projectiles smashing into each other with incredible force. It’s terrible bad luck that they all died but I could see it happening.

Not arguing with anything you're saying here. But 1 out of the 20 I think def could of lived. I've been thrown out of a car before, sitting in the back seat with no seat belt and we got t boned, had a bruised shoulder and that was it. Have also spin out and hit a brick wall side ways going at least 60mph, lost control at around 75mph, and again wasnt wearing my seatbelt and in that incident was completely fine with zero injuries.

Both accidents happened when I was 18. And i was drunk in both situations. So youth and being drunk (go limp vs tensing up) could of helped. But the passengers in the limo werent that old either and I'm guessing had been drinking as well. Who knows, we are weirdly strong and yet fragile creatures at the same time.

Yea because this accident is exactly the same as your previous accidents. Just because you were lucky as Fuck multiple times doesn't mean that everyone else is. Even if you wear a seat belt you aren't guaranteed to live.

TL;DR wear your seatbelt.

Doesn't that video prove that not wearing your seat-belt you can live?

Of course you can live, but the odds go way down.

You dont think its a conspiracy but post it in here anyway?

What about this seems fishy? I dont get why people are trying to make something out of this crash.... genuinely curious about the conspiracy angle on this.

Limo goes from 60 - 0mph instantly....... people not seatbelted would be tossed around like a salad bowl on a summers evening. Im suprised people were even alive when the first responders got to them.

Without knowing more about what this guy was doing as an informant I think we are forced to call it a coincidence, especially because that intersection has been known to be deadly in the past. If they weren't wearing seatbelts its believable to think everyone died. Again unless more info comes out I think we can only speculate.

I think it's definitely a statistical anomaly that everyone died, but until we know exactly who perished on board I do not understand jamming conspiracy into it. It's not like a bunch of diplomats simueltaneosly died, or the random Russian people getting assassinated multiple times a week, they were just partying as far as we can tell. Any theory is worthless without a possible motive

Delta V- The change in velocity.... 20mph is enough to kill you.

I think of it like dropping a carton of eggs. Yes, obviously there is beyond enough force to shatter every single egg. But most of the time 1 or 2 of the eggs don’t crack.

But those eggs are sorta wrapped up by the carton. If you take a dozen eggs and put them in a container loose with some nuts and bolts, you aren't seeing any of them come out the otherside.

What does it mean has an article about the crash,saying the limo was carrying a chlorine gas dirty bomb,bio-weapon. Worth a read btw.

It wasnt.

If they weren't wearing belts the impact alone could have killed them.

Probably not all of them

As far as i recall, in NY you aren't required by law to be wearing a belt in the back of a limo, even if it had any. They likely weren't since they had just come back from a party at a brewery.

^ Downvote all you want, fact is people often survive plane crashes.

That doesn’t prove anything, just because someone survived a plane crash doesn’t mean they would survive a car accident. People survive getting shot multiple times, yet someone could die just by falling down some steps.

But if 20 people in a row died falling down steps that would be very weird no?

You’ve missed the point completely

Fake news

You can tell it's fake news because it was on CNN

I would take my chances in a limo with no seatbelt, over a plane crash.

Yes statistically you have better chances surviving a car crash rather than a plane crash. Just like statistically you have better chances surviving falling down the steps rather then getting shot. What’s your point ?

I guess I would say in summary that its possible for any outcome. I wouldn't be surprised if they all died instantly or two people were left without a scratch. I definitely didn't mean to say someone would have survived 100%

Yea I know what you mean, it’s not very likely. But definitely not impossible is what I’m sayin

I find that hard to believe

Why? Random example:

Their crash was worse, and also had 17 people in the back at once. I don't find it hard to believe that it killed them all.

This story is so bogus! When I first heard about 18 people dying inside a limo, I just assumed it must have blown up for all those casualties. Then when I saw that picture of the limo fully in tact, i realized it makes NO SENSE!!! Absolutely no sense... My first question is, "Who was on that ride that someone wanted dead??" We are NOT being told the whole story...

I know an EMS volunteer on the scene, a police officer on the scene, and my aunt was at the Cafe when it happened. Some of the victims live less than a mile from me. All average Joes.

Somehow I just don't believe you.

Well you sound kinda kooky so I’m not surprised.

You supposedly know 3 people who were there, the odds of this being true are statistically close to impossible. Had you of said I know about single person who was there I may have believed you, but not 3, no fucking way.

It’s a small town.

Not that small.

Well there’s no convincing you. I guess you think I should have cut down the amount of people I know that is connected to it. I guess truth is never a possibility to you when it doesn’t fit your narrative.

You're the one here trying to paint a narrative that because you know multiple who were there, and several who were killed, that ALL of them were just answers Joe's and there's nothing to see here. I am not pushing any narrative, only that I don't believe you.

You’re pushing the narrative that there is a conspiracy involving people I actually know.

Did ya know the driver was a FBI informant. For a small town you should have known that also correct?

Yeah I remember the sting operation. The FBI has offices in Albany so it’s not surprising he was an informant.

a FBI informant

That means he gave information to the FBI. A witness, basically. FBI informants are not FBI employees.

you supposedly know multiple who were there, and several who were killed

Wingnut is lying. He never said he knew "several who were killed." You made that up. Why are you lying?

Apparently Not small enough to have someone from our sub randomly have connections with 3 people who were there when it happened.

You should buy a lotto ticket today because you defy statistical probability on an unprecedented level

What's a gigantic limo (looked like the "SUV" type that are even extra fancy in the big city) doing tooling around a small town?,_New_York

has a population of about 3000. It's not improbably at all to know three people who have knowledge of it.

If OP knew all 3,000 people in the town, the odds wouldn't be that improbable. I live in a slightly larger small town with a population of roughly 6,500. Out of those 6,500 I know maybe 15-20. The odds of 3 of those 15-20 people all being on the scene of such a horrific tragedy, Including several who died that were supposedly his neighbors is so incredibly unlikely, it's just not believable.

You only know 15-20?

I wouldn't limit it to good friends or family. People talk about stuff like this in small towns. Word gets around.

It depends on what kind of job the person has. If it's public facing, like in a Restaurant or a Cafe (with the stated aunt), then it's not improbable at all to know hundreds.

I live in a town of 3500, when I go to a restaurant in town I would be shocked if I didn't know half of the people eating there and 90% of the staff. With the exception of one, and it is a tourist destination, so there are a lot of out of towners. You grow up with the people who live there. It's made up mostly of people who never left.

yeah it's the "my friend of a friend or cousin or housemate was there" story we get here in this subreddit all the time. People who argue in here seem to always have eye witnesses to all kinds of tragic events.

That’s one of the reasons I love Reddit. Anytime there is a big news story, there is always someone at the scene or who knows those involved and gives more insight than can be seen on the news.

You're an idiot if you believe every faceless person on Reddit claiming they know someone or something.

the modern T4 wagons, 20 at a go, carbon monoxide.

There's also no reports of anyone being transported to the hospital, meaning most were declared dead on the scene which is highly unusual.

At least one person was airlifted to the hospital.

"Karina Halse said Amanda was airlifted to Albany Medical Center before she died."

Ah, well that report is new to me. Still only 1 person transported to the hospital out of 20? Judging by the condition of that limo, it seems highly unusual only one person would have been taken to the hospital.

I know, I'm just getting the information out there. Keep in mind that apparently it hit a parked car so hard that it was pushed about 50 feet. That's a huge impact alone, and it kept going. I can't imagine what it must have looked like inside. Scary.

Why are you being downvoted?

You only catch flak when you are too close to the target

Fifth Gear once did a limo crash test, explains a lot.

interesting link, thanks

It's interesting that the test also showed minimal damage to the frame. I [skipped to the actual crash[( It's a good illustration of how reality is sometimes not intuitive.

Wow, that video is eerily relevant.

Do we have any reference to help judge? Such as another limo accident where ~20 people died?

Princess Diana? But that limo was fucked

Wasn't the owner of the limo company an FBI informant?

With all those people in that limo, there has to be at least one or two who have some distant connection to someone who knows someone who knows one of the Clintons. By 2 or 3 degrees of separation per person, there HAS to be someone with a connection to the Clintons.

If we could find that person, then this whole thing would be a proven conspiracy and more names for the Clinton Death List.

While that may be true, it's also true that if you have 3 people in 1 room, there's a good chance one of them is Stasi FBI

You need to think of the weight and speed of the passengers. They limo was traveling at 50mph, the average American weighs 180lbs. Coming to a dead stop, every person in the limo would continue forwards with an impact force of multiple tons. And, keep in mind, that's multiple tons of force per individual person.

But think of the first people impacting the front of the limo. They become sacks of broken bones and meat. The ones behind them go thru the same date. At some point you have enough meat sacks that should cushion at least the last ones. We have heard of other people breaking the fall of people after them. Why wouldn't this be the case?

At that speed if two heads touch both people are dead. It really doesn’t take much.

True! I would like to see what the autopsy says. If they all died from blunt force trauma to the head. That would make sense.

I wouldn't call it multiple tons. I've been in a 60-0 accident but I had a seat belt on. It felt like my ass was getting shoved up my spine into my brain but nothing was broken except my wife's wrist because she grabbed the dash. Multiple tons of force would have forced us through the seat belt like an egg slicer. It was a lot of force mind you, but not tons. My wife and her son (who was in the back seat) had been a previous accident several years before without wearing seat belts. Their car hit a concrete approach at highway speeds. They both survived but the boy had several broken bones. Accidents are crap shoots. They could do a little or a lot of damage. But still, if the limo was doing 100mph I can see no one surviving.

It is literal tons of force just by the math of it. Coming to a complete stop force is mass times acceleration.

Well then apparently a human body can take tons of force and not die.

Folks, read Sorcha Faal...that group is saying that it was a chlorine gas bomb that went off inside the limo and killed everyone inside in minutes. Apparently the gas dissipates quickly...though it might have been what killed the 2 bystanders too. This apparently was an attempted false flag but did not get any coverage as a terrorist attack. I find this very plausible...

Please get smarter.


there are loads of reports today of the brakes being faulty the window latches not working, it ran a red light and smashed in to an unoccupied SUV, skid marks on the road found could be rom when it hit the suv as it was going full speed and there are images of the front wheels found off the car and pieces of the front so no doube it was a full on crash and if they all slamed into the privacy window they may have broken necks or been stabbed with glass from window bar or dirnks but it is strange that theres no reports of worse damage to the car,

This blog has the wiki entry for it with some eyewitness reports and articles below it

nice link! Shocking the highlander was pushed 50 feet by a glancing blow.

carbon monoxide poisoning !?

That's totally possible. That would explain the lack of skid marks.

The engine flew in the back of the limo

Put a raw egg in an empty coffee can, shake it, open and look.

Throwing the coffee can at a wall would be closer to what happened.

I thought the video on scene from the news showed wheels thrown into the woods, and a bunch of debris. They showed a computer animated gif of how it crashed and was destroyed.

Like others have said though, no one wears a seat belt in a limo.

That doesn't seem like a type of wreck that would kill everyone inside.

Pics or it didn’t happen.

I read that the driver of the limo was an FBI informant who was on trial for high profile terrorism cases including funding terrorist no expert but that's pretty strange. interesting to say the least

Not the driver, the owner of the company. Who wasn't killed.

They didn't say it was a stretch hummer!

You’ve missed the point completely

Fake news

You can tell it's fake news because it was on CNN