Amazon patents Alexa tech to tell if you’re sick, depressed and sell you meds

1  2018-10-11 by ikilledtupac

resubmitting for lacking a comment or whatever the latest gatekeeping is.

Of note, I work for an insurance company, and they are going to roll out penalties for not having connected Alexa devices in your home.


Big tech is already good at detecting your emotions, this is another step towards validating those predictions.

I miss when tech was supposed to be personal and not just stupid devices with microphones and cheap processors connected to a cloud that stores your data.

Nice, Alexa will enable people to buy psilocybin, ecstasy, xanax, amphetamine, and many more If they want to. Nahhh she will probably only offer SSRIs

herbal supplements not intended to treat diagnose or cure any illness

You forgot tge part about statements not being approved by the fda

'Alexa, search for Clinton Foundation links to global money laundering and political meddling'

'John, you sound depressed, your AppleWatch detects high blood pressure and a fast hearbeat, and you seem to be babbling nonsense. I've contacted authorities to commit you for a medical evauation. ETA is 20 minutes'

Well shit, I just put pizza in the oven.

"Alexa! I got laid last night!"
"I know, I ordered antibiotics for you when I saw who you brought home."

That’d actually be pretty great imo. Maybe amazon will set up a mail order brothel

Id rather they tell me before I catch the clap

I will pay the penalty then. I will never have Alexa in my home.

Not much of a penalty though, is it?

I don't know what the penalty will be (if there even is a penalty).

They have a nice, early christmas SALE! going on for them over at Amazon. What I always wanted.

I feel like the world is changing for the worst.

Big money profits when it shows that every single living human has several disorders, even infants. Disgusting

Perfect...I just get done revisiting 2001 A Space Odyssey and now this.

Open the fucking bay door Alexa!

Of note, I work for an insurance company, and they are going to roll out penalties for not having connected Alexa devices in your home.

Dang, for real? I hope this doesn't catch on, Alexa is a pretty new tech.

Anyhow just don't buy the medicine? I think you guys are being a little cynic here - it's the subreddit's point but still. Sometimes a sore throat hurts to talk, sometimes you can't think right because of your sickness.

It can be used to advertise ultimately yes and you can say "no". If it advertises too much folk will stop buying it.

10%, and on a state by state basis.

Reminds me of this Sarah "Wreckingball the wailing wall" Andersen comic:

i dont understand why anyone would want one of these machines listening to you 24/7, plus they do shit thats easily done yourself. Maybe lazy fucks deserve it

Your phone, tv, and laptop all listen to you 24/7

but i mean those things arent meant to where alexa's whole point is to

I wouldn't have any problem with technology like this if I didn't believe it's going to be used against me.

I simply dont believe your statement about penaltys for not having an alexa in your home. Far too few households have alexas for that to be viable. Any insurance company that doesnt do it will become rich with new customers.

So there's not a penalty thabks

You understand that giving a discount for doing something is the same thing as charging extra for not doing it right? Or can you just never be wrong ?

No its not lol. And it sure as fuck isnt a fine

So there's not a penalty thabks

No its not lol. And it sure as fuck isnt a fine