Facebook bans Free Thought Project, Press For Truth and The Anti-Media!

1  2018-10-11 by delelles

@Lukewearechange: Facebook just shut down, Free Thought Project, Press For Truth, Anti-Media and dozens of other VERY IMPORTANT alternative media pages SOURCE: https://twitter.com/Lukewearechange/status/1050469627699101698

@JasonBermas: First they came for Alex Jones and now @facebook has taken down @DanDicksPFT Press For Truth page! This is insanity, Dan has been one of the most inspirational and rational independent journalists of our era! SOURCE: https://twitter.com/JasonBermas/status/1050465199449362432

@DanDicksPFT: I’ve been memory holed from FaceBook! 350k followers poof gone! There is a dangerous precedent being set here where the big tech companies have appointed themselves as the gate keepers of political thought and opinion! Retweet this if you care about free-speech! SOURCE: https://twitter.com/DanDicksPFT/status/1050477398343311360


Now the question is, do they have a right to demand a platform be given to them by a private company?

Should a private corporation have the right to retain its privacy privileges after receiving significant sums of our tax dollars in government funding?

Is Facebook being given money by the government? I'm against that, if it's happening. Glanced online and didn't see any articles that say it's occurring.

do they have a right to demand a platform be given to them by a private company?

they have a right to be treated equally and fairly by whatever ToS was agreed upon when the accounts were made.

they have a right to be treated equally and fairly by whatever ToS was agreed upon when the accounts were made.

Hmm. Interesting phrasing, I don't think this would hold up in any court, but is there something specific about the ToS at the time?

If I made a blog site and later amended the ToS to say "and no doxing" I would very well kick off people who were doing that regardless of my previous ToS.

I think you have to visibly notify everyone of a change to the ToS. EU-ans got a lot of mail beginning something like "we've announced a change to our terms of service" last May because of new internet control laws.

ISPs don't throttle them to the point of unusability. But at this point Net Neutrality is dead so it could easily happen.

Does a private company have the right to demand another private company give them unthrottled access to their hardware?

That was the core of Net Neutrality.

it's clear that any monolithic system of public communication will be susceptible to the whims of the heroes in charge. thus it's self-evident that the systems of public communication need to be decentralized with no overseer. get your bash and your hostapd game up, y'all.

hmmm... go on...

sure. if you're running android, apple whatever, linux, or latest windows you'll have bash on it. you may need to root or put busybox on it, but you have bash. using bash, spin up an ap that serves a captured gateway page (ie. all traffic routes to this page) and serve your files to whomever logs in. have instantaneous hotspots pop in and out, like fireflies. boom. you have the frame for a decentralized net.

Gee, I wonder why, considering these people own this site, like the rest of the media.

That's a risky click if I've ever seen one. Why don't you summarize it for us?

It’s an entire 200+ page PDF on Jewish people

Lots of pictures. One of the most fascinating reads I have encountered, and one that bode me to do much research on my own.

It looks like it was written on crystal meth. Conspiratards are one thing, paranoid anti-semetic walls of text (and bad memes) are another.

thefreethoughtproject.com has a /r/conspiracy top-100-of-all-time-post in this sub, currently at #59.

Most of the stuff they posted was absolute trash or just plain wrong. It was also incredibly left oriented, and I hardly see how that is "free thought", this coming from someone who is considered left.

While blatant censorship like that makes them look right, their page was a pile of garbage and contradicted itself all the time. I haven't had facebook for a few months now so I can't provide any examples, but i actively hid all their stuff because it was so bad.

Remember the O’Sullivan’s law?

I agree with some of your post. However, it still doesn't justify a total ban.

I’m not saying it’s justified but it’s not really surprising. We already know Facebook is very one sided with a very clear narrative to push. Even though ftp was dumb it’s not surprising

It seems cop and government accountability pages were major targets.

sounds like martial law inbound.

Who can call for martial law?

The President or Congress can declare martial law if I can remember correctly.

The president only has that power. And the governors of each state for their respective states.

I sit and wait when Facebook users just give it up. Just delete your account and give it up. New ways to communicate that also respects it's userbase will pop up. Delete Facebook.

George Soros. Media Matters. The Atlantic Council all partnered with Facebook. Obama had a secret meeting with Zuckerberg right before it started. It's not just Bannon conspiracy pages. The Democrat Party is Banning any pages that are threat to its power. Is trying to do to the internet what it did to the TV. Which is to control everything.

and those people aren't going to give it up. Some very radical people might give it up based on principle but the majority of people are still going to use it.

Don't act like the Republicans are good guys fighting for the little guy, or have we forgotten about Sinclair hmmm??? No US political party cares about the average Joe. They only care about retaining power.

Idgaf really about the divide, but I do GAF tbat people are being censored o. Media platforms that are clearly left/dem.

It's absolutely sickening, ulcer causing, like seeing maggots on a corpse and wanting to vomit levels of disgustingness

I wonder if you feel the same way about white nationalist forums removing people that come and tell them they're bigoted racists.

You're comparing a white nationalist forum to Fb/Twitter? You obviously see that makes no sense right.

You obviously see that makes no sense right.

Yeah, this is someone who makes zero sense

Answer the question pussy.


Mods, are you here?


Mods, are you here?

That comment was removed in less than 1 minute.

Yes, we are.

Thank you!


They're both forums on the internet where people say whatever they have on their mind at the time, one has a huge user base, the other wishes it did.

Aside from userbase I'm not seeing why you couldn't compare any social media site to another.

And yes, I consider anywhere people congregate to talk about whatever to be social media(they're just forums with shittier layout)

Dude you dont understand the difference between these platforms there is nothing to discuss lol what a joke... you're just being ignorant and want to argue so no thanks have fun being a miserable person.

These guys aren't getting censored. But their spam, plagiarism, ad farms are getting shut down. How about that guys? You can only plagiarize your content for so long before someone pulls the plug on your theft ring.

Good riddance.

Facebook is better off.

Free thought project isn't that though. It's an independent news source that had fan groups taken down. You must not be familiar with what happened in Nazi Germany and the Censorship leading up to the genocides.

Or the Bolsheviks and their genocide which never gets talked about.

Either way it's lose lose. I have a great grandmother still around who survived the Nazi invasion in Poland by hiding in the potato cellars. Fortunately she's still sharp as a tack and listens to news podcasts by various indie outlets and the current Censorship is scaring the shit out of her. Basically we need to fight this as if our lives depended on it or else we will repeat history

Get armed!

I'm talking specifically about the Free Thought Project, and their theft, plagiarism ring.

That's specifically who I'm talking about here.

Post some sauce that they plagiarise

"Nazi Germany"


GTFO. This is more likely about theft of content than it is about censorship of legit journalism or work.


Also feel free to post sources proving theft. I'll wait here

5 year account and 3 posts?

Yeah, pal, it's all a conspiracy.

Can you believe it?

Someone happens to have an account, but doesn't hang out posting in the conspiracy sub Reddit, or whatever, all day.

Go figure that.


You type a little funny. Everything okay?

Both sides have been censored but here's the thing...there shouldn't be "sides". They use the rep vs Dems to keep us in line and to divide and conquer. They are putting on a show for us during the day but at night they all go to the same weird sex parties together.

I never get this rhetoric. There are very clear and real political divides, 'left' and 'right' clearly are not artificial divides, there are real policy disagreements between them.

There will be always be sides because people disagree on major topics, capitalists are never going to side with communists. Anti-gun activists are never going to side with those who want open access to them. Anarchists are never going to side with ethno-nationalists.

People divide themselves, this is just how people act.

You can pretend both parties are the same, but there are actual policy differences that matter.

I'm all for unity, buy not everyone else is

Most are. The ones that aren't are on the wrong side of history.

Yeah well that's the progressive SJW's.

I was a cousin yesterday and she basically started shrieking because I disagree with radical feminism and showed her a pic of protesters getting paid by a Soros lawyer. I had to leave after an hour. There was zero logic, zero civility, she thinks she won because she was loud and yelling.

It was like talking to a robot who got hijacked by a virus

We will evolve again but until then we are left with living with the bottom of the barrel.

Yeah, agreed. I also just saw a study that 80% of Americans disagree with the SJW's so they are a minority.

I think we are one big family and need to work out our differences, and these SJWs are the spoiled rotten 2 year olds

Omg who cares that democrats control mosts major news organizations and use it to lie?!

Sinclair purchased some local news stations and HASNT lied!

That's not what I said. All political parties are shit and neither give a fuck about regular people.

Did you know The Atlantic Council has one of their members as Director of Public Policy at Reddit in 2017?

No it's not,

It's trying to avoid being sued by sites that lose profit when sites like The Free Thought Project plagiarize their work.

Facebook is a business. It's trying to avoid potential liability like any other business.

the democrats are the ones that want to ban cop block and police the police?

Get your head out of your ass.

I did, today was the last straw. If you don’t agree with a idea or sentiment, debate it, bring facts, figures and reason. To ban it outright is election tampering and fb should be sued for such action right before the midterm

To ban it outright is election tampering

Fuck yes it is

People need to start moving to decentralized services like Steemit, Ono, Tribe, Narrative etc.


Steemit wants my phone number to make an account. I hate sites that want that.

It's possible to get an account made without phone number by either paying in crypto using anonsteem or having someone who already has an account make one for you, the second way is easier

I'm there.

My wife made me an account so she could have more friends in farmville, back in 2006.

But now I only use it to video chat with my kids. I hate how FB is embedded in all phones. Takes effort to delete, then often sneaks back in somehow.

Bro I can't it's my login for everything. I just don't use it anymore.

Not everyone uses FB for politics or anything but catching up on a few friends. New ways have popped up but none compare in popularity and for most folk there's no need to change.

It won't happen with the majority. People like my wife don't look at it like that. They just aren't woke and I don't know they ever will be until it's too late.

Unfortunately you are exactly right. I don't know, I think people read stuff like this and as long as they can do a quick chat and post silly pics the "what's the problem?" I am not tryting to get on a soap box box but collectively we hold all the power. TPTB put in a lot of effort to distract us from that. A fragmented society is far better for them than a society that respects one another. You want people like Zuckerfuck to listen then stop using/buying their product. I feel like it is a very slow crawl but more and more people are waking up.

Twitter just banned antimedia

No free thinking allowed. Thier message is very clear

It started with Alex Jones and because so many dislike Alex Jones, they didn't care.....and so it continues.....

If you do not speak out against this now, as well as gradually move away to less censored alternative platforms, websites (thus supporting them), prepare for your controversial perspective (and those that speak for it) to be censored next.

Seriously, people write off the fact that nothing is keeping the powers at be from running with censorship if they are given an inch.

Good poem describing the Nazis: "first they came for the communists, but I did not speak out, because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews..."

Should be incredibly easy to show big tech companies are taking govt money and therefore "public". Just get a cat like the forensic accountant Ben Affleck portrayed in The Accountant to look through the books. Setup a GoFundMe to pay his million dollar salary and done deal. Google, Facebook, and Twitter should have no problem opening the books for inspection like this.

There's no "now or never", and if any media business sees there're a critical amount of folk leaving, they'll change or wither.

Calling this censorship is downright disrespectful to folk under real censorship and badly lightens the word, seeing as you can just, y'know, get on any other platform you want and continue.

Folk're too dramatic on this sub.

I don't by the wither argument, if the big three (FB, Goog, Twitter) are all in bed with various govt's or at least pulling back the covers and making come hither eyes at them, then the govt's will keep them afloat. Its one thing to be woke, another to do something about it. How many people even get to step one?

This was all hashed out in their big meeting a month or so ago. Microsoft, FB, Twitter, Reddit etc; all met up- like they do every year. And this year they came up with a coordinated plan of censorship.

This is 2018 in America, folks.

[citation needed]

Microsoft, FB, Twitter, Reddit etc; all met up- like they do every year

Um, that's actually the definition of a conspiracy - supposedly separate parties that "breathe together"

If you do no defend the rights of the people who disagree with you, then you dont deserve to be defended when it's your turn . You either believe in free speech or you try to control the masses.

k picking up a rock and throwing it at facebook for breaking a person's right to use their free-of-charge in whatever way they want.

There is nothing about facebook that's free, considering you give up your privacy to use it and everything you do there is recorded and sold to advertisers.

Facebook is angry that people are using it's SOCIAL MEDIA site to draw attention to their websites and that somehow break their rules wtf.


Bye Facebook. I held on for my family's sake but this is a step too far.

I did the same for my apiary but I’d rather sell word of mouth

Yuck, Oracle. What do you mean by sell word of mouth, stay on the platform and expose how corrupt it is?

No, sell my honey by word of mouth, as opposed to staying on Facebook and giving them my business and information (their currency) . Those that stay on after this purge don’t see it as corruption. They see it as a progressive view to ban speech, despite its only progress being towards fascism. Of which fascism and fb go hand in hand under the rhetoric of “we don’t believe in the freedom of speech, just the freedom of our speech” under the guise of free speech.

More like free theft project


how is this upvoted. Do you know what fascism is? You think one private business is on the same scale of governments that led to millions' death? that just because fb banned a somewhat-controversial page, it's in the same line as murdering 80% of soviet 18 year olds? think before you make such bold comments, please.

wtf are you on about? Do you know what fascism is, or are you just saying things and hope they stick?

Fascism is a corporate run government, a government where corporation, where the rich dictate everything, not democracy, or freedom of speech, or what the millitary does. In case of NAZIS, thats what happens when fascism goes socialist, and thats why nazis are known as nationalist socialists (whilst forgetting that nazism came from a fascist state).

So do you realise how faulty your ignorant logic is? I bet not, because you fail to realise the steps it takes to transform from one system to another. Its not like one day you wake up and read in the papers that democracy is dead and now police sate is the law. No, its a slow and system degradation of rights and liberties, it takes decades.

In this sense, it may not be comparable to fascist nazis and they concentration camps. But it is still a corporate medium, dictating what society is allowed to discuss and think, through control of media. In this case facebook holding a monopoly of social media, a space where modern day exchange of ideas between individual both familiar and unfamiliar can take place. Like him or hate him, alex jones has the right under basic human rights to say what ever the fuck he wants, and it is in the marketplace of ideas that his coice can have support or not. It DOES NOT GIVE 1 (ONE) ENTITY THE RIGHT TO CONTROL WHAT IS AND ISNT ALLOWED. If the argument is made that its a private company it can do as it pleases, that isnt right. We already were there, over 200 years ago slavery was ok, private enterprises saw it their right to own humans and slave them. This is 2018, companies like Facebook should not have the right to take away basic human rights, and in the case of constitutional right to free speech.

Furthermore, if we are talking about the US government here, the size of influence of private entities on the government policies, it is like democracy doesnt exist in USA. From a harvard study showing that about 30% of public policies vs 70 corporate that make into law, to that pesky net neutrality overturned. So in that sense the large corporate behemoths having influence on government and conversely the trajectory of society, it really is fascism.

think before you speak....

Fascism is

a useless term in the modern world that is said as an insult to anything left or right and never used actually because there is no strict consensus on what it entails. Generally when one says something is fascist they want to assosciate it with the Italy, Germany, Romania, and others in the 30s and 40s. I'll stick to the source scripts I guess:

The Fascist conception of the State is all-embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State—a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values—interprets, develops, and potentiates the whole life of a people...The corporate State considers that private enterprise in the sphere of production is the most effective and useful instrument in the interest of the nation. In view of the fact that private organisation of production is a function of national concern, the organiser of the enterprise is responsible to the State for the direction given to production. - Mussolini 1932

Don't claim that fascism is just a plutocracy or corporate dictatorship (not even mentioning the point that almost all governments have been/are plutocracies), it's a pure authoritarian structure that is designed to intrude on everyone's life.

you fail to realise the steps it takes to transform from one system to another

This is irrelevant. You said this is fascism today I said no.

it may not be comparable to fascist nazis and they concentration camps.

that's my point, it's downright disrespectful.

Don't get me wrong I don't uphold this but I uphold their rights as a private entity. FB does not hold a monopoly, obviously (else what website is this), and is one of many places where an "exchange of ideas" can take place but it's not built for some political-intellectual haven for all.


Right to speech does not mean others must give you a megaphone. It means others can't take yours away.

If the argument is made that its a private company it can do as it pleases, that isnt right. We already were there, over 200 years ago slavery was ok

This justifies nothing. "see what happened with one aspect private ownership 200 years ago? that's why private property must be abolished". This is the current year and more and more folk are buying into government propaganda to control more of the economy and to put more limitations on businesses. That's what I see.

in that sense the large corporate behemoths having influence on government and conversely the trajectory of society, it really is fascism.

Yes it really is like a violent xenophobic extremely authoritarian political ideology. Dude if you want to say that it's corporation-influenced go ahead, fascism entails a lot of other things.

As for 80% of soviet 18-year old dying in WW2:


40%, I was mistaken. I guess it is on the same scale as Facebook shutting down one page.


Fascism is a weapon. The original symbol shows a hatchet or axe (weapon) with a bunch of sticks tied around the handle to increase the weapon's weight/effectiveness. I don't think it was ever a real thing people used to fight with - it only exists as a symbol.

Take government, media and science each as individual weapon/sticks all bound together. One day the government goes on the offensive, so the gov't represents the axe on this particular day, and the other branches ride along to support it.

Tomorrow the media goes on the offensive (against us) and all the other entities rally around/support the media's effort.

Fascism is: 'a group who's members act in unison as a weapon, with members taking turns at the core/as the edge of the weapon'

You're an idiot. The "fascai" or axe with sticks is a symbol of provincial authority dating back to the Roman Empire. It's wasn't a "weapon" it was a symbol of the empire. The head of the axe being Rome and the fag od sticks being the unity of the empire.

The head of the axe being Rome and the fag od sticks being the unity of the empire.

What the fuck is the difference? Do you even know how an empire works?

Lord, the ignorance is strong is ReasonBear.

Is an axe a weapon? Or a tool?

That depends how you use it, Grasshopper. This is why you're so special. You are the One who controls the machines. It is You who decides whether any machine under your influence serves life or destroys it. The intentions and desires of the machine's creators do not matter - for you have the power to use them to your own advantage.

Does any of this sound familiar? That's because it's all true. The problem is that TPTB are generally the ones who make the tool/machine/weapons and they want control over their usage as much as possible. Which brings us back to the OP, and hopefully explains it a little bit.

Reason divorced from reality.

Have you ever even swung an axe?

Of course I have. Have you ever acted in unison?

Like a commune?

You do realize facebook and google have government contracts..

Facebook is banned in our house.

If you have children....dont forget that through trying to find their own identities through development, adolescents will fight their parental rules (because we can all remember we defied our parents because one day we found out, our parents arent right about everything after all).

Basically banning/abstinence is not the answer. Education and discussion is the answer.

This is another very scary step. I always try to see the bright side but hard to here.

Of the people I know, good people, they are so fucking clueless. Especially the "educated" ones. They are all brain dead. They are unwavering in their blind belief of liberalism. The echo chamber that is Facebook just got worse.

It's funny talking to these people in real life when they find out that most people hate liberalism. They get so upset and I can't help but feel good. They are blind to the real world. Anyone who has a job, owns a house, or ever had to deal with the system know firsthand it's a joke. Liberalism only exist in dreams and online.

"Coordinated inauthentic behavior" sounds a lot like PROJECTION!!!! God damn, and some of those twitter accounts linked in the post are suspended as well. Can't get your content out, can't even tell people that social media is silencing you. These are truly dystopian and ominous times.

Holy shit, Twitter just suspended The Free Thought Project's account! WTF!?

They got the logistics down with Infowars, now they just make a call and it's done.

try minds(dot)com it will also give you bonus crypto currency

Hell twitter suspended me today for saying get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Guess which side of the red / blue line I aimed it at?

The sad thing is that all politicians, on both sides, are beholden to these multi-national corporations instead of the people who actually vote them in.

Corporations are doing it to protect their master, the government. These are all sites that question the state narrative.

You have the power dynamic inverted. The government provides them monopoly protection (via regulation), and direct subsidy (govt contracts etc), in return they spy on you for the government and help police the official government lies.

They are doing this because they will be rewarded for doing it.

The Good Censors, right?

The kosher censors.

We knew this coming, right? They're trying to push us off a cliff. It only strengthens us. Normie's learn this, and boom! Strength through numbers. Nothing can stop the great awakening. Nothing.

Good news!

Truth is the new hate speech.

Pattern recognition is anti Semitic.

Facebook is becoming MySpace.

"But it's a private company they can do whatever they want and it's not censorship!" - Reddit morons, probably

I use Facebook to talk to my family and look at pictures from time to time. That's absolutely it. Deleted the app from my phone and only check up on my PC occasionally. Cancerous ass site.

Yeah, pal, it's all a conspiracy.

Can you believe it?

Someone happens to have an account, but doesn't hang out posting in the conspiracy sub Reddit, or whatever, all day.

Go figure that.
