TIL blocks all posts showing Arabs are semites. I made a post about the leonid meteor shower connecting the groups and its blocked. It is a Harvard report yet blocked because they don't want Arabs to be known as semites so antisemitism can't be reflected on jews against Arabs.

1  2018-10-11 by showmeurboobsplznthx

This is conspiracy of the reddit corporation so that anything anti Israel is antisemitism but Israel being anti Arab isn't. Both are semites yet this is denied by people while accepted by academics. Arabs and Jews are semites. Being against either is antisemitic and reddit corporation is controlling. G shit to keep people in the dark.



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Well, that's technically anti Semitic in its own right

How so?

I meant anti Semitic on the part of TIL, in that they potentially ignore or suppress the recognition of Arabs and Christians as Semitic peoples.

Se·mit·ic səˈmidik/ adjective 1. relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family. 2. relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

It's funny Christians don't identify as Arabs when the Bible was written in Hebrew. Talk about conspiring to mind fuck the people.

correct me if i'm wrong. but i thought most of the New Testament was written in Greek?

an·ti-Se·mit·ic | \ˌan-tē-sə-ˈmi-tik, ˌan-tī- also -ˈme-\ Definition of anti-Semitic : relating to or characterized by anti-Semitism : feeling or showing hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a cultural, racial, or ethnic group

Antisemitism and Semite, despite having the same origin, have developed into different meanings.

Awful and Awesome have different meanings now too.

Yes, the definition of antisemitism is inherently anti Semitic. That is the crux of my argument.

Let's swap out the word Semitic for another word: Fascism.

fascism [fash-iz-uh m]

noun (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Now when you add the prefix, "anti" that should mean that someone is against fascism, when in reality the group ANTIFA, allegedly anti-fascism, is demanding fascist response to speech and action they deem hateful and oh my gosh I totally see your point...

They're going to seize that term by force just like they've seized Palestine.

Certainly the Palestinians are Semitic. And many, many Jews are European.

Aren't most of them Turkic? DNA tests claim to be able to find identifiable "Ashkenazi genes"

Aren't most of them Turkic?

Yes, because if there’s anything Jews are known for, it’s their slanted eyes, small noses, and hairlessness.

But anyways, DNA testing shows that Ashkenazi Jews are about half-European and half-Middle Eastern. They cluster closest to Sephardic Jews, and then Italians.

Yes, because if there’s anything Jews are known for, it’s their slanted eyes, small noses, and hairlessness.

That isn't what Turks are known for either...

Turks are barely genetically Turkic. They’re more related to the people who lived in Anatolia before Oghuz speakers came.

I completely agree, in fact I have argued this many times myself. That's why I didn't really understand the comparison. Most Turks are pretty hairy (as are many Jews), some Turks can have very large noses (as can many Jews), and the epicanthic fold is present in almost every large ethnic group, just at very small numbers outside of East Asia. I'm not arguing Ashkenazim have a Turkish origin, I haven't done enough research regarding that to make such a claim (though I have seen some interesting coincidences (such as all the cities in eastern Anatolia that bare their name), but while interesting, they were not sufficient proof of such an origin, and I have seen a good amount of evidence against the theory as well).

I’m glad you keep an open mind. The only real “evidence” for the Khazar hypothesis is that the Khazar court converted to Judaism at some point. Although I’d also like to know your source on the city names in eastern Anatolia, even though I don’t think the Khazars were much in Anatolia. They were more of a Caucasus/South Russia/Ukraine thing, as far as I know.

Although I’d also like to know your source on the city names in eastern Anatolia

Well, I never mentioned the Khazars, but anyways this is a similar picture that contains the information (but it isn't the original paper I read about it), and I don't agree with the conclusion that AJs are nearly 100% "Iranian" in ancestry.

Besides that, the information on the image is true though.

I probably used the wrong word, I was thinking of the stereotypical Turk with big moustache and nose. Thanks for the info

They were a leftover of an ancient warrior tribe. Supposedly they created Judaism to make themselves more prominent. Which makes logical sense for the era. For us it would be like making yourself a more legitimate international business, by creating a corporation.

Gotta hunt down where I read this study. Anything science discovers is up for peer review and debate, and archaeology/history that much more so. But it's fun to study!

Yeah it kind of blew my mind to see interviews with Israelis where they say they believe Palestinians are motivated by "antisemitism".

I mean, it can easily boil down to literal definition vs. common usage.

When most people talk about anti-semitism they are referring to anti-Jewish sentiment. While anti-Arab sentiment also fits into the literal definition, it doesn't fit into common usage. We tend to use other words for that.

I got pissed about the whole Arab, Israeli, oil thing back in the day of oil embargoes and airplane hijacking . I became anti Semitic because it was tiresome and senseless. A true anti- Semitic hates Jews and Arabs equally . I’m also exhausted with my hydrocarbon addicted country’s place in it all.

What it really is hijacking definitions to confuse people.

I could be wrong, but I doubt it worked that way. It could have though.

The earliest English recordings of the word are from the 1800s and refer specifically to Jews. Everything seems to indicate that the word has been used (in English) to refer to Jews almost exclusively. This may have to do with the historical significance/presence of Jews in Christian communities as opposed to Muslims.

Israel's Jewish majority are not of European descent.

There is no majority ethnic group, but at 33% the European descent group is the largest. In addition, the Jewish population in the US is larger than Israel's, and they all seem to be mostly European (personal estimate here).

Frankly it's not that suprising. They most likely don't want the drama from the shitshow the thread will become.

Right, because the truth should be hidden to assuage the biggest whiners on the planet.

TIL isn't about the truth. It's entertainment on a internet forum. The moderator probably didn't want to deal with a shitshow. There's also always a chance the OP was a bad faith poster, and posting to spread a narrative instead of learning that today.

They are a special class that has become above criticism. The antagonists of the world.

I'm perfectly fine with it. It's a subreddit where the mods don't want to deal with that topic, and I' perfectly fine with that. I'm likewise fine with other subreddits who do that. I might make fun of T_D for banning anything remotely not pro Trump, but I'm totally fine with such.

You didn't even have to tell me that.

This is HUGE! The Trump predictive TV show from 1958 specifically mentions the Leonids being connected to "the end" and it names 11/14 as the date. Now this could be the literal date or it could be 4/20/19, which is Jewish passover. Keep in mind too that 9/11 of this year was the beginning of both the Jewish and Islamic New Year.





Some people are more equal than others.

unless your post is bashing trump, bashing republicans, bashing white males, and or accusing innocent people of crimes they didn't commit, it won't be allowed on that subreddit.

Don't forget about the people of the Horn of Africa, they too are semites.

Ahh when Israel kicks the Semitic people out to Africa its not antisemitic. Filming Israel shooting medics and journalist is antisemitic however. Bamboozle level 99

What you say here is correct, OP.

Even better is that the Ashkenazi Jews aren't Semites as they are not the children of Shem, but rather his brother Japhetite who begot Gomer who begot Ashkenaz.




Ok, feel free to prove me wrong, maybe that subribbit is run by raving Zionist leftists, but

1: What does Reddit corporation have to do with this, non-Reddit employed mods?

2: What does Reddit have to lose from possibly having Arabs more often included in the definition of Antisemitism?

3: How possible is it that Arabs will be popularly included in the meaning? Antisemitism is a word for hate against Jews, hate against Arabs has a fairly different association.

They're just trying to sterilise their subribbit from anything controversial or political, sometimes they clearly go too far but as I see it this goes in r/subredditcaner rather than anything else.

A few possibilities:

  • TIL is so fucking scared they see something containing the word Semite or anti-semitism and they delete it to pre-emptively avoid a controversy.

  • The mods don't have the critical reading skills required to see the finer points of the post. Got triggered instead.

  • An attempt to preserve a monopoly on a term (Semite). You saw the same thing when some people tried to use the word holocaust to describe other genocides (like the Turkish genocide of Armenians 100 years ago) It's almost like those terms are valuable brand names that they want to keep for their own exclusive use.

If the Chosen™ want exclusive use of the Anti_Semite(R) 'brand', let 'em go though the process of trademarking the damn thing, or STFU. Let's see them fulfill the burden-of-proof requirements of their "uniqueness".

This is conspiracy of the reddit corporation so that anything anti Israel is antisemitism but Israel being anti Arab isn't.

The word you're looking for is hypocrisy and it is involved in much that Israel and its backers do. Israel wants the US to destroy Iran because of its alleged clandestine nuclear program but Israel developed its nuclear weapons in the same manner. Israel's backers push open borders on the Western nations that they are trying to subvert, but Israel "protects" its borders by shooting unarmed civilians. Israel's backers accuse all of Israel's critics of hate speech, but manipulate the MSM to destroy any opponents to their agenda.

Aren't most of them Turkic?

Yes, because if there’s anything Jews are known for, it’s their slanted eyes, small noses, and hairlessness.

But anyways, DNA testing shows that Ashkenazi Jews are about half-European and half-Middle Eastern. They cluster closest to Sephardic Jews, and then Italians.

They were a leftover of an ancient warrior tribe. Supposedly they created Judaism to make themselves more prominent. Which makes logical sense for the era. For us it would be like making yourself a more legitimate international business, by creating a corporation.

Gotta hunt down where I read this study. Anything science discovers is up for peer review and debate, and archaeology/history that much more so. But it's fun to study!