Cutting out Cable is killing the legacy propaganda machine

1  2018-10-12 by JoeyBShillinYo

Just a thought. If you haven't yet, cut the cord.


Definitely. This is one of the big reasons we're seeing censorship. I know very few people my age who have cable, but everyone has Netflix.

Can I ask why you like cable lol?

I just couldn't take those garbage commercials all the time. Who would have thought that adding more and more commercials would drive the masses to leave their precious cable boxes? At least with streaming services you can chose what bullshit to consume.

I agree with your censorship comment. They are really forcing our hand on this one. The cat is out the bag, they aint going to be able to put it back in. If they keep pushing us, they are pretty much going to force us to retaliate against their bullshit. History is always on our side. Fuck them. Keep up the good fight

Can I ask why you like cable lol?

More content than I can ever watch and every kind of it minus porn.

I just couldn't take those garbage commercials all the time.

I like them. It gives me time to do something else like come on reddit or take a piss. It's perfect for liveshow threads on reddit.

there was a tv show whos title pokes holes in your like for cable.

This hour has 22 minutes.

There's more to life than you could ever imagine...and so much more satisfying than the sedentary slow physical death of watching TV. I always knew that it has an effect on peoples behaviors and moods...ever notice how many ads for anti- depressants there are during the evening news? Ever notice how news anchors are actually acting and trying to convey a sense of panic and despair?

I cut my cable three years ago. I notice that I was feeling a sense of well being that I hadn't felt since I was a kid about three weeks or so after cutting it. I felt GOOD. Happy again. I kept up with current events online...I was in control and didn't have to sit through over the top propaganda anymore. TV media is totally anti-Islamic bullshit fear mongering.

I used to watch football starting with ESPN at 10 am for pre game info... watched the 1pm, 4pm and 7pm games...did not get off the couch except for beer and taking a piss. went to bed at 11 pm and felt like dog shit every Monday. I haven't watched a game in two years do not miss it a bit no sir.

Just because I have a TV, doesn't mean I don't have balance with it.

This is true but Netflix is already starting to get Co-opted buy former goverment officials isn't it? Just a matter of time before that's all what they want you to see also.

Do it. The fight is online now anyway. They own the media, they've won that fight a long time ago.

Commercials are pointless if only the wealthy can afford to buy a bunch of stuff. If everyone had extra money to spend, our World would be more exciting and fun, and food would be more fresh.

Something I've really noticed after not having cable for so long is that most commercials are not targeted at my demographic AT ALL. New cars, Disneyland, fragrances, designer watches, vacation nope I'm good.

it is odd. I do not understand the ridiculous norm.

It was part of the "American Dream" pushed in throughout the mid to late 20th century. Its just most of these organizations still have this mindset while their consumer's perspectives have changed.

As have their finances. Baby Boomers had it made...

The generations that have come after?

Not so much.

Which ironically is a big reason why Amazon has exploded in recent years.

Why would a person spend money they don't have on a car and gasoline to travel to stores that may or may not have what they want?

The recession in one way or another was a godsend toe Jeff Bezos

but beer and liquor... everyone loves that!

Most commercials are targeted at children because their minds are easier to manipulate with flashy colors and excited people on the screen.

Then after 5 or so years of programming the kids graduate to full fledged "Consumers" a consumer is someone who continues to purchase things not due to necessity but out of greed and social pressure. "Jimmy down the street got the new D-LUXE green game I need that one to to be cool!"

By adulthood its too late to correct the damage, you wake up one day with a car loan, a mortgage a closet full of toys and electronic shit you never use, and you wonder "Why did I buy all this? Did I buy this because I wanted it or did I buy all this because others told me it would make me happy?"

And purely coincidentally, we've been seeing all kinds of censorship online recently.

Killing net neutrality was the first step into censoring the web. Once they can start 'identifying' different types of web traffic they can purge the naughty stuff.

Under old NN standard a packet is a packet and not to be messed with.

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!

All part of the plan it would seem.

Its a shit plan because it doesnt prevent regrouping on alternative websites. If anything it'll end up amplifying these banned groups as they become highly site specific.

at least on internet - if you really want you can always find a small corner, small group, small subforum, small podcast .... of people to talk to.

On cable TV you have access only to approved channels - you can not open up your own channel and put it on Cable TV as you wish.

During the period spanned by the first four contests, Trump dominated the news coverage (see Figure 4). He garnered 37 percent of the Republican coverage, compared with Cruz’s 28 percent, Rubio’s 25 percent, and Kasich’s 10 percent. Trump’s coverage was also highly favorable. Positive news statements about his candidacy outnumbered negative ones by 57 percent to 43 percent. Cruz also had a positive balance, though by a smaller margin—55 percent positive to 45 percent negative. Rubio’s coverage tilted sharply toward the negative side. His negative press far outpaced his positive press—61 percent to 39 percent. Kasich’s figures were nearly as negative as Rubio’s.

Ratings. Clicks. Audience. Say what you will about Trump as a human being or a potential leader of the free world, he has an ineffable ability to get attention. He has called himself a “ratings machine,” and in the world of TV, ratings equal profit.

“It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS,” Leslie Moonves, chairman of CBS, said of the Trump phenomenon in March, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

“The money’s rolling in, and this is fun. It’s a terrible thing to say. But bring it on, Donald. Keep going.”

Moonves’s ebullience makes it clear that ratings madness infects all of commercial TV, although, of course, particularly the cable-news channels.

None rolled out the welcome mat more eagerly than CNN, which has billed itself as the “most trusted name in news.” And unlike Fox, which is blatantly conservative, CNN pitches itself as nonpartisan. It’s supposed to be the down-the-middle alternative to Fox and, on the left, MSNBC.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been very, very good for the cable news networks.

Thanks to an audience surge driven by nearly round-the-clock campaign coverage, the leading news networks will reap unpre­cedented profits this year.

According to people intimately familiar with CNN’s finances, the network and its related media businesses will approach $1 billion in gross profit in 2016, a milestone unseen in its 36-year history. The internal estimate reflects a double-digit increase over 2015 and includes CNN’s international network, its popular website and the smaller HLN network, but it is driven primarily by its domestic channel, according to people at CNN.

CNN boss Jeff Zucker slammed Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook at Tina Brown’s first Women in the World Canada Summit, saying, “I urge more folks to hold them to account” for taking ads in a Russian-backed campaign to influence the election.

“I think it is outrageous that Facebook will not be more transparent about the advertising they took from Russia, and show those ads and release more information,” Zucker said of the social-media platform. He added, “Facebook’s behavior . . . has not been transparent and this is a huge issue. I urge more folks to hold them to account.”

CNN’S $25 million bet on YouTube star Casey Neistat to lure millennials has ended in disaster.

CNN boss Jeff Zucker bragged about buying Neistat’s app Beme for $25 million to the ad industry at Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity in June, trumpeting that Neistat would develop a new “millennial-focused” outlet for CNN by producing an original video brand and a 5 p.m. live daily news show that would be a core part of its digital business

CNN Digital faced a budget shortfall in 2017, much like Vice and BuzzFeed, two other closely-watched digital news operations. Vice went through a round of layoffs last July. BuzzFeed also had layoffs.

For all of these companies, the increased power of Google and Facebook has posed serious challenges.

Morse addressed this at one of the town halls on Tuesday, according to prepared text of his talk provided by a CNN spokesman. Morse said the strength of the "digital duopoly" of Google and Facebook is a factor. He also said internal "financial targets were overly aggressive," structural impediments got in the way of growth, and that CNN had "tried to do too much too fast."

“In a Google and Facebook world, monetization of digital and mobile continues to be more difficult than we would have expected or liked,” Zucker said, Monday, in a keynote address and discussion at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. “I think we need help from the advertising world and from the technology world to find new ways to monetize digital content, otherwise good journalism will go away.”

President Trump a new interview Thursday said that Facebook, Google and Amazi on may be in a “very antitrust situation,” but declined to elaborate on whether the companies should be broken up.

“I won’t comment on the breaking up, of whether it’s that or Amazon or Facebook,” Trump said in an with Bloomberg News. “As you know, many people think it is a very antitrust situation, the three of them. But I just, I won’t comment on that.”


It's 100% because they are losing control of the polulace.

We've developed an exhaustion to political parties, so they can only rely on pure hatred to keep them going into the election.

The next presidential election, the information you receive in your home town will be targeted to your demographic, while neighbors 50+ miles away will be receiving a different message.

They've already started setting the cogs in motion with censoring political Facebook/Reddit groups.

You mean rootless cosmopolitan jews

I got rid of my because of the expense but after I got rid of it and the WiFi I actually started feeling better. Reading, going outside. Even got rid of Facebook to avoid the bullshit on there

12 years strong, including movies / All Pay Media.

Resource: /r/cordcutters

You can get free HD TV with the old rabbit ears if you want to watch your local weather. 20+ channels in cities.

The picture is crisp af too

I haven't watched TV since I moved away from in 2009

Bruhs, everything is for free on the interwebs. use your brains, hook a pc up to your TV, and bam, free tv, streaming, without commercials.

They've already made the jump a long time ago with the internet and mobile phones.

Black (monkey grunt demon) mirror

I haven't watched T.V. in years.

I remember many years ago being shocked when some old dude scoffed at me asking if he'd seen a particular show. He laughed and basically said something along the lines of it just being a bunch of programming and propagandaand that he never watches it.

At the time I just thought "Geesh what a paranoid old hippie!". Now I think, holy crap, he was right! I thought he was just a bit wacky, but in retrospect a lot of the outlandish sounding things he brought up (At a pre- Internet time) were dead on. Paranoid hippy wasn't paranoid, just well informed.

And trading it for the modern propaganda machine online

This is why they attempting to censor the internet now.

Yep, it's called television programming for a reason. It programs you.

Also, get your own router, don't rent your cable companies' device. It'll pay itself off.

Less money for them, more secure for you.

everything is backdoored, and privacy no longer exists

At least you're not paying for the public hotspot that most isps include in the routers.

I feel like YouTube is full of ex military people reading off a government script

I've given up broadcast news shows for years now. Was having breakfast in the hotel lobby today and CNN was on. The anchor was almost gleeful in saying there were 5 new deaths related to Hurricane Michael. Turned my stomach, this attitude/delivery of the news.

Cut to the 'woman at the scene' in Mexico Beach, FL and her delivery was breathless excitement. Like relishing in the carnage. Now that I think about it, the delivery was kind of pervy, almost fetish like.

Yeah, that was enough of that crap. I see no reason to spend any more of my life watching that kind of shit show.

I did recently switch from DirecTV to Xfinity cable to keep my sports viewing 'legal'. For now at least. If Xfinity pisses me off I'll save money by dropping TV and paying for sports via broadcast apps.

everything is backdoored, and privacy no longer exists