An honest open question about an Am*rican Civil w@r.

1  2018-10-12 by Singularity2soon

Much like "free will", do we have it, at what moment does one develop it, etc..

What constitutes a civil war is not usually defined.

I am curious, in your opinion what constitutes a "Civil War" ?

150 Million Vs. 150 Million? What event would cause the country to split apart?

I can not think of a topic, subject matter, that would cause people to engage in a protracted conflict. Most people have become too soft, and the consequences are too extreme.

But I could be wrong.

So please, if you have the time lay out your 2nd Civil w@r scenarios.

Thank you in advance.


SS: Potential Civil w@rs are constantly spoken of in this sub. In modern day Americ@ what would cause individuals to risk their lives and freedom over? Not just some individuals, but a high enough number of combatants on both sides to qualify as a Civil W@r. In a country of over 300 million, what would that number be?

Shut down the Internet.

Take away a favorite pacifier and watch the world burn in response.

I guess it depends on what kind of civil war you are envisioning. Is it a few states or a group of people trying to fight for secession or is it for a complete take over of the federal government? I think the motivation would define your scope.

Most don't talk about potential civil war here. Most here know the history of the CIA, and others, using staged civil wars to pull off coups around the world. All revolutions are co-opted. They have perfected that very thing down to an art.

Just like last time, it would be about liberty, law and economics. The North should've followed the law and allow the Southern States to lawfully secede.

I doubt there would be a civil war, it's to unpredictable an you might then open yourself to external forces that might undermine the entire point of the civil war(like Russia , China, EU ,Mexico and Canada might want a some of the American pie) I would rather think they are going to roll out tech like 5G that will make us sterile and most be depressed you will see large amount not people suicide, you will have an immense hoard of immigrants come into America not only from Latin America from Africa, China, and the Middle East.

This will start riots where the federal government will kill indiscriminately to reduce the population, basically creating the USA a human Trap for the immigrants, and the population.

Ones the population falls under X level the will start selection of the best traits or what's left (basically low IQ, not aggressive civilians) this will be given ample opportunity to breed and any deviation from the norm would be put down.

That's our future ... If you don't believe just keep doing what you are doing.

i think there are two reasons america is being decoupled from the world

one is to prevent the spreading of dangerous ideas, such as gun ownership, freedom of speech and other rights to the rest of the globe.

the other is to provide a 'safe space' for what you wrote. so they can dismantle the us without disturbing the rest of the world too much

Ah , funny you say safe space. You know the people that came up with that word are racist in disguise? The term safe space is nothing more than segregation.

If you remember your history the DemoncRats are the ones that had segregation all over the south.

If you remember your history you would remember that DemoncRats where the ones that wanted slavery , they where the Confederacy....

#DemonRats Lie they have always lied they want slaves if it's not physically then they want them economically.

yes, the kkk is the military arm of the democratic party. killary kissing byrd...

this is their origin:

If you study history you also know that parties switched sides after the civil war and those people would be republicans today, or republicucks, or whatever shitty name you want to invent like demonrats.

If you're going to try and point out history don't leave out things.

That's what the DemoncRats what's you to believe

Here a bit of history...

I’d define it it as 2 large factions within the same larger group fighting.

There will never be another civil war in America, the only reason the last one happened is because there were a lot of evil people living in America who were willing to fight for their right to own slaves and for other reasons, those generations are gone and now the only evil people we have to worry about are the power hungry rich people, and they are not the kind of people who are going to fight in hand to hand combat, and so there is literally nobody left to fight wars, the worst case scenario there are gang wars between major cities, but even most gang people are pretty chill and relaxed these days. It is looking like peaceful times ahead for America, I hope the rest of the world can figure out how to also live a peacefulish life.

TLDR: There is literally nobody that is going to join in on a war against other Americans, the worst thing that will happen is small scale conflict.

imho, at no point in history was america more infiltrated by 5th column agents as it is today. it looks to me like they took over everything.

I presume that the social engineers who are currently engaged in this current pseudo "culture war", have already determined that this tension now, is currently 'best practice' in the U.S, insomuch as capturing as many people as possible in to ideological division.

So while it's not even mildly convincing that this narrative would lead to people taking up arms in any widespread fashion, it's still probably the best of the options that they've calculated in that context.

So there's your answer. They've basically created a monocultural, secular, non-monarchist republic, with enough of a focus on welfare... so this now, is the best they've got.

To trigger an American civil war, it would have to be externally contributed to with mercenaries, false flags, and an incrementally engineered societal breakdown.

you are assuming those social engineers are benevolent and in favor of peace.

I must have fucked up my meaning.. I've changed it a little now..

No I don't think they're benevolent at all. I think they're rational and strategic, and will perform whatever is necessary to get the job done, good or bad... And "bad" being far more effective and immediate.

That make sense now?

Look at one aspect of life. Eating, food supply, etc. If cut short that alone could easily turn neighbors against neighbors.

If you’re going to have a Civil War, it’s not going to be “150 million vs 150 million”; it’s going to be between the U.S. government (and its military), and an illegal revolutionary government (and its military). The goal of the U.S. government is to suppress the revolution and maintain the status quo; the goal of the revolutionary government is to abolish and replace the U.S. government, either regionally (as the southern states attempted to do a while back) or nationally (as, for example, the communists did in Vietnam). The distinction is that these aren’t just groups of people; there’s organization and a clear goal.

In the U.S., I would argue that this is not possible. At the time of the American Civil War, the federal government didn’t have a well-organized military, so the southern states really were on something like an even playing field. These days, there’s no outgunning the U.S. military. Also, back then states were a much more important piece of a person’s identity; these days people tend not to identify themselves that way, so it’s harder to imagine how a revolutionary force would organize.

Really the only sensible way to overthrow the U.S. government (aside from rigging elections, since the U.S. government basically gets overthrown every 4 to 8 years) is via a military coup.

If there were to be an actual civil war in the Unites States the military would fracture down to companies and platoons. There is no way Battalions would hold together under their commanders let alone the entire military holding together with the federal government.

“These days, there’s no outgunning the U.S. military. “

I’m not so sure about that. We rained fire from the sky in Vietnam and lost. It’s been 17 years and we’re still in Afghanistan...

Kinda depends what the men and women in the military do. I’d imagine a lot would go AWOL if they were told they need to kill Americans.

Vietnam’s a difficult comparison to make, since the goal there was to unify Vietnam under the unstable and often incompetent government of Saigon, and early on the Viet Minh were able to steal American weapons from the south to fuel their side due to that incompetence. Also, a civil war would be a much more personal situation, which I think would make it less likely for rival states to arm the rebels (as China and Russia eventually did in Nam). Good points’s not quite as cut and dry as I laid out.

Good point about Vietnam and that’s really interesting thinking about how other countries would react. I never even considered that

I would say that’s a pretty crappy military if they haven’t been able to settle things in 17 years, but we all know they’re not settling anything.

It’s like in 1984. There has to be an endless war for government to keep power consolidated.

It'd be some twisted nonsense where "anarchists" have to deal with the people who just won't stop following the government/media/etc for no good reason.

What you need is, a bunch of bankers that are instant on installing a private federal reserve in your country.

There will not be a civil war unless someone takes control of government by the military. And even then you need soldiers to take orders.

There will not be a civil war of the people. They have no real reason to fight each other.

they may have been able to pull off that at one point, but they kinda borked it up a little bit... maybe if C'linthulu had won...

They have a few members who have disarmed themselves, think "all guns are bad" or whatever, but in the only real war scenario that plays out is gov vs the people, and we'd probably lose... but it would splinter the country.

The problem this scenario has now is that the country isn't really as divided as the media wants you to believe. We seem to be doing pretty well so far, other than the people whining about things that will never actually effect them.

I think about this everyday. Conditions for everyday life must get a lot worse. The rising wealth inequality will play a large part. The average American has to wake up to the fact that their children will be poorer than them. And every successive generation after. The assault on conservatism, traditions and institutions by our modern secular society means the breakdown of trust and social order. The people have to see that the (((establishment))) does not care about their welfare at all, and their government is directed by a criminal conspiracy of globalists to plunder the entire world.
We would need to suffer as a nation several more engineered crisis like false flag attacks, moral panics and market collapses until all the lies crumble away and the propaganda is revealed to be misinformation. How long can bread and circus distract the people? Will the increasing exposure to the Internet lead the people to truth or more convenient lies? The federal government will be less and less responsive to the average persons needs and desires. The American empire will collapse and I believe it will be because of a civil war.

Good point about Vietnam and that’s really interesting thinking about how other countries would react. I never even considered that