Facebook purges more alt media

1  2018-10-12 by Opiumbrella33

Another round of purges today on Facebook. Facebook just deleted TheFreeThoughtProject, Press For Truth, Police the Police, The Anti-Media and over 800 other Truther/Anti-Corruption FB Pages! Pages with MILLIONS of followers EACH. This isn't an attack on 'spam'. This is an attack on non-corporate media!


They're purging these sites for thier anti-american, anti semetic content

is this satire? i cant tell anymore


i can't tell the difference between that and sarcasm anymore either

It's a possibility.

oh. I guess ultimately my response to the three thus listed possibilities would be " ayy lmao "

You can't tell me I'm wrong.

sure i can.

But in order to do that you'd have to clearly state your argument, and if what started this drivel was that, and you weren't actually being satirical or sarcastic, then we'll have to take it from the top... am I correct in my summation?

You came here to ask me one question, and the truth is obvious. You didn't even have to ask.

Buddy I grew up w just got a 500k strong conspiracy group taken down and they kept a tighter ship their than is kept here. He's a D.A. and is planning on putting together class action lawsuit suits and forcing this to the supreme Court.

"and furthermore your honor, the Facebook terms of service clearly gives me the right to express contempt for my country" -your buddy probably

Prager U already sued them, but the crooked ass lawyers dropped it. All you need is a non bought off non-liberal judge

I'm replying here, as I said I'd "take it from the top"...

You came here to ask me one question, and the truth is obvious. You didn't even have to ask.

You are making this statement like it's a factual claim, and ignoring the context of the midterms, as well as the recent context surrounding de-platforming on social media, which remarkably seems to be only of a certain type, despite the clear disparity in difference of violence and intimidation, as well as "dirty tricks" and frankly, hypocritical stances and statements "the other side" has done just over the course of the last few months.

Please, can you give me an example of "thier anti-american, anti semetic content" ? or will it be "too difficult" for you to produce now that they've been silenced?

I am the machine. You're the cog.

I could be the wrench. We'll see after the damage is done.

I'm literally just typing nonsense so you can sit here and agree with yourself.

Who fucking cares if Facebook deleted a bunch of groups. Your freedom of speech was never guaranteed in the privact sector. Civilian business entities are not bound by the same laws as governments.

Its not a conspiracy, it's just business. Facebook is losing customers because of the misinformation and other bunk that spreads there. So they're trying to stop it.

Everyone on this board is an alarmist

frogs, boiled.

i care because they are claiming to be a free-speech platform and a place for unimpeded discourse, and they are granted certain considerations with that conclusion. they are clearly operating with political objectives, and should thus be held to such scrutiny.

it is an assault on free speech, and no amount of "muh corporations" will change that, see above paragraph. it's a matter of legal considerations and perhaps criminal considerations.

They are contributing to their own downfall by doing such, and that statement is hypocrisy. MSM and such crap they are trying to "protect" is the leading purveyor of false and misleading politically motivated drivel available.

They appear to be only censoring voices that go against very clearly defined and "not acceptable" narratives, mainly anything that questions the MSM Party Line.

Amazing you are able to gather an opinion on everyone based on one person's responses... you must be so well informed. I wonder if your opinion on current events is derived the same way? I guess i'll just have to assume...

Where does Facebook claim to be a free speech platform?

This guy you replied to did spew a lot of bullshit and nonsense, but where did they say they're a free-speech platform? They are literally a business that sells your personal data.

I know a lot of people that work in the tech industry in Silicon Valley. For the last 15 years they've been saying how bad social media is. It shouldn't be an issue of freedom of speech, it should be an issue of your personal data. Why let these corporations have it? Why give them it for free? You're not the customer here. Advertisers are.

This is the sales pitch, anyways.

The reality is that this is a merely a smokescreen to hide censorship of ideas that Establishment wants ridiculed, silenced, and squashed.

Facebook is a private company, they can sensor whoever they want - average reddit user.

It's true.

If you think they are right, stay on facebook.

If you don't want to sit around as the walls close in, delete your facebook.

It doesn't hurt to vocalize the disgust with the purge as well

The only disgust i have is with the people who are calling for facebook to be nationalize.

I am not surprised or disgusted by what these tech-overlords are doing. It's pointless to waste the emotions, the only solution to this is people choosing to live free.

When you delete your account there is a text box you can fill in explaining why you decided to delete it. Be honest, and tell them how scummy they are. I know I sure did, this was well before the mass censorship though.

“Sensor” lol


¦¬) close enough lol

I thought that mistake was on purpose as a “averagr reddit user” haha

If you write your personal opinion on another man's private property. He has the right to delete.

Confucious say: He who hands over all his chickens to a known thief is a fool.

Facebook, twitter etc are so big they are like public utilities, with monopolies in their respective fields. They should be regulated as such.

Why would the govt start regulating them when they're in bed with these companies and can get away with exactly that type of censorship they'd get flak for if it was a govt/public entity?

Ding ding ding

Isn't the point of a public utility to make sure the price is at healthy, cheap enough price, to be accessible to all? Isn't social media free to access (save for the fact that you give them the rights to your browser data, text posts, instant messages, and personal info)?

Aren't public utilities used to make sure everyone can afford said utility? Like internet, water, and power? How would regulating their price help this situation?

Well they are monopolies. And absent real competition government usually provides a sort of competition in the form of regulation, as that is in the best interest of the consumer.

I know they have a large portion of the user base of users. But typically regarding public utilities as monopolies is due to the fact that starting a nation-wide company is too expensive and requires a large initial investment or a lot of work with the government to get infrastructure up to date.

But social media sites are not very expensive to run or start. You can rent an Amazon AWS server for cents an hour. There's not much stopping companies from starting their own social media site.

I guess my question is, in what regard are social media websites monopolies? Monopolies typically refer to companies in industries like the railroad, internet, and cellphone provider market.

Running a social media site is extremely expensive to run, you don't seem to have the slightest understanding of the subject or social media at all for that matter.

I was referring to initial investment costs. Which are in the ballpark of hundreds of thousands to millions for a good startup cost. Compared to something like an internet service provide, water, or power company that you're looking at hundreds of millions of dollars of investment in infrastructure.

You don't have that cost for starting a social media company. Infrastructure for social media is mostly there in server costs, save for development of your site layout (which is a hell of a lot cheaper than paying for city permits across an entire state, and the cost of digging, placing, and running power lines, water lines, or internet lines).

Obviously you need a bit of revenue to upkeep the layout design, hire marketers, hire administrators, hire programmers for updates, server costs, etc.. However, most of your costs are server space, paying developers, and paying your marketing team.

Therefor, your cost is significantly lower than that of what a monopoly of a public utility would pay, both for startup and upkeep.

You think Facebook was organic creation by some tech? No. it wasn't its a DARPA project being implemented by non government cronies to make you believe you are using a private plaftform that is in fact, not a private. Faxebook is a cover company for spooks using a dragnet surveillence social media accounts.

Except that I can’t choose my electric company...

it is more they were right to censor alex jones because his ideas are dangerous, but they shouldn't use their power to censor the left. just keep it to right wing wackos pls.


Is it really “alt media” if it’s on Facebook?

honest question. are they legitimate organisations that just oppose tptb or hate groups?

The free thought project was pretty legit


List of some of the largest pages/accounts banned

Delete Facebook

sure i can.

But in order to do that you'd have to clearly state your argument, and if what started this drivel was that, and you weren't actually being satirical or sarcastic, then we'll have to take it from the top... am I correct in my summation?