When Kanye said "George Bush doesn't care about black people" he was praised as a hero by the left. Now that he supports Trump he's a "token negro". What gives?

1  2018-10-12 by DoThyThing


You’re saying liberals are fickle?

Did I make a statement or make an observation and then ask a question?

I was being sarcastic

Understood. I'm too accustomed to triggered liberals.

Lol I’m definitely not one of them.

Fickle or maybe mentally unstable but definitely hypocrites

I like you.

He’s just a little puppet cheerleading for trump to help his image with the African American demographic.

This literally makes no sense

How so? Remember when he came out about pizzagate last year and went off the rails? The establishment put his ass in a psyche ward.

Now, since they put the kibosh on his volatility, he owes them a “penance”, and they probably trotter him out there to support trump, help get black folks to support the president.

They’re using him and his influence to rally the African Americans to support the current administration. Why is that so hard to believe?

I guess I understand what you meant now - I would say that I don't think that's the case and if this was the plan it's not working.

I at first thought this was for publicity but in all honesty he knows this would deter his usual demographic which in turn hurt his music/fashion sales. Which is why I believe what you said is not the case here.

The pure skeptic in me leads me to believe this is a concentrated effort to use him and Taylor Swift to push this Right/Left divide which people like yourself are very susceptible to (No offense).

Either this or he is confused from what he thought the Democratic party was and is now genuinely in support of Trump. Which I understand because the left is the side of the spectrum that is looking off-hinge nowadays (again, apart of what I think is a left right divide plan - not natural)

And to be clear before you go off on me I'm neither for or opposed to Trump similar to how I've felt about every past president since Kennedy for the record.

Your anger tastes like kale... bitter.

Removed. Rule 5


Literally the only people I have heard refer to him as a "token negro" is the right, with an implication that it is actually what the left is saying.

Who on the left is calling Kanye a "token negro"?

Oh that's where that comes from. Thanks. I guess I should have assumed some dumb shit on cable news.

You're welcome.

The downvotes you are receiving shows you have triggered all the regressives that lurk in conspiracy theses days.

I make liberal tear moonshine out of downvotes. It's the exact type of exposure I want the public to see out of this bunch.


Not that the subreddit represents any community, let alone the black community, but it’s a decent litmus test.

That subreddit is whiter than snow lol.

So white liberals calling him a token negro is better then?

I didn't say that, but to pretend that black people Twitter isn't anything more than white liberals posting funny tweets they found is a bit silly to me.

I mean, Reddit is super liberal (that's what everyone will tell ya).

How did you pick that assumption up from my comment?

I was trying to understand your point, because my post literally stated that the subreddit didn’t really represent a specific community.

And I agree that it does not represent the black community.

If I misread your point, I apologise.

It happens, no problem!

no it is par for the course I find them to be the most racist people ever because race is all they focus on

Negro is not offensive, it literally just means black in Portuguese.

Mostly Don Lemon and his guests on CNN ... I think Lemon also called it a “Minstrel Show” and said Kanye’s dead mother is rolling in her grave.

Trump is proving his difference from Bush?

Irrelevant to the post.

You weren't comparing Bush and Trump by Kanye's reaction to them? Let me reread and Ill be back...

I was comparing the left's reaction.

You haven't quantified the lefts reaction with any evidence outside of fucking YouTube comments.

Are you Kanye West? Because you're fucking retarded. This doesn't support your claim that the left celebrated his outburst over GWB.

That shut you up.

Why won't you respond?

Does your supervisor know how bad you are at this?

Not at all, but that doesn't pull away from the comment's point above yours over the shift in perception to WikiLeaks from 2004-2016.

From never having received a false document to state sponsored actor in a few short years.

I'm not getting the link to the op here. I understand your point and agree, but how does Wikileaks relate to the Trump/Kanye relationship?

Oh, it looked as if you replied to someone's comment discussing wikileaks above instead of the OP.

Apologies if misread.


The Presidential Reality Show is featuring A list celebrities!

And yet, our lives go on.

American corporate culture wars seem fluent in Mind Control and manipulation so conspiracy is natural in and out of partisan rumination echo chambers.

So much of it is literal circuses designed to distract and entertain.

You seem so nice.

Their new narrative seems to be focused on sheer pessimism and negativity.

A little depressing if you ask me.

Weird way to use narrative

It’s going to be a sight when the trumpians flip on Kanye because Kanye runs against trump.


Y'all might as well be water bottles with all the flipping you do.


What? Kanye will run against trump using his “Make America Great” slogan.

your TDS is showing

Was he praised for that comment? Because I remember him being mocked and ridiculed for it more than anything.

Youtube comment on the video of his comment "This was the Kanye we loved before he joined the KKK"

So the entire "left" resides in a single YouTube comment?

It's a microcosm of the macrocosm.

It's one person.

That video has over 10 million views and over 16,000 comments. Look at it.

Those facts are irrelevant to your claim that the left celebrated his sophomoric outburst.

I'm sorry, but if you weren't able to see it back then or now... you have the consciousness of a jellyfish.

Oh man, you totally proved me wrong.

You proved yourself wrong.

Keep trying.

"no u"

YouTube comments are garbage. Anything from when he actually said "George Bush doesn't care about black people"? Because like I said, I remember him being mocked for it at the time. A YouTube comment made recently doesn't reflect the attitude of people back in 2005.

His brashness was mocked. The statement was praised.

Okay, do you have any contemporary examples? Because that's not what I remember at all.

How old were you in 2005?

I'm not sure why that matters, but I will say I was old enough to remember it. So are you going to provide me with any examples or not?

Not until you tell me how old you were in 2005. Do you not remember? Is this Dr. Ford?

I prefer not to give out personal information on here, but I'm sure someone could piece it together from my comment history if they really wanted. You shouldn't need to know my age to prove your point though. My age has no effect on what "liberals" were supposedly saying in 2005. I'll say it again though, I was old enough to actually pay attention to these things and remember them. If I'm remembering wrong, I invite you to provide proof.

I didn't go around recording people in 2005, but it was OBVIOUS. If you didn't notice... I don't know what to tell you.

And I'm telling you that's not true, liberals and conservatives alike thought that Kanye's comment was stupid.

Now there were plenty of people who thought Bush did a terrible job of handling the Katrina response, but that is not the same thing as agreeing with Kanye's comment.

If you can't figure that out...then I don't know what to tell you.

The fact that you are trying to resort to ad hominems instead of providing even the smallest shred of evidence to back up your assertions makes it rather obvious that there is no such evidence.

I don't know what kind of proof you want.

If it was as obvious as you make it sound, there should be at least a few news articles or clips from the time summarizing it in a positive manner. As is, that which is asserted without evidence can be refuted without as well. You have personal anecdotes pointing one way, and the guy you've been arguing with has them pointing the reverse which is all he needs.

There SHOULD be a few news articles or clips... but it's Google. They've been scrubbing. Search for yourself.

Are you literally asking me to defend your claims because you can't be bothered to do so yourself? If you won't put forth the effort to defend your own argument, why should I? The very fact that you don't feel strongly enough to find the evidence to defend your own views is an argument against those views.

Just try it. And I don't really need to put any more effort. This battle is over.

This battle is over.

I mean, if this is a battle, I guess it is over. You kind of did the equivalent of naming a time and place but never showing up, so I guess that counts as a surrender given the analogy?

You wouldn't know because I'm too much for you, girl.

Well, you seem to have veered so far off kilter that honestly I am forced to presume this entire thread is just trolling at this point.

Not really. The cat is out of the bag at this point. You've showed your hand.

My hand of pointing out that your continued refusal to provide any proof and demands that others do your research for you counts against your argument? Or does this tie into the fact that you apparently think I possess a fish taco instead of a sausage?

The other person told you already: contemporary examples of Kanye West being widely praised for his comments about Bush.

This is going to sound crazy, but the Internet was totally a thing in 2005, it was already thriving, and there were thousands and thousands of news sites, opinion pages, forums, and other forms of commentary already out there, plus Youtube and other sources now have loads and loads of news clips from throughout recent history. If Kanye was given a lot of praise for his comments, that praise will be online.

All the other person did was ask you for contemporary examples of Kanye being praised for his comments. You've spent the last two hours deflecting and dodging rather than taking a few moments to find some.


With the censoring that's been going on, what content would you expect find in 2020 about a youtube/twitter/facebook account that was banned in 2018?

Once again, deflecting rather than answering the question.

Speaks volumes, really, and serves to underscore just how worthwhile it is to try and have a dialogue with you. (Hint: Not at all.)

My convictions are from a plethora of personal experience. If I had a really humiliating support piece of someone that I needed to scrub, I would. Your consciousness is limited.

And you'd think this community would support the mindset of not supporting those blindly praising the government. I guess they only don't support left leaning ones.

After this last election? Hell to the fucking no. Leftits are insane, violent, attack innocent people, block off freeways, and have little to no logic to their solutions. They act entirely on emotion rather than logic.

I used to think that both sides were equally stupid and had equal potential to do great things; after seeing how Bernie Sanders was treated, how fake Hillary's entire election was (Right down to literally faking crowd numbers, and photo shopping press photos to make them appear bigger than they were)

I lost complete and total respect for Democrats, and they've earned it. They can talk shit all day, but they can't take it. Say anything that goes against their opinion and you're a pedophile nazi, and they will be trying to spread lies to your family, friends, and employers.

Insane people.

Don’t confuse Dems with leftists. Bernie Sanders is a leftist. Dems are neoliberal centrists

Dems are pretty much leftists now with mainstream democrats calling for an end to civility

Civility in politics has been moot since June 16th, 2015.

It’s been dead for much longer than that

Sanders is not a leftist. He’s a bit left of the Democratic Party as a whole and the Dems are mostly center-right. Republicans are mostly just to the right of the Dems.

The socialist isn't left wing

excuse me


It’s a complicated topic but broadly speaking communists are seen as left wing while socialists are just left. Also Sanders isn’t a true socialist, he’s a self described “Democratic Socialist” which is mostly just about bringing American politics in line with the rest of the developed world.

Tldr; America is right of center in general. Sanders is to the left of most American politicians but he’s not extreme or “on the left wing” at all.

Independent here

I think the left has been coaxed into a tool to used as a distraction. It’s almost like look how crazy this side is so pick this side. It’s just the lesser of two evils.

Proving my point exactly. I never said to support the left leaning praisers, only that there is no reason to be supporting either side given the actions of both sides.


Apparently it's negative with gold worthy.

eh its a dumb as shit post but tmor etc etc

i mean my post isnt worth a fucking vote lol its lame

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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You’ve fallen victim to “those other guys are CRAYYYZZY!”

Lefties think that about righties and vice versa. Nobody wins when there is no compromise. Don’t give up hope. Believing half the people in America are dumb is a shortsighted way of thinking, especially when 90% of the time our beliefs don’t effect most daily life decisions. Like people’s stances on very partisan issues like abortion, gun control, and immigration really don’t effect anything in moooost people’s lives moooost of the time. It’s a waste of time and energy to get worked up about it and bash on an entire clump of people for it.



This reads like bad satire making fun of how the unhinged alt-righters deal with things. "I"m not a nutty PizzaGate conspiracy theorist that invents pedophilia claims in everyone with a different political opinion, it's the left that does that! I'm not part of the political party that has spawned more violent terrorist attacks than any other group in the nation, it's the other side that's responsible for all of that! Everything wrong with me applies to someone else but worse! I'm 14 and this is politics."

You probably have no idea how ridiculous you sound to normal people that haven't lived inside an internet cult for way too long.

Yeah but no.

Ah, so you aren’t aware of how ridiculous you sound


You didn’t really tell me no... but since you’ve asked me to back off I will, and I’ll also say sorry if I went to far. Sometimes I like to be extra sarcastic, I wasn’t saying it on a personal level, just an “anonymous person to anonymous person on reddit” level.


Fuck you keyboard warrior.


I remember quite a lot of people praising him for having the balls to say that on Live TV more than anything.

Exactly, the opposite is true. What give?

Swift vs West 2024

He's not a token negro, he's a mentally ill person who is off his meds.

Well, I'm glad you're taking yours.

Removed. Rule 5

both of these things can be true at the same time.

It's called intersectionality, read up on it.


{insert "token negro"}

= collect (soros bucks)


Yep. I'm firmly on the left. I would not call Kanye or others like Ben Carson "tokens" just because it's a little uncommon for black people to be Republicans.

And I really detest the term "Uncle Tom". I could seriously gut punch some people. The original character of Uncle Tom of Uncle Tom's Cabin was a hero who sacrificed his own safety for other people. In minstrel shows he was white washed into a self deprecating servant and I think it's grotesque to continue using the term in that way. It's racist to assume a person owes loyalty to a political party or even their race instead of what they believe is right.

I don't agree with the direction Kanye has taken recently. But I don't hate him, I don't have any names to call him. I'm sure he believes in his own mind he's doing something good but I have literally never trusted his state of mind and I'm a big fan. Lol

He went from grieving about the boot on our neck to supporting boots on our necks.

Our? What do you mean "our"?

The boot could be in you mouth and maybe you’d try to convince me it tastes great. I’d see no difference than I’m seeing now from you.

Julian Assange used to be a hero for exposing Bush admin and other corruption, but when he exposed left corruption, e everyone gave up on him. I feel sorry for guys like Julian and Kayne.

You wouldnt feel sorry for Julian if you actually knew him and had to deal with his arrogant and corrupt ass.

A broken clock isn't right all day. Dude is off his rocker rn, and it sucks people are egging him on and politically exploiting it.

I at first thought this was for publicity but in all honesty he knows this would deter his usual demographic which in turn hurt his music/fashion sales. Which is why I believe what you said is not the case here.

The pure skeptic in me leads me to believe this is a concentrated effort to use him and Taylor Swift to push this Right/Left divide which people like yourself are very susceptible to (no offense).

Either this or he is confused from what he thought the Democratic party was and is now genuinely in support of Trump. Which I understand because the left is the side of the spectrum that is looking off-hinge nowadays (again, apart of what I think is a left right divide plan - not natural)

And to be clear before you go off on me I'm neither for or opposed to Trump similar to how I've felt about every past president since Kennedy for the record.

I don't even know what point you're trying to make.. That Kanye cared about black people, and now he doesn't?

The left's pivoting from supporting his derogatory opinion about a racist president and then racially slurring him when he decides to have a positive opinion about a president who he feels is not racist. It's disturbing.

More disturbing is how illogical your logic is.

If the left believed Bush was racist, then of course they wouldn't be upset if Kanye called him racist. And if that same left also thinks Trump is racist, if course they'd be upset at Kanye for saying he's not.

Like, how on Earth would you expect them to react? "Oh, well we have these views on Trump based on XYZ, but since Kanye disagrees I guess we should just agree with him."

All you're doing with your claims here is saying that the left has been consistently against presidents who are allegedly racist and the people who support them.

That's hardly a damning criticism.

Which party fought against abolishing slaver? Which party created the Jim Crow laws? Which party disproportionately voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Which party now accuses of anyone against them as being racist?


Vulgar account created 2 months ago 1 post karma 1.5k comment karma Hmmmmmm????

Still you and your complete ignorance of history.

You seem like a beta bot.

You seem like an idiot.


Because you brought up which party supported slavery ignoring the switching of sides that constantly happened and history in general with an uneducated ignorant statement trying to attribute slavery to Democrats

What about the Republican candidate for Senate that is using his Attorney General position to purge voters from rolls and disinfranchize minorities

Get a job.

You want one? Hahahaha online troll loser.

you hiring?

Removed. Rule 4

Woah, this is unprecedented levels of straight up bots/brigading

/u/DoThyThing I completely agree with you, and the upvote to downvote ratio in this thread is suspicious as fuck, and not organic.

I don't know why, but it still amazes me that people pay to rent servers used strictly to push their view, and silence others. Even on a place like reddit. It's been happening for the last 3-4 years now, and it's getting really easy to notice.

I downvoted almost every comment OP made because almost everything he said was ridiculous. This topic literally makes no sense and people are reflecting that in their votes.

correct the error and show some source

That would be the liberal party.

How are you making this argument? Do you expect everyone else to just disregard history and everything that has happend since then?

What are you talking about Republicans didn't begin to win meaningful elections until the 90s in the south. Do some basic research

Not sure why your comment is being down voted when it is factually accurate. Hmmm

Hint: its not.

Democrats don't like their history

all the democrats (ok the VAST majority of them) who supported segregation and racist policy switched to the republican party when nixon actively pandered to them after the democratic leadershio went fully in the other direction

What party does the kkk support today? What party was throwing a hissy for about the confederate statues? What party likes to fly the traitor flag of the confederacy? What was the name of that march in Charlottesville?

Yes the famous Democratic senator that literally betrayed the KKK and has supported civil rights and the black community for decades before his death being honored by the NAACP. Practically mirroring the Democratic party: was racist, now isn't.

You getting Langley all in an uproar with those facts.

Consistently retarded. This black guy is now a white supremacist. Dear God that's dumb as fuck.

Because the current president is no less racist and very likely far more racist. It’s clear that Kanye doesn’t care about racism as much as he gets richer.

I'm not talking about the president. I'm talking about leftist black democrats using racial slurs and insults against another black man who happens to support a republican president; even though the democrats like to call everyone else racist.

It’s not because he is supporting a republican. It’s because he is supporting a known bigot. Look at the Central Park Five. He loves crying innocent until proven guilty when it’s rich white rapists but if the suspects are black give them the death penalty. Even when proven innocent he still refused to recant his statements. Look at federal charges brought on by the Nixon administration (have to be pretty racist to get called out on racism by Nixon) regarding unfair housing practices by him and his father. The evidence of Trump being a bigot is quite long

You keep going off topic.

Seems to right on topic. He called out Bush as a racist after he felt the response to Katrina was so poor because it mostly affected poor people. He refuses to call out trump even though most evidence points to trump being far more racist than Bush. Seems the accusations of Kanye being hypocritical are spot on.

What evidence points to Trump being far more racist? Do you have anything to say about Jim Brown?

I already posted the evidence. The Central Park five is really all of the evidence needed. He had no interest in due process for them, they were proven innocent and he still had disdain for them. He was charged by the federal government for unfair racial bias in his housing practices. That’s two documented cases of racism. I fully believe GW is as racist as trump but any accusation is speculative. trumps racism is on the record.

If you understood real estate law, you'd know that the broker/owner is responsible for the behavior/actions of his or her licensed agents.

You are certainly responsible for your licensed agents when they are acting out directives from their boss

His justification was (coincidentally) “we aren’t the only ones doing it”.

He admitted his wrongdoing like a man and made it right.

Admitting he was being racist doesn't mean he wasnt being racist. The guys a bigot, it's obvious and provable.

You know that, you're just being dense because you're a Trumpet. You're in a damn conspiracy subreddit bootlicking for the US President right now.


Dumb cunt

What about Robert Byrd?

lol you literally said “what about.”

Thanks for fighting the good fight and staying on topic. You

So Kanye is a victim? I'm still confused as fuck.

Yeah, totally. Now he's a self-hating Nazi. Makes sense.

better than Hillary!

His whole role in the song/music video "I love it" was him debasing himself and submitting to a feminine deity-like creature.

Clearly He's offered himself up to a higher power.

Off topic.

Not really.

Yes, really.

It circles back to him being off his meds or not himself now. Maybe it's a cry for help?

He's asking for help, yes. But it's far from a cry.

A war cry Is a cry as well. I don't mean a negative connotation when I say the word cry. Ever seen a person when their house burns down? A teacher of mine I highschool had that happen to her. She audibly yelled. She acted in a way that you could see she wasn't the same person that you knew at that moment. Kanyes mother died. He's always subconsciously been after attention. Imagine losing the person who cares of you the most. You would become bitter and obsessive as he did. Maybe it's his way of just telling the world fuck you too.

He's better off without his meds. He's healing in a natural way now.

I would say in some occasion meds paired with therapy from a local psychiatrist is the better path. Suicide and self harm are a very large part of our country's problems. Sadly it is affected by corporate big pharma greed, but if you go to your local doctor, they can guide you through the best path with the least medicinal dependency

Thought this was another Ask The Donald leading question of the day

If the left didn’t have double standards they’d have no standards at all. Liberals hypocrisy knows no bounds

They fought against abolishing slavery. Created the Jim Crow laws. Disproportionately voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Then call everyone against them a racist. Insane.

African-Americans don't vote based on what the democratic or republican party was doing 50-150 years ago, they vote based on the party platforms now.

Free stuff if you vote democrat

Thanks for supporting my point.

What's your source?

Typical of the left to accuse the other side of exactly what they’re doing

Precisely. And now that it's out in the open they're panicking.

Cockroaches don't like the light

You are talking about Dixiecrats and the majority of them became republicans because of the Civil Rights Act. It was the left that was on the busses supporting civil rights. It was the left marching through Selma. It was the left fighting for equality. Modern day republicans are trying to destroy the civil rights act. They are the ones supporting the new Jim Crow with for profit prisons.

This whole “ we may be racist but the democrats used to be too” charade is absurd.

That's not true.

it’s absolutely true

So the democrats accuse everyone against them as being racist, but openly display racism toward anyone against them.

you are literally in this thread accusing democrats of racism... so why the hypocrisy?

OP needs to stop getting all of his/her arguments from Infowars.

people realized he's mentally ill


Man... after reading posts about Kanye on all sorts of different subs, the NPC meme becomes more real every second. Every. Single. Thread. Just talks about how he is mentally ill and off his meds. No one is talking about the purpose of the meeting. Just that he's mentally ill. Oh, and apparently his phone password is 00000.

It's the exact type of exposure we need out of their ilk... they're created with hateful intentions.

was thinking the same thing looking at the vote scores on all these comments. literally over a dozen NPCs droning on in this thread

his phone password is 00000.

98th percentile IQ right there.

He was against the establishment now hes pro establishment dont be partisan about it fuck him

Kanye is a fickle moron, it isn't the fault of, "the left."


I love how every one of OPs comments are all downvoted for me reason. Shills much?

I f'n love it.

Shills, or people that correctly recognize him as a troll.

I mean, have you actually read his comments? This whole thread is just him trolling, often in juvenile ways. "Liberal tears" and all that nonsense, you don't usually see that on r conspiracy, and yet it's all over this thread.

So I'm not surprised he's been downvoted. It's got nothing to do with his views and everything to do with the fact that this is just a trolling, "give me some attention!" thread. His comments deserve to be downvoted.

I don't want attention or upvotes or karma. I'm here to address the children of the lie. If you've read my comments, I'm very educated and well-informed. The hate you display will be your downfall. You won't stay afloat and you'll slowly start sinking. 1 by 1 drowning in the kool aid you were drinking.

It was flavor aid fwiw

Removed. Rule 4

Kanye criticizes Republican president, the left supports him. Kanye praises Republican president, the left admonishes him. Is there something I'm missing here?

They accuse everyone against them as being racist, then openly display racism once you go against them.

What's racist? To criticize a black man?

No you're aren't missing anything lol this thread has no purpose

MODS - delete this trash

I'm going to use your negative energy in my liberal tear moonshine. It's delicious.

You come across like a 12-year-old. Are you sure you're in the right sub?

I'm kinda sure considering I've been here for 7 years.

Not really, no.

A Reddit account with that name was created seven years ago, yes, but it stopped posting for close to five years (there is a gap from January 2013 to to the end of November 2017), then suddenly started posting again, often pushing a specific agenda.

You've made just over 100 posts here, virtually all of them just recently.

So no, you haven't been an active user here for 7 years. Your claim is a lie. And it's evident from your posts throughout this thread that you are not a user here in good faith to discuss conspiracies, either for or against.

You are not a credible poster. Users of this sub, believers and skeptics alike, should probably place you on ignore because of that.

Too bad they haven't.

And, btw dude, get a job.

Removed. Rule 10

Honestly I feel bad for you and anyone else who thinks everyone who disagrees with them is a 'liberal'

I never made that claim.

And honestly, you sound like a beta male, Peter.

I think you're projecting, the most common insults people use just broadcast their own insecurities. Maybe you shouldn't tell the whole the internet that you're a beta...

Peter, things are going to get better. You need to overcome your anger. You're better than this.

I’m not angry, but I do think it’s weird how when people are bad at arguing they try to impose emotions on others.

What emotion have I exemplified?

You called me nasty names and told me to shut up...

Removed. Rule 5

The guy who is apparently a fan of this music

Is calling someone beta. Unless of course you’re just a troll on a stolen account

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Get a job.

Removed. Rule 4

Removed. Rule 10

Your first comment on his sub is trying to control the content posted in it. Nothing suspicious to see hear...

Removed. Rule 2.

Reverse Psychology Bully Campaign.

Media bullies Trump supporters to keep people supporting Trump and their supporters.
How Don Lemon can do this with a STRAIGHT Face is beyond me.

Don Lemon is a shameful beta male.

Not sure if someone else has answered this yet but here’s what I learned in my American history classes several years ago:

The Democratic Party has always been the party of the Confederacy. It was Lincoln and the Republican Party that brought the rebel states back into the fold and outlawed slavery. It was also the Democratic Party that established the KKK and Jim Crow laws.

The democrats have always been in the plantation business, the only thing that’s changed is the crop they farm and the means they get people to toil on their fields picking that crop.

Democrats have always used the argument “the parties flipped”, but that simply isn’t true. The democrats of today, whom control all of the most impoverished cities with the greatest wealth divide in this nation by the way, use the same tactics now that they began with centuries ago.

Nothing has changed.

Thank you.

No, they really haven’t.


See that little part where he was a registered Democrat until 1987?

Your article states in the 1970s. He was a Democrat, baby.

Shit wrong link. It was supposed to be this

Also your statement also points to the fact that most of the racist democrats have become republicans now. Seems they’ve been welcomed with open arms being that the GOP has abandoned all of their principles to support one.

Woah woah woah... did your last sentence just prove me right? “Abandoned all of their principles...” sounds to me like the principles they represent(ed?) freed the slaves and reunified this country from the scourge that is the Democrats.

Let me make this clear: The Democratic Party, and many of their supporters (not all), thrive on a parasitic lifestyle, a lifestyle that you have just yourself confirmed. They love infiltrating and feeding off the progress of the honest.

I don’t support the GOP, I don’t support the Democratic Party, but I absolutely know when there’s one side that has the best interests of those they’re elected to represent in mind. I hate warhawks, neocons, etc., but I hate parasitic, racist, “socialism for thee but not for me” filth more.

What’s been done in the dark shall be brought to the light. Cras es Noster.

"I hate parasitic, racist, “socialism for thee but not for me” filth more."

Just wanted to clarify, are you suggesting that the current democratic party is racist for wanting to redistribute wealth among minorities? Or do you mean by doing this, they're exploiting minorities for the political moral high ground. Or that by giving to minorities, they're taking from whites.

They’re exploiting minorities by promising to redistribute wealth, garnering their votes, then creating a larger have/have not divide in this nation. I don’t advocate for the redistribution of wealth, but that’s their platform.

Nobody is born poor and remains poor until their death unless they’re bad with money/don’t figure out what’s making them lose their money at some point and make a change.

I don’t understand the last sentence option you gave because there’s a LOT of poor whites. Just head into the rural Appalachians and you’ll see some 16th century stuff. I think the Democratic Party wants control over everyone poor and slightly wealthy, taking the wealth from the latter, putting it into “govt programs” then laundering it back to themselves.

Name me a historically Democrat-held city that doesn’t look like Syria.

After watching Kanye's little oval office speech, I'm convinced that he is preparing to run in 2024 as a Republican. That was not off the cuff, it sounded like a prepared campaign speech.

I've never been impressed by Kanye, but with the way the SNL thing and then the Trump meeting played out, i gotta hand it to him. If he can get himself into the good graces of conservatives, which he's doing quite effectively, i think he will be moving in to the white house in 2025.

That is in no way gonna happen lol

What a baity topic. Not a conspiracy. Should be removed from this subreddit. This is almost as trolly as Kanye lately.

It could be, Kanye had a mental breakdown in stage and was forcibly institutionalized, then when he leaves he starts saying things like "slavery was a choice, let's get rid of the 13th amendment". MK ULTRA is an established fact at this point and who knows how good it is at this point.

He was a stupid nutcase then and now. No one who can rub two brain cells together to produce an independent thought gives a fuck what Kanye thinks, stop giving him attention.

I don't see how these two things cancel each other out? Kanye thought Bush was racist and some people agreed so they celebrated what he said, Kanye thinks Trump isn't racist and some people disagree so they are upset at his actions. I don't understand the confusion.

The people who disagree are louder in this case.

Could that be because social media is way more prevalent than when Kanye said the George Bush thing?

This is very reasonable

It's completely different in my eyes. The way the social dynamics of polticts work now is disgusting. The things people are saying about kanye are pretty f***ed up

The NPCs had a software update.

Democrats don't care about black people.

Removed. Rule 6.

Why is that even a rule?

Removed. Rule 6.

Is this Damien ;)?

You know what gives. Now i return you to your regularly scheduled $hill narrative.

So far anyone that brings up an argument to your claims your only response has been "get a job". Boy oh-boy you've been trained well.

I don't trust anything now. They're trying to change the way you perceive things.

lmfao this is some fucking stupid question

I'll tell ya what gives.

Old guard is scared that people are starting to pull away from the two party system.

I wish I could find it, it was posted in Libertarian, but it was a poll and it showed 20% claimed a political faction while the other 80% had 'political exhaustion'

People are tired of the rampant hatred without cause, but they want to have something to comment on. We don't have water cooler style talks anymore, people watch entertainment then come to talk about it online. It's just our new reality show.

I don't understand why you are glad he's on your side. He's a MKULTRA operative intended to infiltrate the Trump administration to make the President look bad. It's the deep state trying to get rid of the President.

I’m confused. He called out Bush as a racist so this who supported that position cheered him on. Now he’s hugging an even worst racist and he’s being called out for his hypocrisy. There doesn’t appear to be an inconsistency here.

Most people never mature past highschool clique phases.

That group parents buys from store a whereas mine buys from store c. Even though we are equally intelligent, similar attractiveness, similar social economic level. Were better than them.

I know it’s a stretch, but if you pretend you’re dumb enough to understand the situation, then the Kanye bs makes sense.

uh..... are you kidding me?

I bet a majority of these people haven't even watched the Kayne and Trump meeting and are spewing talking points from the mainstream media. So much negativity.

look up the term "housenigger"

Who celebrated him back then? He’s always been a self serving douche canoe.

Leftists are out in force on this one

Isn't it obvious partisanship? The only folk who care about celeberities are liberals (who else would be that stupid). Say a bad thing about Bush/Trump gets you praise, and the converse is true.

Like the other guy said, I don't see a conspiracy.

When Benedict Arnold was helping to fight the Brits and loyal to Washington he was well regarded, but once he flipped sides he’s loathed, what gives??

OP think

I guess I understand what you meant now - I would say that I don't think that's the case and if this was the plan it's not working.

I at first thought this was for publicity but in all honesty he knows this would deter his usual demographic which in turn hurt his music/fashion sales. Which is why I believe what you said is not the case here.

The pure skeptic in me leads me to believe this is a concentrated effort to use him and Taylor Swift to push this Right/Left divide which people like yourself are very susceptible to (No offense).

Either this or he is confused from what he thought the Democratic party was and is now genuinely in support of Trump. Which I understand because the left is the side of the spectrum that is looking off-hinge nowadays (again, apart of what I think is a left right divide plan - not natural)

And to be clear before you go off on me I'm neither for or opposed to Trump similar to how I've felt about every past president since Kennedy for the record.

Once again, deflecting rather than answering the question.

Speaks volumes, really, and serves to underscore just how worthwhile it is to try and have a dialogue with you. (Hint: Not at all.)

Because you brought up which party supported slavery ignoring the switching of sides that constantly happened and history in general with an uneducated ignorant statement trying to attribute slavery to Democrats

What about the Republican candidate for Senate that is using his Attorney General position to purge voters from rolls and disinfranchize minorities

eh its a dumb as shit post but tmor etc etc

i mean my post isnt worth a fucking vote lol its lame

Yeah but no.