Conspiracy riddle: I fought against abolishing slavery. I created the Jim Crow laws. I disproportionately voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Then I call everyone against me a racist. Who am I?

1  2018-10-12 by DoThyThing



Is the answer something to do with conspiracies? Because the question sure isn't...

Why did the Pig cross the road?

This is one of the biggest conspiracies since it impacts the entire US. I have no love for the Confederacy, I am a northern boy through and through, but keep in mind as the left tears down the monuments and destroys the history of the South, they are actually trying to hide the truth of the DNC.

I’m guessing the Democratic party?

I’m guessing you’re right.

Did you really have to guess?

The left has been busy writing books, online posts and Wikipedia articles to claim Democrats from 20 years ago and earlier, are really republicans now. An actual conspiracy to hide the truth about a racist group that is hiding in plain sight.

They sure are panicking now that it's coming out in the open.

The answer is politicians from the south, this is a geography question - except maybe the last bit.

Get the Juice on who has power and what they've done with it.

Things change. What else is new.

The proponents of all those things are voting for the other party now.

Nice username. Has your son changed?

Fuck! Every whoreson!

Fuck every whoreson.

Fuck every whore, son.



White people. Since I am judged vy everything black people do it's only fair if I do the same.

Democrats 60 years ago when Southern people were mostly Democrat.

This ain't no conspiracy riddle.

Also, Republicans call everyone against them racist against whites so...

No, they don't.

Those southern democrats didn’t stay democrat

It’s tough to deflect modern day racism by saying “you used to be racist too”. One party evolved, the other devolved.

Both parties have devolved.

I’m no democrat and I’ll agree they have devolved into a party of corporatists that in no way has the interests of the common man at heart. However in this conversation about race it’s clear one party has evolved from a racist past and another has not. The KKK may or may not have been founded by democrats but they are feeling pretty strongly republican now

It wasn’t too long ago social programs were used to keep those n***** voting Democrat for the next 200 years.

Voters are used and abused by the Rs and the Ds. Calling one worse than the other is just silly. Meanwhile both parties are off killing people across the globe, and some folks think it’s important if someone said something hurtful. It’s just stupid man.


All conspiracy minded individuals know BOTH PARTIES ARE TRASH! That’s right if you’ve got a dog in the fight you’re a mark who has been played...

Removed. Rule 12.

I’m guessing you’re right.