Are British Zionists going too far with the planned Holocaust Memorial right next to Parliament?

1  2018-10-12 by Vladie

Does no one find it a bit odd that in a time of austerity and financial turmoil Britain is somehow able to spare £50 Million ($66 Million) on a colossal Holocaust Memorial and "learning centre" in a park 'Victoria Tower Gardens' literally right next to Parliament, the heart of British Government? Brexit is coming, we'll surely need that £50 Million! What is going on?!

Here's what the lovely little park looks like now, lots of nice green open space for families to relax and play:

Now look at the GIGANTIC concrete monstrosity they are going to replace it with:

Concrete over the whole fucking park, why don't you?! I'm livid! Please sign this petition to at least get the thing moved to a more suitable location! I'm amazed it hasn't reached 10,000 signatures yet. This looks to me like an aggressive act of dominance over British Parliamentary Democracy by the powerful British Zionist lobby who gain political capital from politicising the Holocaust like this. Tip to Zionists... It's way over the top! Dial it down a notch or people might get suspicious....

They're already opening a Holocaust Gallery one year earlier in 2020 at the London Imperial War Museum nearby... London is turning into Holocaust Disneyworld by 2021? What is going on?! How many memorials do we need to remind us of the 6 Million?

Could it also be about cracking down on free speech and convincing everyone of the merits of Orwellian Hate Speech laws?

Literally ruined!

As well as commemorating the victims of the Holocaust and addressing anti-Semitism, the subterranean center would also examine hatred and prejudice in other forms, including racism and Islamophobia.

This year, a letter was sent by critics of the plan to all members of the House of Lords, the upper house of Parliament, saying that the gardens where the memorial is to be located would “cease to be an amenity for ordinary people” if it went ahead.

“The gardens are extensively used by residents, visitors to London, and the many thousands who work nearby, including those working in the Palace of Westminster,” the letter said. “They are an oasis of calm, enjoyed as a place of exercise, play, picnics, sunbathing and dog walking.”

£50 MILLION!!!! No one seems to bat an eye? London Mayor Sadiq Khan actually approved this!


The Illuminati doesn’t want jews to assimilate. They want to steal industry leaders from us

jews don't want to assimilate. the only time they assimilate is after they have created a degenerate weimar-esque republic. it is not assimilation at that point, they just subverted.

If we enforced hiring discrimination against gentiles it wouldn’t be hard to level the playing field. If we spread them out they would assimilate.

[It is necessary to] reduce, if not destroy, the tendency of Jewish people to practice a very great number of activities that are harmful to civilisation and to public order in society in all the countries of the world. It is necessary to stop the harm by preventing it; to prevent it, it is necessary to change the Jews. [...] Once part of their youth will take its place in our armies, they will cease to have Jewish interests and sentiments; their interests and sentiments will be French


you clearly don't understand, their beliefs are anti-civilization. philosophy is a projection of physiology.

Removed. Rule 1

Maybe the British government thinks if they make memorials for other people's massacres no one will remember the massacres perpetrated by the British.

Maybe, I can't wait to see the massive memorial dedicated to the victims of Communism or the Belgian massacre of the Congolese they'll surely put up to distract us next if that's the case. ;)

Maybe, I can't wait to see the massive memorials dedicated to the victims of Communism or the Belgian massacre of the Congolese they'll surely put up to distract us next if that's the case. ;)

we can't have all these monuments remembering something that didn't happen... we should have a real holocaust for them to bitch about.

No we shouldn't! Chill out man!

Holocaustianity is one of the core pillars of the New (Jew) World Order. They will eventually take open rule, as outlined in The Protocols, and their story will be the greatest Holly Wood tripe they ever devised. How the poor underclass of perpetual victims survived extermination to rise to global governance and save us all from our intrinsic anti-Semitism!

Did you guys see how the king of Morocco recently decreed that his subjects will also be indoctrinated with Holocaust education? Check out the demographics of that country. They have but a handful of old jews among them. How is it that even their domino has fallen?

Countries that should have no stance on the internment they brought upon themselves are showing embarrassing, traitorous fealty and subordinance. Britain’s ancient Magna Carta even has provisions to protect its people from these jews alongside a storied history of anti-Semitic self-preservation!

Everything has been flipped in just a few generations. Turn off the Talmudvision and read. That patch of land in the Levant is called Palestine. And fuck Scofield; the jews and their lineage were always the Biblical bad guys.

HO-LEE FU CK. Though I shouldn't be surprised, ala this pdf.

Fucking jews always. Was hitler really wrong?

Maybe im alone but I think the memorial is a nice jesture, albeit not the best use of the government funds but I think it looks kinda cool.

I can't believe this! Whatever floats your boat I guess! "not the best use of government funds" £50 Million! And look at the nice land lost, they could have picked smaller designs but they picked this oppressive abomination on purpose.

They arent going far enough. Because they aren't razing Parliament to build a larger Holocaust® Memorial, they are anti-semitic, neo-Nazis.

Removed. Rule 5

There is no such thing as going too far for Zionists.

Gotta love the casual anti Semitism in this thread.

I'm all against Zionists, but I have no problem with jews. Some ppl here are crazy

What would help is if more Jews came out as anti-Zionist.

Thank god we're getting this memorial then, hopefully it will make them see the error of their ways. ;)

People should check out the current issue of the magazine called "The Barnes Review" to learn the truth of these matters.

Anyone would think the Jews are trying to provoke antisemitism in Britain.

The smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn (not that I'm a fan of Labour at all) was so blatant and with this oppressive memorial that takes so much from the public purse and dominates their previously open physical space I'm inclined to agree. I guess we might be at war with Iran by 2021 and supporting the Greater Israel project so it's probably a way to make it easier to stamp down on "anti-semitism" (and conflating it to criticism of Zionism/Israel) later down the road.

Any holocaust memorial needs a Palestinian memorial next to it.

considring its a war lie, yes

[It is necessary to] reduce, if not destroy, the tendency of Jewish people to practice a very great number of activities that are harmful to civilisation and to public order in society in all the countries of the world. It is necessary to stop the harm by preventing it; to prevent it, it is necessary to change the Jews. [...] Once part of their youth will take its place in our armies, they will cease to have Jewish interests and sentiments; their interests and sentiments will be French


you clearly don't understand, their beliefs are anti-civilization. philosophy is a projection of physiology.