In lieu of the recent post of what theory you believe in I have one of my own

1  2018-10-13 by quizryan

So my theory involves this huge push on anti vaccination. There's a front page post on /r/all on how non vaccinated kids quadrupled.

My thought is some other country/group of people/TPTB are pushing this whole anti vax thing because one day, ten years twenty years, there will be a huge out break of a disease that normally people were vaccinated from. It won't be some awful pandemic that kills off America but it'll be enough to incapacitate a huge chunk of the population that is capable of fighting a war.

Think of how devastating that would be. It would make it so easy to come in and fight a war at that point. We have everybody scrambling to take care of all these people that are sick and dying.

Or in the same vein how rich would people get off of a pandemic that can be easily cured? There was another post on /r/all the other day on how people bleed their live savings when they have cancer and need a cure. How much money would these drug companies be making off of a pandemic that people willingly subjected themselves to?

Next time there's a post on anti vax here look at the users that post it. It's all they talk about. New accounts "claiming" they know someone with autistic kids because of vaccines, some kid died of it or that one person that goes around copying and pasting the same post linking studies to how awful they are, pushing the anti vax in every thread and never posting anywhere else. Then look around you. Look at how many people you know with actual autism. Look around the world and see how much vaccines have messed up the world.

This a a dangerous game we are playing with our future and it terrifies me that people think vaccines are the evil in this world.


Hmm. I got a different one for you. The flu shot. Ask yourself this: will they ever eradicate the flu? So why a vaccine for it? And what's the long game here?

Basically, since they will never eradicate influenza, the long term effect will be a much more virulent and lethal version of the virus. You'll know we are getting close when the flu shot stops being free...

A vaccine for it makes sense. The 1918 Spanish flu that killed 50 million people is a good enough reason to at least try to make a vaccine...or a least try to get it close enough to make the illness less severe which is what typically the flu vaccine does.

In your own comment you state that we will never have a cure and say that we are making the flu more virulent. It already is lethal and it's not us making it that way. It's nature. So us at least trying to lessen symptoms seems like a good thing. Especially for the young and old.

I was under the assumption that vaccinations had nothing to do with regards to how severe you react to in this case the flu if you contract it but in the hopes of increasing immunity to the one of over 120 typically active strains. What strains they decide to immunise for being at best an educated guess.

If the spanish flu or a flu with similar characteristics was to go pandemic you would have to be immunised for it because just having a generic shot wouldn't necessarily work. It may but odds would not be very favorable.

Our bodies do already have a natural defence to most illness but it helps if our bodies are in a healthy state this defence system also works better if it is exposed to a moderate degree of pathogens. A completely sterile environment is not possible and not healthy, however it can be overstressed. so keep clean go outside eat and live healthy and the flu shot should't be necessary.

Ok flu shot aside isn't that exactly what vaccines provide us? It promotes anti bodies in our system to make sure we don't contract these certain diseases. We are just essentially "bioengineering" our bodies to be stronger and healthier.

How many times have we stopped the 1918 flu from happening because of of vaccines? I don't know and neither does anyone else. We haven't had a truly world wide pandemic since then. Maybe something is working?

Well if you feel that way fine get your shot. You will be immunised against pathogens that the non-immunised may carry so why push for all to be immunised. Some see it as a personal choice and regardless of your view it shouldn't be up to someone else what someone should have to have done to their bodies.

I'm not understanding what the purpose of your first link was other than to say they found a vaccine that seemed to prevent the 1918 flu...would you get it if that flu came back? Would you let your children?

Yes, we all know that the flu shot is a guessing game but please can you refer back to my original post?

Who's to say in ten or twenty years there isn't a huge out break of an illness that devastates this country? And who's to say it isn't all propaganda? I know just from being alive and around people that vaccines haven't fucked up that many people. I'll bet you go to a poor country and ask them how they feel about it and you'll get a completely different answer than the one you're giving me.

Vaccines don't do what they claim to do. Largely, they do the opposite. Most childhood and "vaccine-preventable" illnesses are not life threatening at all. It's the vaccines that are the "dangerous game."

So you're saying that hepatitis b vaccines don't prevent hepatitis b? That I'll actually get hepatitis b from that shot? Or all of a sudden I'll get lock jaw from a tetanus shot?

Read what I wrote. How devastating would it be to the US if a majority of our war fighting age people were out because they had small pox? How easy would it be to take over a country, biologically, if the invading force was immune to the symptoms the fighting force was exposed to?

1st paragraph: Yes.

Second paragraph, Yes, and sickening and crippling a population would best be done through the vaccines.

Just so I'm understanding you, I have hepatitis b now since I've vaccinated. Also smallpox and whooping cough. I fail to follow that logic.

Why would the US want to cripple the working class? What benefit comes from that? We make corporations way more money by being healthy and able to work hard than we do sick and dying. So what is the end game? Why would the US government or TPTB think that crippling us would be a smart thing to do?

I replied to someone else about how vaccines play such a small part in our lives yet daily we consume plastics, heavy metals and pesticides. Why not blame those for the increase in autism and cancer? Why blame something specifically designed to help us and not the dirty water we drink, contaminated meat and veggies we consume. That seems more likely to be the cause of all these ailments.

You make an excellent point, but everything I've read/heard around this subject is a bit darker than what you outline. Vaccines have been linked to many long-term conditions, e.g., allergies, other auto-immune disorders, cancer, mental debilitation, epilepsy (and other seizure disorders), sterility, MS/MD, polio, and death. They help to achieve long-term goals of population reduction and weakening – plus in many cases, lifelong addictions to prescriptions offered to counteract the various chronic illnesses, which helps feed the "healthcare" industry.

The attack (especially in the U.S.) is multi-pronged, as you outline – with plastics, aerial spraying, water and food contamination, etc.

TPTB want just enough people on the planet to do their bidding and the rest can be done with the growth of automation and AI.

Your assertion assumes that vaccines work, and there's no evidence that injecting a live or disabled pathogen directly into the bloodstream provides any short- or long-term immunity to that pathogen.

So we take a group of people that have seizures, ask them if they've been vaccinated which I'm sure a majority of them have because that's just a majority of people in general. We then conclude it's the vaccine's because vaccine's equal seizures. That flawed reasoning. What about family history of seizures, TBI, drug use? It's easy to blame one thing when a majority of people have it.

Everyone picks their nose and everyone has skin. Therefore if you pick your nose you'll get skin. Correlation doesn't equal causation. It's a step but damning one thing is incredibly short sighted.

In regards to saying that vaccines don't work, how did we eradicate smallpox then?

Unfortunately the studies that show links between vaccines and seizures are buried in scientific trade journals; you can still find many re-posted on the net by others, but you won't find those studies in JAMA, for example. We can also find guilt by association, e.g., aluminum and other heavy metals have been linked to seizures and other mental disorders, so there are studies on this in journals that cover metal toxicity – and aluminum is used in vaccines as an "adjuvant."

For most or all "vaccine preventable" diseases, there was a natural herd immunity that developed before the vaccine was introduced, such that the rate of infection was already on the way down or nearly absent. Smallpox disappeared for this reason, quarantine, and cleaning up the environments/water that were allowing it to proliferate. This is good reading:

You mean aluminum and other heavy metals present in almost everything we eat and drink? Eat some tuna, drink a pop, a beer. Heavy metals and aluminum are in those. So if guilt by association is what you're arguing, do we stop doing all of those things too? Or do we accept a risk by eating and drinking almost everything?

Also I was reading that article you sent me and I really enjoyed how they down play mumps and rubella as not a big deal. Then go on to say that if a boy after puberty catches mumps he has a 25% chance to lose a testicle. No thanks! Also check out Congenital rubella syndrome. That'd be a pretty shitty thing to pass on to your child because vaccine's don't work. They go on to say that complications are rare in child but increase as you get older. So just by living longer you are statistically more likely to contract a disease. Especially if that disease isn't as common but still around. I'll take my chances and just get vaccinated. Although the Leicaster info was very interesting they compare a much smaller city to several very large ones. I would like to see Leicaster compared to similar sized cities at that time. Also the last graph about Sweden and small pox. It's funny they leave out how awful and deadly smallpox was before they mandated the vaccine. Go look at deaths before 1814 in Sweden. I think it was one in seven swedes were dying. I can't honestly take all of that seriously when they are cherry picking their data.

First, I'm impressed that you took the time to actually look through that and think about it critically. I suspect that the numbers in Sweden weren't accurately tracked before the vaccine (especially in that time period when data keeping wasn't the same as now) – since that's when the statisticians took a keen interest.

I can't cite a reference currently, but I've heard in lectures that the cases where a "vaccine preventable" disease results in something catastrophic (like death or losing a testicle) that there are always extenuating circumstances resulting from a secondary ailment, birth defect, malnutrition, etc. I say "always" but I'm sure that's not entirely true – but the point being that considering that mumps is relatively rare and 1/4 of 1/2 of the population contracting it could lose a ball, then yeah, take your chances.

Your first point is well-taken; everything is fucking poisoned at this point. You can even get a good dose of Roundup from organic bread because that wheat is grown in the vicinity of conventional wheat – and on and on. I think the best we can do is minimize it, and also realize that ingesting or breathing these metals/toxins gives the body a better chance of elimination than if it's injected directly into the bloodstream and can settle in tissues directly because it bypasses mucous membranes and the digestive system. I'd rather give my kid aluminum on toast than have it in a shot.

I highly recommend this incredibly intelligent medical professional who has devoted her career to this cause:

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAAHAHA. You're extremely wrong. So.... their master plan is to actively attempt to crush any discussion of the health impacts of vaccines... even removing every message board which exists anywhere on the internet... so that... more people won't vaccinate. And they are removing our legal exemptions for the same master plan of... pushing people too far? so that when vaccination rates hit 90% instead of 93%.... chaos insues and they make a power grab?


So our only hope is blindly submitting to vaccines where they go so far as to SKIP THE TESTING... and after fast-tracking they suppress reports of catastrophic brain damage and severe injury..... THEY ARE BENEVOLENT THOUGH, MERELY TESTING OUR FAITH. surrre.


No. Their master plan is to fool people into thinking that vaccines are bad and then releasing a biological weapon that incapacitates a majority of the US in ten to twenty years. That's my worry.

"Testing" has been done on millions and millions of people. I'm good. My parents are. My kids are. My wife and her family are good. No one is autistic or brain damaged. Unless you want to admit you're arguing with a brain damaged person online. I kid. Nothing is 100% effective. We could both go in for the same surgery and one of us might die from it.

There's a reason biological weapons aren't utilized in warfare, friend. They aren't effective. Every virus and disease that exists... how does it play out as it spreads? 98% experience few or no symptoms, 2% experience some horrific event. Polio, smallpox, etc.... VACCINES ARE NO DIFFERENT IN THEIR DANGER. The protection they provide is fictional, whilst the damage is completely real. Ah, but soon enough the reality WILL BE REVEALED. Allowing nameless corporations given the freedom from any accountability the power to inject whatever proteins, metals, and adjuvants they care to into ... the whole of humanity. IF A BIOLOGICAL WEAPON CAPABLE OF MASS DEATH EXISTED IT WOULD BE UTILIZED. However contagions contagiousness is... greatly exagerated. It's destructive capacity... inadequate .. in reality... the need for a balanced population demands a plague, and one has been provided. It IS THE SALVATION OF OUR SPECIES. And that salvation lay in death, infertility, and anesthesia.

look at how many peoplr you know with autism

You do realize its 1 in 59 children are diagnoses wih autism as per stated by the CDC. This number is also increasing, and its not all "big bang math guys" most shools report low functioning as being anywhere from 60% to as high as 85%. We don't have an actual number because its almost like people don't want to know hoe bad it is, but the costs of autism exceed that of diabetes and CANCER. You want a global epidemic? here you go, its already arrived and is still rapidly increasing, but go ahead and say better detection, because you'll soon find it will be 1 in 50, 1 in 30, 1 in 2, when does it become a problem? trillion dollars is the expected costs for autism by around 2025-2030

You also realize that the CDC arrives at this number by taking a few select cities and looking at records to see if a piece of paper reflects they have autism. They don't actually talk to any children. They aren't officially diagnosed. They are just looking for certain behaviors on a piece of paper. That's not really a good method.

And why blame vaccines now? The usage of plastics are up. They are used in everything now. Couldn't that be a factor? Or how about the use of pesticides? That too is being used more frequently. Why not blame that? Why take something that is so minimal in a person's life and put the blame on it when we consume far more poisons and carcinogens over the span of our lifetime? It boggles my mind how people have arrived at vaccines being the issue. Not the plastic your meat in wrapped in, the pesticides on your fruits and veggies that we eat every single day.

My behavioral genetics professor from a few years ago actually found some compelling evidence that it could be a combination of plastics, lead, pesticides, etc all contributing an effect towards genetic expression being negatively altered during critical neural development producing autistic symptoms.

I couldn't agree more. Recently in the city I live it, it was found that our water has been contaminated with PFAS. No one knows how long it's been been there. Now, me consuming that water daily for years probably has built up PFAS which is a known carcinogen. If I were to get cancer it wouldn't be blamed on the shitty water I've been drinking. The anti vaxxers would blame a vaccine I got as a child as proof that vaccines cause cancer. My small child drinks it and develops autism from it. It wasn't the water that's blamed, it's the vaccine.

Just because other environmental factors also contribute to neurological damage in humans does not exempt vaccine ingredients, which have been found to contain glyphosate. They are synergistic in their contribution to human deterioration of health.

You are willfully misrepresenting the evidence of your claim, or you’re just ignorant of the actual science. I’m gonna guess that you’re just parroting the bullshit spewed by Natural News and other unscientific anti-vaccine groups, who claim vaccines contain a few parts per billion of glyphosate.

Not only do they not support their claim with actual evidence, but the average person is exposed to an exponentially higher amount of glyphosate every second of every day all around them. Furthermore, both the basic biology of how organic life metabolizes glyphosate, and the processes in which vaccines are created make it virtually impossible for any glyphosate to end up in the final product.

Glyphosate may very well have a significant link to the neural development disruption that produces autism, and there is evidence that it may, but claiming that vaccines are the vehicle for the delivery of it is simply idiotic.

Only someone who hasn’t looked at sites like Natural News thinks they do not back up their claims with linked research, you know, actual science. Which is more than you can get from pro vaxxers, who can only repeat the mantra, ‘safe and effective’... like zombies. Oh, and spewing insults. Must think insultology is effective at covering up for complete lies.

Asked to produce the supposed “rigorous science” used to test vaccines and you get zero studies, for example, for the flu vaccine in pregnant women. You get one flawed study to test for aluminum adjuvant. There are also zero studies showing the effect of several vaccines at one time. Zero studies for most of the other ingredients in vaccines, True story.

Glyphosate is in the food chain, so the source is not just from a vaccine. But, it’s effects are synergistic, making other vaccine toxic ingredients much more toxic. More brain damage. More organ damage. More sick kids. Like, mane why 54% kids are sick from a chronic illness today.

You're making the mistake that people only blame vaccines, therr are definitely other issues like pesticides and poisons in our food, water and every day lives. They also say vaccines because they are given at a young age where neurological issues are more likely to occur in this still developing mind. Vaccines are injected directly which many have shown it causes a more severe absorbtion whereas our body properly filters moet other toxic things we eat through our organs.

The rates of autism are definitely going up and have been since he 1970's we know this for a fact especially when you look at costs. This is why many believe vaccines are a major contributer but not the only, because the increase in vaccines runs along the increase in autism, its not proof but its proof of a trend that should be studied.

Hey!! There you are!! One of the people I was talking about in my post! Going through your history, you talk about nothing else but anti vax. That is all. Do you have any other interests or is this it? I'm very weary of any user that only discusses one thing. It almost seems like it's pushing an agenda which makes me feel like you're part of this propaganda machine.

But in regards to your argument, increasing autism numbers doesn't just correlate vaccines. That's like saying I just bought a Tesla and got cancer. Therefore owning a Tesla causes cancer. With a majority of the population vaccinated anyways it's very easy to say "they are vaccinated and they have autism. Therefore it's the vaccine's fault!" Correlation doesn't equal causation. That's just really really bad science to put that together. Also you know what else has been increasing since the 70's? Plastics, pesticides, junk food, fast food, people not moving as much. Why don't you blame those? Why push one agenda?

I'm assuming you're vaccinated too. Are you autistic? Cancer? Is your brain messed up because of a shot? Probably not. My other question is if you or your child gets bit by a rabid animal would you get the rabies vaccine? If there was a smallpox outbreak, would you get yourself and your loved ones vaccinated?

I only talk about vaccines here because I don't use reddit for anything else, I just come for the vaccine discussions. And you say propoganda machine, meanwhile multiple pro-vax/anti-anti vaxxer posts on the front page of r/all and are allowed to be shoved in your face for advertisement literally everywhere where other drugs are not.

It's a correlation, nothing more as I stated and thus is an area of interest that should be studied. The reason I state it needs to be studied is that it has not been, give me 1 major study beyond thimerosal in the mmr which had a whistle blower bring fourth documents proving they omitted data, so 1 ingredient in 1 vaccine that had a whistle blower against it, what a compelling argument that vaccines and autism are unrelated.

Also areas with less rates of vaccination have lower rates of autism, chronic illness, and cancer. Sweden, Japan, iceland, etc.

Also i don't need a smallpox vaccine, it was eradicated even from areas with low-no vaccine because of economical changes like people stopped drinking poop water, less crowding, sanitizing, life improvement, etc.

Thimerosal hasn't been used in children vaccines since 2001. Haven't you pointed out that autism rates have continued to rise? So that point seems pretty moot.

Sweden has one of the highest rates of immunization in the world. I'm unsure of where you are getting your data from. Vaccines aren't mandatory but most Swedes get them anyways. Do you think the lower rates of modern day illnesses are from the fact the government provides healthcare, or access to government assistance programs, or maybe the fact that Swedes walk most places, eat lots of fresh food, are considered some of the happiest people on the planet? No it's clearly because they don't get vaccinated...oh wait yes they do. That was a very very poor argument all around. You're just spouting hearsay you've read somewhere on some blog after hitting more searches on Google 15 times. At least the other dude is coming back with thought provoking articles and reasoning.

Thimerosal is still used in the flu shot and when they took it out of others they just replaced it with aluminum which many have found to be just as bad if not much worse.

Not everyone uses the same schedule as the U.S and immunization rates are not the same as amount of vaccines used.

I think you should stop while you're ahead, I simply stated a fact, that other countries have lower vaccine uptake and lower autism rates. I didn't say it was proven that vaccines cause autism, I said there was a trend, a correlation that needs to be looked at and you freaked out.

Just so I'm understanding you, I have hepatitis b now since I've vaccinated. Also smallpox and whooping cough. I fail to follow that logic.

Why would the US want to cripple the working class? What benefit comes from that? We make corporations way more money by being healthy and able to work hard than we do sick and dying. So what is the end game? Why would the US government or TPTB think that crippling us would be a smart thing to do?

I replied to someone else about how vaccines play such a small part in our lives yet daily we consume plastics, heavy metals and pesticides. Why not blame those for the increase in autism and cancer? Why blame something specifically designed to help us and not the dirty water we drink, contaminated meat and veggies we consume. That seems more likely to be the cause of all these ailments.

You make an excellent point, but everything I've read/heard around this subject is a bit darker than what you outline. Vaccines have been linked to many long-term conditions, e.g., allergies, other auto-immune disorders, cancer, mental debilitation, epilepsy (and other seizure disorders), sterility, MS/MD, polio, and death. They help to achieve long-term goals of population reduction and weakening – plus in many cases, lifelong addictions to prescriptions offered to counteract the various chronic illnesses, which helps feed the "healthcare" industry.

The attack (especially in the U.S.) is multi-pronged, as you outline – with plastics, aerial spraying, water and food contamination, etc.

TPTB want just enough people on the planet to do their bidding and the rest can be done with the growth of automation and AI.

Your assertion assumes that vaccines work, and there's no evidence that injecting a live or disabled pathogen directly into the bloodstream provides any short- or long-term immunity to that pathogen.

I only talk about vaccines here because I don't use reddit for anything else, I just come for the vaccine discussions. And you say propoganda machine, meanwhile multiple pro-vax/anti-anti vaxxer posts on the front page of r/all and are allowed to be shoved in your face for advertisement literally everywhere where other drugs are not.

It's a correlation, nothing more as I stated and thus is an area of interest that should be studied. The reason I state it needs to be studied is that it has not been, give me 1 major study beyond thimerosal in the mmr which had a whistle blower bring fourth documents proving they omitted data, so 1 ingredient in 1 vaccine that had a whistle blower against it, what a compelling argument that vaccines and autism are unrelated.

Also areas with less rates of vaccination have lower rates of autism, chronic illness, and cancer. Sweden, Japan, iceland, etc.

Also i don't need a smallpox vaccine, it was eradicated even from areas with low-no vaccine because of economical changes like people stopped drinking poop water, less crowding, sanitizing, life improvement, etc.