Call me nuts but I think all our conflicts are fabricated

1  2018-10-13 by Shaddo

On the front page right now and locked:

First sentence in the article:

A jury convicted a white Michigan man of assault on Friday for firing a shotgun at a black teen who knocked on his door to ask for directions on his way to school.

What I got from that:

Sinclair owns NBC and fuckin everything else. At this point its pretty obvious they know the impact of what they put out there. Why mention race to begin with?

This is just what I got from this and it happens too frequently to count. We are surrounded by media; told to fear one another while the folks up top benefit from all of our conflicts. When do we choose to stop playing the game?


He fired a warning shot in the air. There was a string of robberies happening in the area, and some "teen" with a backpack wanders-up on his stoop "lost"? Fuck you punk, the neighborhood is fucking dangerous with robberies, get fucked.

ehhhhhhh, dont make it about that, he made the choice to fire at a kid from behind, he fucked up his grip when he fired in the direction of the kid, nah man.

OK has nothing but video evidence of trigger happy racists these past few years

No, I concur. The conflicts are fabricated. The media reports the wrong information. The man did NOT shoot at the kid. He fired a warning shot. That's the fabrication you are talking about, cunt.

No the whole race thing is the fabrication im talking about dude. We are all human beings. Anything the media puts out there is a reason to not be human to one another. I guess I am nuts haha

"trigger happy racists", "race-based fears"

shit gets shit

elaborate more please because im not making it just about race, this is a prime example. All races are capable of the same shit, we all are. Blacks make up a good chunk of crime with such a small % of the population, why is that? Shit education, generations of the same shit, when all you know is your neighborhood and everyone around shows you what adulthood will bring you, cops treat them different and are more aggresive off the bat, imagine not ever having a parent to tell you not to do anything different because thats how they were raised, and their folks? shits pervasive and systemic and the fact I have to go into this amount of detail over this with you should be enough of a red flag that you are carrying some prejudice about them. Will you admit it? probably not.. but why be probable? double down dude, its expected

Not sure what were looking for here. The zionist media is the same as it's always been. Nothing new as far as race baiting goes.

Bear with me man haha

All words are made up

Everything arises in language

We must learn distinction in our word to others and measure success in how our relationships are with everyone at every level

I just want you to know I feel your energy and it is attuned to how we all need to be. There is that huge personal evolution in our soul we should all strive for in this journey, together, and you clearly get it. Blessings and peace to you brother.

Hey shaddo, you are a piece of shit. Good night.

Thanks for breathing with me dude

Im tired too, everything is a problem, everyone is out to get you, we need to spend more and talk less

Literally anything to put $ above human beings and to create in-fighting with the workers

I know that when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable to one another, peace is the natural outcome and the rest is made up bullshit

The man did NOT shoot at the kid.

If you watch the video, it looks like he did but didn't really put a lot of effort into aiming. The kid booked and was out of the yard by the time he came out. He still fired at the kid's back though. Not really a warning shot personally.

You're right about it being fabricated though.

I love you

How do you know that he fired a warning shot? How do you know what he was thinking, especially when the man claimed he "tripped"

Did you watch the video? He aimed, not a warning shot. Also claimed to have tripped and fell causing the gun to go off.

His own security cam contradicted everything he said.

You're clearly very young and have never been taught the first thing about using a firearm. Rule #1 is you don't point a weapon at anything you dont intend to destroy.

Also, There is no such thing as a "warning shot" in real life, that only happens in movies. In reality, when you aim a gun at someone as they're running away and pull the trigger, that's called 'Attempted Murder' in America. At the very least Negligent Manslaughter. Regardless of whatever fictional scenario that you've worked up in your mind.

Please educate yourself a little bit before spewing nonsense on the internet.

Don't pull that thang out less u plan 2 bang

Bombs over Bangdad!

Watch the fucking video you moron.

The word your looking for is “sensationalized”

Big words make it easy to let shit slide

Sensationalized is only one syllable longer than fabricated, and they have totally different meanings. Bad/imprecise communication make it easy to let shit slide.

Pedantry enforces the non-sense

how so?

When measuring the words used in a message, you focus on the word instead of a message

but if you use incorrect words, you're not even getting the message across

how incorrect are the words?

fabricate means that something is invented, that it is unreal or created for the purposes of deception

sensationalize means to present something factual in a dramatic manner for the purposes of drawing attention

the first implies that something these things are made up, that this event never took place. sensationalize implies that although this event took place, but was reported in luridly in order to inflame the emotions of readers. the difference between the meanings of these words is the difference between existence and non-existence: that is a HUGE and meaningful difference.

You make the meaning in things, accept that. You may have validation in it from others but so did all the other bad shit that has ever happened. Measure yourself in things, Thats all that was ever needed

On a scale of 1-10 how high are you right now

0 and if you want to get that personal with it lemme know, I prefer literal conversation than text any day

Wtf are you talking about? You used a word in your OP that doesn't apply to your message and your response was to word vomit a response over several messages.

Yeah i have no clue what you are trying to say.

to answer your parent respone:

why do you say what you say

I want to measure myself in things. Do you have a ruler or tape measure you recommend?

Yea, what are you in your relationships with other people? Specifically any all other people


thats on you man

You're delusional.

im nothing in things except for what i am

It is more likely that fabricated is the actual, correct word.

Why base propaganda on real-life events, if it’s more complicated and expensive to do so?

You understand the news (and politics, etc.) much better if you view it as you do a reality-TV show (although some people admittedly think reality TV is “real” and that “the characters are genuine” haha).

Do I need to produce a list of historical and/or “news” events that were subsequently shown to be totally and utterly fabricated?

Is there an actual bias against blacks? Sure, up until the last century they were legally treated as lesser. It’s not a fabrication that there are racist people out there. What journalists do, is make people believe things without actually saying them by implication. This is called sensationalism. Why do they include that the kid was black and the dude was white? So your brain automatically defaults to thinking about racial disparity.

Yes, I understand what you mean. That is a possibility. It’s also possible the whole thing was made up.

What whole thing was made up?

The whole episode - the man, his wife, and the teenager can be actors, the trial may never have actually happened. As in, the news could be completely fictional.

It wouldn’t be the first time.

If this turns into a divisive Ferguson-like event, I’ll say that was probably the case (as it typically would have required planning that wouldn’t have been left to chance). If the story doesn’t resonate much and quickly goes away, I’ll figure it was probably real, and merely sensationalized on an opportunistic basis.

Ok homie you need to relax, if you suspect people are acting on shit, get your fat ass in acar and drive and go verify with your own eye(s). It will be the only way you make peace with fuck all.

That’s great and all but:

  1. You can’t base your argument on final consequences, there is no such thing as reverse cause and effect.
  2. You can’t base your argument on ignorance.

It’s not an argument, it is a conjecture. Also, it is not based on ignorance, but rather on careful observation.

At this point with the proliferation of knowledge out there, folks that harbor ill will against others are definitely motivated.

Not by the same cause but by BS validated reasoning via peers and other souces

if we get into propaganda, what the fuck isnt now.

Its taken me everything to find a baseline of nothing.

Fuckin ey if everything isnt something to get you to buy into some other bullshit

Our feelings are used against us

I saw the video. A crazy old fuck shot at a kid for no reason.

I like how they do stories about not objectifying women as reported by Dylan Dreyer whose ass looks like a confectionery.

I like how when we get a new president there’s a new look for women on the news based on the look of the First Lady. Black president? More black people reporting? Hillary running? Everyone has to have short blonde hair. This current regime? It’s the Melanie cut.

"You never hear a positive drug story on the news"

Weed was legalized in __ today

Comcast owns NBC but you're not wrong about them sensationalizing this race baiting story.

In fact, if you do a google search for this story, there's tons of articles about it all mentioning race in the headline.

Actually it's funny. FOX is the only one that doesn't mention race in the headline.

The sad thing is FOX isn't downplaying it because they're good journalists. They're doing it because it goes against their right wing narrative.

Here's a contrasting headline from thinkprogress at the other end of the spectrum:

This is their headline:

UPDATED: Black kid almost shot dead in lily-white Michigan suburb for asking for directions

The term 'lily-white' is pretty racist personally. This headline is needlessly antagonistic. There's tons of articles all across the spectrum and it's hard to find an impartial source that just lays out the facts without the bias.

Nothing here justifies trying to shoot anyone in the back.

Apparently police were called there before. The guy also had a previous charge of shooting at someone while driving. I'm not really sure why Americans allow people with previous gun charges to still own guns.

There's nothing to really say that this was race motivated but there's also nothing to say that it wasn't.

Apparently his wife freaked out, he ran downstairs, the kid saw the gun, ran, he came out and shot at him.

Also, apparently, the cops had been at his house a few other times. I think it was because his house was broken into previously. Maybe the guy's wife freaked out for real thinking someone was trying to rob them again. I'm speculating on that part. I don't actually know why the cops were there previously.

You should be able to tell from the local police website if that particular street has had burglaries to determine if she had a legit reason to flip out though.

She's the one who first called the police to report a person trying to break in even though the video clearly shows the kid just ringing the doorbell a couple times.

A lot of the time, they make the kid look extra good. Like they'll portray him as a straight A student and innocent victim. Then you see their facebook page and they're little hoodlums.

This kid doesn't look like that. He legit looks like a good kid on his way to school. It also happened at 8:20 AM so his story checks out. Also, from the video, he is completely innocent and did nothing wrong.

This is definitely being played up by the press though.

The "media"... PDF, mostly pics...

I feel that the reception of many news articles could be vastly different based on as little as one or two words. Imagine reading or hearing the word “insurgent” compared to using a word like “rebel”, or even more benign, “revolutionary”.

fuck th is lest roll, suck it up

Don't call me black no more, that word is only a color, it ain't facts no more


Funny how the Roseville mi beating mentions no race.

But it was a group of black guys beating up and attempting murder of a white guy.

Start paying attention to crimes reported on the news. They now don't disclose the race of the assailants. They simply say " a man 6'-3" 178lbs. Was seen running east on MLK Blvd.

Its really sad when the media are so afraid of profiling they can't even tell a story with facts.

I think you're on to something

ehhhhhhh, dont make it about that, he made the choice to fire at a kid from behind, he fucked up his grip when he fired in the direction of the kid, nah man.

OK has nothing but video evidence of trigger happy racists these past few years

Sensationalized is only one syllable longer than fabricated, and they have totally different meanings. Bad/imprecise communication make it easy to let shit slide.

how so?

On a scale of 1-10 how high are you right now

Yeah i have no clue what you are trying to say.

to answer your parent respone:

why do you say what you say

Did you watch the video? He aimed, not a warning shot. Also claimed to have tripped and fell causing the gun to go off.

His own security cam contradicted everything he said.

I want to measure myself in things. Do you have a ruler or tape measure you recommend?

You're clearly very young and have never been taught the first thing about using a firearm. Rule #1 is you don't point a weapon at anything you dont intend to destroy.

Also, There is no such thing as a "warning shot" in real life, that only happens in movies. In reality, when you aim a gun at someone as they're running away and pull the trigger, that's called 'Attempted Murder' in America. At the very least Negligent Manslaughter. Regardless of whatever fictional scenario that you've worked up in your mind.

Please educate yourself a little bit before spewing nonsense on the internet.

You're delusional.

Bombs over Bangdad!

Watch the fucking video you moron.