Who is paying for anti-Iran policies in Washington

1  2018-10-13 by fdeckert


This isn't really even a conspiracy since it is so blatant just ignored

Neocon Jews are, like usual.

Lots of Jews opposed them too

Because they viewed neocon politics as ineffective. But Jewish supremacy is the shared goal

Supremacy is the goal of lots of idiots

Neoconservatism is Trotskysm

Former neoconservative luminary Francis Fukuyama of Stanford (formerly of Johns Hopkins) compares the neoconservative movement to Leninism. Neoconservatism, according to Fukuyama, is the reincarnation to some extent of both Leninism and Bolshevism.

Fukuyama’s observation makes sense when even Irving Kristol, who founded the movement, proudly admitted that the “honor I most prized was the fact that I was a member in good standing of the [Trotskyist] Young People’s Socialist League (Fourth International).”

And this neoconservative movement, as Jewish writer Sidney Blumenthal has shown, found its political and intellectual ideology “in the disputatious heritage of the Talmud.”

Is everything clicking already?

Relevant PDF, mostly pics...

evidence, mostly pics...

Is there a lower life form than Giuliani? Maybe Dershowitz and Cheney?

It's antisemitic to point out the antagonists the world over.

Fuck no it's not. Antisemitic is a catch word created by the Zionists. Look up the definition of a semite and then just TRY to defend the Zionist Israelis as anything less than the most antisemitic people in the world.

(I was being sarcastic)

Put a /s after your comment next time and people will get it. Sarcasm doesn't translate well via text.


You really couldn't see the sarcasm in the way they worded that?

No, but there is the really dumb way to do it. Basically by giving rope to the Zionist by blaming it on the "Jews", which is then used to hang us all with. I never understood why people like walking right into their punch? Play it smart people...

It's the same set of interests that were behind 9/11 as well: zionists, mossad, the Likud party and the various machinery they've spawned over the last few decades.

Always, the ZOG wants the US to fight its wars in the Middle East.

Robert Baer, the former CIA field officer and author, once said that Iranians are the natural allies to the Americans. They're smart, reasonable, the largest country in the region, never been occupied by a foreign power, and conflict with them would be catastrophic to the world economy.

It makes sense that we should be allied with the Iranians. Powerful forces want the US and Iran to remain at odds with each other.

They certainly exploited it

Remember the first WTC bombing, the FBI had an informan tnamed Emad Salem among the bombmakers who offered to replace the bomb with a harmless substance but was told otherwise https://www.nytimes.com/1993/10/28/nyregion/tapes-depict-proposal-to-thwart-bomb-used-in-trade-center-blast.html?pagewanted=all

I did not know that. Thank you

The FBI supplied the detonator

the FBI supplied the bomb expert to the gang too, they had no knolwedge of explosives before the FBi enabled them.

go listen to the FOIA telephone recordings, the FBI's expert threatened to 'lose' the bomb if he didn't get more pay, they FBI were stingy, he lost the bomb and the WTC went boom.

Maybe not occupied, but the CIA did install the Shah, and later the Ayatollah

Both moves good for a handful of businessmen and devastating to an entire society as well as our political relationship. Short-sighted decision making has brought us all the way here.

You know the thing people point to when asked why they don't like Iranians? The hostage crisis. Where no one even died. Held by students--before we really had minted the word "terrorist". That event still colors our politics. As does our ousting of Mosaddegh for the Shah.

And lets not forget that the hostage crisis was extended thanks to Reagan, to use as leverage against Carter. I think the main problem with Iran, is not Iran, but the CIA's history of installing puppets that end up going their own way.

Couldn't agree more.

I also think there is some oil game is going around with Iran, Venezuela and, may be, Russia to some extent.

My theory is that this will be last big cycle for the oil, as peak oil demand is expected to hit in the next decade. And countries would be better off offloading as much as oil possible in the high of the cycle.

Also, Saudi's want to offload some oil exposure via Armaco ipo as oil prices were down but now given the cycle is picking they have postponed it to 21.

I think all the current geopolitical issues Venezuela, Qatar, Iran, to some extent Russia are all related to oil.

Oil is still ruling the geopolitics close to century.

They're wasting their money. Iran has friends too powerful for the yanks to take on militarily.

zionists, apac

the 51st state

I did not know that. Thank you