Why now?

1  2018-10-13 by somefrigginidiot

Recently there’s been something I noticed all around media is that ever since Saudi Arabia’s men killed a Washington post contributor, all sorts of organizations, celebrities, company’s have been rejecting any business with Saudi Arabia. Trumps response was dislike for what happened but vague. So the whole media is against Saudi Arabia, but why now? Why not before? Saudi Arabia is pretty harsh when it comes to their policies, and they suck at human rights before but now this is the final straw? Killing a man who was a Washington post contributor? I mean is that unprecedented or something? They’ve done worse shit than this but this is what gives people the most attention? Why push this narrative now?


This is the first time I’m hearing of it. Must be your daily news cycle, should be over in a week.

If SA and DT are friendly then they become the enemy of the DS. Remember the arrests there months ago?

It's history trying to repeat itself. The Masons helped Solomon build the temple with support and funding from the Arabs. Now that the Arabs are no longer kowtowing and financing things, the third temple (and open sacrifices) must be put on hold and the Arabs are now the enemy.

My friend Jamie was kidnapped and sold into slavery by those freaks. It is not a funny joke that women and girls are kidnapped by Royalty.

anything to do with las vegas? maybe they waited a year for us to forget all that.

just spitballin, but you are correct... they are steering the public again.

I thought their conflict in Yemen with Iran funded Houthis would have boiled over by now. Not sure how their recent actions factor into the ongoing mess in Yemen and Iran sitting over there festering. They hate iran.

I wouldnt say a narritive push but SA needs to have a spotlight shed on them. Hopefully people that dont realize the bloodshed will open their eyes and realize what's happening.

My guess is that the guy was a CIA asset and the whole thing was either staged to draw people's attention or they are just pissed that they killed him and so they sick their mockingbirds on SA

I guess the question is why does one guy matter?

Because he is a human being, and he was brutally murdered inside of a consulate office in a foreign country, a place that has traditionally been a place of refuge, not murder, by his own government. Also he was their collegue and friend, and they don't want to be chopped up into tiny pieces either or have that be normalized.

Yes and Hillary let a bunch of Americans die in an embassy

I don't think so, but what that have to do with anything other than deflecting from Trump's bad behavior?

What has trump personally done wrong?

He has incited violence, has sexual assaulted people and then bragged about it, he raped his ex-wife according to her own words. He has been breaking the emmouluments clause of the Constitution since day 1 by taking money from foreign states through his properties, he has statistically lied publicly more than any President in American History, He has implemented a tax policy that increased our national debt deastically and places the highest burden on working families while giving Billionaires massive tax cuts that they are hording. His tarrifs are naking goods more expensive at home and now are leading to mass lay offs in some of Americas bigfest industries. He pulled out of the Paris Accords and has rolled back the protections for clean air and water and lowered fuel standards so that our planet will face greater paril at the exact moment we need to be addressing climate change. He has destabilized the Western alliances that have been the backbone of world peace and order for 70 years. He committed tax fraud to avoid paying the estate tax on his father's vast fortune. He has notoriously cheated and Shirley on his business obligations through out his life and ruined the lives and businesses of many people. He was a close friend of Jeffery Epstein and testified to spending time with him and "young girls" on his pedo island. He has attacked the families of dead service members in the media multiple times. He has obstructed justice in the Mueller investigation continually and may have committed treason.... I can keep going but if you don't get the point by now it's not worth it.

Sounds to me like you only read the headlines.

A thousand people dying in Yemen is a statistic, one man dying is a tragedy

He's simply more useful.

I heard some commentator on the radio talking about how the King's kid is doing some crazy shit that the old schoolers (and the media) don't like? I have no details.

The Crown Prince has essentially carried out a coup and wiped out all his political rivals in one fell swoop, godfather style, imprisoning and killing his opposition in brutal ways all while commiting human rights atrocities in Yemen. Not a cool dude to say the least.

SA kills reporter.

Media claims Trump and SA are close.

Media claims that Trump will kill journalists like his friends in SA.

Well Trump has been demonizing journalists openly for his entire presidency. I think its fair to say his rhetoric sends a green light to dictators that he won't retaliate over issues like this that would have been red lines or at least issues of contention for almost every other Administration in recent history. He has signaled that the Press are fair game by seeking to make them his "enemy of the people".

Stop spreading Shareblue propaganda, please.

Nah dog that's literally just reality. Are you denying the fact that Trump has made attacking and villifying the media cornerstone of his politcs? That pretty incontrovertible.

He has only vilified the rogue elements of our government within our news media.

Project Mockingbird.

He has definitely vilified the media for saying things about him that he doesn't like, most of which are provably true, most of which is just people reacting to or reporting on the things he does and says that most people find abhorrent, or at the very least very unusual for the POTUS according to polling. He absolutely has used violent rhetoric towards the media and reporters. During the campaign after one of his rallies two journalists were thrown down a flight of stairs and beaten by a mob of Trump supporters, he calls them the "enemy of the people", "evil" etc. Just Google Trump inciting violence, and see it and hear it with your own eyes and ears. No president or candidate has ever done that before. He openly encouraged people to perform acts of violence, saying he would pay for their bail, then they did at his events. He is a fucking liar, and a tyrant, and a bully and if you care about democracy you need to realize he is not your friend. He is only in it for himself and his rich buds, look at his legislation and tax breaks and who it's directed towards. Also mockingbird did not authorize anyone to use propaganda against the President of the United States, and was designed to be directed towards the cold war to stop the spread of communism. Also Trump is in total control of those institutions that could impliment such propaganda and he could literally order it to stop if it was happening, it's completely within the realm of his authrotiy, with zero of the conflict of interest aspects that keep him from interfering with something like Mueller's investigation. So yeah its not happening.

I think you need a history lesson. The CIA is not our friend.

Also the Smith-Mundt modernization act of 2012 most definitely legalized propaganda against the people of the United States.

The President does not control the CIA. No president ever has.

I'm a fucking historian. The CIA isn't innocent by any stretch but the President does have a large amount of influence over their activities and appoints their director, who reports directly to POTUS, who can direct policy, and can cancel ops. If you really think Trump is engaged in some deep state war, the first thing he would do is overhaul the leadership of the CIA and cancel all the programs that were working against him, because he certainly has the legal authority to do so as POTUS. He is challenging every single legal limit on his power and check to his authority, why would he not address his number one issue, which is the bad press he gets when he absolutely could do so if it was all CIA propaganda?

Well Saudi Arabia just killed a journalist for their reporting, one who was mainstream in the USA, it's not a uprising his media colleges found this very alarming and want to make as big of a fuss about it as possible since they don't want this to be normalized like it is in other countries. They are just people loke you and me who dont want to be killed and then hacked apart with a bone saw and stuffed in bags for doing their job, so they are speaking out about this atrocity. Sometimes the most obvious reasoning is the right one

some 9/11 truth about to hit? media positioning themselves to be able to say they've never been pro-Saudi? helping public sentiment be pre-disposed to hating on Saudis and less likely to question Israel's role in 9/11?

Saudi is being floated or positioned as a potential boogey-man for something.

Well Trump has been demonizing journalists openly for his entire presidency. I think its fair to say his rhetoric sends a green light to dictators that he won't retaliate over issues like this that would have been red lines or at least issues of contention for almost every other Administration in recent history. He has signaled that the Press are fair game by seeking to make them his "enemy of the people".