I think some mods in /r/australia are government censors

1  2018-10-13 by ThisIsASuperPrivate

I've been testing under various usernames and whenever i post anything against the government's stance the post gets shut down. No reason, just a silent removal. How can we go about researching this scientifically to see if it's for weight?


How have you determining that they've shut down your posts for the reasons you claim, and not other reasons?

I'll begin compiling. Anything anti conservative that's in the recent to current news cycle gets removed. Every. Single. Time. I have 9 accounts. Happens to all of them, usually within an hour

Are all your nine accounts coming from one ISP address? They probably know it's you.

Mods don't have access to that info, only admins.

What could be is the sub, just like /r/conspiracy, has a new account shadow ban in place. Accounts must be 3 or 4 days old to post in many subreddits.

All of my accounts are much older

The one five eyes member that has no bill of rights or constitution, should be fairly obvious, mate. District twelve, the mining colony, is only meant as a resource farm. There is a reason the five-jeebus network is being rolled out here faster than anywhere else, at least for the cities. Run for the hills, hermanos. Tinfoil never helps in the microwave.

Australia has had a Constituion since Federation

Britain has no constitution.

It might not be so insidious.

As a regular member of r Australia and r Melbourne, I'm of the feeling that all the mods and most of the posters are thoroughly hypnotised and brainwashed by MSM and groupthink. Anything or anyone who questions the tight overton window this understanding of reality allows is dismissed as crazy or a crackpot, or is deleted.

The war in Syria (yinon plan / the reality of isis / false flag chemical attacks etc ), vaccines and global warming are perfect examples of taboo subjects.

Basically, some people are not open to these types of discussion, and government involvement isn't needed.

Or maybe I'm just wrong.

Actually the mods in r/australia are far left wing and are known for banning anyone who does not support their socialist left wing ways of thinking. There is evidence it is controlled by "professional university students" you know the type... 35 years old, doing their 2nd 'masters' and never done a decent days work in their life.
The current australian govt is a right wing team and has always been undermined by the r/australia echo chamber. Just look at the posts that have the most upvotes, they are almost always anti govt, support illegal immigration and often contain tips on how to rip off our welfare systems. I suspect many are not even Australian.

Interesting feedback thank you. What do you make of this being silently censored? https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/9nscd9/my_health_record_is_encrypted_according_to_the

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Can you provide evidence or a source for any of this, it’s oddly specific and I find it hard to believe one subreddit can undermine an entire government

This is why I'm asking here for feedback on how to go about proving the theory

I unsubbed because they stopped me from commenting there. I only called Catherine MacGregor, journalist and famously transgender ex-Army officer, a "faggot"!

Why did you call her a faggot?

Ironically, that's probably one of the most Australian things you could have said.

got this same problem in r canada

I believe the same about /r/Melbourne. The pro government astroturfing in that sub is insane.

Melbourne is crazily pro government. It's barely worth posting there

So you guys are saying that r/melbourne is moderated by Labor politicians and r/australia is moderated by Liberal politicians...

I'm not following on this one.

No, nobody is fucking saying that. Are you trying to undermine this line of thought or are you really that simple?

Your definition of "government censors" must differ to mine.

Melbourne is famously pro arts, unions, government assistance in any form basically. They love their handouts there. It's a bit special is Melbourne. You need to understand this to understand the juxtaposed view point here

But r/australia is the opposite then?

government censors

aka JIDF

JIDF is fucked up

There's several subreddits that are very heavily censored. Even ones that they pride themselves on being free spaces eventually the moderation gets infiltrated by people who are good role players. That's the problem with moderation in general, it's in the word is trying to take something and water it down. There's no such thing as good moderation when it comes to free speech.

r/Australia is a left wing echo chamber and has been forever. I don’t think it’s any sort of political move, I just think it’s green voting uni students that got mod and only added mods that though the same way. Now the sub is just completely left.

You might be totally right, but wow that is some apathy right there. Not even a hint of disgust in your comment.

Because there’s nothing I can do about it or bother to do about it. So I just don’t post there anymore.

Is that what you tell yourself? Well, no wonder you are where you are.

The fuck is that supposed to mean...

Australian's are some of the most apathetic people on earth. As long as they get their holiday leave loading, their paid holidays and free medical the world can fuck them up the ass for all they care.


Who would've thought.. https://imgur.com/gallery/WqpqOgb

Yes, i got banned from there for awhile (im an Aussie), for going against the narrative of a discussion about having another PM in like 8 years. I rarely post anything in there now; just lurk as it isn't worth the effort when you get a wall of text back at you (just start a "climate change" post, or reply to a "climate change" post with data based evidence, and see what i mean).

Another example, is i submitted a post with years of data gained from land based drill rigs, radioactive source testing, from surface coring results, ice core samples, etc etc, clearly proving that the weather is cyclical, and that temps worldwide had only increased 1.8°C since the Industrial Age.

Holy shit, did i cop it, to the point i removed the submission. Some of the data came from my own rigs i was operating at the time, some from the Government that did the geological testing since the 1900's, even data gained from US Companies that came over in the 50's & 60's looking for oil.

That's crazy. They're probably anti vaxers also if they don't like science

Yeah sure seems that way I said the market was crashing and they ban my account

That's crazy. They're probably anti vaxers also if they don't like science