Is it possible the conspiracy surrounding one world government is misdirection.

1  2018-10-13 by elgrandesombrero

It seems a lot of people in this community see a one world government as the final goal of tbtb and something to be avoided at all costs.

Who has the most to gain and the most to loose from unification?

It is my opinion that tptb have the most to lose from global unification. Here's how:

-Tax shelters would no longer be availabe

-Environmental regulation on a global level can't be circumvented as easily - > lower profit margins

-if there is no more countries to go to war with the bloated military industrial complex would be fucked.

I truly believe a one world government (in theory) is the solution to the bulk of our problems. Change my view?


A one world government would look a lot like what we have now, no? I mean, I can't make myself anymore scared of a one world government. So it must be working?

Many conspiracies are potential misdirections: any government would prefer its citizens fighting non-existent problems and fairytales, instead of concentrating their attention at realistic down-to-earth problems.

No. It was real. Trump smashed it though.

Go troll somewhere else my dude

Hes the most anti globalization president out there. This ain't a troll. You're just a dumb fuck conspiracy nut who doesn't see facts.

Rule 10.

How is this guy stating his opinion about the current state of the world government initiative and Trumps obvious role in halting it considered trolling?

Different people deserve to be ruled primarily by their own people.

Imagine for a second, a one world Democratic Government. America makes up 4% of the World's population. Our sovereignty, our ability to make rules and laws for ourselves would be utterly destroyed. Also, bad rulers happen. The damage to the world done by a bad ruler is terrible, but minimized when there are 100+ rulers around the globe then when there is one.

That's not to say I don't believe in cooperation between governments. Treaties are fine. Trade deals (perhaps not the ones the U.S. has negotiated over the past 25 years or so, but in a vacuum) are fine. Setting up world bodies like the U.N. or the IAEA is fine.

Also, one thing I don't think the right leaning people of this sub have fully conceptualized yet is how little TPTB need governments in order to achieve their aims. When businesses become large enough and powerful enough, they can strip individual liberty just as quickly and completely as governments can, and when the government is weak, beholden to businesses, or "small enough to drown in a bathtub" the can't/won't be able to contend with the power of businesses. Plutocracy is just as much a form of tyranny as communism is, and one that we're actually further down the road of becoming.

A few ideas, why do we only have one leader? He/she is usually just a face anyways. They have huge teams of analysts etc. to help them make desicions. So what if, for example we didn't have 1 guy making desicions but 100.

We could us new technology e.g. Blockchain to make the domacratic process less representative and let every citizen get involved directly in voting.

I also believe the whole communism is bad idea is exactly the same concept as the one world government. It would help ordinary people but really screw over the wealthy so ofc the media demonizes the shit out of it.

We have so many smart, capable people across the planet, I'm sure given the chance we could work out something really great.

They have huge teams of analysts etc. to help them make desicions. So what if, for example we didn't have 1 guy making desicions but 100.

Somebody, or at best, a few people still have to make the calls. Look at the UN. They are a world body, and eventhough they have very limited power, and aren't a true "One world government" are completely disfunctional, almost hopelessly so.

I also believe the whole communism is bad idea is exactly the same concept as the one world government. It would help ordinary people but really screw over the wealthy so ofc the media demonizes the shit out of it.

Communism is a bad idea. While I agree that the media demonizes the shit out of social safety nets and labels any small socialist program as the slippery slope to becoming the Soviet Union, Communism is a bad idea. It destroys economic and technological growth. It also, by it's very nature, is totalitarian and surprisingly, even more susceptible to corruption than capitalism is.

We do have a lot of smart, capable people across the planet. We also have a lot of selfish thugs across the planet. How do you ensure only the former rule and the possibility for the latter to rule is eliminated?

Very interesting points, while I personally disagree with some things you said I believe this is the kind of discussion we should be having as a society.

To go back to what you said about communism. Communism is just such a trigger word. Marx used the words communism and socialism interchangeably. And bvioisly Noone wants to live in shitty conditions like the soviet union. We should take the good stuff from capitalism mix it with a healthy dose of socialism, while allowing everyone to contribute in a democratic way but giving those democratically elected leaders authoritarian power to allow them to over-rule huge multinational cooperations in order to do what's best for everybody.

I'm not saying I have the answers, in fact I don't think anyone does but we gotta start figuring out a way to put everyone's ideas together.

Socialism is the economic system. Communism is the governmental system. For example, the U.S. is currently a capitalist republic.

I agree that terms can get muddled.

Marx used the words communism and socialism interchangeably.

Noone wants to live in shitty conditions like the soviet union.

Marx did not use the word communism and socialism interchangeably. They are two different things, Marx described socialism as the stage between capitalism and communism.

If you had been to Russia you would know, when it comes to shitty conditions they ain't got nothing on trailer park America.

I took a Russian history class in college, and she explained it like this: the 'natural' order of our world will be monarchy take over (so the millennia of kingdoms/tyrants/single leader empires, which we can all agree on definitely happening), bourgeois revolution (so non-nobility, merit-based nations, which we can say defines our world today), and then worker revolution, where the representation and needs of everyone can be met.

My professor explained that while the bourgeois revolution (19th/20th century) was taking the world by storm, Russia wanted to bypass the inevitable bourgeois revolution, and skip right to the worker revolution.

Ultimately, it failed due to the global setting of the time, where the availability of technology, organization, and knowledge favored the non-nobility upper class, and will continue to do so until the further innovation/availability of many things (currency, encryption, communication, information, computer s, etc).

That was her theory on everything, and I hope I didn't butcher it that bad. My thoughts on it were that the next shift will not be for a long time, and meanwhile, the capitalistic US is the best type of society we can provide to one nation of people at this time.

Robots and AI will be the next revolution

I can easily see those going hand in and with a worker revolution. Or maybe that is the revolution after the worker's haha.

the US isnt a capitalist society, its plutocratic? big business and wealthy families literally pay bribes to politicians to implement the policies they want and those policies are always about gathering and keeping the wealth for the 1%

Why not both? Simple words will never capture the complexities of our country, I was just trying to type out a quick summary.

capitalist society governed by a plutocracy

Your last paragraph is proven by facebook

this is the contradiction ive not been able to figure out. deep state = bad/subjugating the masses/military industrial complex etc etc the same as TPTB, correct? all objectives that are furthered by republican policies, hindered by liberal policies. so why are right wing conspiracy theorists complaining about the deep state and tptb?

The people in power in each country in the world are going to oppose losing their own supreme power. It might be that a superpower would like to conquer other countries, but it doesn't make sense that there would be a cooperative effort to unify the world under one authority.

It would have to be a peaceful grass roots kinda thing, but yeah prospects would be bleak.

I dont want to sound like a religious nut. But it doesn't matter if we beleive in Lucifer and the final battle or not. The elite do, and part of that prophecy is in the bible. Before they can bring in the anti christ the kingdoms of the world will unite under one rule. People beleive in bluebeam but why would they need aliens to do it (I still beleive they are going to convince us to fight them even all they do is seem to watch for the last 10000 years) but why do you think the CIA is involved in so many foreign country's affairs. The world bank owns all the small country's through debt. The rest through shadow regimes. The last place is the middle east and they have been fighting this war for 15 years. And they are only resisting so hard because their holy book is telling them too. You can say its coincidence but I advise you to research it on your own before brushing it off as a (1000 monkeys banging on typewriters) effect.

You know you misspelled beleive. It's actually spelled believe. Learn to spell :)

Not today JIDF....not today.

One world government, no need fir tax havens, electronically create money = unlimited money and no need for war profits. Control population and people with laws.

I mean that depends on who's in power and how that is decided...

They al prob think THEY will be the power.

Yeah I'd imagine it'd be a group of people, rather than just one person.

It started out as an idea that would work for world peace and I believe it's intentions were for the better. Obviously that power went to somebody's head, now we are all burgered.

This new world order is only dangerous in the wrong hands.

It's post information. It's already in place.

It depends on who is in control of the one government. Currently there are elite individuals trying to protect their wealth and profit and to subjugate the world people, protecting neoliberalism from the inevitable uprising there will be against it. This network of individuals come from all different countries and yes their aim is to protect their tax dodging and escape environmental and worker protections etc. So while they want to essentially control the world they’ll do it by manipulating different countries, promoting nationalism and divide and conquer while installing fake democracies or police states depending on what they can get away with, but dissent will not be allowed, whistleblowers will be imprisoned, NDAs will be used liberally under threat of imprisonment. This is already happening with Trump Brexit and people are being lied to and misled and turned against one another in Europe currently as well. The UK is in a terrible state right now, government is being secretive slapping NDAs on companies, pressuring the police not to investigate political crimes, jailing environmental protestors for years, and are forcing through the worst possible exit from the EU which will cause condominiums devastation- they have already lined up their ability to use this destruction to their advantage in the enactment of emergency legislation, the state media is not reporting on huge political scandals. Similar manoeuvring is happening in the US as well.

we need a 'unified' world

BUT we don't either need Or want people like 'the old PTB" calling the shots, TF for The Don and his team, they are doing a terrific job (and I'm not even an American) as I can see how it could pan out for the whole world

the Internet already has 'unified the world' to a degree unknown 30yrs ago and the information the people have gained has changed them

the weird part is how in many ways a "global economy" could be a great thing, but it would have to be based on an 'energy unit' that's the same worldwide, something like "kilowatt hours" or 'ergs'

that way prices would be the same worldwide as they would be based on the 'energy needed to produce the goods' which would be a fixed amount using 'state of the art' equipment no matter where you're using it, in the US or China or Finland

coz "energy is energy" worldwide and soon I think we'll be getting into the 'free energy' arena -- once the swamp is drained and the bad actors/crooks 'removed' and replaced with "genuine human beings" who care about others and believe that WWG1WGA so it will benefit everybody to do so

One of the current "problems" is that the 'old PTB' the PTWere so to speak still are massively involved the "energy industry" and they still have corrupt minions in the workplace which will be replaced once the management have been 'removed'

the 'easy and hard' part is that ALL these people are somehow highly involved, although not necessarily 'directly', in nefarious activities that involve varied abuses of humans

And DT's EO of last December and the subsequent disclosure of NXIVM and who was involded, as well as the Weinstein affair, the SHTF for the 'oldPTB' as they become EXPOSED

the Easy part, when the time comes, will be to pull out the NSA data on their 'human/child trafficking/abuse' (which was used by the oldPTB as a form of "blackmail" to keep those who played 'in line'

DT never got involved with their nefarious and criminal activities and so, being 'without guilt' he can cast 'the first stone', he already has made it quite clear who he's after beginning with HC and BO

but IF Hitlary or Hussein were jailed right now the dems would riot and a civil war would errupt, not good, which is 'why it's taking so long'

But hey, haven't you notice how the US hasn't started Any conflicts since DT came to power? In fact he's resolved several

and BO got a fucking Nobel Peace Prize in his first year for what, exactly? It was simply a way to 'raise his esteem' in 'the people's eyes and minds' so they would give him more credit even though unearned!

That's how the Mockingbird media works hand in glove with the oldPTB to 'trick and decieve' people

IIRC Rupert Murdoch et al are "in those NSA recordings" and he/they know it

Kavanagh getting in is clear proof POTUS and team are finally on top of the situation

don't worry people, the day will come for the blood (and circuses)

you're just jealous! Yeah, it's the chronic

I believe a one world government is really the only way our species can reasonably avoid extinction at the hands of nuclear war, climate change, AI, and/or space object impacts on earth.

Not saying I support a one world government (or that it’s viable), just saying it’s our best bet for survival as a species.

Nice try, illuminati/ NWO guy!

We already have a one world government. All the countries are in debt to the same globalist banks except for the axis of evil. If at any point a country passes policy that the banks don't approve of they can raise the interest on the debt.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild This prominent international banker

The idea that no one is truly in charge and that we have left the world in the stewardship of horrible people because we are cowards is less comforting than monolithic cabals, so, yes.

I think the OWG thing is meant to be a sort of 'utopia' if you will. Post-racism,sexism, etc... total equality. Imagine how much people and the world would have to change before the masses could be convinced that OWG would be a good idea. If I had to guess we're looking at a time span of at least 40 - 100 years. Either once automation takes over after a world war because that's usually when they mess around with how the countries are organized.

I wonder about this too. It seems the Rothschilds and other elites already have near complete control and financial domination. It seems all the wars since the 90s can be explained by Greater Israel moreso than NWO.

"You are a person who thinks in terms of nations and peoples.

There are no nations, there are no peoples, there are no Russians, there are no Arabs, there are no third worlds, there is no west...

there is only one holistic system of systems... one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars... Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels.

It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today!"

Arthur Jenson in Paddy Chayefsky's "Network" 1976 and just as true now as it was then.

yes. there is and has been one world government for hundreds of years. the true worldwide shadow government is capitalism

its about too much power in too few hands...

for example if all the world were in 1 persons hands.... no matter how good that person was. it would eventually become a certainty that all the power will be held someones hand that wasn't a good guy.

so we need self governance on a local level, and the worlds power to be held in decentralized way...

btw its already happened. its all under the rule of one cabal/mafia and they only care about holding on to their power and furthering the agenda.


You know you misspelled beleive. It's actually spelled believe. Learn to spell :)