Anyone think these flu shots are suspicious?

1  2018-10-14 by sigavpn_admin

Especially how the commercials will say "tell people you know to get it too! it's free!" and some places will pay you to get one.

This commercial is also scary:


They push them really hard, but it may be more so that people don't die.

I can't get them, something in them triggers a severe allergy for me.

That's an anecdote. You should vaccinate anyway because some other people cant vaccinate because they have allergic reactions etc

</vaccine cult victim>

Every fall they push flu shots ad nauseam and every spring we here how they're were completely ineffective.

every 6 months i think, the flu evolves to withstand a cure. theres literally a meeting where doctors sit and discuss what they think a cure will be. and also for both hemispheres. sometimes its effective sometimes its not. its never deadly.

Sounds like they are getting together to laugh and change the serum

Also there are several strains and they made produce one vaccine. It's a guessing game, hopefully they pick the right one for the year.

Exactly right, and the timing is relatively important in this. Decide too early and you have less info to make the best prediction, wait too late and there isn’t enough time to produce enough for the population before it starts to spread

Nice. Jacobs Ladder?

Shedding all over each other.

Not once.

where are they giving out them for free?

The question is: Is there anything about them that isn't suspicious?


Why the hell isn’t there a copay? And how the hell do they know “which flu shot” is the right one? Isn’t there just a single shot each season?

Yea, this is propaganda to get people used to injecting whatever they are told, annually. It is a perfect vector for sterility treatments when the right nut jobs get control.

Has to do with the Hemagglutinin (H) & Neuraminidase (N) as in H1N1. Thing is, there's so many other angles to it & each time a trillion viruses reproduce, there's millions (billions?) (trillions?) of mutations. Flu shot seems like a shot in the dark.

Furthermore, there is some research out there indicating that those who get the flu shot, if they do get sick with something like the flu later (in the year?), they tend to shed more virus & something like they get it worse. That's my arm chair conjecture, for what it's worth of your attention.

Think for yourself & do your best to figure it out. No one gets out alive either way, so may as well have a laugh & train the mind.

Shed more virus? What do you even mean?

There isn't a copay because insurance companies know it's cheaper to give you a vaccine for the flu than to pay for a hospital visit if you get the flu. Insurance companies know herd immunity is cheaper than dealing with an outbreak of pregnant women/elderly/infants with the flu. So they're willing to pay for it.


Which flu shot they manufacture is based on epidemiologists, virologists, and immunologists determining which strain is likely to be prevalent that year. There are some years when they guess wrong, but the shot still has some crossover efficacy.

It's toxic, untested in real studies, and uses ancient tech (due to ancient patents). It's a huge scam.

Based on what evidence is the tech “ancient”, and what evidence is there that it’s “untested”.

Is big pharma scamming insurance companies? How come the insurance companies keep paying?

Considering how many people get the flu vs how few ever go to the hospital because of it, I’m calling bullshit on that argument—thus my exclamation as to why there is no copay.

And don’t forget, the flu shot produced is often ineffective against the flu that actually sweeps the nation. Insurance companies know this and still pay 100%?

Young healthy people don’t go to the hospital because of the flu. Last year 80,000 people died of the flu. These people are generally the elderly, but rare cases of children dying from the flu also occurs. Those people likely went to the hospital, and their insurance had to pay for it.

Insurance companies DO often pay 100%. This is easy to verify by walking in to most pharmacies in the US and asking if your insurance covers the flu shot. Insurance companies are money-grubbing-assholes who pay big $$ to people to evaluate risk and decide what preventative care the company should pay for. And it’s all about their bottom line. If it’s factual that the flu shot doesn’t work and that people don’t go to the hospital for the flu, you honestly think insurance companies haven’t figured that out? That we know but they don’t?

You should dig deeper into those CDC numbers. That 80k deaths is suspicious and took a dramatic uptick a few years ago when they started lumping "flu" with "pneumonia" for cause of death. Prior to that, it was in the low four-digits as you might suspect.

Here's another way to think about it: If we truly lose 80k people per year to the flu, that's about a 1.5% to 2% lifetime chance of dying from the flu. More than seven times more common than suicide by gun. About 10 times more likely than gang-related homicides by gun. Two to three times more likely than death due to auto-accident.

How many people do you know who have died from this terrible epidemic? None? I personally know of one person in my entire life who died from an illness similar to the flu, but we don't really know because no one does a virology study on people who die from fever and pneumonia. For all I know, that one anecdote I am aware of may have been type 1 diabetes.

That 80k death number is what is known as FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) designed to scare you into blindly buying their annual flu vaccine so you can feel reassured that you won't die from Flu this year.

Well, luckily for me I pay $0 for the flu vaccine. If your information is as solid as you believe, an insurance company would love to hear about it so they can stop paying for vaccines every year. Perhaps you can get a job as an epidemiologist at an insurance company.

checks to make sure we're still in /r/conspiracy


Yes, I know. I dared enter /r/conspiracy, where facts aren't real if they're mainstream.

What is "flu season?" Can the flu not spread just as easily in the summer?

Why does the flu shot get pushed so hard, and then we have a nation wide outbreak?

In the winter people are inside more often and germs get spread easier. That's what flu season is. So during flu season people are told to get flu shots in order to prevent it from spreading as much.

Flu virus does poorly in high humidity so its much more prevalent in winter when its dry

When you're cold, your body diverts more resources to keeping your temperature up than to fighting pathogens.

They're all suspicious. We haven't had the flu since we quit getting shots a few years ago, and that's with 4 kids in school. Only 1% of severe reactions are reported and almost 4 billion dollars in claims have been paid out.

Where I live they are "free", paid for by the heath-care system and widely promoted and propagandized. The doctors all push them and even the local and supermarket pharmacists have and can administer them.

In spite of that, at 70, I'm still not inclined to ever get one nor any of the countless others that have come along after the half a dozen or less I was subjected to as a child.

I actually had the measles, mumps, and chickenpox like most of my generation and I and they can all attest to the fact that those were no big deal whatsoever at that time. Inconvenient and uncomfortable for few days out of a week or two of staying home, resting and getting over them, but nothing more than that.

When the vaccines for those first came along there was no mention of any danger or harm associated with any of those childhood diseases.

Those vaccines were promoted as a way for parents to simply avoid the inconvenience of having to keep their child at home and care for them for those few weeks at a time.

With more and more mothers having to work the number of children getting vaccinated for those just as dramatically increased right along with them strictly for that reason and that reason alone and that history has been very deliberately avoided and vastly misrepresented and misconstrued as have the occasional occurrences and outbreaks of those childhood diseases.

I actually had the measles, mumps, and chickenpox like most of my generation and I and they can all attest to the fact that those were no big deal whatsoever at that time.

Also, developing these illnesses as a child confers life-long immunity, and all round stronger immune system. These illnesses (including shingles) can be much more problematic as an adult, which childhood vaccination does not guarantee against.

The extensive roster of booster shots being given these days is precisely because the immunity the vaccines provide, if any, simply doesn't last which is another strike against taking them vs. the long term effects of the aluminum that is in most of them and a known neurotoxin in any amount.

There have also been numerous cases of outbreaks of measles and mumps among young people who were all vaccinated against them and as a result had an even more difficult and lengthy recovery from them than anyone who wasn't and that contracted them. We aren't given any explanations for that and far too many other questions pertaining to vaccines in general and their actual efficacy.

Bravo! I'm 61, our mum used to drag us kids to "infection parties", where one kid caught something and we all had to rub up against them to catch it and get it over with.

Rubella, I have to say, left me with very sensitive hearing and ear problems until I was 15 or so. After that, I made money out of it as an audio engineer.

btw: never heard of anyone dying from any of the regular illnesses. Polio was feared; pneumonia also, but it was pretty rare back then.

My local surgery is pushing these hard, little dangly "flu fear" ads hanging all over reception ceiling. I had a GP appointment and of course he had to ask if I wanted the flu jab. I turned it down on the basis that flu is a virus and mutates, so why bother? Plus, a good raging temperature once a year cleans the crud out of your body.

He then said "sometimes flu can deeply infect the whole body, very rare though". Thanks, that's all I needed to hear :)

I don’t believe in the flu shot. But why is that commercial scary?

They are pushing you to make everyone you know to get the shot.

Oh I thought the concept was "if you get the shot, then all these people you're connected to by six degrees of separation will be safe from communicable germs too".

As a nurse, I never get a flu shot. I am just super skeptical of the shots that are "forced" on us as a Society. Doesn't take a genius to realize that Big Pharma is behind it all. At my facility I work at, we HAVE TO get our flu shots. You have to come up with a scheme almost to avoid receiving the shot at my facility bc it is so forced. Just the other day, I over heard some of my peers discussing how they avoid the flu shots as well. This whole time I thought it was just myself. So here you have medical professionals , who administer medication amd shots, who truly believe (such as myself) that it is all a shame.

how do you avoid it? i have a friend who would love to do the same.

Usually there is a designated day my job does it. From calling out sick to having a family friend NP of mine sign off that I have already had it for the year. Just a FYI- I haven't personally been sick in years. This may just be my body but there is something to be said about that.

I saw a commerical for the hpv vaccine where 20 somethings were shaming their parents for not giving them the vaccine when they were 10 years old! How low will big pharma stoop!

how do you avoid it? i have a friend who would love to do the same.