Flat Earth - When the train left the staion

1  2018-10-14 by thesmellosaurus

Is it just me, or did the uproar about flat earth come out of nowhere, and immediately it was used to discredit conspiracy theorists.

I feel like anybody who has ever sat down and seriously thought about the possibiites of what our reality is, has considered the flat earth theory. It seems like one morning we woke up to this sea of hate for not only the people who entertain the idea, but the conspiracy community as a whole.

Thanks to social media, they (TPTB) can pass off whatever thoughts they want and see what kind of response they get. It's a win-win for them.

Manipulation is everywhere, but it doesn't mean we have to continue to turn the blind eye. Keep asking the questions that no one else is.


It started just before or right after Sandy Hook, for some odd reason.

Poisoning the well.

Curious how that plays out, isn't it?

Ive been a flat earthier for decades, almost as long as the internet has been available

The problem people have with Flat Earth is that it insults the intelligence and research of people who really put the puzzle together on real conspiracies.

Flat Earth is so easy to refute that if someone is truly entertaining the idea, I know a lot about the bubble in which they source their ideas and how susceptible they are to manipulation and I can't trust their judgement on other things.

It shows the power of a one sided YouTube rant with bad science. It’s amazing how many times I have to debunk FE to people with simple, logical facts. There are a group of people who are easy to manipulate and I think FE is a test to see how gullible people really can be.

re the test. yes thats it. the dumb, uneducated and primitive among us are the most vulnerable and most often targeted and exploited by the elite scum.

Hey Mr Gullible.. if you believe the earth is rotating thousands of miles per hour or whatever and you ascend 100, 200, or 2000 feet in the air with a hot air balloon and you are stay there for 24 hours, wouldn’t you see the earth rotate underneath the balloon for a full cycle.. people would say that your balloon is affected by the “gravity in the atmosphere” but wouldn’t that effect wear off the higher you go in the air?

So just one more time.. hot air balloon, you go up 10,000 feet and stay there for an hour and come back down in a straight line, you will land EXACTLY where you took off.

That example alone woke me up to the fact that the earth is not flying through space and rotating. The sun is moving and the earth does not.

Explain to me with your simple, logical facts how my hot air balloon argument doesn’t make sense

Listen, I’m not a scientist and can’t 100% tell you the reason you’re wrong. But you are. And if that one fact changed your thinking, then you’re far more gullible than anyone.

1) explain to me how we track the ISS. And the route it takes. You can see the ISS with your naked eye.

2). Take four opposite points of the global map. Then look at the constellations above all four points. You can’t have that picture with the FE model.

I think it’s very possible with the technology we have that we can have the tracking technology map out the end result as a spherical earth.

You are only seeing the finished product of the tracking being rendered as a globe. Just like how you see a weatherman in front of a weather map but in reality he is in front of a green screen.

In a domed earth, having 4 different constellations at 4 opposite points does work. I do not see the point you are trying to make.

The hot air balloon is just one example that should make you look into other examples that prove were not on a spinning ball hurtling through space.


How about you explain this photo? All pictures at hugely different altitudes, yet you never see a curvature at any point?

In a round earth theory, you can argue not being able to see a curve just standing on the ground makes sense.. but once you go as high into the atmosphere as the imgur photo above, then you MUST be able to see some curve. You can’t.

Also one more thing.. heliocentric model was first established in like the 6th century according to Wikipedia and they had nowhere near the technology we had to today and the theory has gone unchallenged for the last few hundred years.

With the technology today, we should be able to take a picture of the entire earth from space, but instead EVERY picture of Earth is a composite model of smaller images. NASA admits this.

The surface of the Earth drags the atmosphere with it through friction. The imperfections of this dragging are what we call weather and air currents.

Right, but the friction shouldn’t be the same at 100 feet and 50,000 feet is what I’m saying as well.

No matter how high you go, the earth below will never move.

As you gain altitude, you pass through boundary layers of the fluid flow over the surface of the Earth. As you gain latitude, changes in the drag force on the surface cause torsion effects resulting in hurricanes and the circular polar winds. The combination of the two effects is what causes the jet streams to be hundreds of mph faster than the surrounding atmosphere.

In your experiment, if you had a rocket thruster that could pull you directly up out of the atmosphere, you would still have plenty of angular velocity due to frame dragging of the atmosphere. It could be more or less than the angular velocity of the ground below you depending on the actual dynamics of the atmosphere, but the point is you don't actually expect the Earth to rotate underneath you that much. Causing the Earth to revolve beneath you would require some significant force to cancel out your angular velocity, which would cause your orbit to collapse. Consider the difficulty of entering retrograde orbit vs prograde.

Bro I am not talking about rocket thrusters. I am talking about you standing in a basket in a hot air balloon and going straight up.

You used a bunch of scientific terms against a totally different experiment and you just used a bunch of key words to make yourself sound smart so other people who don’t want to look into the LIE will read your explanation and be like wow that sounds smart Flat Earther got rekt bro lol it’s all good tho people are waking up

Am I supposed to apologize for knowing what the fuck I am talking about? I was using relatively plain language, it's not my fault if you don't understand basic terminology.

I understand you were not talking about rocket thrusters. In that case, you were not talking about leaving the atmosphere. Consequently, the air will carry you along with the Earth at roughly the same speed that it rotates due to the drag of the atmosphere. You would have to oppose very fast winds to sit stationary as the Earth revolves beneath you. For that reason, I posited a modification to your thought experiment: leave the atmosphere with something like rocket thrusters so we no longer have to worry about the atmospheric friction and can focus on the kinematics of what you are claiming. You argument doesn't hold because we start with a large angular velocity due to the rotation of the Earth.

If you jump straight up in a bus, train, or airplane, do you move backwards?

I tell these people I studied remote sensing, geodesy, and cartography in college and they still just show me some middle aged white guys YouTube video trying to refute me. Like bro, there are MASSIVE amounts of tech and research that rely on the Geoid model, shit like your GPS and weather forecasts would not work. But yeah man, show me another YouTube video, I didn't read and studies countless articles and images

I agree. I don't personally support the idea, but that's just my opinion. I find it curious that the driving force behind the opposition of F.E. was not only against its supporters, but anyone who questions the goings-on in this life - known to the masses as "conspiracy theorists".

Yeah sorry for hijacking your question to rant a bit. But yeah I think it does get used to discredit people that have more valid points.

It’s a double psy op to link conspiracy theorists with flat earthers and to immediately discredit any evidence linking to the true nature of our reality

Should we trust the judgement of people who believe white men walked on the moon?

The Flat Earth Theory was brought back out to accomplish a few different things.

  1. TPTB brought it back out to see how easily it would be to manipulate people into believing something completely ridiculous. ( Yes if you believe the Earth is flat then you literally know less and are more stupid then our ancestors...Sad) Now they know how easily they can make you believe anything. Good job guys

  2. They brought it back out in order to make ALL legitamate conspiracy theorist look like nothing more than crazy stupid 30 yo neck beards living in in their parents basement

  3. To make any legitimate conspiracy seem like silly nonsense and nothing more

Flat Earth is a controlled effort to keep people in a dichotomy, imo. You're either on team Flat Earth or team Sphere Earth (Dems v. Repubs - anyone?). This keeps people from looking into other more viable theories such as, Hollow, Growing, Honeycomb, Concave, Electric, etc etc Earth - Universe.

Run from anyone, who wants to put you on a "team". This is coming from someone who knows some shit and has traveled down many rabbit holes.

Just my two cents...

I'm team concave.


I don't care about about putting everyone on my team, though the globe deception is so obvious (to anyone who does the actual homework).


This false dichotomy stuf is very true. The sheeple with fight for the globe Earth, the 'awakened' sheeple will fight for the flat Earth. That leaves us genuine truthseekers in a weird spot at the end.

our satanist elites are continuously trying to drag us all back to the dark ages. we are easier to control that way. fe is part of that effort.

You guys might enjoy this video. I saw it a couple months ago on Shane Dawson's channel when he asked his brother to explain the flat earth conspiracy. Relevant part starts at 26:50.


I was so happy Shane actually gave the theory a real looking into and didn’t just dismiss it as insane and edit out the parts that make sense. I was pleasantly surprised that he let his brother explain it that well and I think anyone that watches that segment would have a second thought about the nature of our habitat

IMO.. believing TPTB is to blame for flat-earth, is almost as bad (in terms of discrediting conspiracists), as believing in FE yourself.

If the majority of the world's population believes in superstition and the supernatural, then it only follows by the numbers that the belief in FE would be rationalised as an organic delusion.

Anti-conspiracists will take it as another win if we blame FE on TPTB.

Insrad, treatment will need to be regulated internally with ridicule, isolation, and finally excision, not holding TPTB to blame for natural retardation.

the fact that flat earth leaders... call it "flat earth" is a big BIG red flag here. you are trying to convince people that they have been lied to and you go with the name that will IMMEDIATELY shut down any discourse with anyone except someone already deep in the rabbit hole.... makes zero sense. they could have called it the "nasa is lying movement" and we would all be on board with them

we said a million time it's just a psyop and we were right

Has anyone actually met a flat earther in real life?


A friend of mine has a coworker who firmly believes it. Comes to work and hits them with the latest and greatest from FE hive mind almost every day.

Real people can get sucked into this for sure.

Its kind of like nibiru and planet x stuff. There is no way to confirm it, it is a belief only. It is rooted in nonsense and relies of the wonderment to grab hold of curious minds. Its human nature to be curious and consider wild ideas. It should never be quashed, but along with that comes some due diligence.

In this world where the biggest goal is to redirect peoples view away from the men behind the curtain, or even away from the fact there is a curtain, you have to expect that we would be the target.

itt: a bunch of normies who think they are woke.

I'm not a Flat Earther in any way. What I find most interesting about the theory though is that it completely breaks the material existence/atheist view of modern society conditioned into us since childhood. The universe is infinite, there is no reason for it, it was just a trillion consecutive lotteries we won to exist as conscious beings now- no big deal. Now pay your taxes and vaccinate your kids. The FE theory completely destroys the paradigm of our lives having no higher meaning, because if we were living in a self contained environment it describes, it immediately proves intelligent design and the sole function of our existence after that would become 'who/what made us, what is our purpose' and the existing power structure would fall apart in an instant. That's what makes me look at FE theory, the larger concept of breaking the conditioned reality imposed on us by the false guardians of self appointed authority.


Also I can't help but laugh at a few threads that come off the theory:

a) the world is allegedly encircled by a really tall wall of ice. Look at what the Chinese call their research station in Antartica..The great wall station. The U.S sent a massive flotilla of aircraft carriers (with a full complement of airplanes and helicopters), destroyers and troops to Antartica shortly after WWII, ostensibly to carry out 'research' (this one traditionally ties to Nazi's under the ice). What was the operation called? High Jump.

b) we are purported to be enclosed in an impenetrable dome. The U.S (and Russia) carried out extensive atmospheric nuclear tests in the 50's (so they exploded nuclear missiles to break through the atmosphere). The U.S program was named operation Fishbowl.

Random shit like this really makes me check to see how tightly my tinfoil hat is on.
