Kanye says we are all slaves to the system and under mind control... Thoughts?

1  2018-10-14 by Riotlioness

He posted a video on his twitter making people aware of mind control



One of us

One of us






One of us

Kanye can be annoying at times but he makes a point. I'm a fan of his music. He is great at that, but I don't take his veiws too seriously.

His views of freedom? or something else?

In a sense, he is correct. Last time I commented about him, I got downvoted into the hall of fame for most downvoted comment on this sub, lol.

Modern Leftists love eating those who break free from the plantation.

Wow that's insane and enough to shut someone (who isn't strong enough to handle it) up

What did you post to make everyone downvote you

The comment was controversial (I suppose - I agreed with Kanye's statements on slavery), but, it was linked in a few notorious hate/harassment subs. Hence, the vote brigade against it (wasn't organic downvotes from users here). I dared to kick the Reddit hive mind (kind of like Kanye).

I do agree with Kanye when it comes to modern day slavery and us choosing to obey a system both black and white people don't agree with. So yes slavery is a choice today.

Why is what Kayne is talking about partisan? Why are fucking morons like yourself trying to make everything a partisan issue on this sub? It is a recent development that people like yourself seem to think this sub is /r/politics, Its not and that's why you get my down vote. You are commenting for yourself, not to add to the discussion.

Final warning.


He is not wrong. Honestly a lot of what he's saying is directly in line with what many people on this sub believe they're experiencing. (Downvote brigade for failure to stick to a specific narrarive.) That message is so consistent in this sub I now sort only by new to ensure I see content I may otherwise miss.

It's true that we become slaves to reputation, to money, to other people. People who buck the system end up like Ned Stark.

I see. People do have a way of belittling each other when they don't agree with something. When Colin Kaepernick took a knee for injustice and freedom and was ridiculed by the media and white people, but when Kanye uses the same right the same people the were fighting with Colin for freedom of speech is fighting against Kanye for him trying to use his freedom of speech along with the Media. The media is playing both sides and creating a race war.

I think the media is trying to discredit him based on bipolar more than anything else. The thing is a person can have bipolar disorder and all it means is how they present to the rest of us is different. (Rapid gear shift through topics, big ego, etc). It does not negate their thought process as a whole.

Kanye is doing something we rarely see in public figures - he's dropped the mask and letting us see exactly what he thinks and feels. He's living his mental health journey in front of all of us. As he said himself on Kimmel, a PR nightmare. That said, this is the single most destigmatizing act a public figure could do. (Not intentional - he is going through a playbook painfully common for people with bipolar. My dad was also reluctant to take meds. They experience the mania as creative energy go go GO! It took my dad time to get on board with taking meds, to acclimate to them, and to realize his creativity was never a product of the mania itself. Kim is a freaking superwoman. This is very difficult to live with but worth it in the end.)

Anyway, I love this guy. I love how sincere he is. How human he is. We live in such a superficial, carefully edited and Photoshopped world that seeing him talk is refreshing.

Kaepernick was not ridiculed by all white people. I'm white and an Army brat and firmly in the take a knee court. :) I feel he won with his Nike deal. The media definitely sucks and certainly tried to pretend people burned product over it when in fact they did not and Nike's stock just went up - the best measure of how the public feels is always in the financials.

Kanye said in his last interview that he is not bipolar it was a misdiagnosis and I'm still confused about what he's doing to make people think he has a mental illness... What did he do that makes you think that? And I know it wasn't all white people thats how the media plays it to make it a race issue.

He claims he was misdiagnosed but his behavior can't be explained by simple "exhaustion". It does however extremely closely resemble the behavior of someone expriencing a manic state - which if he's stopped taking his bipolar medication explains a lot.

What behavior are you referring to

Um all of it? Have you listened to the guy?

Yes and I don't see why having an opinion is a mental illness.

It's not simply him having an opinion that's leading me to say he's having a manic episode - it's the way he's coming to that opinion and the way he's expressing it, paired with the rest of his erratic behavior especially in the last few weeks since he's had to cancel his tour. Oh and the fact that he was in fact diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Saying you're just exhausted and don't need your meds is not the same as being misdiagnosed. It's the actions of an individual who feels more creative, powerful, and "firing on all cylinders" because of the mania, which in the grips of an episode doesn't feel like a problem to the person experiencing it, but that doesn't mean you aren't having a manic episode. Me thinks the only reason you don't see a problem with the way he's been acting is because you agree with him so you're looking past his obvious issues. It's scummy and exploitative to be using someone who clearly needs compassion and actual help to score political points.

Well I'm bipolar fyi and all he said was don't let society make your decisions for you which I 100% agree with yes and why is there a standard on how we should say things. That is programming within itself. How can you not have a problem with someone expressing their opinion, but have a problem with the way they express it. He didn't say anything threatening and he didn't physically hurt anyone. Also he is under contract which is why I believe he is saying things the way he's been saying it.

That's in no way all he's been saying, the fact that you're ignoring all the other nonsense just further shows you only care about what he's saying because you agree with him.

I heard everything he said and I don't agree with everything he said. I don't agree with evolution either, but I passed every test in school on evolution. His opinion is his opinion. I could say that people who think they evolved from monkeys have a mental illness, but they are entitled to their own opinion.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha ok. So this wasn't ever going to be an actual conversation.

I'm confused to how this isn't a conversation. You have you views and I have mine.

Just because it's taught to you doesn't mean it's always correct. They said Einstein was insane because they didn't agree with everything he said, but taught his math around the world and still teaching it today. So why is he insane for having opinions others didn't agree with.

You're just shutting down any possible criticism by saying "it's just my opinion" or "You have your views and I have mine," that's not a conversation. You're not actually listening, you're just digging in your heels. Maybe you should rethink your programming brah.

I am listening to what you are saying and I have asked you countless times what did he do or say to come off as mentally ill and you have yet to answer. All you have been doing is giving medical observations.

So medical observations are not adequate to use to justify saying someone is suffering from a mental illness? Jesus dude, are you even reading what you're writing? He's acting exactly like I did when I suffered a manic episode, that's enough reasoning (paired with his previous bipolar diagnosis and his stating he's stopped taking his meds) for me to think he's mentally ill. It has very little with what his "opinions" are and is more about the way he's been acting for the last several years. These most recent outbursts are just the latest in a long line of erratic, manic behaviors.

And he has yet to say something that makes it as though he is too unstable to have a public opinion. There was nothing unstable about him wanting to bring his shoe factory to Chicago or bring white and black people closer together. He has don't a lot of crazy things, but nothing we as people not in the spotlight haven't done already. People start off with views they later grow out off. Just because he felt one way 7 years ago doesn't mean he still has to be THAT person.

"Slavery was a choice." "Repeal the 13th Amendment," these aren't views from 7 years ago. These quotes are from the last few months. Dude can't even fully express what he means to. I'm not saying he has no right to a public opinion, but you shouldn't be lionizing him for these inane and misguided rants. And Trump using him for his own publicity is incredibly grimy and exploitative. Dude needs actual help and support, not dumbasses encouraging what is clearly self-destructive behavior.

He's made his points about those views that works for him and Trump does a good job getting media attention without Kanye's help

Open your eyes. He was using Kanye to appeal to black people because the only positive media coverage he gets is on Fox News and other right-wing media. If he actually cared about fixing the issues facing the black community instead of just a photo-op, he would have invited actual community leaders, activists, and those already working on fixing the problems. Instead he invited two black celebrity supporters of his to have an ineffectual converastion because he knew inviting Kanye would instantly create drama. Also his points about those views (slavery and the 13th) didn't make any sense and were the exact opposite of what he wound up shouting out into the world. Dude is clearly confused as fuck about what he's actually trying to say when he has to continuously come out with press releases to explain his off-the-cuff inananity. Like jesus christ, you want to talk so much about being an independent thinker, programming, and mind control but you're just supporting a different system. Wake the fuck up.

Yes I do feel he has a major plot other than that, but the media plays a bigger part. The media has always pressed their opinions on the way people should vote and they aired this event for days. To me this proves the media and Kanye wants whatever is about to happen next.

Or maybe Trump scheduled this to take heat away from the drama surrounding Saudi Arabia, our arms deal with them, and the fact that his administration ignored intel that could have saved that man's life. Blame the Media all you want but it's incredibly obvious you're excusing what is obviously an attempt by Trump to shift the conversation away from his own failings. You already admit he's great at getting publicity, why are you ignoring the simple conclusion that this was all purposeful on Trump's part?

Slavery was a choice is actually a common sentiment echoed throughout history that all Americans grew up hearing, in different words: "Give me liberty or give me death." Kanye is just saying it in a more jarring way, and that's actually intentional and calculated.


The 13th Amendment statement he clarified even better- during his conference with Trump. Clarified what he meant, but perhaps not in the most clear way. During his monologue, he referred to the 13th amendment as having a trap door. This was following his points about prison reform and the dude he wants to get freed who is currently locked up. Kanye doesn't want slavery to be legal. He wants the amendment changed because it actually legalizes slavery via the prison industrial complex. The 13th amendment specifically and implicitly suggests a prison-slave system. He points out the irony in that, when the 13th amendment was ratified, it was illegal for blacks to read. They were freed from slavery, but if they were to read the document that freed them, it would get them arrested- allowing them to be re-enslaved via the prison systems. THAT is the trap door he was referring to. That is what he wants changed.

TBH, Kanye is trying to solidify his place in history. I do believe that- like Trump- it is purely ego-driven. But whether that is the case or its actual altruism... if Kanye accomplishes Kanye's stated mission goal of prison reform... he WILL be an American hero. As far as I'm concerned, for the black community he would be on a whole other level above MLK, motives notwithstanding. And the impact would be equally positive for all races.

Yeah and he made a lot of sense. He’s very creative and was excited to have the ear of the president, who he greatly admires. Some people have a very energetic and creative personality like this. Maybe you don’t.

When you're constantly having to make a press release to explain the halfcocked ideas you're espousing then you're actually not making a lot of sense. He's half-expressing thoughts before immediately jumping to the next topic, often saying the exact opposite of what he clearly means. Stuff like tweeting to "Abolish the 13th Amendment" is the exact opposite of what he was trying to get across. Some people do have very energetic and creative personalities, but some people also actually have bipolar disorder - which Kanye has admitted to being diagnosed with in the past. He was already an energetic and creative person while he was on his meds, now that he's stopped taking them he's acting erratically because he got called out for being out of touch with the average black person in America and now he's spinning out trying to prove he's "woke".

Even if he is Bipolar he's better off denying it and his behavior just being put down to being 'Kanye'. Regardless of the facts behind the condition, mental health issues are utterly stigmatized by society and it's a default judgement of 'mental defect' which is used to dismiss everything they say and do as a byproduct of being broken.

Sad but true.

It's the way he quickly changes the subject and the IQ thing in the video you linked.

I grew up with it so maybe it's just familiar because of that, idk. My dad wasn't diagnosed until I was in college and it took him about two years to get on board with the medication.

I hate to judge him. But kanye is a disappointment. He talks like an uneducated fool making the crappy degenerate music that continues a mindless art that has robbed black community of their culture and traditional family structure. He is a deceiving puppet tool of this matrix himself. Trump and Kanye, what could be worse? Hillary and Madonnna?

He has got money. that's about it.

I hate to judge him. But kanye is a disappointment. He talks like an uneducated fool making the crappy degenerate music that continues a mindless art that has robbed black community of their culture and traditional family structure. He is a deceiving puppet tool of this matrix himself. Trump and Kanye, what could be worse? Hillary and Madonnna?


How "crappy" and "degenerate" Kanye and his music is.

No the media does hate Kanye or Trump. It is just a spectacle, a show!

Are you entertained yet???

Kaepernick was not ridiculed by all white people. I'm white and an Army brat and firmly in the take a knee court. :) I feel he won with his Nike deal. The media definitely sucks and certainly tried to pretend people burned product over it when in fact they did not and Nike's stock just went up - the best measure of how the public feels is always in the financials.

NFL viewership is in the shitter thanks to ol' Colin's idiotic protest.

Who cares about the NFL viewership. It ain't affecting you from watching it.

I think it's funny that Kaep lead a selfish movement that crashed the NFL.

I personally am not a fan of professional sportsball bread and circus but I know it was an American institution for a long time. It shows how much everyone hates Kaep the way viewers shot down the more coverage they gave him.

Why do you feel taking a knee is a selfish act when it didn't for other people

Why do you feel taking a knee is a selfish act when it didn't for other people

What does this mean? Fix the grammar.

It was classic narc behavior. Lil Colin wanted attention because his playing career was failing, and he got it.

*When he did it for other people

Kaep did it to get attention and to extend his career.

His career ended after that... I don't see how it helped him at all

His NFL career was over anyways. You'd know this had you followed the sport. He peaked his rookie year and then played terrible after that.

I don't see how it helped him at all

He is now a spokesman for Nike and was rewarded a multimillion dollar contract-even thoughhe was one of the worst QBs in the league when he was playing.

If you don't see how this helped Kaep's career, than I can't help you.

He always had a deal with NIKE they just waited til everything died down after he took a knee to go public. He was signed to NIKE in 2011.

He always had a deal with NIKE. He was signed to NIKE in 2011.

He was not the lead in their biggest marketing campaigns until 2018. He only started becoming "woke" when it became clear no team was going to sign him because he sucks at playing football at a professional level.

You make a lot of sense, never thought of it from that perspective

It is a case where the law of "Get Woke, Go Broke" was proven wrong. Kaep is making bank. I think the guy is an opportunist, and also a useful idiot being exploited, but at the same I can't blame the guy for chasing that bigass paycheck.

Colin disrespected his country and tried to create drama and also SUCKED AT THE GAME.

He was a scrub who was going in to business for himself and tried to get over via politics. His career was coming to an end because no team wanted him, so he decided to cause drama. Now he is a big spokesperson Nike even though he is shit at the sport he plays. It's a joke.

The media is playing both sides and creating a race war.


He's not losing his career that man has a billion dollar shoe brand and it's not with Nike it's with Adidas. He has everything to lose right now and nothing to gain from this.

His sports career was over. No team wanted him. So he played SJW politics and extended his career several years. It is one of the rare cases where "Get Woke go Broke" didn't happen.

He has everything to lose right now and nothing to gain from this.

Stop quoting the MSM. He would have been out of the league and retired 3-4 years ago if he hadn't started this protest nonsense. He is a bad player and no team was willing to sign him until he started acting like a drama queen and wearing anti-cop socks.

Wearing socks doesn't hurting anyone, but shooting unarmed individuals does.

XD keep being a useful idiot for the establishment. Keep spewing that propaganda, it's exactly what They want.

And you're soweing the bullshit that's fed to you from the other side. Your not woke for simply going against the status quo

"No you are!"

NPC gonna NPC.

"woke" means brainwashed by the establishment. You are right, I'm not woke. I'm sure you feel that you are lol

npc? lol more that proves you think youre woke. woke means to know more than others. to know "the truth" or atleast be able to see throught the "MSM" bullshit. you think you are woke. you just have different ideas of what the truth is than others who consider themselves woke. same dumb shit though

Good one bro!

Disregard I didn't see you were talking about Colin

How did Colin disrespect the Country by taking a knee?


I don't agree with his means, I think it was a silly way of protest, but I find it far more disrespectful to this country to disregard the freedom this country is supposed to represent, in favor of the symbol of the freedom. Forsaking the freedom for the symbol of the freedom bothers me far more. I'd much rather live in a country that people have the right to protest in silly (even disrespectful) ways, than forsake freedom so that my feelings are never hurt. But I guess I'm just not as much of a snowflake as some.

The media is worse.

They shill for the liberal carpetbagging machine.

Funny-- a number of the R candidates around here are literally empty suits dispatched by the nat. R party. Running against candidates from long established local families.

Personally I think it's pretty silly to think there's some sort of "Race War" coming. It feels like the "Attack on Christmas" bs that gets pulled out every year, haven't people been warning/worrying about a race war since like the 80's?

Assuming this is actually happening I’d say it’s meant to happen gradually and not necessarily to result in some huge race war but to simply divide people and make it easier to control the masses.

Just look at the left/right divide, people don’t listen to the other side anymore and lots of people are digging deep into their side and getting more extreme. There’s no war happening but there’s also no productive political discourse, it’s like we’re being distracted and divided and not accomplishing anything.

I agree 100%, wether it's being done on purpose (I'm inclined to think it is) or not people are definitely very divided right now, and that's why I think it's important to say that there really isn't a race war coming, tptb just want us to feel that way so we won't address any real issues our country/world is facing.

For sure. Divide and conquer is a philosophy that’s been played out all throughout human history.

Not to oversimplify but it's the same divide and conquer the elites have used for millennia. They use it because it works. Whether it's to create a race war or just right vs left, to me the ultimate goal is simply to keep the people fighting amongst themselves so they do no unite against them.

The fact of the matter is that we are all simply born into "a system" that encompasses the history of our culture and it's language that we are inculcated to believe in over and above any others and call our own despite the fact we had no choice about the matter, nor once having been steeped in and acquired it to ever see or believe that any of it's most obvious shortcomings can ever be corrected.

"It is that way because it's always been that way..." as if that alone was somehow enough of an explanation for all that is unfair and unjust that we must simply put-up with if we know what's good for us and we learn from an early age that the punishment for questioning much less criticizing or opposing that is more than sufficient to keep the vast majority in line and even get them promote that very response themselves.

That system you talk of that we're born into is more true then ever, In the west it feels like everyones a slave to the system and that nothing can be done; my family thinks it's stupid that I would rather be a farmer in Europe then work for a company here. I always wonder what my life would of been like if my grandparents never emigrated to North America in the 50's from their farming village in Southern Europe. I really do believe my quality of life would be better and I would be living a life more fulfilling and closer to my religion.

Every top-down designed culture/political structure has been far worse than the organic cultures they sought to "fix". Cultures are imperfect but they have a natural balance that it is dangerous to upset.

People who buck the system end up like Ned Stark.

I disagree.

I would like to think even Ned Stark had his own demons.

He did. The end of season 7 is proof of that.


Winter is coming

spring is here again

Reproductive glands

who' ned stark?


In case you are serious, he is the main character of the book a game of thrones as well as the tv show named the same

I'd Ned stark

would you give him the littefinger?

Lol sorry. I take it for granted Reddit will know.


He's a character from Game of Thrones who refused to play dirty politics and ended up beheaded.

it's not true that people who buck the system end up like ned stark. there are hundreds of communities popping up all over the world that are breaking away. there is so much effort being put into it, so many new technologies being developed to maintain a sustainable off grid life. this endeavor is further enhanced with the addition of skilled and determined people. I encourage the reader to abandon the fear that breaking away from the system will reap punishment, for this is exactly the kind of thought the establishment would encourage to keep you at its breast. no bees, no honey.

where can i find more info on what you are talking about here?

hippie communes on the west coast of the USA and in Australia and South Africa are doing some pretty cool shit

Perhaps he has the sypbilis, it is said it rots the brain.

Thoughts? Why should I take anything he says seriously? What makes him so special?

You don't

explain to me what i don’t get then brother, im sure whatever it is, i hadn’t thought to mention

I was answering @Granada1491 referring to them asking why do they have to take him serious

oh okay sorry

He has seen rock bottom, and he has seen what its like to be literally on top, in the music industry. He gets what its like to have an entire society turned against him via social media. He knows how most people have to act in order to make it to the “top” and i think he’s exposing the “wheel” we are all turning in as not the only option to get somewhere. He clearly sees something a lot of people don’t, but personally i get him completely. i think his self love has been interpreted as egocentric, and the portrayal of his thoughts can appear petulant. People love to criticize. People love to put others done cause it makes them feel better. Yall should let kanye live i get him and i see what he sees a bit.

“I get him completely “

No son, you don’t

the fine line between his beliefs and the criticism he faces because of it, is something i am able to understand. maybe i worded that weirdly, but i get where he is coming from. Hes just woke

Where's the lie?

Is he confusing advertising with mind control ?

Are they different?

I wish I was qualified to say

Not that different - do a search for subliminals in advertising, been going on a loooong time.

There's a doc called the century of the self, it explains when advertisement was created and the reason it was created.


I enjoy listening to his thought process. It seems that he wants to disentangle himself from the opinions of the public & be free to express what he thinks & feels without being put down for it. I would think everyone would support him in this.

But alas, there is a group of people in our country who seem to think unless you agree with them in every single point, your viewpoint is a disgrace. So therefore, they will degrade you, call you names, try to disgrace you & otherwise punish you in whatever way they can think of.

This recent rant on CNN is a case in point. They went way over the top to disgrace Kanye as much as possible. He didn't deserve that at all. What has he ever done to them ?? Nothing. They disgraced him because they were told to do so by the Deep State as damage control to keep more blacks from leaving the Dem. Party. That's the bottom line. Damage control.

They know Kanye is very influencial & many of his followers may be affected by what he says & does. Its getting closer & closer to voting time. They need every vote they can get -- even though this type of hatred & punishment is exactly why many have already left the Dem.party. #WalkAway.

I support Kanye in his quest to be honest with himself & his fans. He deserves to be able to make his own decisions & not be persecuted for them.

You are damned if you do, and damned if you don't. So, I don't agree with anything Kanye says... Does that make me an elitist?

No you have a right to your own opinion, but people are bullying him and telling him he has a mental illness because they don't agree with him. It's sad that we can't voice out opinion if it's not a popular one. This world has become a popularity contest.

No, he literally has a mental illness. He has talked about being MD before, and about his decision to go off his meds. MD is a hideous, terrible affliction. People shouldn’t be making fun of him for it, but people also shouldn’t be celebrating it simply because he says things they like.

Got proof? Are you a doctor ? Have you personally diagnosed him? or are you just spewing the same mainstream hatred and slurs against a creative and enthusiastic person? Pretty shameful,

Lmao poor poor Kanye. Hopefully he can get home fast enough Lamborghini before he says any more nonsensical shit. It has nothing to do with the media.

It’s not because they don’t agree with them, it’s because he sounds very manic. There are people who see cases of mental instability on a regular basis and it seems like a serious probability that he is in a manic state. I don’t talk bad about it necessarily (because I don’t take him that seriously) but it is entertainment at the end of the day; which is pretty much everything politically these days.

Maybe he should do his soul searching in private, that way hes not used as a pawn by the politicians. I feel like hes a narcissist and just doesnt like people telling him what to do. Its all just a bs show anyway. Criminal Justice isnt going to be reformed under this adminastration.

I love the mixed messages from the media. Every time Kanye comes up it's calling him "crazy" and going after his mental health... the same media that talks so "passionately" about suicide prevention/bullying/pro mental health blah blah blah.

Everyone of my "liberal" friends bash him for this shit and post memes making fun... the same liberal friends who were crying about their depressed friend who committed suicide.

A total disconnect. Yeah people are brainwashed.

They did the same thing with Jim Carey

When did this happen to Jim Carey... They also did the same to rapper B.O.B

"You don't know who you fuckin with; ain't no democrat and by far I'm no Republican."

I’ve never been a Kanye fan, but I actually am concerned with his mental health, especially since he has announced he went off his meds. My father had MD too, and I see so much of my dad when he was off his meds in these recent Kanye videos. I know what my father suffered, and how it affected everyone in our family. I don’t see this behavior was being laudatory or worthy of condemnation, because I really don’t care what any celebrity has to say about politics. I just hope he’s able to get it sorted out because MD can end in really tragic ways and i wouldn’t want his children to go through what I did.

He's not taking his meds because he said he was misdiagnosed after seeing another doc and they told him there is nothing wrong with him he needs more sleep.

Who is to say the second doctor was right? Who is to say he actually ever saw a second doctor? MD meds are a bitch, and everyone who is one them would rather not be.

Look, I’m not a psychiatrist and neither are you. But I have lived with an unmedicated person with MD and I recognize a lot of what I’m seeing, particularly in his verbal and speech patterns, in the way my father used to act. I don’t care what he’s saying, it’s the way he’s saying it that makes me think there is more going on here than what meets the eye.

Overlooking the way he said it was what he said something you think he said because he has a mental illness?

I’m having trouble parsing this question, but if I’m understand your correctly: yes and no. Not everyone who believes in mind control is mentally ill, not everyone who has delusions of grandeur/infallibility or narcissism is mentally ill, BUT paranoia, narcissism, and delusions of grandeur can absolutely be symptoms of mental illness, and are DEFINITELY symptoms of MD. The way he has been speaking the past couple weeks, the rambling, the jumping topics, the difficultly of following the natural course of a conversation (thinking of the TMZ interview here), the temper, the frustration, those are things my father would do when he was having a manic episode.

The mania sucks for everyone around you when you have MD and can be dangerous if you also engage in risky behavior, but the depressive swings that are the real danger to the person suffering from the illness.

I guess I am not seeing anything to where I feel he has a mental illness and he hasn't been jumping topics. Everything he says ties together. I am just curious what he said or did that makes people feel he has a mental illness.

I recognize my own mental illness issues in him. I see his speech, his passion, his pure belief in what he says... I've been there, that mania can be so scary and so wonderful.

It feels so good to finally feel like you are fully in control and happy and just so sure that what you are thinking and doing is right.

I miss it, but I fear it's return.

I love Kanye and he's now the first man that used "motherfucker" in oval office in front of media, but he seems sleep depraved, sometimes brilliant, sometimes loony, but rest assured, he will always express his thoughts in embarrassingly uneducated way.

Man, if you’re impressed by that go read up about the time Elvis tried to bring a gun in there to give to Nixon

Saw the movie about that event. Elvis was a crazy MF too.

What movie is that

Elvis & Nixon (2016)

The man is from Chicago when there is a huge lack of education because the school system is terrible. They expect him to act like them when they don't offer the same education to people is hood or poor areas.

...Kanye grew up in Oak Lawn and was the son a college professor. He lived in China for a few years when his mother got a job teaching at a University there. What “hood” are you taking about?

Yea you are right. Did I assume no that's just how the media portrays it and that could be another form of brainwashing

Well yes, his comments about the Atlantic slave trade were certainly ignorant. And because he is not from a situation where he lacked educational opportunities, it is reasonable to question why he would make a comment so clearly divorced from historical reality.

Many people have said the same thing that doesn't make them mental ill. He had his own reason for saying it, but people are so sensitive about the subject. He's voicing his opinion and instead of people disagreeing or changing the channel the media headlines it for days. He didn't say it was a choice to become a slave he said it was a choice to deal with it for 400 years. So who's crazy Kanye or the people who spend days calling him crazy because they didn't agree with his opinion.

He didn't say it was a choice to become a slave he said it was a choice to deal with it for 400 years.

Yeah, that's the ignorant part. One one hand, it ignores all of the runaway slaves and slave revolts, the fact that people did escape and that many died trying. But those individual actions did nothing to undermine slavery as an institution, and not every person was in a situation where they could escape. Which is why it's also ignorant on the other hand, because it ignores the way in which every facet of antebellum society was structured around protecting the institution of slavery and preventing people from escaping: families were forcibly separated, enslaved people were denied basic educational skills like reading, writing, and arithmetic, minor infractions were punished with brutal violence, people were employed as slave catchers, there were laws that made it illegal to help people escape, etc. No one person was alive for all 400 years, people were born into this system designed to oppress, exploit, and physically traumatize them. Many died at young ages, having been worked to death without even knowing how to spell their own names. To claim that that was a choice is so ignorant it boggles the mind.

You say other people say that, but do you know who those other people are? Neo-confederates, the KKK, Southern Agrarian apologists. We should be offended when people try to rewrite history, because they're trying to deny reality for their own politically motivated ends. And since it's probably safe to assume that Kanye is neither a neo-confederate or a KKK member, we have to ask why he is denying reality. I do not believe it's because he's uneducated: I do not believe its because he doesn't know history. And such a claim does serve his own beliefs that he and he alone can see truth, that he and he alone can overcome manipulation, that he and he alone can liberate himself from society. That is the classic cognitive pattern of someone suffering from mania.

These claims are not grounded in reality. Therefore we have to ask: are they grounded in political propaganda or in a distorted cognitive pattern that denies reality?

2019 will be 400 years. This is just not about history this is about today too. The jobs and punishment may be different, but that doesn't change the fact that you are still living and controlled by the same system that started slavery 400 years ago.

If you can’t see the difference between chattel slavery and the current system, then you need to stop and educate yourself about history first, otherwise you’re going to sound ignorant and people will dismiss you for it. Fighting the system today does not mean it’s okay to do a disservice to history, in fact, when you do all you accomplish is undermine your own ability to critique the system today.

Educate yourself before you open your mouth, otherwise you’ll never be more than a useful idiot.

This is the stuff right here that I am talking about. When people have an opinion that doesn't line up with the majority they become insane or an idiot. If you want to converse, converse, but don't come to my thread with that childish stuff. I don't do name calling this isn't middle school.

Then you don’t love him at all

Aww man, I've spent all these years thinking he's some kind of fruitcake, but you know, what he was saying there was from the heart and I just wanted to wrap my arms round him and say "you're right, bro". Wow, new respect.

I think the mind control is best related by anology. Imagine if you kidnapped a baby. Now in the long run you intent to use this person as a slave. So as this child grows up you fill their head with all types of nonsense so that the entire scope of their existance is a narritive that you have spun. The advantage of this is that you can instill a very personally limiting belief structure inside that person. This person "knows" and believes only what you have told them about themselves and without the cognitive function or the insight to take the inward journey toward truth they fall in line right in the nitch that you give them as another cog in the machine. And this scenario has played out in every culture that has been colonized by Rome, Britain, Spain ect... The timeline is so long as the suppression of information so great that we all seem to forget that it was never like this originally and you believe a complete fiction.

This is so true, brainwashing is done from birth in subtle ways so people never even notice the limitations placed upon them cognitively. Even those of us aware of the system are indoctrinated to a certain degree as well

The locks on our doors dont really do anything to stop someone from breaking in, they choose to not try. Someone outside social norms typically get ostracized for being outside the box. The rules are simple, follow the natural order or become alienated. Perhaps most of our greatest fear; to be alone. Which is what awaits you in true individuality. What theyll never admit is the strong connections we can create by being our own

Watch the movie Dogtooth.

Controlled opposition Yesus or however he spells it.


Like that Katy Perry song. Except Kanye has always talked about this.

Right or wrong, and whether he believes this or not, please keep in mind he has an album coming out soon and every time that’s the case he will do something to get whatever attention he can.

Do you think even though a lot of people seem to hate him right now that what he is doing is going to help his album sales?

Yes, absolutley- especially in a world where most music is consumed via streaming. It’s much easier for someone to go “oh let’s check out this train wreck” when they don’t have to buy a physical copy. It helps Kanye’s case that, in general, while a lot of people might not like him personally, his general standing in regards to the artistic output he produces is still relatively high.

Also, and most importantly, no press is bad press.

great video....how long before he commits suicide with 6 bullets from his own gun?

Right because the more he talks I think something is going to happen to him

So let’s not just sit here, right?

Govenment Literal root meaning Govern: control Ment:mind

We seldom realize, for example that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society.

Alan Watts

Kanye is right.

"you say I think Im never wrong. Well you know what, maybe youre right."

Aren't we ?

the standards of this community continue to drop...

Because Kanye West is talking about conspiracies and it made its way here?



Because Kanye West is talking about conspiracies and it made its way here.

if you can't se the problem, sorry.

i used to say to people why doesn't obama do anything about x? they would say he's one guy he can't change x on his own. I would say well why doesn't he even talk about how he wants to change x? they wouldn't have an answer...

if kanye really does believe all this shit and he supports trump and trump has had two years to say something about this but hasn't...then kanye shouldn't support trump or it's all a distraction which it probably is

Is that not what this category is for?

I agree with you.

I agree, and Kanye can help them out.

All he has to do is offer up his services to regular people for free.

He will destroy the system, by offering what is a high valued source for a much lower price. everyone else who would do the same would then have to lower their prices to compete.

Then he controls the market, and he can set the rules that he wishes, because when you have the power you control the information

Kanye is a douche

Your a miserable cunt Kanye....

Yeah but his solution would be making him the leader and using his solutions. Get out of here with that.

Kanye is Kanye

Kanye has a belief system. Belief systems always distort direct, pure perception of the present moment.

I was born into the USA sixty years ago. When I got here, already built by men and women before me were roads, bridges, electricity, schools, hospitals, stores, ways to distribute water, food, and supplies throughout the country, developed technology, stores, and a constitution that restricted government from impinging on certain freedoms of the people. This was all presented to me at birth. Given to me by the creativity, action, and sweat of those who came before me.

In the present, I enjoy the technology of computers and the internet. None of which I envisioned, created, or worked hard to create. My contributions to the wealth of my country has been works of art, teaching children how to create, and writings. I've had to make money to survive, like everyone for thousands of years has had to do. Trade and monetary systems comes with all civilizations. The idea of someone getting a free ride is pretty much universally distasteful. Everyone should contribute to one's family.

Am I a slave? No. If I were to call myself one, it would be an insult to all real slaves that have come before or that exist now. I received a good education from a public school, after which I could choose the direction of my life. I've had to pay my dues in certain mediums---that's part of life. Not everyone is a success over night. My life has been my creation within the infrastructure of a society built long before I was born and that continues to be built. By free people. Doesn't mean these free people don't have to work to survive. Even the squirrels in my back yard work all day to survive. It's part of life.

Am I under mind control? No. Also part of human life is the exchange of ideas, ideology and belief systems. People always seem to be telling stories and trying to get others to believe what they believe. An awake person sees this and also his or her own belief systems. What happens to a mind that can examine its own contents? Belief systems aren't inherently bad or good. They're just a series of thoughts that we connect and hold as truth, regardless of what present reality is or has become, or is changing into. We use them to separate ourselves from our experience, or the contents of experience. I believe I'm liberal and that you are conservative, now we're separate in my mind. But reality is actually undifferentiated and interconnected, even though we remain individuals.

If you believe it, then it must be true is one of the most held beliefs. If I believe the world is ruled by a secret cabal of trillionaires, then it must be true. If I believe that people go to heaven or hell, then it must be true. If I believe I am a slave to the system and under mind control, then it must be true. And I will see the world through the lens of these beliefs.

But here I am. My partner sits in her chair watching a Spanish language channel trying to learn Spanish on technology given to the world by very intelligent, creative people. Technology neither of us could build at this moment. We sit in a home we worked hard for. It wasn't given to us. We didn't build it. I don't know how to build one. I'm not hungry. I type on this amazing creation called a laptop that let's me use my freedom of speech to communicate with people all over the country and world. I see squirrels playing in the yard. The sky is overcast. My knee hurts. I'm not separate from any of it. My experience and I are one.

I'm extremely grateful for this life--most of which has been given to me by others.

The world as we know it today was also constructed by people who have gone counter-culture. In fact, the world was likely most influenced by those who have gone against the grain as that's the best way to bring about change.

You, and me, can enjoy the materialistic side of life, but what's being controlled, and what the conversation is about, is the culture. We do not have a big say in our culture, therefore our thoughts, in a sense, are controlled by what year it is and what country you're in. There are many examples of how our culture has been "steered" in a certain direction in order to fulfill a goal which was not our own and which we had no say over.

Computers are great. What's not great? Censorship. Clickbait articles. Conflicting news. Pay walls.

Television is great. What's not great? Commercials. Sensationalist media. Left/right narratives in movies and shows.

Science is great. What's not great? Nuclear bombs. Surveillance technology. Weaponized viruses.

The problem isn't that these things exist, but rather how they're utilized after they are created. I don't think anyone is saying that work is bad, though everything is getting more expensive. Or that having an abundance of food is bad, though its a lot of unhealthy junk covered in pesticides. Or that mass media is bad, though its being used as propaganda to get us to vote a certain way.

Kanye is extremely wealthy and likely being used as some sort of pawn so this example is not necessarily a good one, but closing the blinds does not making the outside world disappear.


Kanye can't even control his own mind, how would anyone else?

Everything from radio and television controls they way we think and the decisions we make

Who made you explain that to me?


“By your command”

Kanye is a narcissistic rich fuck. He is mind control you fucking morons.

In what way is he brainwashing us?

To some degree I think he’s right. I also think he’s legit mentally unstable...

What did he do to make you say he is unstable?

Having been around a few mentally unstable people throughout my life, he shows hallmark signs of manic episodes.

He’s also admitted to being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

At the Whitehouse he said he saw another doc and they told him he is not bipolar that it was a misdiagnosis

Sure, doctors disagree on shit all the time, but I’d also way the notion that he most likely intentionally sought-out a second opinion to negate the first. If you look hard enough (and have enough cash) you can find a doctor that’ll clinically classify you as a pink buffalo.

LOL then I would have to say doctors have mental illnesses.

133 IQ is not Tesla you fuck nut. Average is 110. 133 is above average but not.genius level, which is in the 160 and above range. This dude has a mental illness. Probably narcissistic.

Misinformation makes you mental ill?

Genus IQ level is around 140 so he wasn't far off

I think he's definitely right. Just look at PC culture and self censorship. CNN thinks its apparently ok to even call Kanye racial slurs because he is speaking out against the left.

He's absolutely correct, and the media and NPCs are pillorying him for it.

one of our main targets should be this pc culture that is emerging. that's why sometimes I'll say some really offensive shit, online or even in person, not because I even believe in the words I'm saying, but because I want to give a middle finger to this bullshit that says I can't say this or do that.

I think deep down a lot of people feel that way. If we are not threatening anyone or doing hate speeches we should be able to have an opinion and not be bullied by the internet. We want to fight cyber bullying, but when we don't agree with something we become the bullies. What message are we sending to kids.

Is being civil and nice to one another so much to ask though?? Does demeaning yourself really accomplish that? If everyone is acting like an asshole as some misguided kind of self-defense--at what point are we actually just a bunch of assholes?

I think if he really wanted to help anyone, he wouldn't do it in such a polarizing way.

Understandable, but why not. Why do we set standards?

He wants people to listen but he also ensured half the country will write him & his listeners off beforehand. I think it's some sort of superiority thing where he wants to put his opposition in a box that he can label as "foolish" and or "controlled".

With that political/racial hoopla he created he now has a base of listeners who believe in his words because it lines up with their oppositional mindset. All he's doing with his approach is feeding into that divide.

All he said was don't let society make your decisions for you in so many words.

I'm not criticizing his words, I'm criticizing the way he says them. Imagine if he hadn't alienated anyone, and said this stuff?

How could you not have a problem with the message, but have a problem with the way it's being said? To help my question make more sense. A lot of people don't like the idea of drug use and may feel uncomfortable in a room with someone using drugs or talking about drug use. They may even have negative opinions or comments towards that person for doing so, however when they hear in on the radio they don't have the same opinion as they did the person in the room and will pay money to see these people perform on stage high on the same drugs they don't want to see there friends and family doing. Now they are promoting what they are against... So why is there a standard to the way things. I don't understand how people agree and disagree at the same time.

Because it's like if a con man is trying to tell you about how to live life. Even if they speak wisdom, their message is warped by their seedy nature, and you should consider why they're saying it so they don't manipulate you.

I think Kanye or someone else working with him is planning to use the fanbase Donald Trump created to propel himself to presidency.

Also I never said I didn't have a problem with this message. I'm just not criticizing it in my posts.

I think people who can't stop at the message don't let others make decisions for you and fall for the trap making Kanye president were a lost cause to begin with and will only make his point even more valid.

I'm sorry but I find your post to be difficult to read, I'm not sure what you're saying there.

The message is not to let others decide for you. You said he is doing it because he is trying to become president. Regardless of his purpose for saying "think for yourself" which I agree with does not make me want to vote for him as president if he ran. If people go beyond the message and vote for him because of it then they were never in control of their minds in the first place. I'm trying to explain as best as I can hope that clears it up a bit.

The meaning, and intent behind his words is important. I think his "Think for yourself" message is tainted with the context of his support of Donald Trump, and how he brings up the democrats as being conspirators. I think this taint is intentional because I think he is a willful (or perhaps unwilling) agent of the particular political spectrum that Donald Trump is apart of.

He says "Think for yourself" but he says that in reference to the democratic party trying to trick people, he's not bringing up the republican's manipulations. It's purposely divisive because he knows the audience he's trying to reach.

That makes perfect sense so is it fair to say he is not mentally ill, but have plot of his own. People bashing him makes it look like you can't have a public opinion if the public doesn't agree with it.

I think that plot is by the same design of those propagating the public disapproval of his words/actions. His whole spiel works to further alienate those who already feel ostracized by the public. It's like one of those conspiracies where they say that something/someone is propped up to make whoever believes in said thing look bad.

That's his ENTIRE POINT concerning monolithic thought. You cant speak the truth and not alienate people when this insane left vs right dichotomy rules the day, and in the end both sides are controlled by the capital owners

I get his point but I don't think he's helping in any way because he uses this stupid methodology.

Yeah you wore the hat, and said the things, and people got pissed off. People treat those monoliths like the pillars of their mind, you can't just take the sledgehammer to them immediately, and expect people to understand your intention. You can educate people without causing issue, you just need to know how to put it into words. It can be said simply but Kanye West just lacks the tact to do that.

I try not to take was advice from people in the midst of a manic bipolar episode

How do you know you haven't already?

We're our environment. Many people think it's the man that shapes their environment, our ego is comfortable with this conclusion. It's the other way around though, your environment is what creates you. From the people you hang out with, the media you consume, the activities you enjoy are all from the subtle manipulations that occurr in your life.

Even a broken KKKanye is right once a day.


just listened to late registration and the college drop out. this is nothing new. he has been WOKE a LONG TIME.


Bankrupting celebrity losing relevance jumps the shark by selling soul to DJT and delivers armchair philosophy for the masses.

kanyes job title is mascot at this point

He put out a solo album, a collab album, and produced like five more albums this year... just cuz you aren't a fan doesn't mean he's losing relevance

Uh, Duh?

I think he’s controlled opposition pushing agendas and the divide and conquer schtick.

It started when he exposed radio during his concert. They pulled him off stage and the next time he was seen he had blond hair and was getting off the elevator with Trump. I do feel like he is forced to move this agenda, but trying to tell people not to listen to him at the same time if that makes sense.

All about that dopamine hit you get when some one likes or acknowledges you thoughts or look... and the big companies know that...

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If it were true he would be the one most susceptible. And why not brain wash him, he can reach masses of people and do the same.

As much as I hate Kanye, I will agree 100% with this.

I do think Kanye should run for Pres, it just makes sense, in this golden age of social media and outrage culture, they destined to be at the highest level of public figures in USA. This would also mark the end of outrage culture aslong americans can think and talk, Trump not the 'great awakening', more like a 'long yawn'. President Kanye would be the real great awakening.

Sure. Let the truly insane run the country. The only awakening that will create is the final revolution.

And yet somehow Trump is the answer to all of that? That doesn't make any sense to me at all.

oh okay sorry

I’m having trouble parsing this question, but if I’m understand your correctly: yes and no. Not everyone who believes in mind control is mentally ill, not everyone who has delusions of grandeur/infallibility or narcissism is mentally ill, BUT paranoia, narcissism, and delusions of grandeur can absolutely be symptoms of mental illness, and are DEFINITELY symptoms of MD. The way he has been speaking the past couple weeks, the rambling, the jumping topics, the difficultly of following the natural course of a conversation (thinking of the TMZ interview here), the temper, the frustration, those are things my father would do when he was having a manic episode.

The mania sucks for everyone around you when you have MD and can be dangerous if you also engage in risky behavior, but the depressive swings that are the real danger to the person suffering from the illness.

Um all of it? Have you listened to the guy?

XD keep being a useful idiot for the establishment. Keep spewing that propaganda, it's exactly what They want.

Kaep did it to get attention and to extend his career.

When you're constantly having to make a press release to explain the halfcocked ideas you're espousing then you're actually not making a lot of sense. He's half-expressing thoughts before immediately jumping to the next topic, often saying the exact opposite of what he clearly means. Stuff like tweeting to "Abolish the 13th Amendment" is the exact opposite of what he was trying to get across. Some people do have very energetic and creative personalities, but some people also actually have bipolar disorder - which Kanye has admitted to being diagnosed with in the past. He was already an energetic and creative person while he was on his meds, now that he's stopped taking them he's acting erratically because he got called out for being out of touch with the average black person in America and now he's spinning out trying to prove he's "woke".

The meaning, and intent behind his words is important. I think his "Think for yourself" message is tainted with the context of his support of Donald Trump, and how he brings up the democrats as being conspirators. I think this taint is intentional because I think he is a willful (or perhaps unwilling) agent of the particular political spectrum that Donald Trump is apart of.

He says "Think for yourself" but he says that in reference to the democratic party trying to trick people, he's not bringing up the republican's manipulations. It's purposely divisive because he knows the audience he's trying to reach.

And he has yet to say something that makes it as though he is too unstable to have a public opinion. There was nothing unstable about him wanting to bring his shoe factory to Chicago or bring white and black people closer together. He has don't a lot of crazy things, but nothing we as people not in the spotlight haven't done already. People start off with views they later grow out off. Just because he felt one way 7 years ago doesn't mean he still has to be THAT person.

And you're soweing the bullshit that's fed to you from the other side. Your not woke for simply going against the status quo

I recognize my own mental illness issues in him. I see his speech, his passion, his pure belief in what he says... I've been there, that mania can be so scary and so wonderful.

It feels so good to finally feel like you are fully in control and happy and just so sure that what you are thinking and doing is right.

I miss it, but I fear it's return.

Funny-- a number of the R candidates around here are literally empty suits dispatched by the nat. R party. Running against candidates from long established local families.