[DISCUSSION] Kanye West on Mind Control

1  2018-10-14 by 7x17

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Like him or absolutely despise him, what Kanye said in this stream is legitimate and those who have been here a long time or are well vested in conspiracies know that what he is saying is serious stuff. I honestly worry for Kanye. This is information that obviously TPTB do not want becoming accepted in society. That is exactly why they are labeling him as crazy in the media. So that nobody legitimately believes what he's saying. Its exactly what the media did to us, labeling us conspiracy theorists, so that for the general population its impossible or crazy to believe that these things are true.

I feel like Kanye is only generating this mass publicity for himself in the media, then releasing tidbits of deeper information and insight on things such as mind control, so that he is in constant view of the public. My wording on this isn't great but basically what I am trying to say is, TPTB can't "take out" Kanye if he's constantly talked about. He says he's off his meds and as far as the public know, has no health problems. He's playing a dangerous game talking about these things but I salute him for it.

Also, he mentions trying to buy his publishing. Michael Jackson is well known for attempting to buy his publishing IIRC or rival the big media companies with his own publishing company and we all know what MJ's fate was. Kanye must be protected. Share this video around, please.


SS: Kanye West spoke on mind control in a live stream. Raised some very valid points. Provided my thoughts and hoping to have a discussion.

He does raise valid points, albeit incoherently. But that is Kanye lately. It is worrying how he is trying to buy his publishing rights. The media conglomerate is tightly run and usually the artists can't have a say.

Kanye was scheduled to be sacrifice, just that he knew the only way out is to ask for help. He ask his friend Donal for help

"I know you got killahs, Jay-Z. Don't send your killers after me!"

Musicians and artists are probably some of the only people who can come from nothing and end up running in those elite circles. You know they have seen some shit and are privy to things normal folks are not aware of. There are so many clues and tidbits in albums from all of the big name modern rappers. It's fascinating and scary stuff.

When you consider the literal billions of dollars at stake in this industry do you think anything is off the table? When an artist dies the first thing label does to rape their corpse is get into the unreleased archives of stuff the artist never wanted to release. Prince had like a hundred unreleased albums in his vault that he wouldn't let anyone touch. How hard would it be to slip him some tainted opiates and now record label gets the windfall? Do you think these elites are going to think twice about offing someone they see as not truly "belonging" in their world through their bloodlines or other BS like that... especially with so much money at stake.

It always boils down to the money. People give their humanity up for this paper shit all the time.

This is the norm y'all. TPTP are some sick motherfuckers.

Agree on the Prince part. Imo he was offed, 100% by the newlysigned record company, whom he battled for a long time.

They did it to famous authors too: Crighton, Vonnegut, and Harper Lee are a fee that come to my mind.

MJ's music was also under Sony's control. Are they evil? Involved in MKULTRA or at least serious manipulation of their musician's lives?

They're manipulating OUR lives through music, lyrics and make-believe truth sermons like this. He might just be a puppet, but he's still one of Them ffs. The Kardashians are a public joke, and he's right there with them. Why should we believe anything that comes out of his mouth?

Well, you don't have to?

Eh, Joe Jackson probably did more damage than the MKULTRA program could ever wish to do.

Lol I had to stop when he said his test scores came back like 133...mensa level, like tesla. So many problems with that statement

Pfft, last time I checked that out, I was 140 and there are many finer minds than mine. Tesla must have been like 200 or something.

Or the test was bollocks.

Also I think mensa has a 160 cutoff for IQ.....not that IQ is a great measure of real intellect anyway.

Either way, not kanye

He's above average, though (imo).

"The average range between 70 and 130, and represents about 95% of the population."

3 points above average. Truly amazing. The next Tesla.

The next Tesla.

Do you think he owns one?

it's kanye, I'd be surprised if he didn't.

That’s the average range, average IQ by definition is 100. An IQ of 130 would put you in the 98th percentile, i.e “smarter” than 98% of the population. So if he is indeed that smart, it’s pretty significant.

There's little correlation between actual intelligence and IQ. I haven't taken a test personally but I've known a few people with "above average" IQ's and I don't think I would've taken them seriously if they decided to show me their scribbles of the "iPlane 1".

Well above average could be 101 and doesn’t account for personality, but a high IQ does correlate to high intelligence. Doesn’t mean you’re well educated or will shine in any particular area, just means there’s a solid foundation and will probably be better at finding your way/problem solving. Kanye is definitely good at finding his way, he’s no Tesla but he’s no idiot. He’s almost certainly exaggerating too, being Kanye.

Well average is 100, so yes. But usually actually intelligent people dont talk about their own IQ, that's usually a marker of ignorance

I'm not sure how "neutral" it is or whether one trait is preferred over another; also averaging 3 tests over 3 weeks might be more realistic. But, frankly, it's hardly worth the effort, is it?

genius is 130 there's also a lot of different iq tests mensa accepts but i believe its 130

It isn't uncommon for Kanye to always compare himself to other great minds.

He has done it often, Einstein, Tesla, Shakespeare, and etc. He has always said this kinda stuff, but I think he is a bit spot on with how social media is used to influence political activism or influence the perception of the old ass conservatives who believe that Antifa is going to kick in their door and roundhouse them because they are pro-life.

Our social media is doing less connecting, and more fragmenting and tribe building.

IQ shows itself in different ways, sometimes not obviously/traditionally. I think he’s undoubtedly above average considering his success, whether he’s a little crazy or not.

i wouldnt be surprised if he was 133 and his ego pisses me off havent liked him much even before he got wild

I honestly dont take much stock in IQ tests...I mean when they sent me it was like 130ish and I was FUCKING FAILING MATH CLASS at the time -_-. Also over 140 is considered genius so I am not sure what he is on about...

(Not saying I am dumb but honestly don't think its THAT much a deciding factor to intelligence...)

Sounds as if Kanye has been steered by the elbow one too many times and is beginning to feel like an old biddy who's run into a bunch of Boy Scouts.


The regressive left has been using mind control for a long time. They've got the brain of Taylor Swift in a laboratory and were running experiments on it.

Oh no big bad loominarty gonna eat him. Lmfao

He's speaking truth on a level that we are not remotely used to from a powerful celebrity. I worry for his safety, not from himself, but from the powers that be that want us to remain asleep and mindless

I’m pretty sure he is just retarded.

Obviously. Everyone knows blacks have to be democrats

Right. That’s why he is one of the most successful artists of all time. Cuz he’s retarded.

I'll have a go at this Kanye thing here. I know a bit about it. When did people first hear about him. I think it was during that hurricane where he said George Bush didn't care about black people. Meanwhile, Mike Myers was beside him and his career tanked after that India movie, not too long after that.

Then you had the Taylor Swift award scene. Goes up, says Beyonce had the greatest video of "all time", or something like that. At that point, Taylor wasn't this big star she later became. Who does that though, going up on stage when somebody else is getting an award. What was the award again.. was he pissed off he wasn't getting it.

I've seen him in stuff a bit over the years. Looked into what he's done with his recording career. Won lots of Grammy's but if you check, what were his hit singles. Not doing so well in that department. Had that Gold digger song with Jamie Foxx, that was about it. Not a whole hell of a lot of catchy singles. It was mainly these albums.

I don't really sit around listening to hip hop. It seems like bark bark bark with no pause until the fairly limited music going on, ends. Half the time, it's this "colloquial" dialect where even if you speak english, you have no clue what they're saying. You'd have to be up to date on what's going on now with the way they talk. I wonder if the way these hip-hoppers talked in the 80's, they seem out of touch if they try to talk that way these days. Well, the way they're talking and dressing now, do you think they'll still be "cool" in the future? Who knows.

Kanye seems to think his music "kicks ass" and is the greatest. Yet, when I heard a fair bit of it, checking out albums over the years.. Wasn't a whole hell of a lot that was "groundbreaking" with pioneering new methods nobody had done before. It sounded like tricks they did in the past. He's not a pioneer doing groundbreaking new methods. I don't think he'll be written about in the future's history books for changing directions of how music is constructed. No, because his stuff was similar to whatever else was done in that genre. Yet, Kanye seems to think he's like gonna be written about in the future's history books as this paradigm shifter in the music realm. What exactly did he do which was different from other hip-hoppers. Same type of music with nothing new compared to them.

What I do notice with this Kanye guy is he likes to throw out great, famous people's names, who will probably be written about in the future's history books. He seems to think he's on the same level as them.

But if you look at the facts and statistics, it's kinda like how he didn't really have any hit singles. Yeah his albums did well and got lotsa Grammy's.. But ya gotta wonder there.. was Kanye's stuff as "fantastic" as all those Grammy's he got? Or was he just somebody they wanted to give awards to, so it wouldn't just be a buncha white people like most of the industry and who runs it behind the scenes. Can't give it to the white guy Eminem all the time.

Even then.. When's the last time Kanye was hip to the scene and cool to the kids. That goes on to pop stars in their 20's. He's old now and washed-up. Ain't gonna be no number 1 singles comin outta that camp anytime soon.

He thinks he's great though. But noticed another thing when I was over at his twitter.. Doesn't have all that many followers compared to some famous people. Doesn't "excel" there either eh. But he thinks he's the king of the world and gonna be one of these "great" people in the future's history books like a friggen Einstein or something.

All we see coming out of Kanye's mouth is this hot air. But if you look at the facts of what he's accomplished.. he's marginal.

You wanna start going at this guy. Well let's get into it about him trying to venture into the BUSINESS industry. Got his shoes there.. but that fashion clothing was about as groundbreaking, pioneering and paradigm shifting as whatever else he does. But he thinks his fashion stuff is the most epic thing of ALL TIME, doesn't he. Keeps throwing out these designers names, thinking his stuff is "on par" with them, and much greater. Yet, the walk don't match the talk, once again, now does it.

He tries to do stuff in the fashion realm but too impatient. Noticed a clip the other day of him flipping out on this Sirius guy who tried to knock some sense into him. Saying, do a smaller line. And Kanye's like, you don't understand. Anytime somebody tries to say hey, this is the reality here, it isn't what you think of how great you are.. Kanye sucks right out and goes blah blah blah so he doesn't have to hear the truth.

Thinks he can walk into the fashion industry and haul as much ass as he does in the music field. Straight to the top. Well, hate to break it to ya but look around, they're all caucasian.

Tries to do stuff, but never enough money.. Sucks out cause he's not a "champ".. then wants others to bail his ass out. Wants to be great eh.. Lemme get this little text file I wrote the other month. Without cheating, name some fashion names you remember. Using your brain, not the internet.

Here's some I remember.

Fashion names I recall from the 90's when I used to watch FT fashion television with jeanne beker

Giorgio Armani (age 83)

Manolo Blahnik (age 75)

Bill Blass

Coco Chanel

Jimmy Choo (age 69)

Christian Dior

Dolce & Gabbana - Domenico Dolce (age 59), Stefano Gabbana (age 55)

Hubert de Givenchy

Oscar de la Renta

Tom Ford - (age 56)

John Galliano (age 57)

Jean Paul Gaultier (age 66)

Guccio Gucci

Tommy Hilfiger (age 67)

Marc Jacobs (age 55)

Betsey Johnson (age 75)

Donna Karan (age 69)

Calvin Klein (age 75)

Michael Kors (age 58)

Karl Lagerfeld (age 84)

Ralph Lauren (age 78)

Christian Louboutin (age 55)

Miuccia Prada (age 68)

Yves Saint Laurent

Valentino (age 85)

Gianni Versace

Louis Vuitton

Vera Wang (age 68)

Vivienne Westwood (age 77)

What do we got going on with these people? Oh think of a Chanel, or an Armani, or Gucci.. What did they do that Kanye drops the ball with. They got off their ass and got an empire going. Didn't just sit there talking about it like he does, year after year. How do you get there? You start small and keep hammering at it. Not this half-assed whatever Kanye does and gives up. Doesn't have his act together and never enough money.

Fashion is the later realm you try to go at, once you have billions. ok? And what can you do there.. it's like the music. You think of how it can evolve in the future, what can they do with fabric that goes around a person's body. What's gonna go on there in the future. New fabrics.. all kinds of ideas, ok. That's scientific research. You also have the runways. What could you do there. They all have boring layouts. Use your imagination. I don't see any groundbreaking, pioneering new game changing stuff coming out of Kanye's camp, ok. That's how you be actually great in the history books. Not just a bunch of hot air coming out of your mouth trying to say that you're great. You shut the hell up and you do it, instead of opening your yapper about how great you think you are.

Then you get into these business ideas. Had this image file he mentioned a while ago.

"Kanye West's Donda Categories of influence organizational chart"

That one, had some interesting business sectors. But.. what happened.. all hot air. All talk and no walk. It's like, how ya gonna get there. It's one small thing at a time. But Kanye can't handle that, he wants an instant empire. Meanwhile, time's running out. So, whatever with this guy.

Now he's sucking out. Had that melt-down on stage the other season. Can't keep it together. Wants to be great in the history books with fixing problems in the world. Well, ya ain't gonna get there with all this talk. You shut the hell up and you work towards it instead. But we don't see any of that. We see him being like a kid that sucks out when he can't get his way.

Throw in some pills to mess ya up. Loses it on stage. Checking his twitter there.. that 9 min vid.. rubbing his head most of the time. Wonder if something's going on with either being on pills or not being on it. This guy doesn't come off as somebody who's "straight", ok. What we do see is lots of this "delusional" behavior of how he thinks he's on par with guys like Steve Jobs. Or, just watch him for however many minutes, he'll throw out some other name of somebody who actually got off their ass and accomplished something and became great.

Who do we got out there these days that is doing a little bit. That Elon guy.. but he's losing with old world technologies instead of having enough money and doing scientific research. Losing with batteries and old world propulsion. Never enough money to do it right. You gotta get into all kinds of business sectors, make a bit of money in lots of places, then you have enough cash to do some real stuff. Not this losing with share holders who control what you can do. So Elon is losing too. But at least he shuts the hell up and does it instead.

Kanye's losing it eh.. he can't handle how it's all this hot air but he thinks he's great. Yeah you can have these business ideas, but get your act together. Tries to get this Donda company going and blows through coin, losing what 50M in debt like some sports stars that go broke. Then wants Zuckerberg to bail his ass out. Like come on here, already with this guy.

I respect him though because at least he's trying. But he needs to shut the hell up and become great instead of it only saying he is.

holy shit this was full autist

holy shit this was full autist

Or is the autist, whoever can't handle the information overload? You scratching your head like Kanye in that video? lol

False. Kanye was on the edge of bankruptcy, nobody wanted his music, his brands, his ideas, nothing. So he sold himself to Trump. That is all there is. Kanye is not some targeted individual being treated unfairly for his "BELIEFS", he's a lying puppet for his new overlord and master DJT. Slavery can't exist if its optional.

Didnt he dye his hair yellow after calling out facebook and google? If he is saying anything its what they want us to hear. He is a tool of the deep state no matter how much I want to think of him as a hero he is spoon feeding us what they want us to see.

"Mind control" is a loose term. We're all products of our environment, and by extension, susceptible to conditioned reactions to stimuli.

Nearly every corporation earning money, does so in large part by "understanding their audience." Even casual observers can identify the formulas of nearly every medium they encounter. Commercial length, story plot, headline subject and so forth, has typically undergone careful consideration to a set of guidelines which have been proven to elucidate their objective and achieve desired results.

But is that "mind control"?

Hypnosis can be considered to be a form of mind control. But if someone acts like a chicken because it was suggested to them, who's really at fault for making a fools of themselves?

As for Kanye, and "TPTB," there is not a single unit there. There is not a collective "TPTB" that agrees about everything for which Kanye somehow has insight. His biggest fear is not being hated. His biggest fear, by a long shot, is being ignored. And he doesn't stay in the news by falling in line. He stays in the news by behaving in the way he's behaving now. He has failed only when he's irrelevant.

On the manipulation front, it's not a secret that influencers spend big money swaying your opinion. Is that mind control? In a way, yes. But I'm not sure why hearing that from Kanye is some kind of revelation. It's not even remotely insightful, it's plain as day.

I really enjoy Kanye. He's a bit of a walking contradiction but he has his moments. I would def. listen to a one hour guided meditation with his ramblings.. I find them oddly soothing haha.