Are Flat eartheres are being manipulated by the Illuminati?

1  2018-10-14 by samuroids

Ok this may sound a bit bonkers but hear me out. I don't really believe in like the nwo and stuff I'm not gonna get into that. also I don't think the Earth is flat But the people that think it is claim the government and Illuminati are lying to us about it being round. At first I thought "no way why would they lie this is stupid" and I still don't think they intentionally lied however, I think that the Illuminati (if they are real) saw the flat Earth society and decided to take advantage of them. The amount of flat earthers there are is pretty scary. These aren't rich powerful people. They aren't the best educated either. They are easy to manipulate. They have distrust for the government thinking that they are liers trying to make us all slaves. But what if the Illuminati used this distrust to create a small militia force to start war. I know it sounds ridiculous but think about it. They say that the Illuminati consists of very rich people. They could easily arm and train soldiers to make a small military force. This military force would be crushed by the us military but it would plant the seeds of discourse even deeper between people and the government. This would in turn create a new civil war that would burn the country down and from the ashes would.rise the nwo. I know it sounds crazy but whatever I was high as fuck when I thought of this soooo yeah. Tell me what you think.


Not as many Flat Earthers as you think. Most are joking about it, some are fringe believers with YouTube channels, and some promote the concept only to make money.

I read a study that said a third of millennials are skeptical about the Earth being round. Idk it might just be baloney but if it's true thats alot of people right?

im one of them then

Cool beans


Hashtag MeToo

Yea millennials also consume unconsciously, are obsessed with media and technology, and are so easily brainwashed that it's almost terrifying

I'd love too see that study. Not even millennials are that ignorant

It's baloney. There is some new "study" everyday that try to make millennials look bad. I'm not a millennial and I can easily see that shit.

I've personally have met quite a few. There are 4 or 5 out of 50 total people at my current job. Idk how accurate your claim is.

I think everyone on this sub could agree that the US government lies to us. To what degree is the real debate. I reckon, that before they beleived in flat earth, these people first believed that EVERYTHING the government says is a lie. This creates a sort of 'opposite day' effect of naturally assuming all govt. sources are corrupt. After that you are impervious to all facts because of the official source. Cue the back yard psuedo-science experiments.

Every pilot, astronaut, NASA employee, and many many more personel who have witnessed the round Earth would have to be in on a massive lie and keep it secret from everyone. There are so many other problems and theories to look into that aren't complete quackery that do not involve the flat Earth

Flat Earth is just making everyone here look retarded and discrediting everything we get right

I don't believe in flat Earth but to use the "it would take a massive like with so many people involved" approach to things is bullshit. Do you know how many real conspiracies take a massive amount of people to lie for it to work. It's not hard to succeed with a massive like with a large amount of people when you carefully plan out the whole thing.

Yeah but this would also have to include the ancient Greeks, which stretches the limits of credulity far beyond the breaking point

Do you know how many real conspiracies take a massive amount of people to lie for it to work.

Define massive. Give an example with said "massive" being on knowing collusion. FE conspiracy would require knowing co-conspirators in the millions.

A small thing existing doesn't necessarily mean that an infinitely larger example of the same is going about its business out there.

How about a simple white collar crime? How many people look the other way for small things in an organization because it's their job?

What about a boiler room? Bernie Madoff? How about Enron or can we consider some global catastrophes all accidents? What about the mob?

Have you ever read details about how military coups work or or the nazi's?

Every pilot, astronaut, NASA employee, and many many more personel who have witnessed the round Earth would have to be in on a massive lie and keep it secret from everyone. There are so many other problems and theories to look into that aren't complete quackery that do not involve the flat Earth

I believe you're shilling. Telling people it's not important so don't question it is the point of a shill, no? While you may not have unearthed enough pro/con's to travel down the path of "what if", doesn't mean others haven't.

For starters, your circular logic begins with the idea that every pilot, astronaut, and NASA employee knows for a fact that the earth is round. I worked at a bank and couldn't begin to call myself an expert to the idea that the financial system is perfect because as Einstein stated about knowing something, I can't explain it simply I can't really understand it, no?

Yes, the whole concept of a flat earth does call many people liars, but isn't anyone that claims to know the earth is sphere-like without leaving earth mincing words and therefore lying to themselves to lie to me? You can't know something just because you trust someone else, therefore you can't be taken as one "in the know".

So lets follow this rabbit hole just to get a glimpse of 'what if'. What questions do we need to associate to build this large picture pyramid?

Get 1 Image:
Q) If the earth is flat does that mean it's 2d?
A) No, just means it could be a disc.

Can we build more questions and answers on that?
Q) If earth is a disc, does that mean we can fall off?
Q) What makes you think you'd fall off?
A) We believe we would fall off a cliff, because whether or not we could see the ground, we assume it's there and the ground would pull us, and thanks to acceleration we can calculate how fast based on the mass of the two objects. But we're talking about the edge of earth and space.
A) If you stepped off a space shuttle would you fall or just linger around where you were based on the momentum you built and used to separate yourself from the shuttle.

Q) What about the sun, why isn't it light 24/7?
A) If earth is a disc, why wouldn't the sun also be a disc? Is the surface of your flashlight a sphere or a convex disc? When you shine a flashlight, does it project on everything all the time or just what it's pointing at?

What would be the point? What did you read about the CIA's projects on illusion and projection? We make up reality and from what I can only guess, the Illuminati was a collection of families tasked with building reality by finding people to believe and support their findings. How else would you get strangers to believe in what you do?

But for Earth to be a disc hundreds of years of physics and astronomy would have to be scrapped. Theory of gravity would be impossible. The telescopes we have that can see to freekin Jupiter and waaaaaaaay beyond. We have the international space station which as the name suggests multiple countries go up and that means all the pictures they take are fake and they are all liers. Also not just nasa but hundreds of other space agencies from around the globe (heh heh see what I did there) would need to all keep this a secret. I am a skeptic of alot of things. But there is so much proof about the Earth being round it is stupid to question it. Also if you need a reference to how round it is. Neil degrasse Tyson said if you shrunk it to fit in your hand. It would be as smooth as a pool ball.

But for Earth to be a disc hundreds of years of physics and astronomy would have to be scrapped.

Not necessarily but it will change how you perceive life and purpose. Have you heard science teasing the theory this is all a hologram? How does infinite 3D space fit into that theory and not unravel all of physics and astronomy? I'm all for science and the discovery of how, but last I checked our universal constant isn't perfectly constant and requires a consensus among several government authorities on the different results they get. When you consider how that would effect and trickle down to math it's kinda scary. But remember we're 99% empty space and of that 1%, 70% is water. So room for error no one would even notice in daily life.

The telescopes we have that can see to freekin Jupiter and waaaaaaaay beyond.

True but no one says what the surface of Jupiter even is. So far it's a planet of dust and nothing to suggest it's not another disc facing us, or hell maybe the bottom of one.

We have the international space station which as the name suggests multiple countries go up and that means all the pictures they take are fake and they are all liers.

This is where they believe it's either a combo of liars or indoctrinated or given with false memories like that MKUltra somewhat 'proven'. Isn't there a theory that NWO started at least 100 years ago? Wouldn't that put most governments as the same organization? Also, remember this is a theory but they claim there might be some snowglobe like dome around it. This isn't my theory or one I'm suggesting is more than an alternate way to look at things.

I am a skeptic of alot of things. But there is so much proof about the Earth being round it is stupid to question it. Also if you need a reference to how round it is. Neil degrasse Tyson said if you shrunk it to fit in your hand. It would be as smooth as a pool ball.

Your proof is ultimately you trusting someone else, like the MSM (CIA mockingbird media) over what you actually know to be true and proven by your own trusted methods. You kinda pressed on a point about all of this 'stupid to question it. Why do you question things and how do you determine if questioning it is stupid? I ask myself this often, how deep is deep enough? Are you doing only good to live forever? Do you know what good means? Is it your definition? "Do you have blood on your hands" so to speak.

Ultimately I question this because if the theory is right, it brings up why lie about it, what's to gain? So that's the motivation, a hunch that there's an evil motive for EVERYTHING. But I don't linger on it, it's something to think about when you're waiting in line, or on the crapper, or trying to sleep because if I'm wrong nothing changes what's the harm?

Ever ask yourself how you know Neil Degrasse Tyson and why he's a "famous scientist?" If you call him an authority, who deemed it? He ultimately reports to someone, he's not a random inventor or nobel winner or entrepreneur.

Just yesterday I came across a video on the Suez Canal, posted down below. It was something that I had seen a few weeks back and discussed with a friend briefly. The response was rather a, "So? What are you implying..." to which I did say - 'The Suez has no locks and it runs for over one hundred miles.' Friend walked away without discussion and I didn't press any issue.

Would like to hear your thoughts, if you're so inclined. But no biggie if not interested!

Is your friend a FE or ellipsoid?

Here's one thing I personally question. I'd have to do the math and see an unedited picture of the earth to guestimate gravity, because I'm told we're still studying it and not quite sure if it's almost flat and settled or if it's based on electromagnetic forces.

Very much ellipsoidal and rather closed minded, imho. It took over 9 years to get them to look at 9/11 with any honesty but stuff can be scary for some people so there's that...

But isn't it strange that this Documentary right out the gate notes the first argument about the water levels between the land masses?

You nailed it dude. I've been saying this for awhile.

the earth is flat. nukes are a lie.

i think the flat earth theory is pushed to discredit valid conspiracy researchers of the jfk assassination, 9/11, sandy hook and all the other false flags we see again and again

another angle is to try and drag humanity back to the dark ages, because it is easier to control us that way.

this is eric dubay, one of the main fe promoters:

but u/i_am_catholic is a real expert on fe people

btw, the order of the bavarian illuminati is real. they were formed by the jesuit weishaupt and they represent the second, third and fourth sons of the aristocracy, who didnt inherit anything, while the first sons were all kings and emperors. they came out of the crusader templars and bandits/mercenaries who founded switzerland in 1291.

The only illuminati I knew of was formed by a French dude who didn't have the money to join the free masons

wait, it costs money to join the free masons?

Ya lol it's pretty ironic

Ironically it's the other way around

Flat-earthers are only manipulated by their own retardation.

Here is one of the strongest voices speaking out on YT to show how the Model of Earth and Planets move in the system. I've set the time stamp where he explains all the rotations and speeds:

The flat Earth deal was a way to put something out there that was so absurd that when people question the HRC Presidency and hear conspiracies surrounding her that people would say to discredit them "next you're going to tell me the Earth is flat"

Everyone would laugh and forget about the horrible acts committed by that potential presidency.

I do think it is interesting how the bible has 60 verses that talk about the sun moving and 0 verses about how the earths moves. I think flat earth is more about how the earth is not quite what we are told it to be but not that it is flat disc

Its a springboard for targeted psychological profiles.

Read up on blind faith concepts and the wwe or cults.