Why YouTubers Are Depressed: Investigative documentary series exposes fraudulent "BetterHelp" online therapy service and how they've engaged in a propaganda campaign with the help of "high profile" Youtubers.

1  2018-10-14 by axolotl_peyotl

This conspiracy theory has so many layers that it's almost too much to fathom.

A few days ago, pewdiepie posted this video about his concerns over the questionable "Better Help" online therapy service.

Some of the major red flags concerning this service are the fact that despite claiming "HIPAA" certification and that their therapists are "vetted" thoroughly, if you actually read the terms of service, they offer zero guarantee regarding the credentials of these "therapists" and that the HIPAA "certification" is fraudulent and literally made up.

In addition, many major youtubers happened to experience "psychological problems" at around the same time...and then just happened to stumble upon Better Help and start promoting the service aggressively.

Another aspect of this fraud is that people with genuine mental health and depression problems are routinely turned away from the service, strongly suggesting that they are focusing their predatory sights on those who are only somewhat, or even "superficially", depressed.

While pewdiepie's video is a good place to start, and credit to him for using his platform in a positive way like this, another youtuber named Memology 101 has been doing the lion's share of work in exposing this incredibly deceptive and pernicious conspiracy.

His documentary series is called "Why YouTubers Are Depressed" and is worth watching in its entirety, so here are all the parts so far:

Episode 1: The Long Con, Feat. Boogie2988

Episode 2: The Rabbit Hole Goes Deeper

Episode 3: The Mind of a YouTuber, Feat. Shane Dawson

Episode 4: The BetterHelp Experience, Feat. DSPGaming

Episode 5: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Episode 6: The Legitimacy of BetterHelp

Episode 7: BetterHelp Is the Help You Need But Not the One You Deserve

Episode 8: BetterHelp Spreading Like a Plague

Episode 9: BetterHelp and a New Era of Content, Feat. Keemstar

Episode 10: Damage Control and Going Global

Episode 11: The BetterHelp Backlash, Narrated by LyteSydeBill

Philip DeFranco's BetterHelp Debacle: A Response

Philly D Contradicts Himself During an Interview

Some undeniably shady is occurring here. Will anything be done about it?


Deleted for no SS

Self posts don't need an ss. Read the rules.

You don't need a submission statement for self posts.

What a hero

It's shocking how many yotubers might be in on this - people you wouldn't expect to be shills.

Since about 3-4 years ago, maybe more, youtubers really don't make a whole lot of money off of subscribers/views. Gus Johnson made a pretty good video on it.

Like you're looking at like $100 max off of a couple million hits.

Unless your pewdiepie, you have to sell something else. Some channels sell their own merchandise, some channels just put up a patreon, and some sell ad space.

This leads a lot of young youtubers to being easily exploited by ad companies. I'm by no means, trying to say "it's business as usual". I think it's mainly to do with this age of making a living off of being a social media star. Which can mess up a lot of kids and young adults.

You get about $100 per 100,000 views without selling anything extra

You're right, I'm thinking about partnerships. The dollars:views ratio I cited is that of a channel that has been signed to a one of the many hostile partnerships on youtube. The biggest offender is machinima.

With your numbers accounted for you would have to get at least 1.6 million views a month to start to get minimum wage in California. For the "hip" tubers right now, (iDubz or h3h3, all the way to uber popular tubers like Jake Paul or pewdiepie), that's not too difficult. But for tubers like Ian Kung, Gus Johnson, ProZD, who are hitting millions, but averaging around the <500k mark, it's a bit hard to make enough to live off of. Especially when these tubers convince themselves that moving to LA will help their career.

I guess my post, more than anything, was about how there's this kind of struggle they face with. To gain popularity, to live, to see big internet stars like ninja, pewdiepie, jake paul, make "millions" a year and try to live up to that. There's also the thousands of smaller accounts struggling to get noticed. All based on this notion that doing stuff on the internet can be a career. That there's a lot of young kids in this world chasing that dream. Making more people pay attention to what's going on in the internet. Which also opens up this particular conspiracy of hostile ad companies.

Thanks for the correction! I got to learn more about how monetization works on YouTube. I think it's important for people to know how much money these channels make, especially compared to the Huge ones.

IF you can stay monetized. And if your content is claimed (which usually happens very close to the upload date), the claimant gets all the ad revenue for that video until you appeal it (and win the appeal), by which time the views have dropped off because it's not a fresh video anymore.

And who gets to review the appeal? The claimant of course. Seems fair.

You’re right they demonetize everything now

And again, a number of the Youtubers involved in this scheme, made videos supporting the banning of Alex Jones. After watching this, I now believe their handlers instructed them to do so. Interestingly H3H3 (which I loved) also had a little weird, out of place moment, where they talked about "hero" John McCain. I wonder if BetterHelp is connected to groups like Bilderberg/Atlantic Council?

Ethan and hila sold out so quickly. you can see the distinct moments things changed.

Yeah, and it was so sudden and out of place. I thought something weird was going on there.

Their channel kept getting demonitized, so they did the podcast, now the podcast isn't doing so hot so they sold out while the irons hot. Ethan is showing his true colors and they're not pretty.

It sucks because I really liked them. Especially with their anti-SJW stuff. Too bad they went south after the Podcast.

They had a massive legal battle, they're just trying to keep their money tight, why wouldn't they when all their eggs were literally in one basket. I don't even get why they've been brought up here, he only had a single video sponsored by better-help and even he said, he didn't read the EULA, his ad agency was supposed to have done that. He talked about John McCain because he just had the facts that he was a POW he definitely didn't do research on other aspects - why? Because he's a youtube comedian and every took everything he said over the last 3 months as canon when it never was supposed to be that way. IF you go to h3h3 for solid news facts, you're frankly an idiot. I don't care if I get down-voted into oblivion for this, I'm just so sick of everyone getting butt hurt over what Ethan does, or does not do. He doesn't give a shit about politics, he just ran out of content and now it seems with the pregnancy, he is back to making youtube videos. His fanbase basically held him at gunpoint to start making (production) videos again, so he did. Now if you listen closely when he talks, after he says anything at all that sounds divisive, political, or religious, he immediately says "but don't listen to me, I don't know shit, this is just an opinion, it's probably false" - those are obviously directed at people who keep dragging him down.

BetterHelp is supposedly owned by some shady characters that's also have ties to ad companies/Mossad (I say supposedly because I'm pretty sure I saw that speculation here). The shadierst thing they do is probably trying to sell you stuff based on what goes on in supposed private therapy sessions.

They're jews too

people you wouldn't expect to be shills.

Um, excuse me? Youtubers aren't shills? Since when?

Don't forget to smash that upvote button on this comment and click that Reddit Gold button to join my private Discord !

Isnt it a much easier explanation to assume that some marketing group within better help picked and chose specific people that they thought would fit their target audience? The best shill is the one who doesn't know it.

Didnt Philly D put out a video talking about this?

Haven't seen the video, but I always knew that guy was a slimy little creep. It's written all over his face.

Yeah it was a damage control video. He spearheaded the whole thing with better help and one of the websites went back to him registering it or some shit like that. Every youtuber you got someone to sign up with their referral, that YouTuber got massive chunk of change off a single referral and Phil got a kick back off of every youtuber who got a referral and then he got his own kick backs from his own referral link.

It's fucked. Idk how anyone can watch him after this.

Emilia Fart is another youtuber promoting these services

Jesus that ugly gay is ugly

I don't like the low-effort memeology video. Pewdiepie did a good job on it, though.

I don't like the low-effort memeology video.

I linked 11 different memeology videos that are part of the same series.

You definitely should invest in the whole thing before passing judgment.

Also, even though the pacing is a bit slow, it's unfair to compare a channel with 14k subscribers and one with over 60 million.

pewdiepie's video is a great overview, but it really only scratches the surface of just how sinister this is.

“You definitely should invest in the whole thing before passing judgement”

Who would actually do something so dumb? If I told you to go research the pleasures involved with sticking ur dick in a power outlet you wouldn’t wait until you’ve seen it all to decide it’s dumb. The memology video is just some kid who’s insecure about his high pitched voice so he has to talk through a pitch shifted filter restating the obvious while using irrelevant clips out of context to try and make a “series” to fill a void of creativity. That other guy has all the right to make an early judgement and move on.

Judgement is a company flashed cash at a market that is hemorrhaging money and they all pounced. PDP is unique in that he made so much cash so early the effects hardly phased him.

There is nothing shady about the YouTubers being involved.

Yeah just watched the very first one. Fucking sucked. I noped out

I'm finding it hard to believe all the YouTubers are in on this scam, some may be just happy at the chance of some extra cash. I'd love to see how much money they are making out of this. Also I wonder how long these YouTubers are stuck in a contract with them?

Jesus christ that's fuckef up

$200 out of $260 is about 77%. That data must be worth a ton.

That data must be worth a ton.

I think you hit the nail here.

There is something far more sinister afoot here than a greedy company IMO.

Just imagine if the DNA ancestry places are tied in with this. And facebook/social media. They'll have a database of individuals on a genetic, sociological, and psychological level.

Yeah that's probably where the big money is

Per sign up? How is this a successful business model? How much does it cost for some one to sign up?

It's free for the first week but then you get billed for the month straight after the free trial is up. There was a few different prices ranging up to $200. It's a strange predatory business model by the looks of it, they try to get a month out of you if like it or not

The data. Its all about the data.

So it’s just like every other free trial then?

I love how you were like (paraphrasing here)

“eh idk if this is as bad as its being made out to be”

and then immediately like

“dude this is fuckin fishy, idk whats goin on here but it stinks” hahah

I feel alot of us are in a similar boat right now, this definitely feels sketchy just hard to put a finger on it

To me the biggest and most sketchiest part of all this is the role Phillip Defranco played in all this.

He got other big Youtubers to help shill this service, and then he makes money when they shill. And when Phil just HAPPENS to mention another YouTuber on his news show, that's also shilling BetterHelp, then that's double the money for him!

Unirock did a stream about this debacle too. It seems like one of my regular go to YTers Philly D seems to be at the center of this which sucks because I like him and his content usually. I do find what these other creators are saying to be credible however. They are literally making money off depresed fans. They could have just asked for money from their devoted fans but it wouldnt have been to the tune of 100 or 200 PER FAN like they got with this grift. I wish that they would come clean like Boogie seemed to but thu far he has not which makes me kind of sad.

Why do people like him? He's completely vapid and insufferable.

People who live off cringe maybe?

Its not that I am a huge fan I think I like his material because its rapid paced and usually content about things I would otherwise maybe not see any other way (like trending stuff as I dont do twatter and dont follow trending people otherwise). Its just a way to get a quick 10 minute heads up on the world for me. I am kind of let down by his lack of accountability on this topic though. It seems like he thinks a few sound bites later the world will just forget it happened. Sad thing is it might be true.

Bet people will still defend that piece of shit boogie after this

I'm more surprised that people defended him after he came out in support of censorship, but whatever. Fuck him.

boogie has always been cringeworthy and disgusting on all fronts

I kinda liked him until every post was about how he screwed up something and needs to apologize for something else.

Jesus fucking christ, do the thing you do and stop complaining.

What has boogie done besides this? I’m not trying to defend him just genuinely curious as he seems like a decent dude (mind you I’ve only really seen him on h3)

Extreme emotional manipulation of his fans, you see the facade break down during his live streams often.

Jesus, I had no idea this was a thing.

“Philly D” is a giant piece of shit.

You beautiful bastard.

Have you seen any of the vlogs of their workplace? They have a dedicated booze table and there are probably 40ish bottles on it. Yeah they get sent a lot by fans, but I know I'd have to drink a lot to be able to work for him.


Probably the fact that he's doing nothing with the money pattern is giving him, and you know personality issues.

There's loads of discussions on this if you're willing to go look for them yourself tho.

I know Kavos and Keem like to shit on him for his patreon but all of their points are countered easily because they little to no research.

He has had his patreon for 18 months now and it AT LEAST makes 70,000$ a month....what new and innovative content does he have to show for all his patreons hard work?

Does he actually bring us news or does he just regurgitate the media?

Shilly D

Could this also include other services like talk space?

Who still watches shane and boogie literally waste of time shit content

Who still watches Jake Paul? There's your answer

I think we all know the answer to that: pre-teens.

I'm just glad that nice fellow Idubbbz isn't involved in this.

He's busy making videos about yoghurt cups trapping small animals... too smart to fall for this

That's because hes a gay retard

Look at all he's accomplished in spite of being a gay retard with osteoporosis and crippling depression.

I think we're gonna see a big push to cash in on mental health soon. Lot of young people are eating up all this sociological nonsense due to politics, and I think it's gonna bite them hard when they get older.

The dude from Depression to Expression had a near meltdown after being called out by Pewdiepie, but did admit at least that he also felt kind of duped because it sounded legit even though he didn't read the t&c himself

At this point, Betterhelp might become CSGO Lotto 2.0.

for me to describe this situation, here's this shitty photoshop that it took me 3 hours to make.

BetterHelp is just for emo kids that feel "depressed" because they have to go to school (which is shit but wait until you get to work...).

Kind of oversimplifying it...

You do have a point in that perspective plays a big part of these feelings early on. If your whole world revolves around what happens inside of a building you're required to go to and things aren't going well there it probably starts to look pretty bleak.

Jk news actually did a thing about this. Apparently one of them was offered $200 for everyone that signed up and another was offered a flat cash amount. People like to make 💰

Pretty convinced the entire Shane Dawson doc on Jake Paul was birthed for the purpose of shilling this company and they're both in on it.

It's not just Youtubers that are depressed, tons of people are depressed. The problem with youtube is that people are chasing numbers, more likes, subscribers, more money per videos - these numbers are infinite. As soon as you hit a goal, your expectations shift. This isn't a normal way for humans to live, and it never was - this is new to our psyche. That's why people are depressed - we spend hours and hours on our laptops and phones, most of us don't get enough sleep or even eat properly, there's been a massive spiritual decline (yes be an edgy atheist I don't care) you can still be spiritual - ie walk in the woods, soak up the energy, whatever.

Betterhelp is just another shitty company trying to make money by owning no actual things themselves much like uber, lyft, air b n b, and every drop-shipping site like wish, etc. Youtubers aren't wasting their time reading eulas and they need to make money somehow. Betterhelp just picked people and reached out, its no different than if MVMT reached out to tons of youtubers and then we found out some shady shit about them

I used BetterHelp for a few months, I just cancelled the other day actually because it’s so expensive ($260/mo) for what it is, and my counselor didn’t always answer questions I had or gave me guidance on something I specifically asked about.

What I will give them though- I forgot to cancel before they charged me for another month. I had an anxiety attack and panicked because I didn’t think I would use their service anyways so I emailed them and they refunded me the next day.

My counselor did seem to genuinely care, he would check up on me when I didn’t respond back in a few days.

This is the first I’ve heard of this YouTube/BetterHelp “conspiracy”.

Self posts don't need an ss. Read the rules.

You don't need a submission statement for self posts.

What a hero

Jesus christ that's fuckef up

$200 out of $260 is about 77%. That data must be worth a ton.

Per sign up? How is this a successful business model? How much does it cost for some one to sign up?

Yeah, and it was so sudden and out of place. I thought something weird was going on there.

Probably the fact that he's doing nothing with the money pattern is giving him, and you know personality issues.

There's loads of discussions on this if you're willing to go look for them yourself tho.

I love how you were like (paraphrasing here)

“eh idk if this is as bad as its being made out to be”

and then immediately like

“dude this is fuckin fishy, idk whats goin on here but it stinks” hahah

I feel alot of us are in a similar boat right now, this definitely feels sketchy just hard to put a finger on it

“You definitely should invest in the whole thing before passing judgement”

Who would actually do something so dumb? If I told you to go research the pleasures involved with sticking ur dick in a power outlet you wouldn’t wait until you’ve seen it all to decide it’s dumb. The memology video is just some kid who’s insecure about his high pitched voice so he has to talk through a pitch shifted filter restating the obvious while using irrelevant clips out of context to try and make a “series” to fill a void of creativity. That other guy has all the right to make an early judgement and move on.

Judgement is a company flashed cash at a market that is hemorrhaging money and they all pounced. PDP is unique in that he made so much cash so early the effects hardly phased him.

There is nothing shady about the YouTubers being involved.

Does he actually bring us news or does he just regurgitate the media?

They had a massive legal battle, they're just trying to keep their money tight, why wouldn't they when all their eggs were literally in one basket. I don't even get why they've been brought up here, he only had a single video sponsored by better-help and even he said, he didn't read the EULA, his ad agency was supposed to have done that. He talked about John McCain because he just had the facts that he was a POW he definitely didn't do research on other aspects - why? Because he's a youtube comedian and every took everything he said over the last 3 months as canon when it never was supposed to be that way. IF you go to h3h3 for solid news facts, you're frankly an idiot. I don't care if I get down-voted into oblivion for this, I'm just so sick of everyone getting butt hurt over what Ethan does, or does not do. He doesn't give a shit about politics, he just ran out of content and now it seems with the pregnancy, he is back to making youtube videos. His fanbase basically held him at gunpoint to start making (production) videos again, so he did. Now if you listen closely when he talks, after he says anything at all that sounds divisive, political, or religious, he immediately says "but don't listen to me, I don't know shit, this is just an opinion, it's probably false" - those are obviously directed at people who keep dragging him down.