If America sanctions Saudi, do they drop the 9/11 truth? Do they recall debts? What makes Saudi so confident in all of this?

1  2018-10-14 by showmeurboobsplznthx

Does Saudi release the 9/11 truth bomb? What other leverage do they have? Would Trump want the 9/11 truth to come out because it'll show Mueller as a sham who concocted a false report?


They are rich as fuck, that's all the leverage they need

This ^

The monopoly of oil cannot be underestimated... They got the world by the balls if they decide to charge oil barrels at 100-200 each.

We have 40% of our nations budget invested in mercenaries securing the last of the important obtainable oil fields and pipelines in the middle east, so no, Saudi Arabia couldn't just decide to charge something like that, they'll have to make a better product and continue indefinitely as they will have to compete for sales with the U.S who has more funds already put into mercenaries that are better at securing large cities in the building by building securing of cities with up to a hundred thousand civilian hostages

Saudi king is probably a nrillionaire.
Not counting his countries wealth.

The entire world has been on their oil tit for a century now

Not Chance! The whole world was in on 911. The BBC calling the collapse of building 7 hours ahead while it stood. All the world is a stage and all the leaders of nations are players.

You want justice and truth? it won't come from scum controlled politicians, kings, and so called leaders of the world. They have a hidden master, and their job is nothing but destruction.

“Hidden master” id love to know more,is there a theory or something?

Yeah, ever heard of God?

Atheist so no :D

Must be living under a rock if you’ve never even heard of him

People say things like that just to be difficult

It's almost as if he was upset I didn't validate his beliefs

Well that's what the elite refer to him ass. Sorry you're so behind

Why so pompous to a question that wasn’t even directed at you?


Wasn't Putting at one time touting they had proof who East behind 9/11

The Russian government said they had satellite evidence of the area on that day that they might release.

Probably not, and probably not, on both counts, just a political jibe.

"Recall debts" is one of those phrases that instantly proves someone has no idea what they're talking about.

They hold a shit ton of us bonds if I'm not mistaken?

Which they can sell, or get interest on.

If Saudi went to China, we'd freak right?

Went to China... on vacation?

No.. but maybe start trading oil in Yuan only and then we would get rekt

Yes- this is why Libya was destroyed.

Taken over... can't get in trouble with the world when you don't pull a Hitler, never go full Hitler... just lie and take over pretending your doing good

You can’t just cash in on bonds whenever you want, the US decides when it wants to pay back the principle.

That's not how it works. There's a bond market. You dump bonds, then supply increases. Interest rates then spike. Interest rates impact debt payments and all manner of finance. I don't know how much debt the Saudis own, directly or indirectly, but its probably substantial. There's definitely a risk here.

Yeah but they aren’t allowed to cash in whenever they want. After 15 years they have the opportunity to cash in and if they don’t it gets renewed for another 15. The USA is aware of the potential abuse of the system so they have some checks on a potential catastrophe.

Yes. This was part of the US-SA deal that created the petrodollar. SA agreed to buy a large amount of US bonds which effectively gives them leverage over the US.


When congress was trying to get a part of the 9/11 report released that implicated the Saudis, they threatened to start selling off the bonds.


Here is an article on the deal


" In April, Saudi Arabia warned it would start selling as much as $750 billion in Treasuries and other assets if Congress passes a bill allowing the kingdom to be held liable in U.S. courts for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks,according to the New York Times. The threat comes amid a renewed push by presidential candidates and legislators from both the Democratic and Republican parties to declassify a 28-page section of a 2004 U.S. government report that is believed to detail possible Saudi connections to the attacks. "

Canceling the 110 billion arms deal. Spending that money on Russia instead,

The US arms dealers will just make the deal through Israel. They won't lose to Russia.

110 Billion isn't really that much to the US. It's like 6 weeks of Iraq war spending.

Oil and investments. Especially their investments in Trump.

Saudi role's a tenth of what the Israeli role was.

Do you have a source for this claim?

I think the US government is mainly responsible.

They employ more ex whitehouse and gov officials than we do it is said. Since before the Reagon years, but a vary large spike during his time in office.

Trump has also picked up a shit ton of them in the administration. I wish we were told the truth of what's going on behind the scenes...

Oil. It's the entirety of US foreign policy. It's the reason for Israel support. It's the reason to overthrow "difficult" (read: willing to trade in currency other than petro-dollar) regimes in resource rich countries and/or countries in the path of pipelines. This is known. This is ultimate leverage, in the US eyes.

lol we won't sanction them

All the Saudis have to do is start selling oil in any other denomination besides the USD, and the dollar will become worthless paper. The US can not permit this though, so if the Saudi's actually attempt to back up the bluff, it means war. We will suddenly discover that there are weapons of mass destruction in Saudi Arabia; at this point, I would say that you know how the rest of the story goes.... except, Saudi Arabia is an extremely wealthy and fairly technologically advanced country; not a bunch of goat herders in Afghanistan. The Saudi's may actually be holding some very significant cards here,

saudi will just remove dollar for oil ... saudi is leader of opec and it would crash the dollar in a heartbeat