My post from two years ago on the npc phenomena.

1  2018-10-14 by RMFN

In gaming NPC stands for Non-Player Character. Usually when approached an NPC will have a set number of responses that depending on the questions and answers can be uniform to various other NPC's within the game. There is little difference between a person plugged into the matrix of the modern world and an NPC. The masses are mostly Non-Player Character's, they aren't really playing the game they are on autopilot, they are just following their programming. Have you ever tried to explain the world to a friend and their eyes glaze over? Have you ever heard someone say, "I just don't like to think about that stuff," or have you ever been called a downer for talking about war, about corruption, about child sacrifice? "That stuff is a bummer to think about." This is the programming stepping in to protect itself. Cellphones, meta reality like pokemon go, and constant propaganda shut down the natural processes of a human brain. Logic and reason cannot function once cognitive dissonance takes hold. A person will feel physical pain when their programming is questioned. Nietzsche said that the masses are a herd that desire subjugation from above, Lenin went mad when he came to the same conclusion. Apparently slogans were not enough to free the minds of the masses. Totalitarian ideologies in the guise of populism will take advantage of the herd mentality of the masses in order to push their unnatural agenda's. "Parliamentarism, that is to say, public permission to choose between five main political opinions, insinuates itself into the favour of the numerous class who would like to appear independent and individual, and like to fight for their opinions. After all, however, it is a matter of indifference whether one opinion is imposed upon the herd, or five opinions are permitted to it. But he who diverges from the five public opinions and stands apart, has always the whole herd against him." (Neizsche the Gay Science, 174.) If you have the whole herd of NPC's against you you might be onto something.


Whoa.. you called it


The artist is the antenna of the race.

Haha yup. You're the antenna man. That NPC meme is hilarious and spot on too.

It's honestly scary... Especially when you consider the whole "Equality" conundrum.

The lack of critical thinking in the SJW/NPC's thinking is a bit scary but the meme is hilarious and so accurate.

Can you expand a bit on what you mean by the 'equality' conundrum?

The fact that we want people to be equal but the fact that we are not, I. E. we have specialized skills, is what makes us great. It's not our similarities but our differences that allow humanity to prosper.

Yeah that makes sense to me.

You always are cutting edge, RMFN! You nailed this perfectly. Bravo!

My arguments are as sharp as my knives.

You are so weird. Like for real.

I consider myself pretty firm-dicked, thank you very much.

What can I say? It's like a obelisk down there.

One of r/conspiracy's finest hours, blossoming into the beautiful hammer blow against the anti-American evils of group thinking TuMOR types, the hollow-souled nobodies of defeatism and self-hatred.

Their impotent rage and mindless, lemming-like recitation of empty talking points have been so expertly captured in the NPC meme, which I see the wicked self-hating limp losers blowing their tops over. Truly a huge victory for our movement, but, even more important, a colossal loss on the propaganda front for the already mostly-defeated zombie ghosts of limp-dicked ineffectiveness that is the radical left and their brainwashed minions of a dying ideology.

Very powerfully said! Yes they stand quite flacid.

I don't see how literally any of what you said is true.

Then perhaps you don't belong here.

Meh, not your place to dictate so you can see yourself out. It's simply that everything you wrote is bullshit.

Found the NPC..

Wouldn't an NPC not be participating? Thinking this post, in general, is some kind of "victory" is dillusional. Why do you think the left are a bunch of "NPC" while DT supports/the right refuse to look at facts or think critically and blindly support this administration?

Who's calling it a 'victory' or even thinks of a post in terms like that?

Try this site out and see how well you can relate to the generated responses..

"Hitler Nazi Fascist Party" - from the same folks to are actively purging voting rolls, seeking to reduce places you're allowed to protest, and violently letting others know how they feel about their opinions; See NYC Proud Boys. More projection, as it goes.

You are blind dude.

Okay, please explain in what regard. I seek out information regularly to inform myself. Many different sources, many different mediums, many different country's viewpoints. In fact, I read the Right's information regularly to understand what they are being fed to best combat their misinformation campaigns. In my experience, I understand their positions as well as they do, I simply disagree with them. I'm not sure how much more aware I could realistically be while still holding a full-time job, friends, and interpersonal relationship.

Hahahaha I tried it out.

NPC is a label that attempts to make out other human beings aren’t really real people, it’s at once an arrogant and totally insecure worldview in which you have to work hard to convince yourself you’re superior. The worst thing about it is the people that use it are themselves guilty of what they say of ‘NPCs’ - mindlessly following a narrative within a cognitive box that’s been constructed for them by someone else, allowing themselves to be driven to scorn and hate of the so-called ‘other side’ all in service to those who seek to divide and conquer. We’re all human beings, were all being screwed over, we’re all subject to manipulation, we all need to work together. The direction these people are going in, I’m not sure if they see where it leads but they need to stop and take stock of what they’re actually doing and what their core values are, independent of anything or anyone else, and then ask themselves how they can practically apply those values to the world, and whether what they support is actually, factually, objectively delivering on those values. I’d wager most honest, humble and self aware people would recognise that they’re straying further and further from what they want to be.

I think this is a well reasoned assessment.

Not to mention the desperation to see others as NPCs to make yourself feel like the player character, who the entire game revolves around, defeating enemies who are designed to be beaten by you.

The NPC meme would have to be one of the most desperate things I have seen someone come up with.

Easily the most cringeworthy for people to use. Far far more than 'cucks' was.

I laugh, because you are exactly what this post is about.

I do hold more left-leaning beliefs that are based on information that is verifiably factual. Universal Healthcare, for instance, is more effiient, effective, and less costly. A fact.

I cannot say the same for the right. I sometimes watch Fox News or read The_Donald to understand the other side's perspective. It's not based in reality, as far as I can tell.

Politics is theater. None of it is real, the misleaders are selected not elected. All these terrible actors we see on tv, are wotking together....

Until someone starts to realize this, they will always fall into the 'npc' category.

You post in bottomspooksofreddit sub too.

Right now is your chance to learn, or you can stay clung to the nonsense that is politics.

Votes will never save humanity, only we can.

I'm aware that much of it is "theater" as you say, but that does not make it 100% the case. It's definitely a conspiracy to think that there are millions of people "in" on this and are "'working together."

How does one gain access to become apart of the group working to manipulate us?

Security clearance would be a start.

I thought it was referencing the media as well as the government.

Well, Project Mockingbird.

But it's not difficult to make it in left leaning media, graduate with journalism degree, apply to media matters. Get hired on, I know a good chunk that did after Trump was elected. Some were really gifted, others ehhh.

I get this perspective but it seems to me like a lot of people promoting this npc meme are completely caught up in this political theater. A lot of the comments here indicate that "npc's" are all on the left which comes off as lazy groupthink to me. I've known conservatives and liberals who are excellent critical thinkers. I get the idea that a lot of people would rather have others think for them makes sense but dehumanizing everyone who disagrees with you seems pointlessly divisive to me


Show me where and how I am wrong.

Whew, whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.

Good refutation.

Why would I need to?

I've replied to a few other comments down the chain.

All you guys reply with some silly one liner just like this to nearly everything. Or you ask asinine questions in some autistic wanna-be Socratic method.

Why are you guys always saying the same thing in here?

If that were true, you wouldn't see it succeeding so explosively and such desperate flailing to impotently push back at it.

And now I read Assange has his internet service back! Justice and righteousness is on the march! America-hating, intellectually dishonest, radical leftist gobbledegook is retreating more and more by the day!

Really interesting to see this, since the Right are often found to be the very things you mention. Easy example being Mr. Trump. I guess projection runs deep and the cognitive dissonance is astounding. This post is pretty much the definition of projection.


Why no exclamation points? I assume you were yelling this at your computer.

Completely different realities.


How did you guys get like this?

Care to explain why? Or just spew discord?

It's simply that the left, in general, is a very diverse group of people with a lot of different ideas. Of course there are "NPC" types on both sides, but it's a fact that the right is made of mostly the same types of people. White, rural, older, less education - not all, of course, but primarily. So, if one were to suggest either side full of "NPC" then I think this is misattributed.

Yeah I don’t know how these guys are l pushing the NPC concept onto the left as if the right isn’t hilariously uniform specifically in terms of physical characteristics, education, and specifically religious beliefs.

Like HOW MANY of those people cannot (or do not) think for themselves and instead just do whatever their pastor, bible, father, husband, whoever says?

Think about it guys 🤦🏻‍♂️

Yes. Or Trump, for that matter. He says something, they take it as gospel and do their best to refute anything contrary. Even if it's easily disproven, many will not believe the facts, in favor of course to Trump's lie.

Yes and it’s really sad how so many have been completely had hook line and sinker by this propaganda just because it came from ‘the internet’. They hooked them in with a few good nuggets of truth about corruption and hypocrisy among the status quo elites and convinced all these people they were the savior, when in truth they just want to take over and be corrupt and hypocritical same as ever. It’s just now they’ve got this following that will refuse to believe anything bad, they are psychologically blind to the faults and corruption and dishonesty of Trump. I get why people fell for it because they had a great story and everyone was looking for a savior. But fucking awful people knew that, and have taken advantage of it in the worst way possible. We now have so called conspiracy theorists cheering on a guy who helped write the Patriot act and another corrupt elitist billionaire who is totally in the palm of Israel’s hand. It’s crazy. Talk about being unaware!

So the NPC meme upsets you, but you're completely comfortable inferring that Trump supporters are cultists?

"cult kəlt/Submit noun a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. "the cult of St. Olaf" a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. "a network of Satan-worshiping cults" synonyms: sect, denomination, group, movement, church, persuasion, body, faction "a religious cult" a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing. "a cult of personality surrounding the leaders" synonyms: obsession with, fixation on, mania for, passion for, idolization of, devotion to, worship of, veneration of "the cult of eternal youth in Hollywood""

Emphasis mine.

Then why are you so upset about the NPC meme?

You've spent a lot of time arguing about it? Seem to be invested, but you don't see how your continuation to push the Trump cult meme is fueling the exact same dumbass engine that created the NPC Meme.

I wish everyone would drop their silly partisan fragility.

I don't think I've spent a lot of time on that specific topic, but I also do think there's a difference. Probably less than an hour total in my life.

Imo, NPC is very dehumanizing while a cult member could be a genuinely good person who is being misled. The cult aspect is also likely temporary and changeable. I'm not saying anything inherently negative about them as people, just they're being misled and are following blindly.

This had to be an auto generated NPC comment. The southern white less educated is fucking hilarious. I know a lot of white uneducated democrats. A lot! They tend to be the controlling type that can often be racist.

Good use of anecdotal evidence, but I didn't say the left was full of educated folks. I was explaining the right. I also didnt mention the South and I didn't say all, but statistically I'm accurate.

I think that it's a pretty distasteful representation of a large swath of the country. Yes, I know the right feels that the left has done similar calling them racists and Nazis.

I would say, however, it's super easy to avoid being labeled as such: don't act racist or work to institute policies similar to that of the Nazis. Problem solved.

"The Nazis were socialist" is not a holistic view of what they represented, their ideals, and the evolution of the party, so let's not bother with that intellectually dishonest rhetoric.

LMAO name 1 policy thats similar to the nazis bro

Nazism wasn't overnight. It took steps. Trump is taking similar steps.

I think WaPo summarized it well with this sentence: "Parallels lie in authoritarianism, racism, ethnic myths and dehumanizing language, not the Final Solution"

Nazism was literally overnight after Hitler took power and started cracking down on political opponents.

Where do you see Trump doing any of this two years later? What racist policies has he enacted? Who has been dehumanized? What ethnic myths? Opposing illegal immigration and open door immigration policies, particularly from enemy/terrorist nations, is hardly Third Reich.

The Left is acting more like the Nazis with their Goebbels-esque propaganda networks, banning dissenting opinions on social media, political street gang thugs (Antifa), using political cronies to undermine government from within, etc. The Democrats are the ones acting and talking literally like Nazis.

I try to stay in the middle as much as possible but I’ve noticed people rarely ever actually cite any nazi like policies.

Nazi-like policies from Donald Trump? I definitely don't like any Nazi comparisons, but I would say rounding up undesirables and placing them in prison camps is a lot like something the Nazis did.

Lol, give me an example.

I just did

What us citizens did Trump round up?

Who said citizens? But if you really want to know, many American citizens. When the objective is ''throw undesirable brown people into prisons" they don't really care whether they're citizens or whether they're entering the U.S. legally.

Are you an American?

Dual citizenship should be banned.

Way different than nazis.

Nazis rounded up people based on ethnicity with the intention of exterminating them.

Trump is trying to stop the flow of illegal migrants, he’s not killing anybody, it’s not about ethnicity, and the vast majority of illegal migrants aren’t even documented let alone being rounded up on a mass scale.

Trump is also arrested legal immigrants entering legally along with U.S. citizens who happen to be of a certain ethnicity

Did legal citizens get deported or detained for any considerable period of time?

Any time greater than 0 minutes is considerable.

I agree 100%.

However nobody cited any case of this happening to me so I have no context.

But anyone being detained for an unreasonable amount of time for a crime they didn’t commit is a bad thing.

I wonder why there is no crackdown on Asian, Canadian and European illegals?

Build the wall.


Name a policy.

Not OP but I’ll bite. Here’s a few.

Building an East German style border wall.

Harsh treatment of Hispanic aliens while ignoring Asian and European aliens.

Demonizing the press.

Holding rallies when there is no current campaign.

Protectionist trade policies.

But calling everyone that disagrees with your political stance it’s ok to call them a nazi or a Russian bot.

It doesn’t matter, if it goes against your narratives, labels will be applied.

Have I done that a single time? I'm not saying I haven't seen it, but you're both putting words in my mouth and making assumptions.

It's been proven time and time again that there are plenty of Russians on Reddit trying to sway opinion. Sometimes the shoe fits, others it does not.

I'm responding with reasoned thoughts, but if the other party in a conversation is not responding in kind then there is a chance they are not operating in good faith.

Now, even if I thought what you said was accurate, the right does the same exact thing you're saying the left does. NPC, Antifa, Alt-left. Some folks on both sides do this, but you're suggesting it's "everyone."

You are mistaken.

So as long as I don't do what you consider 'institute policies similar to the nazis' I'm good?

Who is going to be the arbiter on the matter? Is it your discretion or we going to hire the SPLC?

Probably people who know history.

I'd go with the SPLC every day of the week, absolutely.

I wonder if you actually read the policy 🤔

I'm curious, does it say anything about calling people Russian Bots?

Why are you asking me, when you could read it? Do you want the cliff notes?

I consider myself pretty firm-dicked, thank you very much.

Lol you really triggered them with this one Ian.

Their impotent rage and mindless, lemming-like recitation of empty talking points have been so expertly captured in the NPC meme,

The irony in you posting this in impotent rage against "them" while reveling in repeating empty talking points about people you disagree with being NPCs.


Truly a huge victory for our movement, but, even more important, a colossal loss on the propaganda front for the already mostly-defeated zombie ghosts of limp-dicked ineffectiveness that is the radical left and their brainwashed minions of a dying ideology.


Imagine thinking this.

Imagine thinking calling some random person you don't like an NPC and thinking it was an important battle for your "movement" and a "colossal loss" by THEM.


I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

That is spot on good sir. (Tips fadora)

Post thousands of things and one day you'll be right one or toe.

I honestly just love reading what you write and what's written over in CST.

Ha, I remember reading that post! You truly are a progressive thinker ;)


HA! Did that coincide with any one of your countless bans?

Found the npc!

Found the npc!

This comment and variations of it keep coming up in this thread. It's almost like scripted, predictable video game character dialog. Really makes you think...

I think this reflects a bigger problem with people who think the internet is real life. This is an entire political theory based on … I guess a video game? Like there are really people out there who play video games so much that they can no longer see the line between real life and video game fantasy?

This whole problem would be solved if they had enough real-world interactions with other people who would listen to this NPC idea and say "that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard" but instead they live in an internet bubble where terrible ideas are reinforced.

If you think an analogy is the basis of the theory you're going to have a bad time. An analogy can be used to help someone explain an abstract concept.

We are saying the masses do as they are told, but that doesn't sound as good as npc.

Rule 10. I think?

Found the JCP!

That is very true.

Attack the argument, n0t the user. Remember?

It seems this mod's "o" button is broke.

Oh well, bang up job nonetheless. Words of wisdom for us all.

Attack the argument, n0t the user. Remember?

That other user didn't attack the argument :(

It doesn't matter anyway.

Pray tell?

I haven't prayed in years.

James, just answer the question? We really do need to get over, certain things. I'll build the bridge, if you bring the water to go underneath it...

I've never ban evaded, muchacho.

That is a flat out lie, everyone seems to realize this but you.

Shall we beckon rocky to slap you around a bit?

If they're not available I can certainly provide at least 5+ or more of your alts, formal admin statements, mod endorsements, etc.

Tell me to piss off and "go have a good night", please. I just want to hear it once more before I put you on blast before the entire site.

Here's a word of advice on that: If this donkey gets kicked for his very mild fun and games, you'll follow right behind in short time.

Say something funny, hombre.

That is a flat out lie, everyone seems to realize this but you.

Nope, tis' not a lie. Youzzzz lying...

Shall we beckon rocky to slap you around a bit?

LMFAO, what is Rocky ROOOOO, going to do?

If they're not available I can certainly provide at least 5+ or more of your alts, formal admin statements, mod endorsements, etc.


Tell me to piss off and "go have a good night", please. I just want to hear it once more before I put you on blast before the entire site.

That would be very naughty of me, so, no...

Here's a word of advice on that: If this donkey gets kicked for his very mild fun and games, you'll follow right behind in short time. Can you here the "two mules for sister Sara" theme playing? I can.


Oh, okay, so you're a complete bitch then.

Oh, okay, so you're a complete bitch then.

Why are such a meanie. Stahhhhp.

You're just making more of an ass of yourself now. It's a common thing with schoolyard bullies. Have you ever had your face attached to a telephone pole?

Have you ever had your face attached to a telephone pole?


I think you have. You've got red hair and a rat tail haircut, don't ya?

Did grandma make soup tonight?

How many logs did you cut for $9 an hour today?

I think you have. You've got red hair and a rat tail haircut, don't ya?


Did grandma make soup tonight?


How many logs did you cut for $9 an hour today?

Tree fiddy.

Since you're an utter imbecile, let's here more about that soup.

Removed. Rule 4

Removed. Rule 10

Nailed. It.

Dude how many accounts do you have, clear as day you’re responding to yourself

Hmm I have this one and /u/drshillgood and that's all.. Oh and u/newjerseyfreakshow but that's just for fun.

It's likely a bad idea to start pinging people like that again.

Just a thought.

What? Those are my alts. Are we not allowed to have multiple accounts?

I dunno, those two are very much different, yet still peas of the same pod. A horrendous bunch, no doubt.

Makes little difference, because you should have no trouble proving your claims.


Does it worry you that so many like minded people responded? Are you going to say he is a "Russian bot?"

Nah, they'll just downvote any comment to a -1.

Right? This thread is bizarre.

Great post. NPCs (socialist dems) are like teenage kids who want to be cool. They share talking points to be relevant and to not seem uncool to the popular bullies. The best is catching a group of NPCs (dem socialist) having conversation. They literally sit around and see who can be the most liberal. This behavior explodes on social media. That is why this NPC meme theme is hilarious in its accuracy.

Ironic that people who believe a political theory based on video games would claim that someone else is a "teenage kids who want to be cool"

Using an analogy is a little different than basing an analogy off of something.

Are you Q???

I cannot confirm or deny...

At this point, nothing would surprise me coming from xim.

Q predicted this.


I mean, you predicted this!

Does it strike you as odd that Q has been utterly silent since 10/9? (At least my app has.)

I truly hate to dismiss people as NPCs. This stuff is hard to think about. The more you dig the more messed up it is and the more powerless you realize you are to do anything about it.

The only thing that will change things is total revolution, which is utterly impossible for us. We would be rounded up and tossed in for profit prisons making bras for Victorias Secret in a week. I totally understand why people go into NPC mode.

That said, I'm eager to read your link. :)

Would be nice to be in box mode oblivious to every thing an being able to withstand listening to Taylor Swift music and justifying all her musical awards. 😂

No. Don’t go down the route of calling other human beings this. You’re falling into a trap to dehumanise and ‘other’ your fellow man. I’ve already seen people use the NPC thing as an apparent excuse to kill/blow up/get rid of people they think disagree with them politically or people who don’t believe in this or that theory, usually the Trump believers who ironically are behaving as you describe above. Dangerous road towards evil with this one.

I honestly can’t fathom the level of arrogance it would take to write this garbage, this is some r/im14andthisisdeep kind of shit. Just because someone doesn’t agree with your opinions and has the ability to form their own doesn’t mean they’re a fucking robot. What a ludicrous and asinine post this is and I honestly can’t believe that this sub doesn’t have an issue with OP making the kind of flagrant comments you would get if you were discussing a fringe conspiracy with non-conspiracy believing folk. It’s the same exact thing just with the roles being reversed.

I know, it’s awful, makes me feel nauseous every time someone uses this characterisation. As we’re on a conspiracy sub, I wouldn’t be surprised if this meme was a way of gearing sections of the population up to enact violence on their fellow citizens as part of some kind of martial law mixed with vigilante ‘justice.’ I can imagine the military using this tactic when they try to turn soldiers into killing machines- those ragheads, they’re not human, they’re vermin etc! But instead it’ll be those liberals/leftists/centrist/moderates or whatever, they’re not real humans, they’re NPCs! Killing them will be no different to just shooting a few virtual characters in a video game! No more immoral than deleting some lines of code! Etc etc. And these people think they’re somehow above all that propaganda and brainwashing stuff!

Calm down Jack Thompson.

To illustrate the programming, all I have to do is ask what causes autism and wait for the programmed output

I really have no idea what this comment was meant to accomplish, something about vaccines causing autism maybe??

It disturbs me that there's an entire subset of young men now who view everything through a lens of 4chan/video games/right-wing Reddit subs and think that the internet is real life. They're basing their entire worldview on falsehoods and propaganda and retreating further and further away from reality.

They become the shooters and mass murderers with fucked up manifestos

It’s sociopathic.

Yep. You can look at the other people on the train and assume they don't have much going on, but they have as many thoughts and opinions and hopes and dreams as you do. Remember that.

Just because they don't have a response ready for a heavy topic that you think is important doesn't make them any less human. This is stuff that five year olds and sociopaths deal with. Grow up.

This is about as dehumanizing as the whole grand theft auto scandal Jack Thompson put out.

People are just more receptive to that message now that the fear mongering is in full effect.

It's not a dangerous road, it's just typical hysteria for gaming culture if anything substantial at all.

Your objection to the meme gives it more steam.

it has nothing to do with video games. i play video games and also understand that other people exist, it’s not that confusing

Sounds about right, had this experience a few days ago where a /r/t_d user repeatedly called me a mindless MSM drone and an NPC. Some people's lack of self awareness is astounding.

Haha the NPC reaction to being called an NPC is as predictable as it is hilarious

“The fact that people don’t like it when I say they’re not people proves they’re not people”

People who are programmed all call it "dehumanizing" when others point out how they are programmed. That's what's so funny!

If you're programmed to take offense to this meme, I could understand why you might miss the humor in it...I know that the Top Minds don't find it funny, which is why they are furiously downvoting my comment lol

You’re literally saying that most people aren’t humans. Can you explain how that’s not dehumanizing?

You’re literally saying that most people aren’t humans.

No, I'm not literally saying that. I've noticed that NPCs love the inappropriate use of the term "literally."

Many people are humans who have been brainwashed and programmed, are incapable of critical thought, and need to be told what to believe by the media/government.

I can guarantee that you’ve never had a critical thought leave the station in your life.

Its a shame that doesn't mean anything at all!

Its funny that this meme triggers you guys so badly, I think I know why

And it’s just the same canned response over and over again. I could say whatever I want, and you’d probably respond with “Haha, you’re triggered.”

If anyone here’s on a script, it’s you, bud.

I mean, are you really going to pretend that you're not triggered by this meme? Just look at your responses...

You know a trigger is, like, a thing, right? Like, physiologically. It’s not whatever you think this is.

This seems to be a thing to me, its just a meme dude.

lmao just a prank bro

The scary part is that it's built into our own evolution to have that state of mind. The mind wants rest, seeks shortcuts and efficiency. Is easily emotionally driven toward subconscious desires. As a stage hypnotist I used to get strangers to believe the lemon they were eating was an orange. Imagination is strong.

The germans called it propaganda, Freud called it hypnosis, his nephew called it public relations, but it is a state where through imagination alone you can fully believe total falsehoods and biased minds will not see through and question.

I'm from the future.

What’s the future like dude


Give me some of that vibranium please.

Sec and violence.

So RMFN, you going to tell us that this is somehow related to a TMOR brigade that we should all get super mad about?

Probably. I'm sure it could be. At least in theory if not Praxis.

Put a leash on your goons /u/dr_shillgood.

Top Minds are the epitome of NPCs for sure

Cellphones, meta reality like pokemon go, and constant propaganda shut down the natural processes of a human brain

TFW use cellphone for meta reality and natural process of my human brain shutdown. Darn pokemons

Shouldn't have been fetching those crummy pokemon creatures, homie.

OP's army of bots totally real people are swarming in to compliment him.

Wait wut




Tone it down just a tad.



I bathe regularly. I assure you.

you assure him?

Essh. you really just give me the creeps, man.

You can bathe me if you wish.

Just going to keep on creepin, eh?

I mean.. you gotta do you, I guess.

If you don't like me feel free to block me.

We are neighbors.

No shit? Whereabout?

The npc's sure are triggered by this post.

LMAO name 1 policy thats similar to the nazis bro

But calling everyone that disagrees with your political stance it’s ok to call them a nazi or a Russian bot.

It doesn’t matter, if it goes against your narratives, labels will be applied.

Found the JCP!

So as long as I don't do what you consider 'institute policies similar to the nazis' I'm good?

Who is going to be the arbiter on the matter? Is it your discretion or we going to hire the SPLC?

That is a flat out lie, everyone seems to realize this but you.

Nope, tis' not a lie. Youzzzz lying...

Shall we beckon rocky to slap you around a bit?

LMFAO, what is Rocky ROOOOO, going to do?

If they're not available I can certainly provide at least 5+ or more of your alts, formal admin statements, mod endorsements, etc.


Tell me to piss off and "go have a good night", please. I just want to hear it once more before I put you on blast before the entire site.

That would be very naughty of me, so, no...

Here's a word of advice on that: If this donkey gets kicked for his very mild fun and games, you'll follow right behind in short time. Can you here the "two mules for sister Sara" theme playing? I can.


If you think an analogy is the basis of the theory you're going to have a bad time. An analogy can be used to help someone explain an abstract concept.

We are saying the masses do as they are told, but that doesn't sound as good as npc.

No shit? Whereabout?