I’m new to the community. Are there any largely accepted/proven conspiracies.

1  2018-10-15 by filfily

Also anything else youd like to say would be appreciated.


"Conspiracy is a common form of human behaviour across all cultures throughout recorded time, and it has always been particularly widespread in politics. Virtually all of us conspire some of the time, and some people (such as spies) conspire virtually all of the time. "-https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/9fjg7q/conspiracy_is_a_common_form_of_human_behaviour/

Northwoods, paperclip, mockingbird... Start there.

Am I supposed to google those...?

No you're supposed to just know what they are by their name alone.

I don’t. I guess I’m supposed to

You could use altavista

You could use Netscape

Look it up on Geocities

Look it up on Reddit.

"Lycos, go get it"

Are you lazy or just plain stupid? Yes, of course you have to research them. People can point you in the right direction and then you need to start reading about the subjects.

I’m neither. What I am is genuinely interested and just trying to make sure I do this correctly.

Read the sidebar.

I’m on mobile.

It's there under community info.

Yes... 1) That aliens are real and make up 95% of the population. 2) we have all been completely sold into debt slavery unknowingly. 3) Billy Baldwin is the most talented Baldwin.


Crap, we are all Aliens?

Yes, and I'm deeply sorry about it

Where did we come from?

We are the fleas that came with the dog.

So, not Seti Alpha 5?

Or was this a Sirius Joke?

You got me

NSA - turns out government was spying on us the whole time.
Gulf of Tonken - Turns out the event the US used to justify entering the Vietnam war never happened source;

Iran-Contra - CIA sold drugs to support a rebels in Iran because the US government would not fund it source

MK Ultra (Source), project stargate (source), project paperclip (source) - all covert government programs the government later admitted to.

USS Liberty Incident - Israel forces tried to sink a US vessel and blame it on Egypt source

there's also the US spraying cities with radioactive material (Source), infecting people with syphilis (source) and telling them specifically they did not have it

It should be remembered once conspiracies are admitted it is common for people to say "well of course it was happening" before a conspiracy is admitted though the average person will think you're a crackpot. Some of these seem like non-conspiracies but for a longtime they were not public knowledge and you would be thought of as crazy for stating the real story.

There's far more but this is a good start for reading material.

The worst part is that people think that the government used to do this but totally doesn't do stuff like that anymore.

Yeah, usually when the government admits to these things it’s decades after the events took place and there’s a tongue in cheek “can you believe the old guys did this? It’s a good thing we would never do this”

Don't forget the 2016 South Korea political scandal, Hillary Clinton, Stuxnet, etc... The list is too long for such a broad question.

pipe organ music has been used to for Mesmer. Other instruments and notes also.

Look into the history of Operation Gladio.

The Gulf of Tonkin, MK Ultra, unethical government experiments on American citizens, etc


I feel like just those alone should be enough to give pretty much anyone a healthy sense of concern about our political apparatus.

Most normal people just deny and ignore this stuff. even if you smear it in their face they won't see the truth.

As children, I think most of us know there is something terribly, terribly wrong. Over the years, with all your parents and friends and schools and churches living along as if everything is OK, eventually the little screaming voice inside goes quite.

With it goes the ability to discern good from evil.

Someone writes this message once a month.... start with a podcast. Those conspiracy guys for example

First one that I know of, is the lightbulb conspiracy, and two others that come to mind are the Gulf of Tonkin, Tuskegee experiments

Is that the one how Thomas Edison deliberately made and marketed a lightbulb that would die and need replacing regularly, rather than one that works for ages - that one?

Yea there is a short documentary about this. Edison and the other dudes making bulbs back then all conspired to make bulbs that were shittier. It was the beginning of planned obsolescence.

Idk the other two, TL:DR?

US gov invaded Vietnam after false flag attack in the gulf of Tonkin.

US scientists purposefully did not treat blacks for syphilis but said they did, just to see what'd happen (they already knew what happened)

Gulf of Tonkin, the US sunk its own ship to start the war in Vietnam.

The Tuskegee experiments, the Us gov literally gave an entire town syphilis and then did not tell them for years to see what would happen.

Also check out operation paperclip,

There are many that have actual Government documentation to verify the claims. Take some time to look and you'll be surprised.

He's asking where to look. It is a reasonable question, especially with the widespread censorship of this information that is now occuring.

Depends on who you ask. I'd strongly suggest starting with the "Conspiratorial View of History" as advanced by Ralph Epperson to get the "Big Picture", as they say... http://www.lovethetruth.com/books/ralph_epperson/new_world_order.pdf

MKUltra is proven (Though some conspiracy theorists believe it did more than has been certifiably proven yet)

CIA exploding the crack epidemic in the 80's.


Gulf of Tonkin disaster

Pretenses for the Iraq War

it is always a jew.

A conspiracy is simply defined as a group of people with a common goal, add "theory" and it's one that isn't proven.

Operation Paperclip and Operation Highjump.

Chemtrails, otherwise known as HAARP and geoengineering. There’s proof beyond proof that they continue to spray us everyday but sheep continue to look down at their phones and say “oh it’s just water vapor, every plane leaves those trails”. Nope, it’s just the government knowingly spraying chemicals above our heads to “control the weather” and increase disease within communities.

Project MKUltra laid the groundwork for a number of spinoff projects which continue to this day.

Dupont pushed a disinformation campaign against hemp/cannabis in the 1910s-30s for economic purposes. It continues to this day with other corporate agents at the helm, but the motivation remains the same: keep known, safe, cheap hemp and cannabis products off the market in favor of companies that make more expensive, less effective alternatives.

Tulsa Race Riot, 1921, was nearly scrubbed from history books, down played by the establishment for many decades after it happened. The event came to prominence again in the 1990s. Now it doesn't even register as a "conspiracy," however, at the time, it was treated as an open secret by the entire white community of Tulsa--until the death of nearly everyone involved. Despite the fact that US army planes were dispatched, several law enforcement agents were shooting unarmed black people from planes and dropping bombs and incendiaries from the sky. An account from the time was found in 2015 written by a prominent local lawyer.

The DC Madame: Debra Jean Palfrey. She ran a sex service for the DC elite. She had the dirt on all those pedophile mfs. Shortly after her existence became public knowledge, and it looked a lot like she was heading for a public hearing, she simply couldn't take the pressure and committed suicide. Yeah, right.

Michael Hastings): Made a name for himself as a balls-out journalist, willing to risk his life for the real story. He was also suicided after his account of being embedded with the US Army in Afghanistan, alongside Gen. Stanley McChrystal.

From a 2013, NYT Magazine article:

Mark Leibovich, in this summer’s inside-the-­Beltway big read, This Town, describes Hastings’s McChrystal piece as “the most consequential” journalism of 2010 and possibly Obama’s entire first term. But despite going after big game, Hastings tended to be nonchalant about possible repercussions. “Whenever I’d been reporting around groups of dudes whose job it was to kill people,” he said once, “one of them would usually mention that they were going to kill me.” Here's the crash.

There are many more. They happen every day. A conspiracy happens any time two businessmen talk behind closed doors.

I pulled a lot of this stuff from other users and pieces of this have made the rounds here as mini copy/pastes. I put it all together in one thread. Enjoy!

Human experimentation:

More recent happenings that never got enough attention

Big Pharma:

Science Whistleblowers and information about little known problems in science:

  • "Reproducibility in science is not very sexy. Because our scientific culture generally rewards innovation over cautiousness, replicating a study conducted by others will not get a researcher a publication in a high-end journal, a splashy headline in a newspaper, or a large funding grant from the government. Only an estimated [0.15% of all published results are direct replications of previous studies.](http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2015/reproduce-or-bust-bringing-reproducibility-back-