Why do we discredit the natural as a form of medicine?

1  2018-10-15 by Yellowtag1

Just a thought... Why don't we put as much value on natural methods of healing as we do on medicine given to us by the pharmaceutical industry? In reality the scientists that make this medicine are combing over nature and looking at plants, mushrooms, animals, etc, for things that work and can be synthesized into its chemical components to be patented. They discredit the very plants that they get the cure from in the public arena, and have perpetuated the concealment of natural medicine by wiping out indigenous cultures and suppressing knowledge for the almighty dollar to the detriment of their fellow man.


Because big companies can't put a hefty price tag on natural things that people can do at home

So better make a replica in pill form and lobby to ban the former!

Like they want to pull with Kratom and have done on many others

Those you can't ban, just demonize to all hell and ridicule it so that people stay away from it

I never see anyone demonizing kratom or pot unless they’re over 60.

I see this demonizing is most commonly spent on people who know better than their doctors and give their children chilled plum juice and crystals for cancer and shit.

That’s what I think of when I think of natural medicine.

I guess...where is the line between smoking a plant and eating plum juice when it comes to absurdity. But I think the natural medicine demonizing is based on people who outright shun mainstream medicine and only use natural remedies.

Thats completely a mainstream media view of what natural medicine is.

Doesn't change the fact that most people think that though. Pisses me off honestly

I grew up with natural medicine, I also grew up in a situation much different than your average redditor (in terms of ideal demographic).

In other words, it has to do with one's culture and economic upbringing.

You just answered your own question! And to further it... TPTB and those who make the $ while suppressing cheap and natural healing + self sustainability have done a great job of making this kind of stuff part of the "left vs right" argument. This keeps a huge part of the population biased to this information right off the bat. I do see things starting to shift though. I am in year 12 of sustainable farming and *mostly off grid living... growing all my own food and making all kinds of different herbal concoctions. Before that I ate healthy, organic, mostly vegetarian for 10 years. Doing it yourself with clean growing methods will take your health to another level. I haven't been sick or to the doctors in 25 + years. Coming up on 40 and feel 20. Brain is focused like a razor. It's the real deal.

You're completely correct.
The only thing I'll take issue with is calling them scientist. They don't deserve that title.
Also, I'll add rain forest slash & burn as a likely part of the process.
They likely send in a team to collect plant samples before and area is slashed & burned, then bring them back to the lab for synthesis and testing. Their hope being that the slash & burn will completely destroy the species (or make it extremely rare) and they will be the only source. It also allows them to destroy or shelf cures for the diseases they profit off of.

you answered your own question. for example look at all the businesses and organizations that deal with Cancer. If they cured cancer all of those would go away. I saw on one website that cancer is a 2 trillion dollar a year business.

Now imagine drinking tree bark tree, that you can get from almost any tree for a week and your cancer is cured. Probably will never happen, but we won't know because we keep it suppressed. There is a major conspiracy theory out there that almost all of our major diseases have cures but the companies won't let them out, unless you have the money. Remember how Magic Johnson has aids and back then the life expediency was a year, well hes still alive! Guess money talks.

Awesome insite. Thank you

Also read up on the AMA and their dubiously biased, not to mention racist, Flexner Report which hamstrung the proliferation of homeopathy and other alternative modality education almost overnight.

The establishment response is: "we have a word for natural cures that work, we call them medicines".

And that's true. They take something that has obvious efficacy, synthesize it, rename it, package it, and then patent it and fine or ridicule anyone else using it in it's original form, when they don't just put them in jail. Anything to corner the market.

Natural medicine = homeopathic medicine usually. That's why.

Not even close.

Homeopathy is based on delusion and was thought up by a german guy 200 years ago.

It has really naothing to do with natural medicine. It even used dog shit and plutonium as base ingredients.

Except homeopathy markets itself as natural medicine. Also though the compound might be found naturally occurring that doesn't mean there is enough of that plant or its economically feesible to harvest it compared to just making the compound.

Sure but there's nothing "natural" about it or how it is supposed to work. It's based on pure fantasy.

It's like the pedos trying to be allies with the LGBT community.

So nutrition now is homeopathic, yikes big pharama really has people badly brainwashed. If its not from a doctor it must be homepathic -___-

Nutrition? Since when is that natural medicine?

It is more preventive care, and can address some medical issues. Nutrition and the gut microbiome is an important part of someones overall healthy state.

Yeah food is not medicine. It's a way to get the right fuel for your body to function correctly. You can call nutrition a science if you'd like but don't call eating right natural medicine.

It is preventive care, and yes eating certain foods can alleviate some medical conditions. I'm not calling it a medicine but to deny the health benefits is absurd. It is the most natural thing to do. We consume food, if the food we consume makes us more resilient or directly affects a condition that is present then it could be considered a natural medicine.

But it is just a label so who really cares if you call it a natural medicine or dieting, or nutrition.

Oh Jesus christ this thread was started about how natural medicine isn't mainstream. Healthy food is a huge fucking business so it doesn't fit what the hell we are talking about does it? There is a giant trend towards antibiotic/pesticide free foods, less sugar, less gluten, fats being ok for you, and a bunch of other healthy food trends. And yeah if you need more or this or that you eat more foods with what you need in it. Or if you have a bad response to something you don't eat things with that in it. But it is not medicine.

Stop purposely being dense just so you can respond with something.

I'm sorry I'm not being dense rather I'm stating that food can indeed be used as a natural medicine.

Our bodies are able to take what is necessary out of what we consume. It is the most natural way to address an issue. But you are the dense one by not recognizing that. I'm not saying eating food can address all medical issues that would be absurd. Why don't you look into it a little. Do some reading on food as medicine.

The only thing I would add is it just isn't labeled as natural medicine.

How can you get more natural of a medicine when quite literally the natural process of the body extract w/e is needed out of the food. So eating the right kinds of foods can address a number a varying issues a person might have.


So if a person eats some foods to treat a symptom and that symptom goes away based on the food that person was eating do we not have a natural medicine? Or what do you call it?

So to you there isn't a difference between say broccoli and a medicinal plant such as st John's wart?

Also do you consider the air in each breath you take as a dose of medicine. After all your body takes what it needs from it (oxygen) in the more natural way possible.

What I am saying that they both can be considered natural medicine. Though I do think there is a difference. Some people can treat depression with a regiment of healthy eating and exercise. But some might prefer or can't eat the necessary foods that might help treat depression so there are other options. St John's wort being one of them.

I suppose my body would not function if I couldn't breathe oxygen. Though I don't consider it a medicine, my body needs it, without I would be dead. You could use Oxygen, in other ways to help revitalize the body, so yes Oxygen, "not the air" could be used as a medicine.

But the air I breathe probably not a medicine unless I came from a severely smog riddled area stay there for an extended period of time then moved to a less polluted area, I would probably find that breathing in a large dose of fresh air would likely improve so aspects of my being. After an extended stay in a largely polluted area.

I do think that natural medicines are being suppressed, but not all avenues are suppressed. I don't understand your point of view fully I guess. Why can't food be consider part of a natural medicine? what defines a natural medicine to you? I don't think we are on opposing sides. Perhaps labels are getting in the way of our discussion.

So are you saying you can't treat ailments with food?

The difference is in use.

I can eat elderberry pie for funsies or I can eat elderberry pie for it's medicinal benefit. I can drink alcohol because I'm dumb or I can use it to disinfect a wound. I can smoke pot to feel stoned or I can smoke it to restore my appetite.

Broccoli is used for preventing cancer of the prostate, breast, colon, bladder, and stomach. Some people also use it for boosting the effectiveness of the immune system. Such uses are medicinal.

Other people eat broccoli because it soaks up salted butter or cheddar cheese sauce like a sponge. Such use is culinary.

Other eat it for sustenance.

Food is absolutely medicine, what are you talking about?

You're full of shit. That's why.

So your saying homeopathic bs doesn't market itself as natural medicine.

I'm saying your false equivalency is blatantly stupid.

What I was saying is there is too much bullshit calling itself 'natural medicine'. Too many snake oil salesmen.

Well what you said was flat out bullshit and to think you're not selling snake oil when you make flat out bullshit claims about alternative medicine is to speak without thinking at all.

When americans hears natural medicine they think homeopathic bullshit. Don't get mad at me because they succeed in co-opting the term.

Maybe Americans are dumbassed because you go around parading their idiocy like it's a fact.

That homeopathy uses natural ingredients doesn't mean it's literally the same thing as "natural medicine." Which is an umbrella term that could encompass pretty much anything depending on your definition.

That homeopathy works through placebo and faith-based healing methods doesn't make it bullshit for everybody. Only for hardcore skepdicks who's psychic disease is on par with hypochondriacs for how deleterious their ideology is to their health.

I added that last sentence just to piss you off, it really does represent my observations. My grandmother is dying of rat poisoning because that's what big pharma told her dr. to prescribe. In fact, she can't eat healthy food because her rat poison prevents it. Which has almost nothing to do with homeopathy other than her dogheadedness in blindly trusting a profit-driven "healthcare" industry over decades of nutritional science jt killing her. Just like people who live in denial of the research that shows our bodies can heal themselves suffer and die because invasive medicine is all the rage these days.

It helps when you have cultures like China thinking tiger balls gives them power or a rhino's ivory horn gives them some kind of viralness or some other kinds of powers.

??? Almost all antibiotics are derived from mold. We don't discredit the natural, we just pull put the effective ingredients.

No, actually there is a lot of discrediting of the natural. A co worker of mine just said a few days ago that vitamins are scientifically proven to improve health. Most of our health problems as Americans come from our diets to begin with. The bad/unnatural food makes you sick, and then the unnatural Pharmaceutical companies make billions off of treating your symptoms but not solving the problem at its core...

"Vitamins," could refer to the vitamins naturally found in a healthy diet, or it could refer to an extracted multi-vitamin. If the latter, your co-worker is correct.

  1. It's really up to you if that's how you want to run with it.

  2. By using phramaceuticals, you are saying that you trust the institution that made that medicine and the regulatory body above it to provide you with a sanitary and effective product.

Again, do your own research and determine what works for you for what applications

Aloe is incredibly useful for treating dozens of skin and inflammation related issues,

Lavender oil can help you sleep, a nice multivitamin keeps your strong and alert, cat tail plant sap treats tooth pain, and so on.

To treat an infection for two weeks you can eaither eat 8 Oz of straight up mold every day or you can take 2 pills. It's the same for other natural remedies. The "aspirin" in bark isn't as concentrated or effective as the aspirin we learned how to synthesize from it.

Many doctors and medical researchers would agree with your post. Unfortunately if they came out to speak about it they would lose their positions and possibly their license.

Can you give some examples to what you are talking about please?

Look to these videos as a part of the puzzle. There has been a well funded and planned agenda against natural remedies for a long time.


Because we have been brainwashed to think doctors and big pharma have our best interests at heart, so we must trust that they will provide the medication that is best for us. But in reality, they just see dollar signs when we walk into their office with issues.

Because anything natural that is effective is immediately scheduled. Kratom, marijuana, etc...

Wikipedia calls anything outside of modern pill based medicine quackery

Because natural medicine that works is just called "medicine".

I recommend a book called "Gnomes" by Huygen and Poortvliet, first published in 1976, has a bit of nudity but enchanting for all ages nonetheless. In the section about what gnomes do when they get ill or injured, you will find a whole raft of natural remedies which are actually for us.

Subversive bastards lol.

Humans can't naturally heal anymore

In addition to interesting Rockefeller story linked by u/meatballpoking :

Modern pharmaceutics and chemistry can isolate the effective and safe medical compound, find alternative high volume manufacturing methods (instead of cutting down all forests, ok exaggerating a little bit) and produce standardized and effective doses with long storage time through-out the year. All something that can be difficult to achieve if using just plants as medicines.

And of course, it's very good business ;-)

a few heart medications came from studying the properties of snake venoms. do you think you could treat heart problems with a poisonous snake bite?

They discredit the very plants that they get the cure from in the public arena

who is "they" and what plants are you talking about?

Oh Jesus christ this thread was started about how natural medicine isn't mainstream. Healthy food is a huge fucking business so it doesn't fit what the hell we are talking about does it? There is a giant trend towards antibiotic/pesticide free foods, less sugar, less gluten, fats being ok for you, and a bunch of other healthy food trends. And yeah if you need more or this or that you eat more foods with what you need in it. Or if you have a bad response to something you don't eat things with that in it. But it is not medicine.

Stop purposely being dense just so you can respond with something.

So to you there isn't a difference between say broccoli and a medicinal plant such as st John's wart?

Also do you consider the air in each breath you take as a dose of medicine. After all your body takes what it needs from it (oxygen) in the more natural way possible.

Well what you said was flat out bullshit and to think you're not selling snake oil when you make flat out bullshit claims about alternative medicine is to speak without thinking at all.