I have a genuine question. Is it possible to be conspiratorially inclined and still hold a pro-Israel stance?

1  2018-10-15 by ndavilajr

SS: Any time the word Israel is mentioned in a positive light, the downvote brigade comes out in full force. I guess what I’m trying to understand is why single out this one country?


oy vey, people are just antisemitic obviously.

No no. I’m not trying to cast judgement on people. I really want to understand

at the end of the 19th century people began to realize the importance of the homeland. because jews are jews and required a goyim to do their bidding, jews got fucked. they had been so busy fucking over every country they went to they had not preserved a homeland. now hitler comes along, wants his own german blood, so he expels the jews to palestine. the jews are now pissed cuz they have to do their own work, the germans got accused of holocausting jews, so now germany is fucked, and the only people that get to maintain a homeland (I don't know how a racemixed nomad tribe has a homeland but w.e.) are exactly the people who do not deserve one/cannot maintain that on their own. To make it worse, the very holocaust the jews bitch about is now actively being committed against palestinians. and on top of that, the jews subverted the US government, and use it for their own personal gain, hence wars in the middle east.

fuck jews, and fuck israel.

So how does your understanding of Israel affect other conspiratorial believes?

they are the heart of all issues in the U.S. If you do not include ZOG, you will be spinning in lala land like the reptilian dude. Modern propaganda is based on the holohoax myth (more recently 9/11), and they are the front of the modern economic war machine. without knowledge of the jewish menace, they perpetuate a collective delusion that people are something other than semi-evolved animals, disconnecting people from nature, and ultimately using them for their own nefarious purposes. the jewish philosophy is the single most destructive force with regards to civilizations.

fuck jews

You mean Zionists.

I don't discriminate.

You seem fun.

You seem scared. Your "Golden age" coming to end?

Sure.. if you're a zionist.

But if you're a zionist you should kill yourself.

Define Zionism.

You did it yourself.

"Holding a pro-Israel stance"

Fair enough. So then my question is how does holding a pro-Israel stance conflict with a lot of conspiratorial views?

It doesn't. I just guess that if you're pro-israel you're also pro-conspiracies and would want to help them along instead of stopping/exposing them.

I 100% think that every one should be held accountable for their actions. Like I’m extremely pro-America. Love my country and all. That doesn’t mean that I’m willing to turn a blind eye to wrong doing. It’s like I love ‘em so much that I can’t turn a blind eye to bad because I want them to succeed ya know?

If you're Amerifat why do you support Israel? Don't you know they're fucking your country worse than anyone has fucked anyone in history? You're literally their warslaves. How many billions did you donate this year? For what??

But that’s the issue isn’t it? Like I would be inclined to say that their our allies, and we protect them. And in your view, we are war slaves.

Allies? What has Israel EVER done fir the US?

They are one of the only true democratic type governments in the area. We encourage those types of governments. Therefore we support them.

Yeah? Was Bibi elected democraticly? Does the Muslims at the west bank get to vote?

You are sounding like a robot.

Absolutely. Considering it's a tiny land the size of New Jersey, to me the conspiracy is the constant scapegoating and finger pointing.

And I don’t want to ascribe motive to anyone for their believes. Everyone has their own reason for believing something. At the same time I do want to understand why it seems to be a point of contention for everyone.

Ah sweet! Some information. Tell you what, let me read this stuff and I’ll get back to the thread!

I am a deep conspiracy theorist but I do not believe that the Jewish people or the state of Israel amount to any conspiracy other than the ordinary conspiracies that always happen when ethno-groups or national states define themselves as such. I will agree only that this ethnic group and nation state are demonstrably powerful for their population and landmass. Why that is is a matter for study, not suspicion.

Sure. It's just not possible to be a decent human being.

How so?

Israel is a nation founded on the illegal occupation of Palestine. They are fundamentally racist to the point where racism is enshrined in their laws. They have one of the worst human rights record of any country. They regularly murder innocents, and are currently enacting a program of genocide against the Palestinians.

If you support Israel you're a moral incompetent.

Sweet! Let me get back to you in a minute!

You can but you have to understand that a lot of the WORLD dislikes Israel not just the people on this forum. America supports their military by the billions every year to cause havoc in the middle east for us. No one in the middle east is truly a fan of the state of Israel and their actions.

People are afraid of America being this right wing, racist, zealot nationalist - when that is LITERALLY what Israel is. America at least has the mixing of other people and religions, Israel has proved it hates others and that they view themselves as better than all the lessers all around them.

Really you need to understand Zionism and separate that from the Jewish people/religion.

It's the tunnel vision effect. People are told "this is the enemy and the cause of all the problems" thus they put their blinders on and don't see the full picture.

Some here make very convincing arguments that it is really the Jesuits/vatican. I think the reality is that many different groups play a part. It is a very complex matrix of players and focusing on one group alone will only give you part of the story.

It all comes together when you realize that the Jesuit Order was created by Marranos. They are all connected.

Of course! I'm a huge Zionist.

You can be pro Israel and still anti Israeli leadership and actions...

OP Is a jew

It's not just possible. It is a certainty. Israel is pretty much an international haven for criminals who just so happen to be Jewish. Said criminals engaging in conspiracies would all view and portray their crime hub favorably. Of course I know that's not what you meant by "conspiratorially inclined" but I think the comment stands. Take a look at Rebel Media if you want pro-Israel propaganda. Some of their coverage is conspiratorial in nature. Most of it is hating on Islam. Pretty much Canadas outwardly zionist version of infowars.

As for "why single out this one country?" Because they are the lowest hanging fruit. "They" single themselves out all the time in so many different contradictory ways that it's hard to keep track. They are the imperial west's subversive little toe hold in the middle east, prepping the stage for further conflict. My major beef with Israel and its supporters is that they always make the claim to the moral high ground. As if it's theirs by default or something, even when they act like total snakes. Truly a nation that has grown artificially fat from trying have its cake and eat too.

I am scared of tornados and spiders. I feel like golden age is ahead of me. I hope it doesn’t skip over me. Glad you are concerned for me though! :)

You can be very informed on a deep politics level and also see much nuance in the Israeli-Palestinian situation, yes. That's where I'm at. And "The Jews" are always the big historical scapegoat; it's lazy thinking. They have nowhere near the power of the U.S. That said, Israel /Mossad works together with the U.S. fighting all sorts of dirty wars, and Israel is very technologically advanced. They're certainly part of what you could call the new world order. But Israel itself is a torn country- in some respects, such as marijuana research and gay rights, it's very progressive, but its military is excessive, Palestinians are often treated terribly, and a new overtly racist movement is growing in Israel. All is not black and white.

Well Israel is pretty much just a terrorist state with a superiority complex. So much more bad than good

I 100% think that every one should be held accountable for their actions. Like I’m extremely pro-America. Love my country and all. That doesn’t mean that I’m willing to turn a blind eye to wrong doing. It’s like I love ‘em so much that I can’t turn a blind eye to bad because I want them to succeed ya know?