If Saudi Government can send killers to assassinated one dude who said stuff they didn't like, imagine what they can do to scientists that found alternative source energy that could replace the oil the Saudi dictatorship is feeding on

1  2018-10-15 by JustAddTwo

Seriously fuk the Saudi government, that dude wanted to marry and need one stupid document. His girlfriend was outside for fuck sake. Waiting for her future husband to get out. He never did. And fuck Trump, boylover of Saudi government, fuck him and his evil weapons he want to sell to them.


Imagine what an English teacher could do for you.

not everyone is english and from us

Oh, then your opinion counts even less. Good day.

Good day.

good day to you

Oh fuck off you twat

How so? The business of empires is of concern to their unwilling subjects. The series of non stop fuckieries imposed on the world by the cabal who’ve hijacked the America state apparatus, makes its conduct the affairs of the global community. Pretty sad state of affairs for a country that was founded to be a city on the hill, that all others would look to as an example of righteousness and progress. As a patriot and humanist, You’d do well to add your voice to the chorus condemning the actions of these fuckwits, rather than calling out grammar errors in 2nd language speakers.

How many languages do you speak btw?

r/iamverysmart is calling, they want their idiot back.

I speak English, Spanish (a little), Farsi, and Kurdish. I spent years of my life living in areas where English was not the native language.

What I've learned by spending time overseas is that non-americans opinions of American politics is completely meaningless because so few of them actually know what's going on. In third world countries, people generally have third world educations and only have access to highly censored, state-run news networks. Expecting them to have fully informed opinions is moronic.

What I've learned by spending time overseas is that non-americans opinions of American politics

I mean, seriously? Your ass better have some perfect fucking English-writing skills if you're going to have the nerve to talk shit to others about theirs.

Fuck sake Keith, every time they let you back on the internet!

Mucho queso.

The whole situation is messed up.

Insight or incite? Seems he can't decide. The commentary following the headline is inconsistent. Does the op want a discussion of what the Saudis might or might not do with replacement energy or are we supposed to emote and hate them because of a kill order? Shall we talk about their kill orders in Yemen? Oops we're aiding and abetting, and advising in their killing of poor brown people the world over. Seems we can't decide whose we like better, Bibi's kill orders of the Crown prince's kill orders. Why do we take orders from either? It certainly isn't consistent with the sage advice, "Avoid foreign entanglements."

We should have gotten rid of the banks years ago and we should have never signed an agreement with Saudi Arabia regarding the Petro dollar. Every middle eastern country we have invaded has all been tied to oil and the manipulation between purchasing oil with the dollar. It is not by accident. It is quite evident. We have Israel holding us hostage with the banks and Saudi Arabia holding us hostage with oil. Crazy.

Who created Israel? Who created Saudi Arabia?

Too much focus on the pawns, less so on whose moving the pieces.

That would be the central banks that have been financing the crown since the middle ages

And financing Spain before that. Holland. Florence. Byzantine Empire. Rome... Babylon.

It’s the same scam with a different host, literally enacted over millennia.. it’s like a really shitty magic trick... that always works!!

It would stop working if we went full tsar Nicholas and killed them all and their entire family lines, for good. There would still be bankers because we need money banking, but none with powerful establishment.

You have a persecution complex. You need to blame others.

When the blame is

Im not even mad at bankers until someone brought it up. Yes, current society heavily restricts my evolved human instincts, like territory. I would have blamed something in 1850 with my easy 50$ like and white male special treatment, but I would have known it's not such a long grind to get a decent bank savings or own property, unlike now.

Armchair Psychologist People in 2200 on Mars with full oppressive dictatorship will tell stressed and struggling pessimists that they are just blaming others for their failures. We can't stay awake 40 hours to do 30 hour shifts, I'm not blaming shit that isn't easily fixable, if we had a government that didn't tollerate the poor and middle class being pressured financially 5% more every year since 1990 that would fix most problems for the average person. Buying power being reasonable.

The US created Israel, and TE Lawrence and his bro Fidel made AS

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 220101

you mean the british empire that was invaded by VOCs and taken over by jewish families using stocks and speculation?



Keep in mind. The Khazars (Zionist Jews) work for the black nobility. All roads lead to Rome.


lol, shut the fuck up. all roads lead to jews.

My man... the English setup the Saudis to rule the Arabian peninsula. They’re also the reason why Israel exists today. Without the British meddling in the Middle East, Israel wouldn’t exist today.

The USA just took up the torch and protected Israel after the British got tired of dealing with the Jews in Palestine, since they had started attacking the British, for reducing the amount of Jewish immigrants into Palestine.

Who created Israel?


Americans need to step up take back what’s theirs

You should read Manly P Halls. - A secret destiny of America - tl:dr - plans for the creation America date back into antiquity, not just a protest act against the British Empire. America still has a destiny to fulfill in world affairs that hasn’t yet been usurped by the cabal who’ve hijacked the White House.

And what is that destiny?

World democracy was the secret dream of the great classical philosophers. Toward the accomplishment of this greatest of all human ends they outlined programs of education, religion, and social conduct directed to the ultimate achievement of a practical and universal brotherhood. And in order to accomplish their purposes more effectively, these ancient scholars bound themselves with certain mystic ties into a broad confraternity. In Egypt, Greece, India, and China, the State Mysteries came into existence. Orders of initiated priestphilosophers were formed as a sovereign body to instruct, advise, and direct the rulers of the States.

Thousands of years ago, in Egypt, these mystical orders were aware of the existence of the western hemisphere and the great continent which we call America. The bold resolution was made that this western continent should become the site of the philosophic empire. Just when this was done it is impossible now to say, but certainly the decision was reached prior to the time of Plato, for a thinly veiled statement of this resolution is the substance of his treatise on the Atlantic Islands.

World democracy was the secret dream of the great classical philosophers. Toward the accomplishment of this greatest of all human ends they outlined programs of education, religion, and social conduct directed to the ultimate achievement of a practical and universal brotherhood. And in order to accomplish their purposes more effectively, these ancient scholars bound themselves with certain mystic ties into a broad confraternity. In Egypt, Greece, India, and China, the State Mysteries came into existence. Orders of initiated priestphilosophers were formed as a sovereign body to instruct, advise, and direct the rulers of the States.

Thousands of years ago, in Egypt, these mystical orders were aware of the existence of the western hemisphere and the great continent which we call America. The bold resolution was made that this western continent should become the site of the philosophic empire. Just when this was done it is impossible now to say, but certainly the decision was reached prior to the time of Plato, for a thinly veiled statement of this resolution is the substance of his treatise on the Atlantic Islands.

In book VIII of The Republic, Plato begins to describe several stages of government that are intolerable, yet unavoidable. Plato predicts a society with an enormous socioeconomic gap, where the poor remain poor and the rich become richer off the blood and sweat of others. In this instance, the people will long for freedom and liberty. They will use it as a battle cry against their oppressors, sparking a revolution.

From this revolution, blood will be spilled and many will die. During this time of violent transition, the people will rally behind one man, or a few men, whom they believe to be their savior. The people will lift this champion to great heights and anoint him with sacred responsibilities to bring liberty to the land. When the smoke clears the old regime will be gone and a democracy will be supplanted. And while this is reminiscent of several historical revolutions, including the American revolution, Plato warns that the trouble only intensifies from here.

During the course of his writings Plato differentiates between necessary desires and unnecessary desires. Necessary desires are desires we can not over come, such as our desire for shelter and sustenance. Unnecessary desires are desires that we are able to overcome, yet refuse to. These desires include luxuries and lavish possessions. These types of desires are a result of a rapid influx of liberty into the population. Once we have tasted freedom we become drunk off it. Plato predicts that the people will demand freedom at every turn, fighting any form of authority and demanding more liberty. We become obsessed with our freedom and become willing to sacrifice necessary things like social order and structure to attain it.

At this point, the newly appointed leaders become very nervous. It was so easy to depose their predecessors, so why not them? These democratic leaders will realize that they are only easily supported when there is a war that the people can rally behind. And so the democratic leaders will unnecessarily become involved in violent affairs, creating wars to distract the people. To ensure their power, the leaders will create laws to bolster their position. The rulers will impose heavy taxes against the commoners to ensure they are unable or unwilling to fight back against this. And any who do oppose the leaders will be labeled as an enemy and persecuted as a spy. It is for this reason that there must always be some enemy combatant that the leader can cast blame upon.

Plato continues in his discussion by explaining that the these leaders will eventually become unpopular, an unavoidable result. Those who once supported this ruling class begin to rebel against the would be tyrant. At this point the citizens will try to get rid of whatever man is currently in office, either by exile or impeachment. If this is not possible, the ruler will inevitable strike down any political opposition he may have.

Hated by the people, these leaders will request the presence of a body guard. And now he is a tyrant, the leader has no choice if he wishes to rule. Elected by the people, yet now he is protected from them. Plato predicts that this tyrant will appeal to the lowest form of citizen. He will make soldiers of the slaves and the degenerates. The tyrant will pay them to protect him from the ordinary citizens. And now the leader is a tyrant, born from democracy and propped up by the demand for liberty. And in our quest for liberty, we instead created a monster.

Plato’s description of a democracy is rather thought provoking. It gives us pause and forces us to examine our own government. Could it be true that our leaders are the bullies and the political tyrants that Plato describes? Does democracy lead to entangling wars for the benefit of the ruling class? And are the people so subjugated by senseless laws and stiff taxes, that they are unable to resist in any meaningful way? Perhaps. History has shown a consistent pattern of subjugation, revolution and subjugation once again.

Nothing belongs to “America”.

Israel holding the world hostage with the Samson option

Well the rest of the world kinda figured out the gold we were holding for them was gone and the dollar wasn't really worth shit, had to do something.

Killing thousands and coming up with trumpt up charges to justify invading other countries shouldn't have been an option.

Our money used to be backed by gold now its backed by bullets and bombs.

Is it just me, or does it seem unlikely that a Saudi national who “fled” to the USA, would walk into a Saudi embassy for documents he could have just have easily obtain in the us? I think he had previously reported on previous examples of Saudi bait-and-switch operations out of embassies. The whole MSM narrative seems... fubar, and the rest of the narratives also seem fixated on the idea that he didn’t want to “die”. A lot of effort seems to be going towards proving he is dead, as the result of mounting evidence, fluff journalism (15 man wet team? srsly), etc. That may all be valid, but i doubt he was oblivious to the big picture.

his future wife was Turkish so he needed documents in that country

From the Saudi Consulate? Do you realize how your narrative is falling apart?

he was a Saudi Citizen and Turkey wanted documents to let him go ahead with the weeding.

Guess he believed they will not kill him in a Saudi embasy in Turkey.

Guess he was wrong

You’ve had evidence that proved your point to be wrong, are you open minded enough to admit that though sir?

Yes, the Saudi citizen needed his documents from the Saudi consulate.....

But don't let facts get in the way of your narritive.

Is it just me, or does it seem unlikely that a Saudi national who “fled” to the USA, would walk into a Saudi embassy for documents

Not really. He was of the opinion that he was in Turkey, and safe. Anyway, there's some news that Saudi Arabia is going to admit they "accidentally" killed him during interrogation. We'll see then

I find it weird that someone who felt his own government was so against him he had to flee would feel safe in Turkey, a country not exactly known for its stability or its free and open press.

Turkey is orders of magnitude better than Saudi Arabia in civil and human rights.

Like... One order

Aw come on. Give him a freebie. He made it plural

tell that to the thousands imprisoned since 2016 without even a trial

I've seen that, but not sure I find any truth in it. FBI, CIA, Police, Sheriffs all over the US do interrogations daily. How many of those you think remember to bring their bone saw? In 15 man teams?

Maybe SA did send 15 people to try and kill the prince in Las vagas the night of that shooting.

I was staying at that hotel the weekend of the shooting. My girl and I were celebrating our bachelor and bachelorette parties together. Can't believe how nothing came out of that investigation. Feels like the fucking twilight zone when I think about it. Almost like it never happened.

I'm sure stuff came out of that investigation, it's just that us commoners are not privy to that information.

Can someone give me Cliffs on that theory? Was he at the Hotel?

They think he was staying in the hotel that was at the top of mandalay (4 seasons I think had like 10 floors towards the top) —> think a hit squad was sent for him but he escaped from the roof in a heli —> buying guns from paddock but he escaped so they had to have a cover which was shooting the people and framing paddock (who was a spook)

can't believe I haven't' heard that one, this sub is letting me down

The sub isn't letting you down. That theory had been on here several times. You just don't follow enough.

Fair enough, just so much bullshit on here now. With Alex Jones basically gone now and having been really boring since Trump start running for office i'm missing the good stuff.

Alex Jones is/was controlled opposition. Have you been living under a rock?

it was really big for like a month or so after the vegas thing happened

Why would he need to buy guns himself from Paddock?

no the hit squad was buying guns from paddock (he was a spook arms dealer)

Ohhh my bad. That makes way more sense.

So then why shoot a whole bunch of people? That seems pretty unnecessary in the context of this theory, and would draw a fuckload of attention to an operation that's supposed to be clandestine.

Lol do you not see people laughing off any "conspiracy theories" related to the shooting?

Why would they care about all the attention when most of the public will believe whatever the state says? And most have

Yeah but the question is what was the point of shooting people? It had no need and does nothing to support this theory being proposed.

Shooting everyone creates chaos and mass panic in which it is easier to escape

So instead of just leaving you spend minutes shooting people and directing spotlights and police to your location because that will make it easier to escape?

yes because when there are thousands of people running around the lobbies of hotels it is easier to blend into the crowd and escape.

None of what you said even attempts to answer the most basic of questions: why?

I still don't quite get it, why do they need to set up a mass murder just because their original target escaped? Seem to just add to their risks and problems.

its called misdirection, whatever they do they always have something else to make sure everyone focuses on the other event, not the actual one

That's quite a distraction. It's on the Act of War level if they got caught.

exactly, shit is something out of a movie

Not a whole lot of point in massacring a bunch of random civilians because your clandestine spy operation went wrong. The connection between "they were there to kill the prince who was buying weapons, but he escaped" and "so they murdered a bunch of people" makes ZERO sense.

It makes zero sense because you haven't even got the story right. The prince wasn't buying weapons the hitmen were buying them. The prince escaped and obviously he would have alerted people so shooting the people creates chaos in which the hitmen could easily escape. It's really not hard to put together and follow

So the clandestine government-sponsored hit squad that already has weapons directly from the US government to the Saudi government was going to buy weapons from a spook as if that’s how the US government needs to sell guns to the Saudi’s. But they were also there to assassinate the prince. And he caught wind of that and escaped and they haven’t caught up with him again. So to avoid catching heat they murdered a bunch of people, escaping in the ensuing chaos. Is that your claim?

Don’t you think that would draw more heat in the long term? And in the short term since every cop within a hundred miles was brought down on them? Wouldn’t a bunch of trained assassins be able to escape without slaughtering dozens of civilians?

That still makes zero sense. Slaughtering civilians will draw a lot of heat and state-sponsored revenge.

you clearly didn't follow anything going on at the time in regards to the saudi power struggle and you're being super bitchy so i'm done explaining to you. You really think slaughtering civilians is too far? Don't be so naive

I absolutely did, and I’m not ruling out that it was the Saudis or that they wouldn’t kill civilians, but what you are saying makes no sense. It would have the opposite effect. That’s what I’m taking issue with - they wouldn’t have done it because it didn’t make sense and wasn’t going to help with their objective.

But whatever, you don’t have to argue with a stranger who’s being bitchy on the internet. Critical thinking is hard anyway.

very interesting

They could also fund environmental movements to stop construction of nuclear power plants.

I for one am glad we have a president who is working towards energy Independence so that we don't need to be beholden to backwards barbaric nations in the middle of a desert across the ocean.

what president?

Yours, if you live in the USA.

What exactly is he doing to ensure energy independence ?


Energy · Presidential Memorandum to clear roadblocks to construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. · Presidential Memorandum declaring that the Dakota Access Pipeline serves the national interest and initiating the process to complete construction. · Opened up the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge to energy exploration. · Coal exports up over 60 percent in 2017. · Rolled back the “stream protection rule” to prevent it from harming America’s coal industry. · Cancelled Obama’s anti-coal Clean Power Plan and proposed the Affordable Clean Energy Rule as a replacement. · Withdrew from the job-killing Paris climate agreement, which would have cost the U.S. nearly $3 trillion and led to 6.5 million fewer industrial sector jobs by 2040. · U.S. oil production has achieved its highest level in American history · United States is now the largest crude oil producer in the world. · U.S. has become a net natural gas exporter for the first time in six decades. · Action to expedite the identification and extraction of critical minerals that are vital to the nation’s security and economic prosperity. · Took action to reform National Ambient Air Quality Standards, benefitting American manufacturers. · Rescinded Obama’s hydraulic fracturing rule, which was expected to cost the industry $32 million per year. · Proposed an expansion of offshore drilling as part of an all-of-the above energy strategy. --Held a lease sale for offshore oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico in August 2018. · Got EU to increase its imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States. · Issued permits for the New Burgos Pipeline that will cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

  • U.S. oil production has achieved its highest level in American history

This is the only thing that hints at what you were claiming. As action to ensure energy independence.

Even then I think you will find consumption is also at its highest.

Most of the rest has nothing to do with Saudi oil, and nothing to do with the US being independent from needing any oil from outside itself.

· Action to expedite the identification and extraction of critical minerals that are vital to the nation’s security and economic prosperity.

Not even sure what you trying to use that as proof for lol.

That isn't something that he has done yet is it.

He also said he was going to get rid of Obamacare and build a wall. Neither of those things have happened either.

How much ethanol do you think is going to be created to give independence from foreign oil ?

The US imports 10.4 million barrels of oil a day.

Trump didn't create ethanol. Trump hasn't done anything about it yet to increase it, Trump didn't increase oil production.

Trump has so far himself done nothing himself to achieve independence from foreign oil.


Nope, but it is coming.

Imagine if I said I wanted voter ID, term limits, or say ...end corruption...

Do you think any of those things would be instantaneous or more of an endeavor?

At least we are headed in the correct direction.

Full steam ahead.

So you admit Trump hasn't actually done anything yet.

You just hope he might, like repealing Obamacare, health care reform, building the wall and so on.

The things he has failed to do but repeatedly promised would have been done long ago ?

So you just admit that everything you read is nothing?

Deny facts all you want:


It only shows your motive and agenda

You said that Trump has done nothing yet to achieve oil independence. Just said he might after November.

I pointed out he has told people for 2 years that the wall was already being built, and that any day now he was repealing obamacare and overhauling healthcare. Which has not done at all.

You used him saying something he might do soon as a fact of something he already did, I pointed out he has claimed he has done things, or are happening "any minute now", that havent happened despite years passing.

That is a fact.

Trump will have done things about energy independence when he has ACTUALLY DONE THEM, not when he says he might. He has proven that things he promised would be done and done very soon do not get done.

Even if he has the best of intentions, after November elections he might not be in position to ram through whatever he wants. He couldn't get other things done with a majority, and its quite possible he won't even have that.


Just cause you made me:


Economic Growth 4.2 percent growth in the second quarter of 2018. For the first time in more than a decade, growth is projected to exceed 3 percent over the calendar year.

Jobs 4 million new jobs have been created since the election, and more than 3.5 million since Trump took office. More Americans are employed now than ever before in our history. Jobless claims at lowest level in nearly five decades. The economy has achieved the longest positive job-growth streak on record. Job openings are at an all-time high and outnumber job seekers for the first time on record. Unemployment claims at 50 year low African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates have all recently reached record lows. African-American unemployment hit a record low of 5.9 percent in May 2018. Hispanic unemployment at 4.5 percent. Asian-American unemployment at record low of 2 percent. Women’s unemployment recently at lowest rate in nearly 65 years. Female unemployment dropped to 3.6 percent in May 2018, the lowest since October 1953. Youth unemployment recently reached its lowest level in more than 50 years. July 2018’s youth unemployment rate of 9.2 percent was the lowest since July 1966. Veterans’ unemployment recently hit its lowest level in nearly two decades. July 2018’s veterans’ unemployment rate of 3.0 percent matched the lowest rate since May 2001. Unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma recently reached a record low. Rate for disabled Americans recently hit a record low. Blue-collar jobs recently grew at the fastest rate in more than three decades. Poll found that 85 percent of blue-collar workers believe their lives are headed “in the right direction.” 68 percent reported receiving a pay increase in the past year. Last year, job satisfaction among American workers hit its highest level since 2005. Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate now as a good time to find a quality job. Optimism about the availability of good jobs has grown by 25 percent. Added more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since the election. Manufacturing employment is growing at its fastest pace in more than two decades. 100,000 new jobs supporting the production & transport of oil & natural gas.

American Income Median household income rose to $61,372 in 2017, a post-recession high. Wages up in August by their fastest rate since June 2009. Paychecks rose by 3.3 percent between 2016 and 2017, the most in a decade. Council of Economic Advisers found that real wage compensation has grown by 1.4 percent over the past year. Some 3.9 million Americans off food stamps since the election. Median income for Hispanic-Americans rose by 3.7 percent and surpassed $50,000 for the first time ever in history. Home-ownership among Hispanics is at the highest rate in nearly a decade. Poverty rates for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans have reached their lowest levels ever recorded.

American Optimism Small business optimism has hit historic highs. NFIB’s small business optimism index broke a 35 year-old record in August. SurveyMonkey/CNBC’s small business confidence survey for Q3 of 2018 matched its all-time high. Manufacturers are more confident than ever. 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future, the highest ever. Consumer confidence is at an 18-year high. 12 percent of Americans rate the economy as the most significant problem facing our country, the lowest level on record. Confidence in the economy is near a two-decade high, with 51 percent rating the economy as good or excellent.

American Business Investment is flooding back into the United States due to the tax cuts. Over $450 billion dollars has already poured back into the U.S., including more than $300 billion in the first quarter of 2018. Retail sales have surged. Commerce Department figures from August show that retail sales increased 0.5 percent in July 2018, an increase of 6.4 percent from July 2017. ISM’s index of manufacturing scored its highest reading in 14 years. Worker productivity is the highest it has been in more than three years. Steel and aluminum producers are re-opening. Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and NASDAQ have all notched record highs. Dow hit record highs 70 times in 2017 alone, the most ever recorded in one year.

Deregulation Achieved massive deregulation at a rapid pace, completing 22 deregulatory actions to every one regulatory action during his first year in office. Signed legislation to roll back costly and harmful provisions of Dodd-Frank, providing relief to credit unions, and community and regional banks. Federal agencies achieved more than $8 billion in lifetime net regulatory cost savings. Rolled back Obama’s burdensome Waters of the U.S. rule. Used the Congressional Review Act to repeal regulations more times than in history.

Tax Cuts Biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history by signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs act into law Provided more than $5.5 trillion in gross tax cuts, nearly 60 percent of which will go to families. Increased the exemption for the death tax to help save Family Farms & Small Business. Nearly doubled the standard deduction for individuals and families. Enabled vast majority of American families will be able to file their taxes on a single page by claiming the standard deduction. Doubled the child tax credit to help lessen the financial burden of raising a family. Lowered America’s corporate tax rate from the highest in the developed world to allow American businesses to compete and win. Small businesses can now deduct 20 percent of their business income. Cut dozens of special interest tax breaks and closed loopholes for the wealthy. 9 in 10 American workers are expected see an increase in their paychecks thanks to the tax cuts, according to the Treasury Department. More than 6 million of American workers have received wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits thanks to tax cuts. Over 100 utility companies have lowered electric, gas, or water rates thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Ernst & Young found 89 percent of companies planned to increase worker compensation thanks to the Trump tax cuts. Established opportunity zones to spur investment in left behind communities.

Worker Development Established a National Council for the American Worker to develop a national strategy for training and retraining America’s workers for high-demand industries. Employers have signed Trump’s “Pledge to America’s Workers,” committing to train or retrain more than 4.2 million workers and students. Signed the first Perkins CTE reauthorization since 2006, authorizing more than $1 billion for states each year to fund vocational and career education programs. Executive order expanding apprenticeship opportunities for students and workers.

Domestic Infrastructure Proposed infrastructure plan would utilize $200 billion in Federal funds to spur at least $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investment across the country. Executive order expediting environmental reviews and approvals for high priority infrastructure projects. Federal agencies have signed the One Federal Decision Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) streamlining the federal permitting process for infrastructure projects. Rural prosperity task force and signed an executive order to help expand broadband access in rural areas.

Health Care Signed an executive order to help minimize the financial burden felt by American households Signed legislation to improve the National Suicide Hotline. Signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments. Signed Right-to-Try legislation, expanding health care options for terminally ill patients. Enacted changes to the Medicare 340B program, saving seniors an estimated $320 million on drugs in 2018 alone. FDA set a new record for generic drug approvals in 2017, saving consumers nearly $9 billion. Released a blueprint to drive down drug prices for American patients, leading multiple major drug companies to announce they will freeze or reverse price increases. Expanded short-term, limited-duration health plans. Let more employers to form Association Health Plans, enabling more small businesses to join together and affordably provide health insurance to their employees. Cut Obamacare’s burdensome individual mandate penalty. Signed legislation repealing Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board, also known as the “death panels.” USDA invested more than $1 billion in rural health care in 2017, improving access to health care for 2.5 million people in rural communities across 41 states Proposed Title X rule to help ensure taxpayers do not fund the abortion industry in violation of the law. Reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy to keep foreign aid from supporting the global abortion industry. HHS formed a new division over protecting the rights of conscience and religious freedom. Overturned Obama administration’s midnight regulation prohibiting states from defunding certain abortion facilities. Signed executive order to help ensure that religious organizations are not forced to choose between violating their religious beliefs by complying with Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate or shutting their doors.

Combating Opioids Chaired meeting the 73rd General Session of the United Nations discussing the worldwide drug problem with international leaders. Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand, introducing new measures to keep dangerous drugs out of our communities. $6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic. DEA conducted a surge in April 2018 that arrested 28 medical professions and revoked 147 registrations for prescribing too many opioids. Brought the “Prescribed to Death” memorial to President’s Park near the White House, helping raise awareness about the human toll of the opioid crisis. Helped reduce high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent in 2017. Opioid Summit on the administration-wide efforts to combat the opioid crisis. Launched a national public awareness campaign about the dangers of opioid addiction. Created a Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis which recommended a number of pathways to tackle the opioid crisis. Led two National Prescription Drug Take Back Days in 2017 and 2018, collecting a record number of expired and unneeded prescription drugs each time. $485 million targeted grants in FY 2017 to help areas hit hardest by the opioid crisis. Signed INTERDICT Act, strengthening efforts to detect and intercept synthetic opioids before they reach our communities. DOJ secured its first-ever indictments against Chinese fentanyl manufacturers. Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team, aimed at disrupting online illicit opioid sales. Declared the opioid crisis a Nationwide Public Health Emergency in October 2017.

Law and Order More U.S. Circuit Court judges confirmed in the first year in office than ever. Confirmed more than two dozen U. S. Circuit Court judges. Followed through on the promise to nominate judges to the Supreme Court who will adhere to the Constitution Nominated and confirmed Justice Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Signed an executive order directing the Attorney General to develop a strategy to more effectively prosecute people who commit crimes against law enforcement officers. Launched an evaluation of grant programs to make sure they prioritize the protection and safety of law enforcement officers. Established a task force to reduce crime and restore public safety in communities across Signed an executive order to focus more federal resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations such as drug cartels. Signed an executive order to focus more federal resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations such as drug cartels. Violent crime decreased in 2017 according to FBI statistics. $137 million in grants through the COPS Hiring Program to preserve jobs, increase community policing capacities, and support crime prevention efforts. Enhanced and updated the Project Safe Neighborhoods to help reduce violent crime. Signed legislation making it easier to target websites that enable sex trafficking and strengthened penalties for people who promote or facilitate prostitution. Created an interagency task force working around the clock to prosecute traffickers, protect victims, and prevent human trafficking. Conducted Operation Cross Country XI to combat human trafficking, rescuing 84 children and arresting 120 human traffickers. Encouraged federal prosecutors to use the death penalty when possible in the fight against the trafficking of deadly drugs. New rule effectively banning bump stock sales in the United States.

Border Security and Immigration Secured $1.6 billion for border wall construction in the March 2018 omnibus bill. Construction of a 14-mile section of border wall began near San Diego. Worked to protect American communities from the threat posed by the vile MS-13 gang. ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations division arrested 796 MS-13 members and associates in FY 2017, an 83 percent increase from the prior year. Justice worked with partners in Central America to secure criminal charges against more than 4,000 MS-13 members. Border Patrol agents arrested 228 illegal aliens affiliated with MS-13 in FY 2017. Fighting to stop the scourge of illegal drugs at our border. ICE HSI seized more than 980,000 pounds of narcotics in FY 2017, including 2,370 pounds of fentanyl and 6,967 pounds of heroin. ICE HSI dedicated nearly 630,000 investigative hours towards halting the illegal import of fentanyl. ICE HSI made 11,691 narcotics-related arrests in FY 2017. Stop Opioid Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand introduced new measures to keep dangerous drugs out the United States. Signed the INTERDICT Act into law, enhancing efforts to detect and intercept synthetic opioids. DOJ secured its first-ever indictments against Chinese fentanyl manufacturers. DOJ launched their Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team, aimed at disrupting online illicit opioid sales. Released an immigration framework that includes the resources required to secure our borders and close legal loopholes, and repeatedly called on Congress to fix our broken immigration laws. Authorized the deployment of the National Guard to help secure the border. Enhanced vetting of individuals entering the U.S. from countries that don’t meet security standards, helping to ensure individuals who pose a threat to our country are identified before they enter. These procedures were upheld in a June 2018 Supreme Court hearing. ICE removed over 226,000 illegal aliens from the United States in 2017. ICE rescued or identified over 500 human trafficking victims and over 900 child exploitation victims in 2017 alone. In 2017, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested more than 127,000 aliens with criminal convictions or charges, responsible for Over 76,000 with dangerous drug offenses. More than 48,000 with assault offenses. More than 11,000 with weapons offenses. More than 5,000 with sexual assault offenses. More than 2,000 with kidnapping offenses. Over 1,800 with homicide offenses. Created the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office in order to support the victims and families affected by illegal alien crime. More than doubled the number of counties participating in the 287(g) program, which allows jails to detain criminal aliens until they are transferred to ICE custody.

Trade Negotiating and renegotiating better trade deals, achieving free, fair, and reciprocal trade for the United States. Agreed to work with the European Union towards zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers, and zero subsides. Deal with the European Union to increase U.S. energy exports to Europe. Litigated multiple WTO disputes targeting unfair trade practices and upholding our right to enact fair trade laws. Finalized a revised trade agreement with South Korea, which includes provisions to increase American automobile exports. Negotiated an historic U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement to replace NAFTA. Agreement to begin trade negotiations for a U.S.-Japan trade agreement. Secured $250 billion in new trade and investment deals in China and $12 billion in Vietnam. Established a Trade and Investment Working Group with the United Kingdom, laying the groundwork for post-Brexit trade. Enacted steel and aluminum tariffs to protect our vital steel and aluminum producers and strengthen our national security. Conducted 82 anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations in 2017 alone. Confronting China’s unfair trade practices after years of Washington looking the other way. 25 percent tariff on $50 billion of goods imported from China and later imposed an additional 10% tariff on $200 billion of Chinese goods. Conducted an investigation into Chinese forced technology transfers, unfair licensing practices, and intellectual property theft. Imposed safeguard tariffs to protect domestic washing machines and solar products manufacturers hurt by China’s trade policies Withdrew from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Secured access to new markets for America’s farmers. Recent deal with Mexico included new improvements enabling food and agriculture to trade more fairly. Recent agreement with the E.U. will reduce barriers and increase trade of American soybeans to Europe. Won a WTO dispute regarding Indonesia’s unfair restriction of U.S. agricultural exports. Defended American Tuna fisherman and packagers before the WTO Opened up Argentina to American pork experts for the first time in a quarter-century American beef exports have returned to china for the first time in more than a decade OK’d up to $12 billion in aid for farmers affected by unfair trade retaliation.

Energy Presidential Memorandum to clear roadblocks to construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Presidential Memorandum declaring that the Dakota Access Pipeline serves the national interest and initiating the process to complete construction. Opened up the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge to energy exploration. Coal exports up over 60 percent in 2017. Rolled back the “stream protection rule” to prevent it from harming America’s coal industry. Cancelled Obama’s anti-coal Clean Power Plan and proposed the Affordable Clean Energy Rule as a replacement. Withdrew from the job-killing Paris climate agreement, which would have cost the U.S. nearly $3 trillion and led to 6.5 million fewer industrial sector jobs by 2040. U.S. oil production has achieved its highest level in American history United States is now the largest crude oil producer in the world. U.S. has become a net natural gas exporter for the first time in six decades. Action to expedite the identification and extraction of critical minerals that are vital to the nation’s security and economic prosperity. Took action to reform National Ambient Air Quality Standards, benefitting American manufacturers. Rescinded Obama’s hydraulic fracturing rule, which was expected to cost the industry $32 million per year. Proposed an expansion of offshore drilling as part of an all-of-the above energy strategy Held a lease sale for offshore oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico in August 2018. Got EU to increase its imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States. Issued permits for the New Burgos Pipeline that will cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

Foreign Policy Moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Withdrew from Iran deal and immediately began the process of re-imposing sanctions that had been lifted or waived. Treasury has issued sanctions targeting Iranian activities and entities, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force Since enacting sanctions, Iran’s crude exports have fallen off, the value of Iran’s currency has plummeted, and international companies have pulled out of the country. All nuclear-related sanctions will be back in full force by early November 2018. Historic summit with North Korean President Kim Jong-Un, bringing beginnings of peace and denuclearization to the Korean Peninsula. The two leaders have exchanged letters and high-level officials from both sides have met resulting in tremendous progress. North Korea has halted nuclear and missile tests. Negotiated the return of the remains of missing-in-action soldiers from the Korean War. Imposed strong sanctions on Venezuelan dictator Nicholas Maduro and his inner circle. Executive order preventing those in the U.S. from carrying out certain transactions with the Venezuelan regime, including prohibiting the purchase of the regime’s debt. Responded to the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime. Rolled out sanctions targeting individuals and entities tied to Syria’s chemical weapons program. Directed strikes in April 2017 against a Syrian airfield used in a chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians. Joined allies in launching airstrikes in April 2018 against targets associated with Syria’s chemical weapons use. New Cuba policy that enhanced compliance with U.S. law and held the Cuban regime accountable for political oppression and human rights abuses. Treasury and State are working to channel economic activity away from the Cuban regime, particularly the military. Changed the rules of engagement, empowering commanders to take the fight to ISIS. ISIS has lost virtually all of its territory, more than half of which has been lost under Trump. ISIS’ self-proclaimed capital city, Raqqah, was liberated in October 2017. All Iraqi territory had been liberated from ISIS. More than a dozen American hostages have been freed from captivity all of the world. Action to combat Russia’s malign activities, including their efforts to undermine the sanctity of United States elections. Expelled dozens of Russian intelligence officers from the United States and ordered the closure of the Russian consulate in Seattle, WA. Banned the use of Kaspersky Labs software on government computers, due to the company’s ties to Russian intelligence. Imposed sanctions against five Russian entities and three individuals for enabling Russia’s military and intelligence units to increase Russia’s offensive cyber capabilities. Sanctions against seven Russian oligarchs, and 12 companies they own or control, who profit from Russia’s destabilizing activities. Sanctioned 100 targets in response to Russia’s occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine. Enhanced support for Ukraine’s Armed Forces to help Ukraine better defend itself. Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.

Defense Executive order keeping the detention facilities at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay open. $700 billion in military funding for FY 2018 and $716 billion for FY 2019. Largest military pay raise in nearly a decade. Ordered a Nuclear Posture Review to ensure America’s nuclear forces are up to date and serve as a credible deterrent. Released America’s first fully articulated cyber strategy in 15 years. New strategy on national biodefense, which better prepares the nation to defend against biological threats. Administration has announced that it will use whatever means necessary to protect American citizens and servicemen from unjust prosecution by the International Criminal Court. Released an America first National Security Strategy. Put in motion the launch of a Space Force as a new branch of the military and relaunched the National Space Council. Encouraged North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies to increase defense spending to their agree-upon levels. In 2017 alone, there was an increase of more than 4.8 percent in defense spending amongst NATO allies. Every member state has increased defense spending. Eight NATO allies will reach the 2 percent benchmark by the end of 2018 and 15 allies are on trade to do so by 2024. NATO allies spent over $42 billion dollars more on defense since 2016. Executive order to help military spouses find employment as their families deploy domestically and abroad.

Veterans affairs Signed the VA Accountability Act and expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care. Delivered more appeals decisions – 81,000 – to veterans in a single year than ever before. Strengthened protections for individuals who come forward and identify programs occurring within the VA. Signed legislation that provided $86.5 billion in funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the largest dollar amount in history for the VA. VA MISSION Act, enacting sweeping reform to the VA system that: Consolidated and strengthened VA community care programs. Funding for the Veterans Choice program. Expanded eligibility for the Family Caregivers Program. Gave veterans more access to walk-in care. Strengthened the VA’s ability to recruit and retain quality healthcare professionals. Enabled the VA to modernize its assets and infrastructure. Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act in 2017, which authorized $2.1 billion in addition funds for the Veterans Choice Program. Worked to shift veterans’ electronic medical records to the same system used by the Department of Defense, a decades old priority. Issued an executive order requiring the Secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs to submit a joint plan to provide veterans access to access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life. Increased transparency and accountability at the VA by launching an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with access to wait time and quality of care data. Signed legislation to modernize the claims and appeal process at the VA. Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, providing enhanced educational benefits to veterans, service members, and their family members. Lifted a 15-year limit on veterans’ access to their educational benefits. Created a White House VA Hotline to help veterans and principally staffed it with veterans and direct family members of veterans. VA employees are being held accountable for poor performance, with more than 4,000 VA employees removed, demoted, and suspended so far. Signed the Veterans Treatment Court Improvement Act, increasing the number of VA employees that can assist justice-involved veterans.

Yep, Trump has done NOTHING

You can copy post the entire bible or a 500 page essay on why you think red hats are the best colour.

It doesn't change the fact that even from everything that you have posted. Trump has currently not done anything to achieve independence from foreign oil.

Posting S&P numbers or about steel and aluminium has nothing to do with that, and just goes to show that instead of being interested in telling the truth. You are just spamming shit in an effort to try and not be seen as making false claims.

Copy and pasting does not alter facts, no matter how hard you hold the CTRL key down.

Do you see the correlation though?

Promises Made : Promises Kept.

He SAID he would do the above things and HAS.

So when he SAYS he will do these OTHER THINGS;

I believe him.

As for his track record, well I think it speaks for itself.

Cheeers bud!

No all I see is that you made false claims you couldn't back up.

So you complained that it wasn't far that facts like him promising the wall would have started, didn't happen.
That he would repeal obamacare and then didn't.
That he would overhaul healthcare and then didn't.
Were also facts.

So you then started copy pasting random stuff to deny those facts, in no way at all showing that he had achieved independence from foreign oil.

You just got so triggered when you couldn't back up your statement that you literally started copy pasting random stuff about how great you think Trump was.

It was pretty crazy.

Your cognitive dissonance is showing.

Enjoy the collective delusion, while it lasts.


Republicans will never put in term limits because it affects their old hick fucks that take over a state for 25 years of re election, more than the 2 or 3 long reining Dems that exist in all of the USA. Besides NY and CA Dems don't vote the same person in 10 goddamn times to governor/house/senate like Southerners do.


I'm glad he discovered that clean coal. Now you can look to the future as you mine and get black lung. Its what you were talking about right?

We don't have to imagine it. They've been doing it for decades through a much more efficient manner. Money and lobbying.

I am a centrist but come on, the Americans have been funding the Saudis for decades. Hillary loves them, Obama loved them. Stop picking a colour and choose with your heart, you know what your heart will tell you? both sides are cunts.

I'm not really a Trump supporter, but man I hope he does do some shit about this. Saudi Arabia is a medieval dictatorship, surviving only on the basis of oil money.

He already basically said he wasn't going to do shit because big defense contract companies would lose money, ahem, I mean jobs.

Yeah ik I'm hoping for too much but Trump is insane so can't say anything.

He is a lot of things, but he isn't actually crazy or stupid.

I agree, by insane I meant unpredictable

Not like the Saudis can actually make use of the military hardware they buy.

Why not?

cos competence isn't a thing in saudi arabia. and a military is an extension of the society it protects.

We don't usually sell quite top grade to anybody. Sometimes we'll hold back a whole class of weapons, much to a contractor's chagrin, e.g. the F 22 Raptor. The F 35 is sold in multiple variants and there's even one for just one country, the F 35 I. I is for Israel. They're smart with defense dollars. They think the airframe could be good for more than a generation, but that since computer software/hardware/sensors evolves so quickly they insisted on an easier to upgrade plane and got their way ultimately. One thing to consider when selling your own top shelp to others, will you end up fighting it? Will it fall into the wrong hands one way or the other?


Take the situation with Israel. If they use this jet enough against Russian air defenses in the region around Syria Russia will know a great deal about the plane's real world capabilities and radar signature, maybe they'll even see about shooting some down accidentally. If they shoot down F 35s they can sell their air defenses to all kinds of rogue regimes. If they fail to shoot down it's a big boost to U.S. confidence. But it's all a tiny test. In a real engagement you'd probably have a barrage of missiles/artillery other options destroying surface to air sites and then waves of jets pounding targets.


This whole thing with the Saudi/American journalist, anyone want to fathom a guess as to how many Yemeni have been killed by the U.S. backed Saudi war against the Houthi???? And now we're all incensed and news that a critic has been killed. Don't get me wrong, horrific if that's how they handled a critic, dismembered him in their consulate in Turkey. I guess the feigned outrage and shock just seems off given who the Saudis are.

In a real engagement would involve cruise missiles and shitty Marines that can't aim shipped in , like the last 10 middle East wars. The USA hates sitting back and using our superior long range weapons, and being patient. They always send in a hunk of shit regiment of Marines and a tiny bit of air support.

Had to downvote you when in your first sentence you claimed that Marines are shitty and can't aim. Can't aim? Come on, that's for sure something every U.S. Marine becomes proficient at or they don't make the grade. Do you actually have much experience as a rifleman? I only know target and outdoor shooting, but have done it with military and SWAT and nobody trashes the Marines. U.S. Marines are comparable or better than the spec ops of most countries.


And as for patience, you're right that we don't quite lay siege much any longer, but as horrible as all of these wars have been since 9/11, in terms of U.S. casualties all of it combines to maybe a few days of the Civil War. Think about that a little bit and let it sink in when acting like the U.S. just wastes its own people. There are so many legitimate complaints, but that one's a stretch in my mind. Close air support is great, but if your Army and Marines are well equipped, have overwhelming superiority, ok intelligence of what's facing them, each guy doesn't need an A-10 buzzing overhead. Plus we have armor and we have amazing sniper overwatch and drones of various capabilities. Just because you don't see air support of days gone by doesn't mean there isn't support.

Down voted as well. Mate the Marines are a fine fighting force. Standards, methods and techniques have been honed over the past 17 years and the Marines are one fighting force Id rather not be on the opposing side of.

He won’t. Supposedly his son ordered the hit since Khashoggi had dirt on Trump.

He won’t. It’s too close to midterms. SA has already threatened to raise oil prices. That would increase price of gas, and trump can’t risk the midterms. Plus it would help Russia since their economy is based on oil sales.

Ik I'm being optimistic but one can hope.

Lol gas could be raised to 6 a gallon and Trump wouldn't lose 1 voter. They'll keep blaming Dems and saying the stock market is up. It doesn't even matter seeing they're purging hundreds of thousands of voters ibln multiple states, America is lost.

Ha...wanna bet? At 6 dollars a gallon trump would lose many voters. Your disillusioned if you think otherwise.

When will we finally identify the enemy isn’t amongst the people- it’s the system itself, run to divide us, keep us distracted from recognising, it’s broken- both sides are shit. But we have to choose a team to cheer on and bad mouth the other as if there’s any pride at all.

Remember that car that could run on water?

That was a proven scam, it fucked up the engines or something like that. Although fuck the Saudis, if only it had been Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq and Afghanistan.

was a proven scam

or something like that

So... You're not really saying anything, are you?

Well the engine will need lubrication, not sure if it was diesel or petrol engine he converted but some small amount of oil would need to be injected with the hydrogen/oxygen mix probably. But thats an easy fix, does not make it a scam.

You can make any car 'run on water' but it takes more energy to split water than the energy you get back from burning the hydrogen and oxygen.

This entire theory was based on some idea that one guy had a 'special method' which he used a 'special vibration frequency' that made his hydrolosys process take less energy that it produced. Which would break thermodynamic laws. And nobody's ever been able to reproduce it. Probably because it's malarky bullcrap.

My money is on our own CIA!

You don't need to imagine. Do some research.

Imagine what they could do to someone who points out what they could do on a conspiracy board.

That's a country you can bomb the shit out. Fuck em!

I'm thinking that is the plan. Sell them a bunch of weapons then go blow them all up. We've kicked the shit out of every one so bad we have to arm people before we can have a proper war with them. Defense contractors get to double dip. They did the same thing with ISIS.

Ya theres a reason why theres no cure for cancer, or alternative energies.

This. Maybe an unpopular opinion here, but I don't think that they are poisoning us with vaccines. I think the elite have better vaccines and cures they keep from us. If you were heartless and craved power, you would do the same. They make us fight over if coal is dirty or clean and scare us from nuclear power.


Billionaires have died of cancer.

Besides you cancer as if it's a single disease that can be cured

Billionaires are pawns to the power elite. Which you would know as the Khazars and lesser known Black Nobility.

right, nice excuse



Nice retort. At any rate I’m reminding you that billionaires are just like you and I in the eyes of the TPTB. Is there is a panacea for cancer? No. Cancer has many forms and requires many different treatments. It also sometimes cannot be cured and it will kill you.

Yeah you're repeating what i've said earlier, why don't you take sometime and look at what I was replying to. The guy implied a cure for cancer is deliberately being hidden.

Then you come in about some lizard people horseshit

There is a cure for cancer being hidden from humanity lol. It’s the fact our society is causing it with our chemicals and lifestyle. The people in charge are aware of it but aren’t giving up their status to help humanity.

Lol. Lizard people allegations. The true colors come out.


No I didn’t. I agreed with your initial point that there is no grand cover up for a panacea of cancer. There isn’t. It’s a tough one to combat. If there was a grand cure there would be a vaccine for cancer lol.

If a virus completely kills their population to control, who are they then? They only have their positions due to the structure of society. If all of society just dies out, they no longer have control of anything besides the earth and themselves. I dunno if you believe in aliens; not the lizard people stuff or they’re running our world from another dimension, but if we’re really the only things in this universe. They would not let a virus kill us all out, they would be left with themselves and have no one to step on.

Oh my source would be the growing prop 65 list from Cali. Apparently everything causes cancer lol.

You got a source for any of that or are you just making things up as you go along.

The curing of smallpox and spanish flu tends to through a wrench into the whole "cancer cure is being hidden by the government theory", but not many people bring it up.

Cancer is an umbrella term for over 200+ diseases so yes there would need to be a lot of reasons for it.

Why cancer specifically? Why has the government hidden the cure for cancer? Why not cardio vascular diseases (which is the biggest killer on the planet).

Then again you admit there is no one cure for cancer and its tough to combat..............so what exactly is this conspiracy? There doesn't seem to be one.

So they want to kill us with diseases, but at the same time they don't want to kill us?

Still zero proof for anything you're saying.


Yeah wait till those great scientists need a visa to go to Saudi Arabia which surely all of them will want to do, and then off them in the consulate. Sounds like a plan

New energy source, would dump the plans openly on the net, good luck stuffing the genie in the bottle after that.

Absolutely chilling thought.

You aren't allowed to talk about things Saudi Arabia did before they started helping Trump.

You need more than plans to build things like fusion reactors

Yes, Elon musk is shaking in his boots...

We have no proof of what actually happened.

Lol its trumps fault lol

The orange man is nazi because he hates soy milk!


I think you're missing the subtext. The guy was working for WaPo, aka the CIA. He was a spy. That's why they're making a big deal about this.

Look at how many people died around the Clinton empire, Saudis are novices.

Dude, Clinton shills are downvoting you to oblivion.

I see, all the way down to -1. Feels bad brah.

Trump sure does love him some Saudi. He’s basically a subject of their realm at this point. It’s pathetic how he bows to their corrupt kingdom.

It's pathetic how Trump voters have zero lines in the sand where they won't accept his behavior. They're all submissive bitches. All Republicans no matter how tough they act are submissive bitches once they meet a political alpha. They fall in line faster and more submissively than real animals do.

This sub is beginning to morph into /r/rationality

As far as I'm concerned we should unleash some freedom over there even if he wasn't a citizen fuck it fuck them they live in a dream world and they got oil sweet sweet oil

What do you mean sent? Dude openly criticized the government and went onto their controlled territory in a foreign land. He thought he was safe, clearly he wasn’t. With a human rights record like the Saudi’s did he really need that marriage certificate? None of this is to say it was right, just c’mon use some common sense.


Why isn't Elon Musk dead then?

Because he hasn't invented shit, energy production wise. If the Saudis wanted to save real money they would kill the cheap Chinese solar panel makers. Oh wait they don't have to Trump fucking banned import of cheap china solar panels, so nobody in USA gets into solar without paying 20k for western made panels instead of like 500 dollars for Chinese.

Well tbh id rather take more expensive panels if they're better made over cheaply made chinese ones shipped over seas. Guess that's just me. Guess you probably have some Chinese yeezy's and everything else since you're so fond of their craftmanship over western made items. Good luck with that, who knows, you might get lucky and get something made with lead based paint.

First of all, the only thing Saudi Arabia deserves is a nuclear holocaust...

Republicans are too pussy lol. All they do in person irl is talk shit about Arabs and middle east, but in public are subservient to them as fuck.

Good thing Trump is keeping them happy... https://i.imgur.com/EYuv87i.jpg

And fuck Trump, boylover of Saudi government, fuck him and his evil weapons he want to sell to them.

This is not Trump. It's the mere continuation of a historic trend of friendship with SA that US administrations have held for decades now. That said, I would have applauded Trump if he had actually broken that trend. There is no need to associate with such a regime.

We already have alternative energys to replace oil and nothing have happened to those companies.

There are over a billion cars on the planet, all requiring oil to function. The transition (if it even happens in the first place) to non-fossil fuels will take decades. Saudis have plenty of time left.

Not just the Saudis, I'm pretty sure the US goverment and well, the people in the elites actively conspire to stop people from getting rid of the oil dependance with other energy sources. That's why oil will still be the king of fuel for quite a while. But I still think it will eventually be replaced.

Well this one dude was murdered in a consulate and we allready have multiple alternate energy sources on par or. Better then oil so they aren't exactly murdering those people.

They already know oil is on its way out and have invested heavily in solar

Pretty sure environmental activists are routinely assassinated by governments and corporations around the world too, but the big news channels and publications pretty much never mention it.

If oil were no longer needed, that region would plummet to where it was a few hundred years ago.. They wont let that happen.

How did such a nonsense post get so many up-votes. Of course pushing main stream talking points like a TMoR or Rpolitics brigade. Being an obviously non-organic, vote-botted post, are we propagandizing the presumption of guilt for the Saudis? Is that really such a tough sell that propagandizing it needs done?

I mean...... they're one of the co-conspirators of 9/11 (the lowest ranking conspirator which is why they're slowly becoming the US and Israel's fall guy if you have been noticing the slow media shift over the last few years) of course they have this much power. You should always consider Saudi Arabia as powerful, in terms of military/political/black ops strength to be up there with US, Israel, and Russia. They have the power to do anything and get away with it. They're literally in charge of the ideology that fuels ISIS, the entire world has known it the whole time and casually talks about it, and doesn't ever hold them accountable. It's a joke. I'm glad people are finally getting up and arms about how evil these fuckers are, but it feels useless considering they've already gotten away with so much. Everone's talking about this journalist nobody is taking about the stories he got killed for: the US backed genocide in Yemen by the Saudis. They blew up a school bus filled with children and nobody gave a fuck. Of course they can lure a dude into their consulate and chop him to pieces and not even hide their identities. They're on that top "Illuminati-esque" level, for lack of a better word

Anybody else remember the Keshe device?

his future wife was Turkish so he needed documents in that country

not everyone is english and from us

Is it just me, or does it seem unlikely that a Saudi national who “fled” to the USA, would walk into a Saudi embassy for documents

Not really. He was of the opinion that he was in Turkey, and safe. Anyway, there's some news that Saudi Arabia is going to admit they "accidentally" killed him during interrogation. We'll see then

That would be the central banks that have been financing the crown since the middle ages

The US created Israel, and TE Lawrence and his bro Fidel made AS

That was a proven scam, it fucked up the engines or something like that. Although fuck the Saudis, if only it had been Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Foreign Policy Moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Withdrew from Iran deal and immediately began the process of re-imposing sanctions that had been lifted or waived. Treasury has issued sanctions targeting Iranian activities and entities, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force Since enacting sanctions, Iran’s crude exports have fallen off, the value of Iran’s currency has plummeted, and international companies have pulled out of the country. All nuclear-related sanctions will be back in full force by early November 2018. Historic summit with North Korean President Kim Jong-Un, bringing beginnings of peace and denuclearization to the Korean Peninsula. The two leaders have exchanged letters and high-level officials from both sides have met resulting in tremendous progress. North Korea has halted nuclear and missile tests. Negotiated the return of the remains of missing-in-action soldiers from the Korean War. Imposed strong sanctions on Venezuelan dictator Nicholas Maduro and his inner circle. Executive order preventing those in the U.S. from carrying out certain transactions with the Venezuelan regime, including prohibiting the purchase of the regime’s debt. Responded to the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime. Rolled out sanctions targeting individuals and entities tied to Syria’s chemical weapons program. Directed strikes in April 2017 against a Syrian airfield used in a chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians. Joined allies in launching airstrikes in April 2018 against targets associated with Syria’s chemical weapons use. New Cuba policy that enhanced compliance with U.S. law and held the Cuban regime accountable for political oppression and human rights abuses. Treasury and State are working to channel economic activity away from the Cuban regime, particularly the military. Changed the rules of engagement, empowering commanders to take the fight to ISIS. ISIS has lost virtually all of its territory, more than half of which has been lost under Trump. ISIS’ self-proclaimed capital city, Raqqah, was liberated in October 2017. All Iraqi territory had been liberated from ISIS. More than a dozen American hostages have been freed from captivity all of the world. Action to combat Russia’s malign activities, including their efforts to undermine the sanctity of United States elections. Expelled dozens of Russian intelligence officers from the United States and ordered the closure of the Russian consulate in Seattle, WA. Banned the use of Kaspersky Labs software on government computers, due to the company’s ties to Russian intelligence. Imposed sanctions against five Russian entities and three individuals for enabling Russia’s military and intelligence units to increase Russia’s offensive cyber capabilities. Sanctions against seven Russian oligarchs, and 12 companies they own or control, who profit from Russia’s destabilizing activities. Sanctioned 100 targets in response to Russia’s occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine. Enhanced support for Ukraine’s Armed Forces to help Ukraine better defend itself. Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.

Who created Israel?


Americans need to step up take back what’s theirs

Yeah you're repeating what i've said earlier, why don't you take sometime and look at what I was replying to. The guy implied a cure for cancer is deliberately being hidden.

Then you come in about some lizard people horseshit

You can make any car 'run on water' but it takes more energy to split water than the energy you get back from burning the hydrogen and oxygen.

This entire theory was based on some idea that one guy had a 'special method' which he used a 'special vibration frequency' that made his hydrolosys process take less energy that it produced. Which would break thermodynamic laws. And nobody's ever been able to reproduce it. Probably because it's malarky bullcrap.