84  2009-09-28 by [deleted]


Guys, it wasn't a piece of javascript, it was a missile. Be honest, have you EVER seen javascript do this before? Well? There ya go.

Anyway, javascript is not hot enough to melt CSS.

The timing is interesting- the weekend of spez's wedding, when all the official people would be gone. Also, on a Sunday night, to compound the problem.

Just like 911! When the attacks occurred during a "war game attack" on the WTC and other buildings with all of the nation's military involved in the game!

7/7! same shit...a REAL attack happened in the London Tubes when a police were busy with a "staged simulation" attack!

Maybe the same fuckers tried to take down reddit, the bastards!

It is weird that the infectious comments happened amidst a torrent of other comments, almost as if the perpetrators KNEW that a lot of people would be commenting articles on Reddit at that exact time!

It must be a conspiracy, then! Your logic proves it!

It is on the heels of someone posting how their security bans safe users who never know they're banned.


There, someone had to say it.

The call is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE! GET OUT!

Obama did it. Here's my proof:
Born: 8/4/61. Assumed Office: 1/20/09. Reddit Attack: 9/27/09.
8+4+61= 73. 1+20+9= 30. 9+27+9= 45
Divide that by two, you get 44, and guess who our 44th president is...OBAMA!

Now that's how you do a conspiracy

edit: formatting.


Ha! He stole our "C" too!

He's clearly guilty.

You shoulda left off at 88.


88 = HH = Heil Hitler

I guess I'm the only one who has a Stormfront account :/

Okay, heh heh put down the pipe wrench I can find my own way out.

We have to ask questions.

It didn't happen. I was there.

Yes, master.

I was in the thread when it happened! I could see the comments -- BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM all the way down. I immediately knew it wasn't a person commenting. Please help us by supporting Families and Victims for 9/27 Truth

And when I got to the red-velope and clicked,,, the hole page was destroyed,,, java script everywhere, nothing was recognizable!

It was an experiment to see who would hover over or click it on purpose after the threat was revealed.

well, I did.

three or four times.

suitable username I see.

Nostradamus predicted this attack to the exact month!! We all should have been prepared!!!

I remember getting a call from the sysadmin, telling me they were not sure they were going to be able to patch the exploit, and I said we've had such a terrible loss of data, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.

This is very un-funny.

If you look really close at the bottom of the javascript you can see a dome shaped thing...

This would be funny if it weren't so damn serious. Laughter is the new Anger. auxiv, I'll be watching you.

The popular response to this self post reinforces my opinion that serious participation in reddit is pointless. Those who consider "conspiracy theories" to be a joke are equally privileged community members with those who are seriously concerned about possible concealed malfeasance by the powerful.

Despite my opinion of reddit, I can't get myself to stop visiting. Sigh.

I was there, I saw the whole thing.

...and then I witnessed all those comments collapse mainly due to the propogation of a recursive script...

...the loss of all those comments, and the moderators said they couldn't handle the load, we just said run the scripts, so they ran the script...


it always fell happier when you don't know much, or so you think??

Does anybody else think it's maybe in bad taste to conflate the death of 4000+ (?) people with some cheap hack on reddit?

Death is a part of life. Get over it.

I'm not offended by it personally, but I can't speak for everyone else...

Sorry, but I feel no guilt at such puns, considering the lives that are being lost everyday in Iraq over a war on an idea (a.k.a. the war on terror just in case you didn't get it, and no, you are not reading capitalization errors, those are on purpose).

The joke is at the expense of those who wish to expose the "war on terror" for the debauched money-grab it is.

yes, i realize that. and no, i dont think its bad taste. at least not in this thread, however unawakened people would consider it so.

Yeah, actually, I do.


ZOMG the cake is a lie

You conspiracy theorist nut jobs never stop amazing me.

Shit, I was JKing, but ok, keep downvoting. hahaha

Conspiracy theorizing is serious business.