Does anyone else get the feeling that the media is hyping flue vaccination shortages to scare people into getting the shot?

45  2009-10-21 by [deleted]


I've had my chimney vaccinated 3 times now, just to be safe.

And wow... the size of the needle!



Absolutely, 100% agree! Upvoted!




Certainly nothing worth staying home from work for

Then probably not influenza.

Definitely not the flu. You got sick. Lots of viruses out there. You get a fever, you get tired. Big whoop. When you get knocked on your ass for a week solid with 102F+ fever, body aches until you want to die, too hot and too cold at the same time and then spend the next 2-3 weeks tired with sniffles, cough and general sickness, write us back.

Still, not sure what good the vaccine does since the flu mutates more often than a politician's campaign promises.

Agreed, unless you are a frail, weak shell of a person, you can probably survive this flu easy.

Sounds like I need the shot.

Actually, this Influenza is a bit unique, in that people in their prime are nearly leading the mortality figures. The same was true with the 1918 pandemic flu.

Essentially, what kills you is a Cytokine Storm, a type of immune system over-reaction that is most deadly in someone with a well-functioning immune system.


Unfortunately it may not be that simple. The cytokine reaction and its accompanying inflammation is a pretty complex process, and while drinking alcohol will indeed depress your immune system overall, it may not act on the specific parts involved, or its pro-inflammatory effects may outweigh the cytokine reaction's reduction, if there is one, and you'd still be fucked.

Actually, there is a cure for cytokine storm, but Bayer owns it and has not released it...

I think I had it as well, and apart from the milder symptoms that you mentioned did you experience these symptoms:

-last a few days longer than a normal flu?

-did you feel like you were getting over it, only to have it hit you again for another day or so?

-where you thirstier than usual?.

prolly. the masses are asses. modern medicine can eat my fuck.

You have something better?

Yeah. We all do. An Immune system.

How well does that work against autoimmune disorders?

It doesn't. Death comes and the gene pool is stronger. Evolution continues.

Interesting. I thought eugenics was generally considered a bad thing here. I'd point out that your approach would have gotten rid of folks like Stephen Hawking, who some would argue have aided the evolution of our species much more by living.

wash yer hands. keep 'em away from yer face. cough into rhe crook of yer arm. let any malady that afflicts you take it's natural course.

Interesting viewpoint. You should have a chat with my uncle. He's a retired pediatric surgeon. A lot of what he did was correct easy-to-fix (with that nasty modern medicine) birth defects, the kind that would make you a pariah in the 10th century, but because of people like him no-one will even know about. I'm sure if those kids had just "walked it off" they would have led just as fulfilling lives, right?

Not really, nope. They just don't want to cover real news.

It's a tad abnormal, and it being what it really is it's either they're really trying to divert attention from our current crappy situation or they've got some alternate agenda. Either way, I think I'll be OK without them.

Of course. That's an old school PR/Sales trick. Fear of loss.

Yes, ofcourse.

Or course. This has been a pretty wide-spread acknowledgment for a while now.

Study the new RFID "powder" and draw your own conclusions.

Ahhhhh... but think about this.

Instead of doing what we expect them to do, which is harm us with the vaccine... they make the vaccine actually work knowing the conspiracy nuts won't take it, release the flu... bam, all the loose cannons are gone.

It's the other way around. The media is hyping the anti-vac'ers to make the limited supply last longer. Now that all the conspiracy theorists refuse to get vaccinated, there will be plenty for the rest.

I'll be downvoted for subscribing to wrong conspiracy theory, but swine flu will kill some of you guys.

Its sad that only 4 responses mention that this idiot called it the "flue" and the rest were 1-5 word answers