What is this reddit run by a bunch of right-wing fucking retards or something?

0  2009-11-20 by [deleted]

My god, you idiots give /r/atheism a run for their money as stupidest fucking group of people online.


Right-wing? Left-wing?

Both wings are attached to the same double-headed eagle, Gravity13.

Both parties in the US are controlled by the Globalist Elite who have a One World Government agenda.

Please stop being so hysterical. We're not all "right wing fucking retards" because someone dared to challenge your global warming beliefs.

ProTip: The Club of Rome, a globalist think tank, published documents in the 1970's that suggested that for a world government to be established, a global enemy must be found. And they concluded that the ideal global enemy is mankind itself:

The common enemy of humanity is man.

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.

Members of the Club of Rome include Al Gore, Ted Turner, Henry Kissinger, Tony Blair, David Rockefeller and Bill Clinton.


Given their stated agenda to politicize the issues of mankind's impact on the environment to further global governance... we have a right to be skeptical of the propaganda surrounding these issues.

Please read and learn the background of the globalist agenda...

or, you know, continue to throw a massive fucking hissy fit and call everyone who disagrees with you a "fucking retard". Either way is cool.

Please stop being so hysterical. We're not all "right wing fucking retards" because someone dared to challenge your global warming beliefs.

What beliefs are those? All I did was challenge the validity of your conspiracy - I did not make any assessment at all about whether or not global warming were true, backed up, or not. For all you know, I don't even support global warming.

Instead, I simply asked you guys how you could refute an entire mound of science based on this skimpy, questionable, hacked email information. And almost the entire reddit's reply to me was that I didn't like my sacred global warming beliefs questioned, that I was acting religiously and in denial.



You guys really don't see how fucking retarded you are, do you? You aren't questioning my beliefs, I'm questioning yours.

For all you know, I don't even support global warming.

But we've read your posting history.

Nowhere have I suggested global warming is true. Instead, I point out that your irreducibly stupid conclusions that global warming is false because some scientists fuck up is stupid. Instead, I point out that there is still a huge amount of people and evidence that stands despite these few scientists.

You're just attacking me because I'm pointing out your utter bullshit.

Let me guess, you voted for McCain?

Hangly's an ex-pat who moved out of the US during the Bush administration because he figured the government was trying to pull the wool over his eyes back then. I'm pretty sure he didn't vote in the last election.

Same shit, different party.

Do I know you?

Come back when you feel better.

You'll still be as irrational.

I didn't break your toys, man, I just posted a thread about it. Go get angry at the people who actually caused this. tip: it isn't us.

Perhaps "beliefs" was a poor choice of words, and you make a good point in that this small group of scientists fudging data does not invalidate all the work of climate change scientists worldwide. I tried to point out to you that this single incident is not the reason that people in /r/conspiracy are "deniers". There is a long history of conspiracy theorists claiming that global warming is a tool of the globalist conspiracy, and I pointed you to Club of Rome documents as a key evidence of this. I hope you actually read it some day.

Half of /r/conspiracy actually believes in AGW, while some of us think it's a (shock!) conspiracy. But we don't generally call each other "fucking retarded" in this subreddit. Maybe we should start doing that? Would it help our arguments? Hmm.

read that club of rome thing and comment on that.

Yhea, 'they' don't like stuff like that around here (having their beliefs challenged). In general the conspiracy theory mind is based on a small set of assumptions (beliefs) that they believe are infallible. eg: 9/11 was an inside jarb, global warming is a scam (to enslave us all apparently), the nwo wants to kill us all (seemingly contrary to them wanting to enslave us), vaccines cause autisim, moon landing faked etc. Any evidence supporting these claims (regardless of the veracity of the source) is upvoted and cheered on and reposted weekly, whilst evidence to the contrary is downvoted, and downplayed and people advancing it scorned.


What is the point of this? These are all things that get posted here all the time. If you want my reaction/rebuttal to specific things then ask, or start a relevant thread, but if you think this hodgepodge of links somehow is compelling, you are sadly mistaken.

You know no one is forcing you to come here, right?

Gravity13 is a climate scientist and he is PISSED.

G13, for the record, my deepest deepest condolences. If my entire life's work were wiped out in one day I'd have a total nervous breakdown too.

You have side issues and core issues to the "Restore the Republic" movement (which I am a small part of). Core issues are 9-11 and the Fed Reserve, as these are both means of a non-democraticallly elected form of oppressive deceit and direct control over Americans. Side issues are the use of things like carbon laws, universal healthcare, hate laws and UN Security Council participation which could allow the existing powers-that-be (Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Warburgs, Morgans and all other owners of the World Bank) an even more pervasive control/influence/domination then they already exert.

But see, there's another element to this. All these discussion sites are trolled by the executive arms of the powers-that-be--they're trolled by FBI and NorthCom spooks, and occasionaly, a gifted writer or headline researcher will mysteriously die or disappear. Hunter S. Thompson and Bill Cooper to name 2. And as this happens you start feeling "hunted"--you realize there's big money on the table, and big money has ways of quieting whistle-blowers: away goes the carrot and out comes the stick.

So you lose your sense of humor. And so the posts you see on this reddit, as well as the comments, are offered practically like drive-by shootings. But consider this: what we're talking about on r/conspiracy are serious universal issues, if not issues which the mainstream media and congress both take egregious steps to lie about and ignore. Nothing on this reddit is sugarcoated. But it's also one of the smaller reddits--it doesn't even have a default tab at the top of the site. Therefore, if you want the nicer stuff with all the smarmy humor, go to the "pics", "wtf", "ffffuuu" or even regular "politics". This one's for heavy-hitters.

Why bash atheism? Global Warming is the new Flying Spaghetti Monster, deal with it.

Only just joined this reddit but would you care to to enlighten me?
Could you explain why, or point me to relevant discussions.


Yeah, ignore my questions by just assuming I'm counter intelligence. When all else fails attack the person. Bravo. You've so convincingly proved your case. You started with that strategy and you're ending with it. It's obviously your best effort.

I have researched Fountainhead and I can confirm that he is not a government agent.

He does however have a large beard, which means he obviously has *something* to hide.

lol ;) You've seen me, It'd be fun to see a picture of you?

Nice try, FBI.

Well be sure to keep the tin foil on. Our beams are constant.

I won't say run, but I will say dominated by. I think the climate change 'scam' thread serves as a brilliant example. There seems to be no place for critical thought. Just read prison planet for a month, to get your conspiracy dogma and scripture to quote and you never need to think for yourself again, cause thinking is hard.

Nice try, FBI.