What's your favorite conspiracy video?

31  2010-01-19 by dnlslm9

Mine is The Obama Deception it was made 10 months ago and is very accurate in predicting things that have happened in the last few months.

Please Include links to the video(s)


I think The Money Masters should be required watching in schools.


I guess, The Disclosure Project video. It's a bunch of government workers describing their experiences with extraterrestrial activity to the public.

I'm awfully skeptical for having /r/conspiracy subscribed, but I'm awfully fascinated with the idea of extraterrestrial life as well, be it in the form of actual visitors, as teased but never proven in these videos, or just something being out there. It's awe inspiring to even think of it.

UFO over O'Hare International Airport

This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.

Can I watch this video elsewhere?


Anything from http://www.thecrowhouse.com

Also anything from Bill Cooper

Sorry, I can't pick just one.

Yeah, I'd have to go with behold a pale horse. Bill Cooper was awesome.

Hell yeah! I like how Bill Cooper gives you the executive order numbers and nsdds so you can do your own research.

I like aodscarecrows stuff. ;)

These two are really good. I like the end of EA. It's interesting.

Adam Curtis - The Century of the Self: Vidz:http://bit.ly/6EuOKz WiKi: http://bit.ly/4syCRZ

David Icke's six hour presentations, especially the older ones.

all of his stuff is amazing...Iv watched an 8 hour speech by him, felt like 10 minutes, great information!

The arrivals part 1 - 52
Zeitgeist 1 and 2 Fall of The Republic

You realize the venus project is the nwo in disguise right?

There is going to be a NWO. What do you want? To stay in the Old World Order? To stop time? This is not about if there will be a NWO, this is about what kind of NWO is best for the whole of humanity. The Venus Project is a NWO of love for your fellow man, the dark Illuminati are seeking a NWO of fear of your fellow man.

We will overcome not through hate and destruction of what we fear, but through the inspired creative development of something better.

Personally, the venus project is to socialist for me. I'd like to see something similar, but without "leaders" as anyone with a high amount of power will be corrupted eventually.

Ideally we can have thousands of peaceful nation-states where you have have exactly the economic system that best suits you ideals. Then over time, we learn exactly what is the best balance of freedom and control.

Socialism is not the enemy, the Cult of Elite is the enemy. We know nothing about what economic frameworks would look like without the omnipresent hand of the Illuminati, because they have always been there.

I don't think it is power that corrupts, but the fear of loss. We can overcome this fear, but I think it will only happen after MORE good people become illuminated.

You could kill every member of the Illuminati, but they would be replaced almost instantly because that kind of power is wanted for whatever reason. So our goal is to prevent this kind of power of ever being attainable. Wouldn't the same kind of power be available to the "leaders" of the venus project? What kind of safe guards are in place to prevent this? All I hear from the venus project is a lot of nice sounding ideas about how much better life would be, but what I really want to know is how it can prevent the type of things that are ruing our would right now.

Their plan is that major decision making will always be made based off of rational scientific principles, and principally open-source AI. The idea is more of a group-source government vice controlled-media mass-rule.

It is socialism in the fact that no one can be filthy rich, and there is a relativity high standard of living safety net, but these are necessary for the removal of fear. "Leaders" don't exist, but of course there will be personalities people aggregate towards. However the "leaders" are more resistant to corruption because there is very little to gain or loose from the "power" other then the common good.

It is the for-profit system that corrupts (by design of course), remove the profit and remove the corruption. Remove for-profit government and remove the leader's fear of loss. But first we need a revolution in conciseness, a revolution in the ideas of what motivates us, a revolution in the idea of what we are and the purpose of society/government. Everyone will understand that the government/society does not grant rights, freedoms, and free will. These are given to us by our creator, inalienable.

It's meant to appear good so that you will accept it.

Yeah, and ice cream tastes good so you will eat it. Should we not eat ice cream? Be skeptical, be suspicious, trust no one, but don't discredit something simply because it sound good.

If you think things can only get worse from here, you will see it happening. If you think we can build a better NWO, help make it what you want it to be. If you want things to stay the same, you're expecting something that has never and will never happen.


endgame:blueprint for global enslavement

how the international bankers gained control of america (the money masters)

progress and poverty by henry george (book self-published in 1879)

The Three Minute National Guard Advertisement at the beginning of Avatar.

Right now it's the Naked Truth.

I like the old stuff. I've got piles of old books too. Don't hate.

I recently watched the 7 part Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura and found that although the show is over dramatized, it has some vital discussion about e.g. global warming and big brother/bilderberg. I think the show is directed this way to adhere to the "sheeple" mind because, lets face it, the majority of the public either haven't given it enough thought or are denying the issue. Besides, Jesse Ventura seems like a credible guy.

wow, nice find. g. edward griffin documentary from the 1960s.

An Inconvenient Truth.


Alex Jones is particularly lucid here.

cointelpro much?

Yes. We fabricated this fake footage of Alex apparently acting like an ass using CGI technology at our secret cointelpro labs.

Loose Change.

The Horizon Project... because the presenter's voice cured my insomnia..


My absolute fav Operation Trojan Horse