Take a gander at /r/politics. It kinda looks like /r/conspiracy lite now, doesn't it? Maybe the people are finally figuring out the game. Just maybe...

40  2010-01-22 by [deleted]


Using a reddit as a barometer of potential enlightenment of the masses is only bound to get your hopes dashed.

Upvoted because I agree with you.....but at the same time, spend a few minutes over at Democratic Underground. What was the domain of the Hope & Change Kool-Aid drinkers just a few months ago now shows a high percentage of commenters believing our country has been taken over by corporate-fascists, that Obama is an industry shill and should be impeached, Ron Paul was right all along, a 3rd party in 2012 is our only option, etc. etc. etc.

I do think a kind of critical mass in critical thinking is finally being achieved.


Even the worm learns after being prodded several hundred times.

Hmm...valid point. I do however tend to consider /r/politics to be more populated by "the masses" based on the kinds of postings that I'm used to seeing there (a lot of stuff reflecting the mainstream media message of the day, more or less).

I think this is going on elsewhere as well, but it's harder to tell, because I don't pay as much attention to other "barometers".

Especially this one.

But I do get some hope from r/aww.

I agree, over the past couple of weeks, the number of super pissed off people I've seen posting in /r/politics has been increasing pretty rapidly.

People can only be pushed so far, even the sheepiest of them.

What threads in particular?

My pleasure (ignore the "shilltard" comment- you do this subreddit a great service by asking the questions and challenging bullshit). These are the top stories that grabbed my attention- usually stuff like this doesn't see the light of day there, and as of now these are in the top 15:

"What is almost as distrubing as yesterday's Supreme Court ruling is the fact that many people I've talked to at work today know nothing about it. Corporate control is a huge problem, but so is the apathy and ignorance of the general population. "


"Why is it that only a handful of people seem to know or care that our entire political process is wholly owned by large corporations and that democracy is fundamentally dead in America? "


"Obama to indefinitely imprison (50) detainees without charges - Glenn Greenwald "


Hey you think yesterdays Supreme Court ruling was bad? Well a judge in San Francisco ruled late yesterday that AT&T in fact can spy on you, and that you do not have a right to sue them! What is going on in this country?!


"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power" -Benito Mussolini


"Does anyone agree that in the US, political parties mostly exist to keep the populace busy fighting amongst themselves?"


"Can someone reasonably explain to me how it is possible that corporations are considered "persons" and, conveniently, enemy combatants (i.e. actual humans) are not?"


"A side effect of the recent Supreme Court ruling means foreign corporation/persons can now legally influence US elections. China now has its trojan-horse?"


I don't know if you remember this little exchange you and I had a little while ago, but I'll remind you, just for fun :) :


Anyway, I really do get the sense that this is a trend that will continue to intensify, and in fact it seems to be on an exponential curve. I'm not going to go as far as to say that I see a full blown revolution in the making, but I think we're in for something at least akin to what happened in the 60s. It should be interesting to see what happens.

EDIT I'd also like to point out that:

(a) This has been a general trend over the past few months.

(b) Today's top posting aren't just about the supreme court ruling, but touch on a broad range of "conspiracy" topics (even though, admittedly, many of the postings use that ruling as a springboard into such discussions).

Thanks, upvote for your effort.

you see? We can all get along. Shilltards and conspiratards alike.

you guys can get along, Me? i will get a bong.

Have tard babies together?

go away shilltard.

Shilltard? I'm asking for a thread or two since I don't frequent the subreddit in question so I have no idea what to expect as far as posting behavior. The bulk of current postings are about the SCOTUS decision which probably has to do with it being a hot emotional topic.

typical shilltard response. Keep up with the coherency, shilltard!

It doesn't matter if by the time everyone figures out the power structure is bullshit, said power structure is about to be replaced with something completely different.

which will involve a huge bloody mess if the masses don't wake up and start to elect radical, genuine, honest leaders who will not back down.

I suppose the furore in /r/politics is a good sign.

With their thunder stolen and the wind effectively removed from their collective sails , what will conspiracy theorists do to remain edgy?

You think we do this to be edgy?!

I think your sarcasm meter requires recalibration !

Sarcasm doesn't work over the net.

Well in seriousness , Im afraid the same selfishness that has kept people in denial up until now will stifle any actual changes happening in spite of these things being in the open.

There WILL be changes, but it's up to us as a whole what those changes will be. We are at a crossroads for the destiny of the human race, it's up to us which path we take. That's what 2012 is all about, it's the point at which humans as a whole need to decide which direction our species takes. The "powers that be" want to keep us in constant fear, because that is what is needed for the nwo. On the opposite end of the spectrum we could also create a "uptopia". Realistically, we will probably land somewhere in the middle, but it's completely up to us! The choice is love or fear. Fear will create the nwo, love will create a uptopia. The uninformed will be mislead to the fear, so it is up to those of us that are awake to spread the love. There really is a war going on, good vs. evil. If we don't fight the war we lose by default. Spread the message of love if you want a good world for the generations to come.

Don't wait for 2012! The next couple years leading up to 2012 will be the deciding time, so don't just wait for 2012, start spreading love now if you want humanity to have a chance. All species must go through this test to enter the greater community, but it's been said we are behind. If we want a chance to survive this test we must spread the love and forget the fear. Think of our future generations, they would be slaves to the nwo, so we MUST defeat it because they don't deserve that. You need to realize you've been "programmed" to not believe people like me, but just listen to your heart. LOVE or fear? Which do you choose?

I like how you've put hitler inside your username. It's really edgy!

youve no clue! my wife is german , and Im an asshole. She finds it less than clever.

You are a one-man conspiracy of Not Getting Laid. Upvote for you!

who knew getting free of the usa involved exile to germany to enjoy greater freedom?lol things have really changed. this ruling is just the latest. how far will it be allowed to go till people are sick of it?

We should keep posting stories to /r/politics... even if we don't subscribe to it. (I don't... it's just awful.)

Because in this line of work you gotta keep repeating things over and over and over again... for the truth to sink in... to kind of catapult the propaganda.


Edit - Aw, your link wasn't actually kitty-related.

?? Looks more like 'entertainment tonight' to me.

Rachel & Keith & Glenn & Rush & Oreilly & Jon oh my!

LOL! Fuck 'em all over there. The echo chamber of the ignorants will soon collapse under its own weight.

BTW, thanx for the list, citnaj.

/r/conspiracy--is that you?...

