Why aren't people more upset about the Federal Reserve and government counterfeiting money, handing it out to each other, and robbing us all through inflation?

129  2010-01-25 by [deleted]


Ignorance, apathy, moral decay

Ignorance, apathy and willful refusal to study any of the major ongoing current events.

because of lies, deceptions, and manipulations from every supposed knowledgeable and accepted authoritative quarter...

the People do not know, yet, how to process information--that ability has been conditioned out of them--or, at a minimum, that ability has been, through said conditioning, retarded...

people are waking up, though, in droves...there is still hope--and that hope is growing...


edit: typos, clarity, content

because money is like religion, everyone is completely indoctrinated into this system. Everyone wants to act like Christians are so stupid but fail to realize that they buy into things that are as equally as bogus.

I've always thought this point rather interesting. I remember being in 6th grade and listening to Bill Hicks say something along the lines of:

"What will happen to the arms industry when we realize we're all one?! HAHA! It'll ruin the economy! The economy that's FAKE anyway!"

I thought "hmmm...what does he mean by fake.." and slowly my descent down the rabbit hole began. The realization that the economy is just a collective delusion we all agree to believe is real is a pretty big mind fuck for an 8th grader.

some people go their whole life without realizing these things, a lot of these people are pretty bright educated individuals with a piece of paper proving their intelligence and everything.

The culture war is complete bullshit but so many people buy into it even people on the "right side" of things. Atheists blame religion, Feminists blame men, Democrats blame Republicans, Liberals blame FOX, tea baggers blame socialism, socialists blame capitalism, but nobody wants to look in the mirror and take responsibility for themselves and question the beliefs they hold dearly. It seems very few people know what the roots of our problems are even though they're right there in front of us.

Yea - I plan on raising my kids to question everything. I hope they too realize that it's all about asking questions...

Because almost every venue to inform people wide-scale about how they are being abused is instead controlled and used for disinformation.

Apathy. People get more upset about Late Night talk show hosts than the ass-raping they are getting.

Because they can still (just barely) afford their iPhone bill every month.

Because most people don't understand the way the Federal Reserve is set up. Hell, both my parents (in their 60's) thought that the Fed was a 100% government run institution, and NOT a semi-private bank until recently.

It ain't like this stuff is taught in high school, much less college (unless your degree is related to it).

For the same reason that you posted this in /r/conspiracy.

Hey i had 1000 dollars in my bank account in 2000. With interest that is now 1200. So what if it is only worth 713 dollars in 2000 prices.

Our money gets old?


Lack of understanding. It isn't on Fox or CNN, so it isn't real. Everything on the internet is fake.

Because people are idiots?

Bernanke was the sole downvoter of this thread. I'd be interested in knowing the ratio of uninformed vs. malicious politicians in relation to the Fed.

Let's hope they are upset enough to vote a new congress in come election time.

Vote out all the incumbents in the coming elections. I do mean all.

Agreed, and vote 3rd party if a candidate is available.

how will that help? the dems and pubs are like coke and pepsi, they taste slightly different but for some reason people have extreme loyalty to one or the other.

Agreed, but for God's sake, get a new metaphor/simile.

sorry... i just cant stress to people enough that both parties are just a bunch of business men.

It's mainly that the population as a whole is medicated. Not only voluntarily (I can pick any 10 of my friends and 50% of them at minimum will be on prescription meds for 'psychological issues') but also involuntarily -how? Tap water has over 500 chemicals in it, foods are saturated with additives, flavors, preservatives.. It's all being washed down with several pounds of high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners daily. Subject anyone to that type of lifestyle and it is easy to understand why they don't care..

You've given me a new perspective on just how bombarded with chemicals we are daily.

Because they don't understand how money works.

Because most of us are given just enough to keep us complacent, drunk, stupid: and it all puts us beyond the will to question anything. Also, as we get older and things continue to change ever so slowly, it gives the younger generations more time to accept the situation we are all in. The bottom line is that most of us in the U.S. are not desperate enough to do anything meaningful about it, other than maybe write our representatives in government.

Too fat, too lazy, too tired after a 40-60 hour work week to do any damn thing.

too tired after a 40-60 hour work week

If you half drown a man during interrogation, when you pull his head out of the water - he doesn't run for the door. He gasps, lying at his captors feet.

Like workers on a weekend.

Sad, but true.

  1. They don't feel the pain yet...
  2. They can't get their mind around the reality, too awful to contemplate
  3. They simply don't understand the mechanics cause/reaction
  4. Many are too young or too old to remember the 1970's
  5. They are in on it, like all schemers, they hope to get out before the shit hits the fan

The world needs an Open Source Collective Secret Society :)

And that is EXACTLY what is happening.

See study on freedom vs. happiness: 5% of the population that has had post-secondary education and is generally well-educated care about freedom and civil rights. Now, consider the other 95% of the populace that simply wants to be told what to do so they can get back to their six-pack and television.

Very good question.....no one has balls enough to ask why or to make it change.

When you say 'counterfeiting' what do you mean exactly?

Instead of a 42 minute explanation why not just explain in plain English.

If it comes from the Federal Reserve how is it counterfeit.

Technically, it is "legal" counterfeiting. The Federal Reserve system creates money out of thin air. Imagine if you could simply type your own balance into your bank account. You would be arrested and thrown into prison. However, when the banks that comprise the Federal Reserve system do this the media calls it quantitative easing or the setting of interest rates. They also use fractional reserve banking in which they loan out many times more money than they actually have on their account balance sheet. They create this fiat money which is loaned out and must be paid back at interest. It is a system where the nation can never get out of debt and the central banks eventually hold sway over all tangible assets.

Also, when you have time I highly reccomend you watch that entire video. It will better explain how the system works as it is created by professional economists. The Federal Reserve system is complicated by design to keep people from questioning it.

So the government and Federal Reserve are printing tradable paper currency that does not come from the reserve itself. Is that what you're saying.

You don't have to explain to me what you did. Explain what they are counterfeiting. Air? Gold? Promissory notes?

The money in your wallet is Federal Reserve notes. The "Federal" Reserve is comprised of twelve regional privately owned banks and numerous other private US banks. The production of the currency is farmed out to the Department of the Treasury. The Federal Reserve creates credit expansion of which these physical notes are one part of. In counterfeiting I mean the ability to create at will a money supply/credit expansion which the public is forced to use.

All I want to know is what is being counterfeited.

Fill in the blank:

"The government and Federal Reserve are counterfeiting _________"

If you say money I assume they are printing fake money other that what is considered legal tender.

According to the Constitution only payment in terms of gold and silver can be considered legal tender. The fiat currency created by the Federal Reserve is considered by many to be unconstitutional and thus an illegal operation.

Thank you. That I knew but wanted to be clear what the submitter was saying.

There is supposedly gold plated tungsten floating around. Is that the counterfeiting they are referring to or that paper currency itself is a comparison of a counterfeit gold.

Or are they printing a separate money system that they are trading amongst themselves.

I'm all raged out. Just waiting for the shooting to start.

If you had a better option, you would be a gazillionaire.

There is a better option. It's called competition in currency. Also, I prefer to make my money not through fraud but buy offering a valuable product/service to society.

Please explain. What is "competition in currency?"

Interesting notion but how can debts be legally enforced by courts if there are many competing currencies in existence?

I would assume that the people would set up some type of exchange rate system to account for this.

Like the dollar?

There's not need to worry cause Brad and Angelina aren't breaking up after all. What a relief!


I'm mad as hell and.... Oh look American Idol is on, what were we talking about again?

Not very many people know that's what's happening.

Unfortunately, sound economics is not a subject in grade school.

If they got upset what would they do? Even if a million people marched on washington, nothing would happen, probably wouldn't even get reported on. The only useful thing that one could do that is not illegal is to vote libertarian.

people know violence is probably the only way to stop it, but no one wants to do it... since they like their comfortable and safe life. :P

Willingness to be a guinea pig with guaranteed food and shelter of choice so long as the owners are appeased is a possibility.

Who here in /r/conspiracy owns a pet?

American Idol, Lost...

what do you suggest we do?

audit the fed

Cuz I'm on Reddit

They are told and believe that it is necessary. If there was nobody controlling the interest rate and money supply there would be mass madness in the streets. We can't have a free market, that is anarchy. You aren't an anarchist are you?

You've given me a new perspective on just how bombarded with chemicals we are daily.