Why do millions of people have the delusion that a few hundred people in Washington will make their lives better?

51  2010-01-27 by [deleted]


Why do millions also believe a magical sky daddy listens to them? Faith will ultimately be the downfall of our civilization.

Millions?... Try billions...

I don't believe faith will be the end of it but religion. The devotion which religion breeds. Lack of logical thinking opens way to gullibility and doing as the government says without question.

WOW. Way to make this an attack on religion. Responsible faith doesn't ignore reality or pawn off responsibility on imaginary creatures. The tendency to do that is a human flaw, not in inherent downfall of faith in general - many people with religious faith have also accomplished amazing feats of generosity and achievement.

I'd rather say that we as a society have become so accustomed to handouts and easy wealth that it's easier to eat our Cheetos in front of American Idol and assume our government is gonna make it all better than to take responsibility for our own laziness. The brainwashing involved here is not restricted to religion - and making such a limp attempt to divert the blame is more likely to add to the mess, thank you very much.

I think you missed his point. People believe in crazy things that aren't backed up by evidence.

It's the path of least resistance that has been setup for them. The people are groomed from birth to accept all this. The real thinkers, the non-conformists become outcasts or get ridiculed. The system is being taught to maintain mediocrity and dependence. People don't realize that their thoughts are not their own but implanted there through mass media while their TV lulls them to sleep.

not all the non-conformists are outcasted or ridiculed, some of us have realized the meaning of the old japanese saying "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down"

People don't realize that their thoughts are not their own but implanted there

I think you should rephrase these types of sentences, and not use words that imply forceful changing of someone's thoughts. That's wrong.. Rather you should try to show that it's people's willful ignorance and misinformation that are the cause, which is both accurate and not unnecessarily alarmist.

So you would like him to change his thoughts?

People like to believe in "saviors" cause it's been brainwashed into them at birth. They think some white knight will come out of the woodwork, spend a day and his valuable time and come save people he doesn't know who are part of the problem till they become part of the solution.

People fail to realize that no one will save them. People must save themselves. Yes, believe it or not, you have to be your own Jesus. The dumbest of the dumb will call this blasphemy cause you just might be considering yourself god or God[which is quite absurd anyways]. Either way, no mythical creature sitting in the sky who noticed the tire marks on your soiled skivvies is going to break sweat over you or the masses.

So these idiots will sit idly by, as life passes them by, they will sit and cry, and still ask why, but will they ever try...?

If there was a god, he'd be disgusted by the compliance and the lack of self respect people have that collectively give them the shit hole that they live in.

It's much deeper than this, but I think I'll just leave it shallow and short and get the usual flames, but at the end of the day most of us know what must be done. Fear is a great ally to have though...

They think some white knight will come out of the woodwork...

that's what the msm had us believe about obama ('change' & 'hope').

Rope needs work help rope find a job!

Because it's easier than having to actually do something.

Because at the end of the day all some people have is hope.


Fresh out...

Me too

Hope and change?

This is why we should elect unemployed, working-class people with no savings to Congress. We need representatives that actually need the job.

actually we should pay them more so they are beholden to us

They have a million dollar a year expense account on top of their salary. I know people that will be way more beholden to you for $50 than any Senator has been to a constituent.

Why do millions of people have the delusion that one person in 'heaven' will make their lives better?

panem et circenses is known to work, but they are running out of bread. maintaining the us military & its wars on the account of the population is getting increasingly impossible...

I believe they can make my life better because my elected officials are the only thing that stands between me and outright slavery. Unfortunatley my elected officials currently work for the slave owners.

That's interesting. If you refuse to buy Apple products Steve Jobs won't come to your door and stick a gun in your face. However, if you ultimately refuse to pay collectively half of your income to corrupt politicians (taxation) you are thrown in prison at the threat of gun point. It seems to me the government is the slave master and the slaves keep each other down.

In my opinion left unchecked by government, companies would grossly pollute the water and air, charge me to drive on their roads, charge me whatever they wanted for gas, create false shortages of food, control the media to scare me into getting swine flu vaccines.

The largest polluter of US soil is the US military bases. You are being forced to pay for roads through forced taxation. The government already creates false shortages of food through farm subsidies that pay farmers not to grow certain produce. The government already dictates the media wavelength via the FCC. One main purpose of the government is to scare the public about Bin Laden, the climate, and anthrax and presents themselves as your savior.

Also, your argument is a logical fallacy. You are saying that since people can be bad we need to give people a monopoly on the use of force (government) over other people.

and for some reason you believe these problems wouldnt exist without government?

i see the corporations and the government more as partners in crime or iow, the corporate hand in the (velvet/iron) glove of the government... they work together.

I wonder how long it would take for people to be put into debtors prisons without laws to prevent such things

they're the only thing standing between me and the money I earned

by observing the immense influence the fed and other international bankers have over the government, the financial system and military, it doesn't matter what any of you in the us believes in. summarily it's all lies.

Without government there would be no way to end the FED. You might argue that the government created the FED, not true they only allowed this power to be taken from the government. Without government the FED would exist on its own.

if you want to end the fed you must bring back the american republic and cut ties with israel, the mil. ind. complex and neocons first.

Well, we have these things called society and the rule of law. Laws are passed by those few hundred people, and the majority adheres to them because of the aforementioned things.

If you break the law, you suffer the consequences unless you can convince a large enough number of people the law is wrong, who will then seek to shed the law by electing different leaders, protest, and other avenues.

Society and laws are arbitrary constructs that we adhere to for the sake of community, because in most cases the benefits of cooperation outweigh the benefits of isolation

The government is the only entity that could end the FED.

Because the media tells them so.

Because people are not only lazy but they don't want to have to think too.

It's called indoctrination.

People want to be nannied. We're supposed to be mature adults, but the people have let the government get so distorted that it runs every aspect of our life.
BTW...I see you listed this in conspiracy and Libertarian. I first read it here then thought that this sounds like a Libertarian. Funny how other Libertarians can sniff each other out.

liberals especially think government can solve their problems.